
We encourage you to send your opinions to [email protected].
Please limit them to about 300 words

Vol. 18, No. 02 – Oct 16 – Oct 29, 2024 - Mailbox

Breeze: Mexico has elected Claudia Sheinbaum’s as their president.This marks two milestones. She is the first female president in Mexico’s history and also the first with Jewish heritage (Jews are less than 1% of the Mexican population). If Mexico can do this America is certainly ready to elect our first female president. Sheldon Brown Ventura Breeze […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 23 – Aug 7 – Aug 20, 2024 - Mailbox

Ventura’s $531 Million Budget Includes $13.3 Million for Road Repairs Amidst Resident Frustrations Congrats to the Ventura CC for adopting the $531 million dollar budget. But the HIGHLIGHT of it all was bringing the total budget for road repairs in 2024-2025 to $13.3 million. We lost our home in the Thomas Fire back in 2017. […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 22 – July 24 – Aug 6, 2024 - Mailbox

Main Street Moves – Put to a Vote? I believe the citizens of Ventura need to be given an opportunity to vote on continuing to close off Main Street downtown. I supported the effort to protect our business community during the pandemic; however, I do not believe the community intended for these mismatched blockades and the […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 20 – June 26 – July 9, 2024 - Mailbox

CELEBRATIONS AND SAFETY Americans sport the red, white and blue in summer at parks, beaches, and ball games.  Keep festivities fun and safe. Notice the increase of DUI arrests in the last two years of the Fourth of July weekend:  for 2022, the California Highway Patrol made 998 DUI arrests on the Fourth of July weekend.  In 2023, […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 19 – June 12 – June 25, 2024 - Mailbox

Dear Editor, As a Ventura resident, I was happy to read the Ventura Breeze article, “First Annual Government and Disability Summit in Ventura,” by Carol Leish and appreciate that it gave enough advance notice for people to get this important 4-day event on their calendars.  Also, awareness about disabilities and how they can affect a […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 17 – May 15 – May 28, 2024 - Mailbox

Sheldon, Well, a belated congratulations! I’m glad you have found capable hands to pass the torch to. We so appreciate all you have done with the Breeze and for the community. You have been a great support to CAPS and KPPQ for these many years. Elizabeth Rodeno KPPQ 104.1FM Radio Station Manager CAPS Project Manager […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 16 – May 1 – May 14, 2024 - Mailbox

Insanity Since when do politicians, judges and now Justices of the Supreme Court make medical decisions regarding abortion care? It was bad enough when the above outlawed abortions for rape and incest victims, as well as for a woman’s personal decision! Now, the above (mostly men), and none with medical degrees are arguing about how […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 15 – April 17 – April 30, 2024 - Mailbox

“How Long?” Wiliiam Gohlke Tom Watson, eight-time golf major champion said,  “A great golf course both frees and challenges a golfer’s mind.” The City of Ventura is fortunate to have two such golf courses (Buenaventura and Olivas Links) that not only provide recreation but are revenue generating assets. Unfortunately, Buenaventura suffered severe damage in 2023 […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 14 – April 3 – April 16, 2024 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, I’m writing on behalf of everyone working at New Art City Theatre – the Advisory Board, the volunteers, the artists, and Kirby and myself – to thank you for the article about our upcoming Festival ’24! We’re grateful for the shout out, especially since Festival ’24 is FREE! We hope to be an […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 13 – Mar 20 – April 2, 2024 - Mailbox

AN OPINION by Veterans for Responsible and Efficient Government Editors The evidence continues to mount, proving a problem exists with Ventura Water, the Water Commission and VenturaWaterPure. In 2019, the Carollo Report presented several options to Ventura to VenturaWaterPure, many of which were less expensive. However, the Ventura Water Department convinced the City Council to […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 12 – Mar 6 – Mar 19, 2024 - Mailbox

In our last issue we neglected to give photo credit for this photo of Greg Rents it was taken by Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 10 – Feb 7 – Feb 20, 2024 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon and Richard Thank you so much for the coverage of the Skyline entrance wall refurbishment. It was a really great project and I appreciate the recognition. It’s always wonderful when neighbors see a problem and work together to fix it. I would be remiss not to recognize Jim and Kathy Ackerman, and Alison […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 09 – Jan 24 – Feb 6, 2024 - Mailbox

Sheldon, In your latest issue you write, “We now have an official state bat – the Pallid bat – and an official state mushroom – the Golden Chanterelle”. Good for the Mushroom. Ventura used to have a Mushroom Farm next door to Olivas Adobe. Maybe it is time for the City of Ventura to designate […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 07 – Dec 27, 2023 – Jan 9, 2024 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, I’m sorry that in your ‘As I See It’ column you made light of the fact that schools received a donation of washers-dryers. Some kids come to school wearing the same clothes over and over again, and are either teased mercilessly or shunned.  As a former teacher, I can’t tell you how many […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 03 – Nov 1 – Nov 14, 2023 - Mailbox

Editor: A reader who described herself as a senior was very critical of the downtown street closings.  I am also a senior woman and my husband and I are delighted with Mainstreet Moves!  First of all, we never parked “right in front” of our favorite stores because it had all become metered parking!  We park […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 02 – Oct 18 – Oct 31, 2023 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, Thank you for your donation of free add space in the Breeze for our Pooch Parade. It was a wonderful event and I hope you enjoyed the day.  We’re grateful for your continued support! Dee Vitrano Board Secretary Canine Adoption & Rescue League Our wonderful reader Sean McSherry sent us a very nice […] Read More »

Vol. 17, No. 01 – Oct 4 – Oct 17 2023 - Mailbox

Sheldon, I consider you to be a highly educated person. We have the same Alma Mater (U of M) I am pretty sure you completed your education there. It’s a shame that the only comments made about Hunter are about drug use and firearm possession. Do you not know how much money he received and […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 26 – Sept 20 – Oct 3, 2023 - Mailbox

Greetings, Sheldon: I received the issue of the Ventura Breeze, including the piece on San Buenaventura State Beach today! I was so excited that you included two copies! Thank you so much for including this in your local paper and sending the copies to me. This truly made my day….week…..month! Best to you, Amannda DeBoef […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 25 – Sept 6 – Sept 19, 2023 - Mailbox

Sheldon Brown thank you so much!! I’m looking forward to continuing to serve the community I love. Jeffrey Lambert Breeze: It will take many more defections from true believers who finally can’t wrap their heads around the number and craziness of Trump’s lies and assaults and his growing threats of violence against judges, jurors, and […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 24 – Aug 23 – Sept 5, 2023 - Mailbox

Breeze: Great job Sheldon. As always, thanks for the support! Darin Schindler Ventura Chief of Police Mr. Editor:    Please no awards for city until they fix roads…… worse now than ever…     Nice to see you are a Trojan, I am class of 56…….  and your comments on Community Colleges is right on. Robert […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 23 – Aug 9 – Aug 22, 2023 - Mailbox

Opinions: I had absolutely nothing to do with the XGames coming to Ventura, but my hat’s off and tons of Kudos for everyone involved from the Fairgrounds, to Visit Ventura, the City, Metrolink and all involved with the planning and execution. What was most fun for me, who is not into skateboarding, BMX or Motocross […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 22 – July 26 – Aug 8, 2023 - Mailbox

Letter to the Editor. I was at Vons and was surprised to see a woman and her husband and infant son shopping with the mother wearing a bathing suit. Now, the supermarket is close to the beach and it was a warm day but what surprised me was she was wearing a thong, with her […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 21 – July 12 – July 25, 2023 - Mailbox

Saga of the Exploded Refrigerator Apparently for two days a fridge was set out on the sidewalk near a small park down the street from us with a “Free” sign on it. The doors were still on it, we are told—dangerous of course. Then it was blown up a day or so later. Then a […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 19 – June 14 – June 27, 2023 - Mailbox

Breeze: This is in response to the latest article in the May 31 to June 13 Ventura Breeze written by the current President, Patrick D.Pothier. This being the 100th Birthday, I’d like to help fill in some important and missing information about the history of civic service and service to the community. Long before women […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 18 – May 31 – June 13, 2023 - Mailbox

Sheldon: Thanks for giving my letter all that space. And I appreciated the precise and detailed response from Jennifer Buckley, Senior Community Outreach Specialist (I marvel at the titles they conjure up in local government offices.) It was part informative and part Orwellian details based on info provided by Parking and Mobility Program analyst Sergio […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 16 – May 3 – May 16, 2023 - Mailbox

editor: I grew up the daughter of generations of hunters. I was a pretty good shot in my day, deemed best marksman at my summer camp. I named all my dolls “Annie” for Annie Oakley. Decades later, I join those dismayed by the lack of initiative by responsible leadership in addressing the American epidemic of […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 15 – Apr 19 – May 2, 2023 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon: Thanks very much for publishing my dear friend Geoff obit and printing it in your Ventura Breeze. Peace, Shayne Sheldon: A  rude and thoughtless comment in “As I See It” regarding the 41 year old woman having pleaded guilty for murder struck me as out of place for a person who I thought […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 14 – Apr 5 – Apr 18, 2023 - Mailbox

