Vol. 10, No. 20 – July 5 – July 18, 2017 – Mailbox


It seems all the schools and Cities are headed over to the Harbor beaches these days instead of State Parks. Who wants to pay $10 when you can park for free or what bus driver wants to pay $100 when they can park for free. Plus less vagrants and a lot more amenities. The Harbor is doing things right.

Christy’s (City council member Christy Weir) article on the Santa Clara Homeless Camps was truthful much like something Rob Orth would have written. If you’re in the trenches you get a much better perspective. Note that Cheryl (City council member Cheryl Heitmann) was also over there in the riverbed with Christy.

Pokeman…the City is great at issuing permits…but it ends there…no attention to detail. Just recently they posted via email that the Mountain to Sea marathon was to be on Saturday…it was on Sunday and I got my notice in the snail mail on Wednesday days after the event. Better late than never I guess.

Robert Georgeson

Thanks Breeze:

Ventura Breeze Newspaper is a huge supporter and we are so happy to call them a partner in making Ventura an even better place to call home. A huge round of applause to Ventura Breeze for their support of the 5K and 1 Mile Survivor Walk!


Hi, Sheldon –

A belated thank-you for your story in the Ventura Breeze about the 2017 CFMS-AFMS National Gem Show! We enjoyed a terrific show and all three days saw fantastic foot traffic! On behalf of the hosting Ventura Gem & Mineral Society, our sincere thanks for your help in getting the word out to our local public!

Best regards,

Jim Brace-Thompson
Ventura Gem & Mineral Society

It is not enough to be busy, so are ants. The question is, what are we busy about?
~ Henry David Thoreau