Vol. 13, No. 11 – Feb 26 – Mar 10, 2020 – Mailbox

Dear Editor:

Trump never ran for President. He ran for Dictator. He has always envied and admired Putin.

Trump is not just trying to take over the Justice Dept. and all other Government functions. He wants to be anointed. He wants his own country, ala Putin.

He not only admired Putin, he envies Putin. He wants what Putin has. Trump wants to own the United States of America. And every day, in every way, he gets closer and closer.

And his flunkies and followers and enablers, day by day, gleefully give up hunks of our –our — Country. It still belongs to us, but we’d better be on the lookout, for sneaks, taking big hunks out of what we think we own.

Es Cool Ventura


I support Mayor Matt LaVere for County Supervisor.  He was elected to the Ventura City Council in 2016, and has served our community with energy and responsiveness. After the Thomas Fire, LaVere showed leadership and compassion as he worked with impacted residents and Ventura city staff to ensure communication and effective policies to assist fire victims. Working with Mayor LaVere, I have been impressed with his depth of knowledge and ability to bring consensus on complicated, sometimes controversial, issues. I admire his respect for Ventura’s heritage, our coast and rivers and hillsides, and his understanding of environmental sustainability factors in decision-making. Matt’s intelligence and enthusiasm and deep commitment to our community will have a positive impact on Ventura County government and our quality of life.

Christy Weir
Ventura City Councilmember


Dear Sheldon,

In regards to your mention of the conversion therapy for minors, please know that this is not a choice as you say at the end. This is not a preference either. It is how we are born. It’s in our DNA. The only choice involved is whether we are going to be open about being gay to our family and friends, or not. 

Allen Chinn


Allen: I apologize for not making my thoughts more clearly. I absolutely agree with you. I didn’t make the decision one day to be heterosexual it was the way that I was born exactly the same as a gay(or any other) person is.


OOOOPS: In our last issue we stated that Steve Bennett was running for Ventura County Supervisor a position he now holds. He is running for State Assembly in the 37th District. Other candidates are: Cathy Murillo, Charles Cole, Jason Dominguez, Jonathan Abboud, Elsa Granados and Stephen Blum.

The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.
~ Henry Ward Beecher