Hello Sheldon, It’s good to see you writing op eds for the Ventura Breeze again.  I stopped reading the VB after you stopped writing for it, but now I am back.  I hope you continue as I greatly enjoy your informative and incisive writing. Best regards, Jim Sullivan Ventura, CA PS. I applaud your comments […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 13 – Mar 22 – Apr 4, 2023 - Mailbox

Dear Breeze: The Ventura Gem & Mineral Society held its “Diamond Jubilee” Show at the Fairgrounds over the weekend (2 weeks ago), and it proved to be one of our largest and best, which is saying a lot since this was our 60th show!  My sincere thanks to the Ventura Breeze for helping to get the […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 09 – Jan 25 – Feb 7, 2023 - Mailbox

Folks: These photos from January 19, 2023 capture the aftermath of debris deposits from heavy rains and surf on Ventura’s beach and the continuing erosion of our bike and pedestrian path and the beachfront itself. The surging Ventura River, laden with trees, plants, posts, and housing materials from way up river, empties into its estuary […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 08 – Jan 11 – Jan 24, 2023 - Mailbox

Editor: In your last issue (page 8) you had a photo of the Pierpont Bay Bath House. What was that? Could you give me more information? Thanks Robert Allen Ventura opinions Re. Ventura Breeze Vol. 16, No. 7 December 28, 2022 – January 10, 2023 “Aera Energy and the Gene Haas Foundation help Ventura Teens […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 07 – Dec 28, 2022 – Jan 10, 2023 - Mailbox

Breeze: Thanks for printing the article by Richard Senate. The way the Missions allowed Spanish soldiers to kill the Natives and rape their women is disgusting. They were slaves and yet no reparations have ever been offered. It was the only slavery in California except when Native American tribes made slaves of other tribes defeated […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 06 – Dec 14 – Dec 27, 2022 – Mailbox

Breeze: “Ain’t Misbehavin’ ’’ a musical review, celebrating the Music of Fats Waller, running at The Rubicon to December 18, simply should not be missed. The set alone may be the best of the best in Rubicon’s 24 years! I had the good fortune to attend the director’s preview last evening and became an instant fan […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 05 – Nov 30 – Dec 6, 2022 - Mailbox

Sheldon: Like myself, so many people will miss your opinion section in the Breeze, even when you’re not correct, your readers adore you. I hope this monumental change doesn’t cause readership to diminish, like it did when the Reporter sold years ago. Did you sell the Breeze? Laural Starr Laural: “When you’re not correct”- When […] Read More »

Sheldon Where Art Thou?

Regarding my decision to stop writing my column, 87.3% of readers are very upset and 20.2% are very happy that they do not need to spend their valuable time reading every word of my article in every issue just to make sure they still think I’m an idiot. Now, they can send in “their” opinions […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 03 – Nov 2 – Nov 15, 2022 - Mailbox

Sheldon Thank you for all you have done.  We gained a number of new members thanks to the info in The Breeze.  I love the Breeze and I think you do a bang up job. Lauraine Effress BCNN Breeze: Several years ago, I met Sheldon Brown and was invited to write for the Ventura Breeze. […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 02 – Oct 19 – Nov 1, 2022 - Mailbox

Hi Sheldon, Just a quick note to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading the Breeze during the year and a half since I moved to Ventura. I never miss scanning the Opinion/Editorial section as I always find it informative, and appreciate your often pithy humor. Keep up the good work, and don’t let […] Read More »

Vol. 16, No. 01 – Oct 5 – Oct 18, 2022 - Mailbox

Letter to the Editor The United Water Conservation District plays an important role in managing sustainable water supplies in Ventura County. Mohammed Hasan serves on the Board of Directors for District 3 representing the Ventura area and is on the ballot for re-election in November. He has been an effective voice on United’s board. I […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 26 – Sept 21 – Oct 4, 2022 - Mailbox

Mr. Brown, I was cleaning out my emails and, oh my, I never saw this. My sincere condolences. Breezy was so sweet and helpful to me whenever we interacted. This makes me so sad. Thank you for sharing with me Mr. Brown. Please take care. Michelle Michel Dear Sheldon: Sending well wishes and peaceful thoughts […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 24 – Aug 24 – Sept 6, 2022 – Mailbox

Dear Editor: I was delighted to read the Breeze’s excellent front page coverage of the USL League two final which unfolded with great excitement following a thrilling come from behind victory by our local soccer heroes,  Ventura County Fusion.  I was there and it was a thriller– and a wonderful boost for local soccer. Well […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 23 – Aug 10 – Aug 23, 2022 - Mailbox

Towards Inclusion of People with Challenges by Carol Leish, MA Even though the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 made many changes for the better for people with disabilities by prohibiting discrimination of people with challenges from public accommodations, transportation, and employment, it is impossible to legislate changes of peoples’ attitudes. General attitudes of excluding […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 22 – July 27 – Aug 9, 2022 - Mailbox

Breeze Dogs are not allowed on most beaches in the city of Ventura, yet every day there are dozens of dogs running loose with no consequences. Even on the few small sections of city owned beach where dogs are allowed, dogs must be on a leash at all times. I’ve contacted State Beach officials and […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 21 – July 13 – July 26, 2022 - Mailbox

Dear Janet Friedman and Susanne David –  I tried to figure out how to track you down so that I could formally thank you for your donation to my go fund me. I imagine you saw it in the Breeze and I just want to thank you both so much for acting on it!  You […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 19 – June 15 – June 28, 2022 - Mailbox

To publisher Of course, you are right, but so what? The issue is how to change a culture that has much support and a long history. Not an easy task. Logic doesn’t prevail with much of society. Also the method of constitutional change supports careful and tedious review. In other words not easy to do….. […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 18 – June 1 – June 14, 2022 - Mailbox

Breeze: What are Measures A and B, and why is it so important for County voters to vote “yes” when oil companies are saying vote “no”? Here’s the answer: Approving Measures A and B will confirm that voters agree that all new oil well development in Ventura County should be subject to the modern environmental […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 17 – May 18 – May 31, 2022 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, The Breeze just gets better and more informative.  The May 4 Breeze first page was attractive and compelled me to read the story by Patricia Schallert about “Sobre Las Olas”.  The photos were great! The Breeze is a gift you have given to Ventura and it just keeps on giving! Suzanna Ballmer Ventura  […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 16 – May 4 – May 17, 2022 – Mailbox

Hi there!,  I read the article about the owls and just to inform you about the return of them. They “were” there last year and Olivia the owl actually had a broad of three! I was fortunate enough to take pics of them over a three month period. This is my screen saver in my […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 15 – Apr 20 – May 3, 2022 - Mailbox

Readers: In our last issue we had 2 errors (at least) the article on Marcy’s Dream had board members names spelled incorrectly at the bottom of the article. They are correct at the top under the image and should be Kenny Slaught and Eva Rhodes. Sorry Kenny and Eva. On the front-page article on the […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 14 – Apr 6 – Apr 19, 2022 - Mailbox

Sheldon: William Greenberg has had several cartoons featuring classical composers. I know who they are but don’t listen to classical music. Maybe you could explain them to me? Thanks Mary Johnson Mary: I would be happy to. “The Four Seasonings” The Four Seasons is a group of four violin concertos by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 13 – Mar 23 – Apr 5, 2022 - Mailbox

Hi Sheldon, Great article in your paper today (3-9) about human trafficking! Smiles, Tammy Morrell These binoculars were left in Ventura. If you can tell us where and they are yours let very honest Trevor know at [email protected]. Ventura Wave Ventura is a mornings journey off the coast. A wooden pier that navigates out […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 12 – Mar 9 – Mar 22, 2022 - Mailbox

Mr. Editor: You are too easy on Trump. He is a complete A-hole— amazingly incompetent. Also, your review of guns is insufficient. We need constitutional amendment to really limit guns. No chance of course, but worth the battle, thanks for your little paper. Robert A. Lombardi an old guy. Robert: I can’t argue with a […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 11 – Feb 23 – Mar 8, 2022 - Mailbox

Sheldon: I don’t know if you remember this, but years ago in your Opinion/Editorial you made a comment, almost a throwaway, about how Council members should speak to every item, but one wasn’t doing that. At the time, I figured you meant xxxxxxxxxx, who had just been elected and seemed hellbent on keeping his mouth […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 10 – Feb 9 – Feb 22, 2022 - Mailbox

Opinions Let me get this straight Sheldon, if I park somewhere, lock my car, leave some valuables inside, somehow I deserve to have my car broken into? Did you spend some time in the Soviet Union? Ted Rose Ted: I assume your question regarding “I deserve” is rhetorical. You obviously don’t deserve to have your […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 09 – Jan 26 – Feb 8, 2022 - Mailbox

