Vol. 12, No. 20 – July 3 – July 16, 2019 – Mailbox

Dear Editor:

“They got what they deserved.” That’s what I hear, when the anti-immigrant individuals talk about the two innocents, who died, trying to reach the United States.

Where’s the compassion? Where are the heartaches.? Not on this side of the border. These are the people who mimic Trump’s policy of keeping immigrants out of our country. The people who implement Trump’ policies. 

“Sad story, but not our fault. They wanna come here? Sorry, not enough room.”

What would our country be like, without the mix, and talent, and hard work, of all immigrants, from all parts of the world?

Maybe our First Americans would be in charge. Interesting idea.

I know our first Americans had big hearts. Willing to share what they had.

They did not sneer at immigrants.

Esther Cole, Ventura

Dear Editor, 

Bravo to the women on the Ventura City Council for preserving the city’s participation in the Clean Power Alliance for the majority of its electricity accounts. They understand that the Clean Power Alliance offers more value in terms of transparency and local control. The city’s electricity bill payments to Clean Power Alliance stimulate the supply of more clean energy that is increasingly local in comparison with a future in which taxpayers’ money goes to Edison shareholders and long-distance transmission investments that we don’t need, that should be replaced by distributed generation. Leaders who support Clean Power Alliance understand that it is the most aggressive path to lessen the negative impacts of climate change. 

We seriously need that kind of leadership in Congress as well. Bipartisanship is needed to pass such solutions. This month’s relaunch of the Climate Solutions Caucus is a hopeful sign in that Republicans and Democrats can find common ground for solving climate change, making it a bridge issue rather than a wedge issue. Representative Salud Carbajal makes everything a bridge issue, especially climate. He joined the original Climate Solutions Caucus as soon as he arrived in Congress in 2017. Representative Julia Brownley could also join the caucus.  We have many local women leaders who are putting climate as the priority concern and pulling together to quickly arrive at solutions that reduce the risk of climate change.

Jan Dietrick


A federal judge recently blocked President Donald Trump from tapping into Defense Department funds to build parts of his US-Mexico border wall.

Judge Haywood Gilliam of the Northern District of California blocked the administration from moving forward with specific projects in Texas and Arizona, saying Trump couldn’t disburse the funds without congressional approval. The lawsuit that prompted the ruling was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of the plaintiffs, the Sierra Club and Southern Border Communities Coalition.

Thank you

Charles Burn Ojai

As long as there is algebra there will be prayer in school.
~ Larry Miller