Vol. 9, No. 23 – August 17 – August 30, 2016 – Mailbox

Hi Sheldon

Thought this might interest you.  This is an 1881 obituary from the NY Times. Scott was a family forebear and once purchased much of downtown Ventura and all of the Ojai Valley, purchased  from the original Spanish land grant person Federico Tico. His geologist friends at Yale told him there was oil.  He sent nephew Tom Bard to oversee things.

Tom Scott was referenced by our late Aunt Marge Tingue, a wonderful,  caring person in our family,  as someone with whom we should become familiar.  He was a remarkable person, born the 7th of eleven children to a tavern owner who did not attend school beyond age ten.  He rose to become president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, other railroads and developed the nationwide railroad network. He is said to have given Andrew Carnegie his first position as a railroad employee when Carnegie was 14.

The attached is from a lengthy 1881 New York Times piece.

A plaque on Hwy. 150  located on a very large stone several miles from Santa Paula indicates the first oil well in California with the names of Tom Scott and Thomas Bard.

Regards –
John H. Stewart

A few facts from “A Railroad Prince Dead “New York Times, May 22, 1881

Col. Thomas A. Scott’s Life and Last Illness

His death at 9:00 last evening  (Dec. 28, 1823 – May 21, 1881) – His life as a canal driver, merchant, station agent, superintendent and president – his great services during the warCol. Thomas A. Scott suffered a relapse of his illness on Thursday night, and after sinking slowly during Friday  and yesterday he died at 9:00 last evening.

Thomas Alexander Scott and the railroad system of the United States were identified in the youth of both, and grew up together. He was born at Loudon, an old settlement  of the great Appalachian Valley, in Franklin County, Penn.

The boy started in practical life early. Almost all of his education was received at the village school before he was 10 years old.

Scott went into business for himself. westward shipper in the great transportation house of Leech & Co., and here, as elsewhere, he soon made himself conspicuous by his energy and activity. He slept little and worked a great deal, but his hours at home were hours of relaxation.

Scott purchased all of the Ojai Valley and most of downtown Ventura in Southern California from its original Spanish land grantee Fernando Tico. He sent nephew Thomas Bard to oversee his California operations. Scott and Bard found the first California oil well as well as Union Oil Co. Bard was the U.S. Senator from California from 1900 – 1905.

Jill Forman

I was blown away by the terrific article on my “Acting for Amateurs” class and me, which you wrote for The Breeze.

Thanks to your vivacious style, the piece was great fun to read.  You put in all relevant information, but made it light-hearted and interesting.

I appreciate it so much, Jill–you’re a gem!

Rosemary Molloy

Worry pretends to be necessary, but serves no useful purpose.
~ Eckhart Tolle