Breeze: First I would like to say how much I like the Breeze for local information. I moved to Ventura in 2005 and subscribed to the Star for local information and goings on until they kept cutting back on local info. I stopped my subscription when the Star had the same info as the LA […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 08 – Jan 12 – Jan 25, 2022 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, Thank you for publishing The Power of Kindness by Visit Ventura in the Dec 29 – Jan 11 issue of the Ventura Breeze. And thank you to the author for the extra light and joy your article brought to my day. It feels like an invitation to choose kindness, something we all can […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 07 – Dec 29,2021 – Jan 11, 2022 - Mailbox

Sheldon; I would like to give a shout out to Standard Industries, a recycling center in Saticoy where I have frequented many times to drop off recyclables. As a volunteer for Canine Adoption and Rescue League in Santa Paula, I have started a recycling fundraiser and use the proceeds to do repairs to the kennel […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 06 – Dec 15 – Dec 28, 2021 - Mailbox

Sheldon: Sticks+stones Maybe we could tag team to raise funds. Take on any haters over 68. Don’t always agree with you but keep up the good work. Beats the Star for me. Thanks Chris Reinhart Chris: Sometimes I don’t even agree with me but we are having fun aren’t we?  Breeze: The Ventura City Council […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 05 – Dec 1 – Dec 14, 2021 – Mailbox

Letters to the Editor Proposed Logging in the Los Padres Forest is Unacceptable. As a life-long resident of Ventura County I realize how lucky I am to live between the ocean, two rivers and our majestic mountains in the Los Padres National Forest. Many local residents enjoy recreating in the Los Padres at Pine Mountain, […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 04 – Nov 17 – Nov 30, 2021 - Mailbox

Breeze: I was visiting from Las Vegas and parked in the parking structure by the beach. It is in deplorable condition. Needs painting, cleaning up and repair. This does not give a very good impression of your wonderful city. Thanks Larry Dote     Ventura Highway by Jeff Russell A coastal Dawn is a Pacific […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 03 – Nov 3 – Nov 16, 2021 - Mailbox

Hi Sheldon,  I would like to inform you that there is a human version of Ivermectin. (from one of Sheldon’s previous articles “Speaking of things funny, some folks who are against getting COVID vaccines, are attempting to obtain over-the-counter ivermectin to prevent COVID, which is used to de-worm horses and cows.”) My brother came down […] Read More »

Vol. 15, No. 01 – Oct 6 – Oct 19, 2021 - Mailbox

Editor: Conserving water is not enough to fend off our impending crisis. You can empty a bucket with an eye-dropper or kick it over, either way, it will stay empty if there is no water to refill it and the County of Ventura is doing nothing to create a new supply of potable water. All […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 25 – Sept 8 – Sept 21, 2021 - Mailbox

Hello Sheldon, I follow your column each week but was saddened to read your insensitivity when you commented on Phil Valentine’s death with ” At least he won’t have a heart attack or paralysis.” I thought we were above that, that’s what they do, put down others, not us. This saddened me. Hope your day […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 24 – Aug 25 – Sept 7, 2021 - Mailbox

Folks: San Buenaventura could run out of water. Really. We have only local supplies to rely on and they are very low and dependent on fall and winter rains (in 2021-22) for real re-supply. We need lots of rain to fill our lake, river, streams and aquifers.Will they come? If you think this is just a severe drought, you might […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 23 – Aug 11 – Aug 24, 2021 - Mailbox

Opinions Do we really need 6 day a week service? we get real mail maybe 3 times per week. 1 of those days are the ads. Maybe we could save money and have 4 day a week delivery. Keep cost of postage down. Ralph Trigo Lemonwood MPH Opinions Thank you for your photo and heading of […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 22 – July 28 – Aug 10, 2021 - Mailbox

The Ocean Hears View the Dawn; it overlooks a sunrise, A visible song; is nature’s voice. Our tide hastens a full moon, A Pacific sign; tomorrow’s fog is near. Seagulls build their home on a pier, The silent hint; they soar beneath. Sunset longs to give a Ventura morning, And Grant the Dawn to chorus […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 21 – July 14 – July 27, 2021 - Mailbox

To opinions In the El Jardin courtyard on Main street near California street there was a 100 year old Fiddle leaf fig tree, Ficus Lyrata. Usually these are house plants. This bad boy was at least 40 ft tall and in the sun. Ficus trees are notorious for surface roots and this guy was right up against […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 20 – June 30 – July 13, 2021 - Mailbox

Folks: The horrendous collapse of the condo tower in Miami, with over 150 people missing at this point is a modern tragedy. It is impossible to imagine the pain and suffering of the victims and the terror of those who wait to hear if any more can be found alive in the rubble. But a […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 19 – June 16 – June 29, 2021 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, Does anyone like gas-powered leaf blowers? From neighborhoods and business complexes, to parks and schools, it’s impossible to escape their raucous presence. They are mega polluters which spew smog forming compounds, such as ozone and carbon monoxide into the air. What’s more, these machines can generate 115 decibels of sound, which can cause […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 18 – June 2 – June 15, 2021 - Mailbox

A response from a thank you sent to a donor. Printed with her approval. You are very welcome.  I have been enjoying “The Breeze” for years.  You always list the Audubon Field trips and other community events.  Actually, you are the reason that I became a birder.  Newly married, I moved up here from Culver […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 17 – May 19 – June 1, 2021- Mailbox

To the Editor:  Mr. Editor, I must take issue to your statement found within the Opinion/Editorial section of your recent issue (May 5) under the sub-part “Georgia’s new sweeping elections law”.  In part you wrote: “No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 15 – April 21 – May 4, 2021 - Mailbox

Editor, I think that Governor Newsom has done a great job dealing with the pandemic and with the expansion of voting rights, among other things, but his latest call to re-open the state seems suspect at best.  I am hoping that he is doing this in response to the advice of scientists, though I have […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 14 – April 7 – April 20, 2021 - Mailbox

To Be or Not to Be . . .Vaccinated There is a lot of information and disinformation about COVID-19 vaccinations. Here are the facts you need to know. 1. Safety – All the vaccines approved by the FDA are safe and effective. It doesn’t matter if you receive the Pfizer, Moderna, J&J or another FDA […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 13 – Mar 24 – April 6, 2021 - Mailbox

Breeze: In regards to former Mayor Sandy Smith’s March 10th comments about the shortage of water from ground water wells and Lake Casitas, he forgot to mention the many new housing units currently being built in our city. I’m in support of higher rates because of the great service the water company does with limited […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 12 – Mar 10 – Mar 23, 2021 - Mailbox

Breeze: I live at the WAV.  I park on the street, usually two blocks away.  I am handicapped and if these constructions continue, there will be no where to park for us that live in the area. This Samet construction consists of 19 units. 17 will be two bedroom.  They will have 17 parking spaces […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 11 – Feb 24 – Mar 9, 2021 - Mailbox

Dear amazing Publisher of the Ventura Breeze: First may I please thank you Sheldon from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the many folks who found the Ventura Parkinson’s Disease Support Group because of your incredible generosity to print our meeting notices since January, 2016! There have also been many times over […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 10 – Feb 10 – Feb 23, 2021 - Mailbox

Breeze: Just picked up your newspaper as we left Andreas today. Thoroughly enjoyed the historical piece about the Lagomarsinos and the classic Koch home. A lot of good reporting in a very small space, it covered a lot. Most of us are sick of politics and want to learn more about the history of this […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 09 – Jan 27 – Feb 9, 2021 - Mailbox

Sheldon……. Feel as you might about Trump, this is America. I started to read your commentary and was stopped when you said, “for those who belong to the party of “law and order” saying it so sarcastically about the Republican Party, really? Like we don’t want law and order. You should be ashamed of yourself! […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 08 – Jan 13 – Jan 26, 2021 - Mailbox

Opinions: I read the letter from Larry Dote. I see that Mr. Dote is misinformed on some important issues. I wonder where he got this information from? Right wing talking points aren’t facts. And the fact that millions of Americans believe this stuff is disturbing to say the least. I hope for Mr. Dote and his ilk […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 07 – Dec 30, 2020 – Jan 12, 2021 - Mailbox

Dear Editor:  What a kind an amazing tribute you and the Ventura Breeze did for Robert and I in your Nov 18-Dec 1 issue by printing the story that my husband, Robert Jenkins, had lost his 14 year battle with Parkinson’s Disease on November 2nd. Words are not adequate to share my deep heart-felt gratitude […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 06 – Dec 16 – Dec 29, 2020 - Mailbox

Breeze: As a lifelong progressive, I disagree with California and other government entities shutting down outdoor dining. Yes Covid-19 cases are surging, but are they a result of outdoor dining? The Mayo Clinic judges it a low to moderate risk behavior: The consequences for restaurant owners and staff are devastating. They have invested in […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 05 – Dec 2 – Dec 15, 2020 - Mailbox

Ventura Breeze When watching expert speakers on TV you can tell how intelligent they are by how many books are shown behind them. The fewer the number of books the less intelligent they are. Unless, of course they hire Rent A Book to bring bookshelves full of books to their office or home for the […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 04 – Nov 18 – Dec 1, 2020 - Mailbox

In your most recent issue, Vol. 14, No. 3, there was a beautiful photo of Ventura City Hall lit up in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Although October is officially over, I would like to bring some awareness to metastatic breast cancer in the hopes that next year on October 13, MBC day, City […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 03 – Nov 4 – Nov 17, 2020 – Mailbox

Editor: I am very concerned about potential confrontations at polling places because of the deep partisan divides and baseless claims by President Trump. And his statements such as “to go into the polls and watch very carefully.” And telling his gun-toting fascist militias to “stand back and stand by”. In other words be prepared to […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 02 – Oct 21 – Nov 3, 2020 - Mailbox

Dear Editor: The circumstances of this election are like no other in a hundred years. We need to execute our Constitutional right to vote and stay safe from the Covid-19 virus. The best way to do that is to vote from home. To make sure your vote counts: 1) update/verify your registration, 2) select the […] Read More »

Vol. 14, No. 01 – Oct 7 – Oct 20, 2020 - Mailbox

Dear Editor: Your vote, your voice. Make it heard! The November election is rapidly approaching. Voting is your right and your duty but first you must register. If you are not yet registered to vote the deadline to register online is October 19th. To register online go to The League of Women Voters of […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 26 – Sept 23 – Oct 6, 2020 - Mailbox

    Breeze William Shakespeare once said, “The eyes are the mirror to your soul”. Our masks cannot mask or diminish the power of connection that is transmitted through the eyes of another; a window opens to our own lives, getting a glimpse of ourselves in the moment. Our eyes don’t lie: they show the […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 24 – Aug 26 – Sept 8, 2020 - Mailbox

Breeze: I believe that President Trump has been (and will continue to be) a great president. He has made very important changes to the way government is run and had reversed many of Obama’s terrible programs and taxes. I know that some countries don’t care for him but that is because he has put America […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 23 – Aug 12 – Aug 25, 2020 - Mailbox

Editor, Now that the controversial statue of Father Junipero Serra has been removed, I would like to suggest that we replace it with someone who is not controversial, who worked in the arts, and whose most famous creation was “born” here in Ventura.  I would like to see a statue of Erle Stanley Gardner standing […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 22 – July 29 – Aug 11, 2020 - Mailbox

Mr. Brown: I appreciate your column and look forward to your comments and insights.  I just wanted to mention to you, however, that I believe your comment that “as a non-native American, I don’t have really strong feelings about this” (regarding the statue of Father Serra) is unacceptable if we are to work towards social […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 21 – July 15 – July 28, 2020 - Mailbox

Some historical artifacts were erected to celebrate great accomplishments, some were to remind all the pain and suffering they caused.  If anybody reading this was there with Father Junipero Serra, or has immediate family members who were there, or first person recording of events inflected upon family members; you may well have a right to […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 19 – June 17 – June 30, 2020 – Mailbox

Dear Ventura City Council Members and the Ventura County Public Health Officer,  Let’s face it, the coronavirus is now sprinting along, infections are rising rapidly all over California.  The Ventura County infection rate has risen to higher levels today, than ever. The hospitalizations are rising, give it a week or two and the death rates […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 17 – May 20 – June 2, 2020 - Mailbox

Publisher Retired DeputyPO ,who is dependent upon swimming to maintain heart health needs access to private pool to continue aerobic workouts. Previous orthopedic injuries make it impossible to reach goals….. public pools and condo facilities are all closed. Can you help? Mike Lilly – text Mike 805-218-2186 Breeze: It’s a virus. Tiny, almost invisible; it […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 16 – May 6 – May 19, 2020 - Mailbox

Sheldon: Your deep convictions and passion were in evidence in your opinion in the Breeze, and, appropriately so, I might add! Ed Wehan Breeze: I support re-opening of public parks including restrooms for those who may need to use limited restroom facilities I object to age discrimination of limits for those age 70 or above […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 15 – Apr 22 – May 5, 2020 - Mailbox

Editor: During one of his coronavirus presentations Trump was asked what parents should tell their kids who need to stay home. He said, “Tell them that they should be proud to be Americans.” I told my 3-year old that and she said ”what is an American?” So, I don’t think that helped much. Larry Etod […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 14 – Apr 8 – Apr 21, 2020 - Mailbox

Breeze: Each government program appears to be mandated that it be identified by an acronym. In 2008 the country initiated TARP, the troubled asset relief program. Subsequently, between 2008 and 2012 the federal government instituted the quantitative easing  QE1, QE2 and QE3 programs. I suggest that the recently enacted financial legislation be called SOAP. First, […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 13 – Mar 25 – Apr 7, 2020 - Mailbox

Dear Editor: The national news on TV is, finally, presenting a picture of Trump, that I have been grousing about for months. Of course, who he is, what he is, has been evident to everyone, ever since he took office. He is not a me-too. He is a me-only.  The worst person in the world to have charge […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 12 – Mar 11 – Mar 24, 2020 - Mailbox

Opinion: Who wrote the Scientology front page story? Let me guess: Scientology. The use of “never-ending “ to describe a swell of expansion would be better used to describe a never-ending swell of controversy. And the balloons apology to the city of Ventura is just the first local example. Tracy Lehr Breeze: I thought Ventura […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 11 – Feb 26 – Mar 10, 2020 - Mailbox

Dear Editor: Trump never ran for President. He ran for Dictator. He has always envied and admired Putin. Trump is not just trying to take over the Justice Dept. and all other Government functions. He wants to be anointed. He wants his own country, ala Putin. He not only admired Putin, he envies Putin. He wants what […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 10 – Feb 12 – Feb 25, 2020 - Mailbox

Breeze: I took my puppies to the Jersey Mikes at the Von’s shopping center at the corner of Telephone and Victoria today. We planned to share the sunny day using the outdoor table and chairs. I forgot that all of the tables and chairs there, including the ones under the newly installed pergolas have been […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 9 – Jan 29 – Feb 11, 2020 - Mailbox

SENIORS SHOULD READ THIS Dear Editor: Just got a new twist on old scam. Now the caller asks if I know someone named, and they name one of my grandsons. I never give any info. I know all these calls are scams, especially when they call an old lady. Lucky for me, I’m old, but […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 8 – Jan 15 – Jan 28, 2020 - Mailbox

Breeze: I’ve heard it said that the electorate deserve the leader they elect. But, I don’t accept that statement anymore. I know a lot of people voted for The Trumper, but I don’t believe that all were deserving of what we got. I’m convinced he had his first temper tantrum at age two, and no one […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 7 – Jan 1 – Jan 14, 2020 - Mailbox

  There’s no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. ~George Santayana Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 6 – Dec 18 – Dec 31, 2019 - Mailbox

Breeze: I was saddened to hear that the Catalina Casino (Avalon Theater) will stop showing movies, according to your publisher S. Brown. I must confess that I never actually supported the place by viewing movies there, mainly because it is a long swim from Ventura to Catalina, even when the ocean is calm. But I […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 5 – Dec 4 – Dec 17, 2019 - Mailbox

Breeze: I have friends that say why don’t we just convert salty ocean water into drinking water? Huntington Beach is building a seawater desalination plant that will provide drinking water to supply 100,000 homes (basically the size of Ventura). The problem is the cost which is about $1billion. A bit more than Ventura can afford. […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 4 – Nov 20 – Dec 3, 2019 - Mailbox

To [email protected] Previously I wrote saying that Ventura has a bias against seniors. I should have said bias against seniors in senior mobile home parks Ventura has a lot of programs that can keep seniors busy. The problem is in the senior parks that are owned by greedy companies. I have lived in Lemonwood mobile […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 3 – Nov 6 – Nov 19, 2019 - Mailbox

Sheldon: Thank you, Sheldon, for running that Walk with a Doc article. I have heard from many readers who saw it and were tickled to be in a “newsworthy” program. You do a great service for this community. A trusted resource. Thank you again. Warmly, Rosanne Facone Rosanne: Thank you for presenting Walk with a […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 2 – Oct 23 – Nov 5, 2019 - Mailbox

Folks: We Californians are in for it once these intense winds blow through the dried up mountains and foothills, potentially knocking down high tension power lines and starting fires. Now we begin to see some notice of the need for “Microgrids” that service communities with local power without the need for PG&E or SCE supplying […] Read More »

Vol. 13, No. 1 – Oct 9 – Oct 22, 2019 - Mailbox

Breeze: My Opinion on gas prices and taxes is that we are getting screwed…again, and the roads are not getting any better. Folks should pay better attention during midterm elections and not bow down to the promise of road and highway fixes and hope for the best, the last gas tax vote was a huge […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 26 – Sept 25 – Oct 8, 2019 - Mailbox

Dear Editor: Listen to all the voices. Hundreds of voices squealing about impeachment. Everyone on TV news is parsing that word. Do we or don’t we? Do we call it impeach? Do we call it an investigation? Does what we call this matter? Every commentator has advice for the Democrats. Enough already! Every commentator is so […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 25 – Sept 11 – Sept 24, 2019 – Mailbox

Sheldon, What a great idea for our Councilmembers to host quarterly townhall meetings. With the new district election process, it gives our representatives an opportunity to have a local focus balanced with a citywide understanding. As a fan of CAPS TV Council coverage, I’m wondering if a Councilmember or two will use this forum to […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 24 – Aug 28 – Sept 10, 2019 - Mailbox

Breeze: Eight new people found us (Ventura Parkinson’s Disease Support Group) because of you and that beautiful spot you had us on page 11 in the July-Aug edition of the fabulous Ventura Breeze, and we had over 60 attend!! You knocked it out of the park for us – thank you so much again! Patty […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 23 – Aug 14 – Aug 27, 2019 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, It was sad to hear in one of your recent editor’s remarks that you feel that you should (for reasons of appearing ‘non-partisan’) refrain from voicing your opinions about important issues that affect all of us, and about the criminals in our government currently who are kidnapping & caging children (without keeping records, […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 22 – July 31 – Aug 13, 2019 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon Brown, Editor, Ventura Breeze, Planting trees is the most effective and aesthetic way to restore soil, reduce heat islands and air pollution, and pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. If the VC2040 General Plan sets a goal to plant and maintain a million trees by 2030, what is the goal for the […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 21 – July 17 – July 30, 2019 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon Brown, As a fellow citizen dedicated to the cause of climate justice and resilience, I hope you will urge your readers to speak out as the County Supervisors decide what to include in the Draft General Plan and Climate Action Plan on August 6 at 1:30.  Many individuals and groups have proposed policies […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 20 – July 3 – July 16, 2019 - Mailbox

Dear Editor: “They got what they deserved.” That’s what I hear, when the anti-immigrant individuals talk about the two innocents, who died, trying to reach the United States. Where’s the compassion? Where are the heartaches.? Not on this side of the border. These are the people who mimic Trump’s policy of keeping immigrants out of our country. The […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 19 – June 19 – July 2, 2019 - Mailbox

Dear Editor: What a waste of time, energy, and insults. Trump hears nothing he doesn’t want to hear. He loves street fights. He loves slinging mud, and other matter, just for the sake of making noise. The, only, way to make Trump uneasy, is to ignore him. He doesn’t exist. He isn’t worth an iota […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 18 – June 5 – June 18, 2019 - Mailbox

Breeze: When I moved to Ventura five years ago, I played tourist and visited the local landmarks.  I was enchanted by the beauty and serenity of the Olivas Adobe. So I signed up for the training to lead tours and discovered the parallels between the owner of Rancho San Miguel and the State of California. It […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 17 – May 22 – June 4, 2019 - Mailbox

Dear Editor, Donald Trump wants to celebrate the 4th of July on the steps of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial Statue. Abraham Lincoln, an outstanding president of the United States. His greatest achievement was helping to free the slaves. A terrible, dark, and cruel, part of our past. Free men and women had been abducted from parts of Africa, […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 16 – May 8 – May 21, 2019 - Mailbox

Breeze: Now the USA isn’t the only country being led by a comedian. Ukrainians overwhelmingly voted to make a comedian their next president — ushering in a new era of politics in the struggling country. Volodymyr Zelensky, a famous comedian who portrayed Ukraine’s head of state for years on a popular comedy show, defeated the […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 15 – Apr 24 – May 7, 2019 - Mailbox

Dear Editor, Re: March 26th edition I agree with your recent correspondent, XXXXX XXX. She does sound hyperbolic and hysterical.  True. Her statements that Trump views Putin, Kim Jung Un and Xi Jinping as his heroes while happily desiring to destroy them with nuclear weapons defies any logic. Trump clearly has no desire to wage […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 14 – Apr 10 – Apr 23, 2019 - Mailbox

Breeze: President Donald Trump said his father, Fred Trump, was born in “a very wonderful place in Germany.” But Fred Trump was actually born in New York City. “My father is German, was German. Born in a very wonderful place in Germany,” Trump said of his father while meeting with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. If Trump […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 13 – Mar 27 – Apr 9, 2019 - Mailbox

Dear Editor: Is it possible? Are there some Republicans in Congress that can see the real Trump. The bigot. The crooked bigot. The least educated; the least read person ever to have sat in that chair in the Oval Office. Are some of those Republicans beginning to see the danger, and the damage, this, illegally elected, […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 12 – Mar 13 – Mar 26, 2019 - Mailbox

Opinions: I read in the LA Times (can I say that?) that Pope Francis warned bishops he wants “concrete measures” to stamp out sex abuse in the church. He handed out 21 proposals for cracking down on predator priests. Seems to me the only proposal necessary should be to let them get married (to a […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 11 – Feb 27 – Mar 12, 2019 - Mailbox

To Sheldon Re: Trump supporters.  Sheldon, your comments on the Electoral College are well supported. As any student of Constitution Law will see there are many clauses from 1787 that do not apply today. That is why scholars opine that the Constitution is a living document that creates and expands and yes even contracts through our […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 10 – Feb 13 – Feb 26, 2019 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon Thank you for running the article in the Breeze about Circle of Friends now accepting new members. It was a hit! Ten women showed up at our February 6 luncheon with an interest in becoming members. Fantastic success and definitely because the Breeze is so well read! Marion Phalan Breeze: I know that […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 9 – Jan 30 – Feb 12, 2019 - Mailbox

Dear Editor, I’m writing to you in regards to a vile and disrespectful “cartoon” you published in your Jan. 16-29th edition.  I was appalled at the tasteless and unpatriotic smear of our current President. What so many seem to forget or have just decided they don’t care, half of the population voted for and supports […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 8 – Jan 16 – Jan 29, 2019 - Mailbox

The Breeze: For another example of the Thomas Fire rebuild process consider my experience. A week after losing everything I started looking at floor plans. A month after the fire hired an architect, met with a builder, developed some house specs. The city says they’ll review building permit applications within 14 working days. Though it’s […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 7 – Jan 3 – Jan 15, 2019 - Mailbox

[email protected] The difference between Clinton and Trump lying about affairs that when Clinton did it he committed purgery (perjury), then the press said it’s no big deal. So it’s no big deal, particularly when Trump didn’t commit purgery. Samuel Goodin Samuel: So Trump having affairs is okay as long as he didn’t commit perjury? Wonder […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 6 – Dec 19, 2018 – Jan 2, 2019 - Mailbox

Editor: I was saddened to read that the Ventura Unified School District Superintendent resigned due to the actions of a single school board member.  She was upset after reading about a sermon he delivered years ago in another city.  He happens to be an ordained minister, as well as an education professional.  Today, many pastors […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 5 – Dec 5 – Dec 18, 2018 - Mailbox

Letter to the editor Re: Homeless at 81 (article in previous Breeze by Jennifer Tipton) Edison Electric Company in Ventura offers a medical baseline discount for people like myself. Once approved the bill does go way up the first month- using my oxygen concentrator in the first month. Month 2 the bill is shockingly low, […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 4 – Nov 21 – Dec 4, 2018 - Mailbox

Dear Councilmember: Those of us that are residents in the Pierpont area are most impacted by STVRs. We were given our chance to voice our position during the STVR working group. I know because I was a participant. The survey that the city is disseminating on STVRs does not in any way shape or form […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 3 – Nov 7 – Nov 20, 2018 - Mailbox

Editor…..Please stop with the political drivel in your column……..We all know that you are more liberal than Bernie Sanders….but to quote Eugene Robinson?   If Kanya West is an Uncle Tom, then  Eugene is an Auntie Tommie…who can only write stuff that Bezos tells him to write…He has not had an intelligent piece since USA […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 2 – Oct 24 – Nov 6, 2018 - Mailbox

Editor: The Clean Power Alliance is made up of 31 jurisdictions and the counties of Los Angeles and Ventura, awarded Calpine Energy Solutions a four-year contract to provide data management and call center services to an initial 1 million customers. Ventura, Camarillo, Moorpark, Ojai, Oxnard, Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks have joined the Clean Power Alliance, which offers […] Read More »

Vol. 12, No. 1 - Oct 10 - Oct 23, 2018 - Mailbox

Sheldon Who did the research on Padre Serra? No name is mentioned. It goes to show you how false press is released to the public and how uneducated certain people are. The Padres including Padre Serra helped Native Americans against the abusive and cruel Spanish Soldiers. It was the Spanish military who treated the Indians […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 26 – Sept 26 – Oct 9, 2018 – Mailbox

Hi I enjoyed your 9/12-9/25 edition including the article on rainwater & greywater harvesting, an important topic for our drought-prone area. A minor correction needed on Page 8 however: The URL for more info is misspelled; it should read “”, not “” Thanks! Gary B. Oh y did we leave out y? Publisher: Just wanted […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 25 - Sept 12 - Sept 25, 2018 - Mailbox

Editor: I have seen videos on U-Tube that show dramatic results of people with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) who have dyskinesia and after partaking medical marijuana products and choosing to buy weed online, their bodies calm down and the involuntary movements pretty much stop. I think it is really wonderful that it helps them with what […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 24 – Aug 29 – Sept 11, 2018 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, Isn’t it a waste and a shame that the Foster Library has to CLOSE for the day when the temperature gets HOT? Why can’t air conditioning be installed? Wouldn’t it be worth the cost, particularly for the children? Contacting some Indoor AC specialists can help officials decide the best route, keeping the library […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 23 - Aug 15 - Aug 28, 2018 - Mailbox

Good Venturan returned wallet today This morning my husband drove over to the east end to care for a friend’s dogs while they are away, and he unknowingly dropped his wallet while walking the neighborhood. A couple hours later he noticed it was missing, drove all around retracing steps but no luck. A few minutes […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 22 - Aug 1 - Aug 14, 2018 - Mailbox

General Plan Update The 2025 General Plan update must include robust public participation now that we know more about urban planning than we did in 2005. Pretty pictures sold us on plans that have had a major impact on some areas of the community, especially the Avenue. The Avenue also taught us a lesson on […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 21 – July 18 – July 31, 2018 - Mailbox

Dear Mr. Brown, I noticed you printed a letter from a 3rd grader about our roads. I’ll be interested in seeing any action in that regard. I have complained through the email link about the scandalous state of Moon Drive at the foot of that gigantic apartment development overlooking Moon Drive. The response was that […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 20 - July 4 - July 17, 2018 - Mailbox

To opinions: Prince Charles has been roundly mocked (especially by establishment architectural poobahs) for his views concerning ugly “modern” architecture and planning efforts of the day. His signature project, the village of Poundbury in Dorchester, has been a resounding success as a livable town. Designed by architect and urban planner Leon Krier, who has incorporated […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 19 - June 20 - July 3, 2018 - Mailbox

Dear Editor, I have read the opinions in your newspaper and other local publications regarding the homeless issue with a mixture of amusement and anger. While I understand that Ventura probably has a significant aging hippie population, and numerous forward thinking progressives, are we talking about the same homeless people? So many of the solutions […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 18 - Jun 6 - June 19, 2018 - Mailbox

Hello, My name is Stephen Wong and I am a doctoral candidate at the University of California, Berkeley. I recently saw that you had posted a story about our wildfire evacuation survey to your website with the help of VCTC. Thank you so much for helping out with the distribution process! Our team here at […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 17 - May 23 - June 5, 2018 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon: I read with interest your opinion and Christy Weir’s article in the Breeze edition May 9, 2018 and have a few comments. First thank you both for your common sense approach and “calming” influence. Second, Ms. Weir’s warning about not giving cash to panhandlers is supported by experts in mental health and community […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 16 - May 9 - May 22, 2018 - Mailbox

Breeze: Because of the police and ambassador presence on the promenade, the vagrant population on the promenade has all but disappeared. Also, the vegetation on the promenade is being cut away from the ground so there is no place for a vagrant to hide. Additionally, video surveillance cameras are being placed on the condos and […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 15 - Apr 25 - May 8, 2018 - Mailbox

What’s up with Ventura Police Dept? Seems they have become the henchmen for the red county that simply does not want poor and homeless folks living here. Case in point I had an appointment with a health practitioner in downtown Ventura. I parked on Santa Clara St. When I came back to my tiny home […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 14 - Apr 11 - Apr 24, 2018 - Mailbox

To opinions I made the rally and march Saturday and have to say, Venturans’ are the most polite and carefully lead community I have meant in a long time. We stayed off the street and waited for every street crossing light and stop sign. By the time we got back to the park, we were […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 13 - Mar 28 - Apr 10, 2018 - Mailbox

Dear Editor, I’d like to encourage Ventura County residents to become part of a valuable community service by serving on the Ventura County Grand Jury. The Grand Jury is a civil, investigative panel of 19 volunteers. This watchdog group investigates issues and citizen complaints and then makes recommendations to improve the operation of local government. […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 12 - Mar 14 - Mar 27, 2018 - Mailbox

Breeze: I had just picked up the paper at AAA while waiting to do a registration. I knew that one (contest photo). I really enjoy your paper and sometimes mail a copy to a friend who moved away. I refer to it as the best paper in town for news around town. Thank you for […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 11 - Feb 28 - Mar 13, 2018 - Mailbox

Editor: The fellows at Under the Bed (UTB) want to give a shout-out to Lynn Mikelatos of The Greek Mediterranean Steak & Seafood at the Ventura Harbor, thanking her for her role in collaborating with City Core to donate a piano to UTB, Ventura’s new DL production space for contributing artists to create, share and […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 10 – Feb 14 – Feb 27, 2018 – Mailbox

Breeze: I’m not inspired, not because I think everything’s swell, just because I’ve given up all hope. Actually, I did manage a brief flirtation with optimism a couple of days ago, watching the Space X Falcon Heavy launch. And the Tesla Roadster heading toward Mars is a very groovy touch. Alfred Lewis Editor: I attended […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 9 - Jan 31 - Feb 13, 2018 - Mailbox

In our last issue we had an article about lovely debutantes. Headline said thirteen but there were only seven. Here are their names to salute all of them. Miss Sophie Buffo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buffo. She attends Newbury Park High School. Miss Anna Casillas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Casillas. She […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 8 - Jan 17 - Jan 30, 2018 - Mailbox

Opinion: I loved the last Breeze. I kept one for myself and sent one to my mom in Thailand so she could read about the Thomas Fire and all the related community stories! Great job! Siree Franks, Director Ventura Music Together In a previous Mailbox we had a letter that stated in part “In 1999 […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 7 - Jan 3 - Jan 16, 2018 - Mailbox

Hi Sheldon, Thank you for the Thomas Fire coverage about the Ventura Botanical Gardens. There was so much loss in our City. The stories you shared about VBG generated an outpouring of support. Right now, the Gardens are closed; we’re assessing the damage and developing our next steps plan. The trails and plantings look recoverable […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 6 – Dec 20, 2017 – Jan 2, 2018 – Mailbox

Dear Mayor Andrews, Deputy Mayor LaVere, Chief Corney and Council Members: My home is on Brodiea Ave., my neighbor’s also on Brodiea Ave., and a home on Lupin around the corner from us were looted during the mandatory fire evacuation. We also had no electrical power at the time we were ordered to evacuate so […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No. 5 - Dec 6 - Dec 19, 2017 - Mailbox

Ventura Breeze Visiting our daughter in Ventura I picked up a copy of the Breeze. What caught my attention was the above the fold front page coverage of the pending City council vote on changing from “at large” to “district” voting of your council member. I commend the paper for notifying your readers of the […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 4 - Nov 22 - Dec 5, 2017 - Mailbox

Ventura Breeze: This will be our last regular concert in the Poinsettia Pavilion (on Dec.3). We will take the band “on the road” for 2018; and I will not be requesting monthly announcements for that period. All of us at the Old-Time Country Music Association want to thank you for your advertising support during this […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 3 - Nov 8 - Nov 21, 2017 - Mailbox

Breeze: I recently took the train to San Diego (nice trip by the way) but was shocked to see the amount of graffiti that the train passed as we went through Ventura. What an awful introduction to Ventura. Can’t something be done to get rid of it? Sharon Gold Sharon: This is a tough one […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 2 - Oct 25 - Nov 7, 2017 - Mailbox

Editor: In this very confusing and hectic morning. The news coming from Las Vegas about major loss of life is heart breaking; as a result, the Ventura County Green Party Council would like to extend our love to victims and their family. We would like to remind everyone that mental illness is not an excuse […] Read More »

Vol. 11, No.1 – Oct 11 - Oct 24, 2017 - Mailbox

Sheldon You thought the three-strike law (sic) prevents this scenario? Really? An editor who can’t distinguish between arrests and convictions? Fred Pierce Fred: Worse even I’m the publisher-editor. Thanks for the clarification. That is what you were doing correct? Dear Editor: I have something I must say… Why don’t people call or talk to each […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 26 – Sept 27 - Oct 10, 2017 - Mailbox

Breeze: Paul Petersonhas offered wonderful suggestions for perhaps a new perspective for the Ventura County Museum. To include art within its confines or to house it in the historic First National Bank building is a well-thought out idea that could propel the Museum towards its lofty goals. The story of Ventura, both past and present, […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 25 – Sept 13 - Sept 26, 2017 - Mailbox

Breeze: “Age and Citizenship requirements – US Constitution, Article II, Section 1. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 24 – Aug 30 - Sept 12, 2017 - Mailbox

Sheldon: Thank you again dear Sheldon & all of your crew that works so hard on our fabulous hometown paper, the Ventura Breeze! For the second time this year you helped a lot of folks find our PD Support Group meeting including a wonderful lady from Sacramento who was visiting Ventura. She told us that […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 23 – Aug 16 - Aug 29, 2017 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon (Governor) Brown: This is in response to your Editorial of 8/2/17. You are entitled to your Opinion/Editorial, but you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover as you did re the Ventura County Museum. I have to walk 6 blocks on my WW II disabled legs to the bus stop and then make […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 22 – Aug 2 – Aug 15, 2017 – Mailbox

Dear Concerned Ventura Residents For the fourth time in eight months the Ventura County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) rejected an application by the City of Ventura to expand its boundary. The application was for a new development known as Northbank, which is a project to allow for the construction of 193 residential units in East Ventura near Saticoy. […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 21 – July 19 - Aug 1, 2017 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon: Thank you again for putting Estella’s pic & plea in The Breeze(needed medical treatment). It has brought in well over $1,000 in a week … yay! The best people read The Breeze, that’s for sure. Cappi Patterson I second that thank you Sheldon! Such amazing and compassionate people are in the world. It […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 20 – July 5 - July 18, 2017 - Mailbox

Breeze: It seems all the schools and Cities are headed over to the Harbor beaches these days instead of State Parks. Who wants to pay $10 when you can park for free or what bus driver wants to pay $100 when they can park for free. Plus less vagrants and a lot more amenities. The […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 19 – June 21 - July 4, 2017 - Mailbox

Editor: Every time that I try to go to the harbor I can never find a place to park. Especially when it is really hot in other places and those “out siders” come here to cool off. I know that tourists are important to the harbor businesses but they can’t find a place to park […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 18 – June 7 - June 20, 2017 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon and Diane: As a dog owner myself I share in understanding your deep sadness upon losing Scamp. Your article of looking for him and he not being there tore at my heart for you . Scamp was the lucky one to have you two as his loving parents. Our sincerest condolences. Teryn & […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 17 – May 24 - June 6, 2017 - Mailbox

Sheldon: Contrary to The Star, Yes, You are doing “something right”!  Lots right !  Congratulations and Thanks for doing a great job and valued service to our community I must admit to shedding a tear or two in reading about your goodbye to Scamp  So sad Thanks again Mike Merewether Ventura Sheldon So sorry to […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 16 – May 10 - May 23, 2017 - Mailbox

Breeze: This is what people see as they enter Ventura on Amtrak. It is real disgraceful. Isn’t there any way to get rid of it? William Green William:  Yes there is but very complicated. First it is on Amtrak property so can’t be done without there okay and security people on hand. Second city graffiti […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 15 – April 26 - May 9, 2017 - Mailbox

Hi Sheldon: I just sent Breezy our Ventura Friends of the Library Ad for your May 10th issue.  The Friends are using this ad to express a heartfelt thank you to Supervisor Steve Bennett and the Ventura County Board of Supervisors for their approval of the new east side Hill Road Library in Ventura.  We […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 14 – April 12 - April 25, 2017 - Mailbox

To publisher So sorry he (Scamp) is not well. Dad may have a title, but everyone knows who the real mascot of The Breeze is. My dogs have loved meeting Scamp at various Breeze sponsored events through the years. We are here for whatever you may need.  Sending good wishes . Pschuman HI Sheldon, I […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 13 – March 29 - April 11, 2017 - Mailbox

Breeze Tourism is the best thing that can happen to Ventura! It creates jobs, gives us all more fun restaurants and places to visit, and helps fuel progress. Rather than complain about it (overcrowding, homeless) , the most productive thing to do is get involved, show up to City Council and public planning meetings, and […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 12 – March 15 - March 28, 2017 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, I would like to first say that the City of Ventura has done a fantastic job of trimming up the landscape along Seaward Ave. west of Ocean, near the train bridge. It is so much better to look at and for the pedestrians…now there is more available sidewalk. It’s just wonderful, until you […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 11 – March 1 - March 14, 2017 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon There is so much in your Opinion piece that I hardly know where to start. I guess your equivalency between your middle school wandering, off the path, toward stupid that was never perpetrated and only involved two teachers in a simple context of “exercising boredom” and the perpetration by two equally stupid youngsters […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 10 – February 15 - February 28, 2017 - Mailbox

Sheldon @ Ventura Breeze In response to the guy who took offence with substitution of the word “Dog” for “God” he obviously doesn’t know what dogs mean to people who love them like family! I think the attached*expresses what God “for those who are religious” would have felt as well! Sincerely one of your many […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 9 – February 1 - February 14, 2017 - Mailbox

Greetings dear amazing Sheldon and the Ventura Breeze! Wow – you guys helped us get over 50 attendees at our January meeting from your notice in the January 4-17, 2017 edition…that was a beautiful layout!! I hung it up at the meeting for all to see (& the Lexington loved it, too, by the way! […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 8 – January 18 - January 31, 2017 - Mailbox

To editor Sheldon, You missed the point.  I have only one issue . . . your substitution of the word “Dog” for “God.”  Show some respect for those of us who love our God.  I hope you reprint the initial narrative in concert with this response so that your readers will have the opportunity to […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 7 – January 4 - January 17, 2017 - Mailbox

Sheldon, You gave an example of the seemingly backwards (my words ) custom experienced by a Saudi woman. In that editorial you said you found it hard to comprehend that kind of thinking. Woman wearing pants, 2 piece bathing suits, smoking, buying birth contro products , are among a few of the things this very […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 6 – December 21, 2016 - January 3, 2017 - Mailbox

Mr. Brown, I read your December 7 Ventura Breeze editorial with great interest today.  Thank you for taking such a reasoned and important position in opposition to the electoral college.  After seeing the electoral results on November 8 I felt deeply disenfranchised as a voting citizen.  I guess I feel like a black citizen denied […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 5 – December 7 - December 20, 2016 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon and the Breeze From a letter from the founder of Buddy Nation, one of the recipients of the Bowl of Thanks. “Thanks to your help in getting the word out, we were able to reach my goal of writing 2 checks for just over $2000 for both Buddy Nation and The Rescue Mission/Lighthouse […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 4 – November 23 - December 6, 2016 - Mailbox

Ventura Breeze: I’m very unhappy with the passing of some of the measures. We shouldn’t have term limits. If people from Ventura are unhappy with a certain city council member they don’t need to vote for them. I think a lot of this had to do with Jim Monahan having been in the council for […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 3 – November 9 - November 22, 2016 - Mailbox

Breeze: When I finished reading the article on Farber-Tauber MD Awards in your Oct.12 issue I was left wondering who the honorees were for 2016. Sincerely Yvonne Elizondo Very good point Yvonne, here they are: Hospital Physician -Gail Simpson, MD Community Physician – John Walters, MD Hospital Nurse- Diana Jaquez, RN, MSN, OCN, ACHPN Community […] Read More »

Vol. 10, No. 1 – October 12 - October 25, 2016 - Mailbox

Sheldon: Once again Sheldon you got a smile out of me instead of a groan with your comment concerning your dislike of the initiative process. Involved voters causing a vote to go to the people ? An abuse of power ? Hardly. Sometimes politicians are not able to put one foot in front of the […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 26 – September 28 – October 11, 2016 - Mailbox

Editor: I quickly ran the Short Term Rental Figures this morning based on the Nuisance Response Plans at the City’s website. There 117 Short Term Rentals Registered with the City as of 9-12-16. There are 77 in the Pierpont Community.  Of these 21 of the owners live in Ventura (27%). Only 11 live in our […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 25 – September 14 – September 27, 2016 - Mailbox

Two or Five Trees by Jeffrey Russell The two trees are timely rooted Once five now two they are saluted, Bark on a tree and branches that grow, My heart races as I hike to them, tally ho.. Sitting under them I reflect on site, I look to the ocean that gives a Pacific light, […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 24 – August 31 – September 13, 2016 - Mailbox

Editor: Past Ventura City Councils decisions have cost the Ventura citizens millions. Measure O is a question of trusting this City Council and future City Councils with another $270,000,000 in new tax money. Brooks Institute closed its school, leaving students, contractors and landlords high and dry.  While the City hopes someone will step up, the […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 23 – August 17 – August 30, 2016 - Mailbox

Hi Sheldon Thought this might interest you.  This is an 1881 obituary from the NY Times. Scott was a family forebear and once purchased much of downtown Ventura and all of the Ojai Valley, purchased  from the original Spanish land grant person Federico Tico. His geologist friends at Yale told him there was oil.  He […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 22 – August 3 – August 16, 2016 - Mailbox

Breeze: I know city staff loves having alternate Fridays off and management sold it as saving money, but really, how much $$ does it really save and is it really any way to run a business?  It is not customer friendly.  If we support a tax increase can we do away with it?   Last Friday […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 21 – July 20 – August 2, 2016 - Mailbox

Dear Editor, With regard to the news report of July 5, 2016 in the Ventura County Star, the Ventura voting public needs to keep this news in perspective with how it relates to the citizens of Ventura. This is a City Council that is asking for another $270,000,000 in new taxes to spend anyway they […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 20 – July 6 – July 19, 2016 - Mailbox

Breeze: There is a fallacy to the economic benefits of vacation rentals. Allowing homes to be operated as vacation rentals is an economic loss to our community. They give rental owners tax deductions and income advantages that prospective permanent homeowners cannot compete, have contributed to housing price increases, and a decrease in homes available for […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 19 – June 22 – July 5, 2016 – Mailbox

Dear Sheldon and Scamp I picked up my copy of the Breeze for June 8 just yesterday.  I want to thank Scamp for his concern for animals for putting information about the Yulin Festival in his column.  The better educated people are the better chances are of putting an end to this terrible cruelty.  So, […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 18 – June 8 – June 21, 2016 - Mailbox

The Ventura Breeze hereby apologizes to anyone who was offended by Bill Green’s cartoon in the last issue(Jewrassic Park) and thought that it was racist – it was certainly never intended to be.  By the way, both the Breeze publisher and Bill Green are Jewish. And you can always go to Danny’s Deli for a […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 17 – May 25 – June 7, 2016 - Mailbox

Breeze: The Star was in such a rush to get the story (Irish Centenary) in the next day’s paper their coverage was superficial and they made serious errors. Their reporter didn’t notice last minute changes to the program and had two wrong captions.   The VC Reporter only gave this unique event a few tiny lines […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 16 – May 11 – May 24, 2016 - Mailbox

Editor: Sales taxes increased by 5.9% over the last year but the City Council is still considering taxing Venturans more. The City Council is using the argument that it wants a locally kept and locally spent tax. They fail to understand that $340 out of a household budget is still $340.  They fail to see […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 15 – April 27 – May 10, 2016 - Mailbox

Breeze Both April and I would like to thank you so much for the write up in your paper!!  It was exciting to see April featured and we just wanted to let you know how much we appreciated it!  Have a beautiful day! Diana J. Davis  (aka: “Dinah”), MBA Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association & […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 14 – April 13 – April 26, 2016 - Mailbox

Sheldon: After reading your article on the proposed Kellogg park, I decided to check out the west side parks and compare them to the east side parks. I did this with camera in hand. First and foremost is the fact that the west side area ( vta Ave ) is comprised mostly of highly dense, […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 13 – March 30 – April 12, 2016 - Mailbox

Dear Editor: Ventura’s Mayor believes that we will feel better if we pay another $340 to a Ventura City general fund versus it going into a State fund! Really? Aren’t I still out $340?  I feel better already. Mayor Nasarenko is campaigning for this tax increase on the premise that Ventura voters will support a […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 12 – March 16 – March 29, 2016 - Mailbox

Dear Venturans and others: An article today (Mar 8)  in the “Wealthy Doctor” by Sarah Huebscher finally exposes the criminal acts of local surgeon Aria Sabit and his pleading guilty to many charges of gross negligence in his surgery procedures and massive fraud. It is one sorry tale, except for the two MD whistle blowers, […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 11 – March 2 – March 15, 2016 - Mailbox

Hello Sheldon, Are you aware of the repair to the Ventura Promenade that is happening currently?  Three of the palm-trios have not survived the recent storms and ocean rise.  So, Ventura is dutifully now working on moving rip-rap and boulders to protect what is left of the walk/bicycle path. Also, the cobblestones brought in to […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 10 – February 17 – March 2, 2016 - Mailbox

Letter to Editor, At a 4 ½ hour City Council meeting on Saturday, Jan. 30, a majority of the conversation was how to increase taxes on the citizens of Ventura. No real time was spent on how to improve the economic vitality of Ventura. If the local commercial vacancies were occupied by businesses and new […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 9 – February 3 – February 16, 2016 - Mailbox

Hi Sheldon, Read your note in the Breeze on homeless in Ventura, with some folks making comments they should somehow be removed, despite fact many homeless in our community are not breaking the law… It appears some in the Community do not consider fact the City has limited amount of resources to better help unfortunate […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 8 – January 20 – February 2, 2016 - Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, Thank you very much for putting the City website number to contact for concerns and requests.  It is a simple act and will reap real action by our good City workers if they know of it.  I have been calling the “Graffiti number” often and really do get action within 24 hours. Also, […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 7 – January 6 – January 19, 2016 - Mailbox

Sheldon With the appointment of a non-council member to the mayorship and his advocacy of a sales tax increase, this city’s reached a new low. So the council dodges any flack by using an outsider to announce new fees is as cynical a move as the new water agency being forced down our throats. A […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 6 – December 23, 2015 – January 5, 2016 - Mailbox

Breeze: We had a great Thanksgiving, hope you did too.  And I hope you noticed we didn’t make the cover of the Rolling Stone, but the Friends of the Library got the next best thing!  The cover of the Breeze!  Everyone was so excited to have our poster contest featured! From Marianne from Friends of […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 5 – December 9 - December 22, 2015 – Mailbox

Dear Mr. Brown, There is a real need for new housing in Ventura, which is full of ageing, sub-standard housing, but what seems to happen is that instead of infilling areas in the city where  streets and sewers etc. already exist, the building is done on what is probably the most valuable and productive farmland […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 4 – November 25 – December 8, 2015 – Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, I am a fairly new resident to Ventura and can’t tell you how inspired I feel living here: not just the beauty of it all, particularly the beach, but by the residents. When I walk my dog, every day, at the beach by Marina Park, I am greeting by not only friendly people, […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 3 – November 11 – November 24, 2015 – Mailbox

Hi Mr. Brown, I enjoy your paper, but this isn’t the first time I noticed your staff apparently doesn’t know the difference between the words then and than.  “Then” is used in reference to an event in time.  “Than” is used in comparison.  Then is misused twice in the first paragraph on page five.  Just […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 3 – November 11 – November 24, 2015 – Mailbox

Hi Mr. Brown, I enjoy your paper, but this isn’t the first time I noticed your staff apparently doesn’t know the difference between the words then and than.  “Then” is used in reference to an event in time.  “Than” is used in comparison.  Then is misused twice in the first paragraph on page five.  Just […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 2 – October 28 – November 10, 2015 – Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, I am writing in response to your article in the Oct. 14 – 27 edition of the Ventura Breeze under “News & Notes” (p. 8), entitled ” Celebrating a successful summer for tourism in Ventura!”. I love your publication; all I want to do is point out what I think is a math […] Read More »

Vol. 9, No. 1 – October 14 – October 27, 2015 - Mailbox

Sheldon: Recently I saw smoke start coming up from a residential neighborhood south of me. Thinking that someone may need help or may not be home to know, headed that direction and saw an RV on fire next to a house. I pulled my van to the side and called 911 while running to the […] Read More »

Vol. 8, No. 26 – September 30 – October 13, 2015 – Mailbox

Breeze: State Parks is getting dumpsters from Harrison and Son that can’t be dumpster dived.   It would be great if the City and Harbor followed suit.  Dry up the vagrants source of stolen recyclables and maybe some will go elsewhere.  It is a win win…Harrison gets its recyclables, our community gets these vagrants to go […] Read More »

Vol. 8, No. 25 – September 16 – September 29, 2015 – Mailbox

Breeze: I always find it amusing that Christians try to claim a more just value system because it is “external” and “independent.” I suggest that anyone making this claim read up on the Council of Nicaea and the Apocrypha. The former was a group of men that decided that Jesus was divine and equal to […] Read More »

Vol. 8, No. 24 – September 2 – September 15, 2015 – Mailbox

Dear Sheldon, Thanks for staying with the philosophical discussion that readers are interested in thinking about…that’s the start.  But I would like to suggest that the world’s biggest problem (the elephant in the room) is “overpopulation”… too many people on the planet.   Or is our earth too small for the needs or wants of the […] Read More »

Vol. 8, No. 23 - August 19 – September 1, 2015 - Mailbox

Bill Green In the last issue you had a cartoon with Jewish Pirate saying “Ahoy Vay”. I don’t get it. Stan Davis Stan: In  Yiddish “oy vey” (I spelled it vay so folks like you would pronounce it correctly)is short for “Oy vey iz mir,” Oh, woe is me! You need to get more Jewish […] Read More »