Vol. 13, No. 13 – Mar 25 – Apr 7, 2020 – Mailbox

Dear Editor:

The national news on TV is, finally, presenting a picture of Trump, that I have been grousing about for months. Of course, who he is, what he is, has been evident to everyone, ever since he took office. He is not a me-too. He is a me-only. 

The worst person in the world to have charge of a country. A country, especially, a Democracy where, everyone, feels somewhat responsible for everyone else. 

With the most, disinterested, and, disgusting, president at the helm.

I know a lot more people actually voted for that person, than are willing to admit at this time. Shame on all of them. His character was no secret. Not at any time.

Can’t wait for this term ending, and the people, once again, have a chance to right a terrible wrong. 

Sincerely, E. Cole, Ventura

Dear Community Caregivers – what I call the other front line responders

The public recognizes the sacrifices made by doctors, nurses, EMTs, firefighters and other emergency response personnel across the country for which we are all grateful and owe a huge debt of gratitude, however there are millions of Americans risking their lives in grocery stores, gas stations, post offices, banks, laundromats and the like (most without proper protection) who we need to send out our biggest heartfelt gratitude as they are risking their lives every single day for the basic needs of every American. Please be sure to thank them for their sacrifice! #ThankYouCommunityCaregivers

Cindy Summers

Dear America,

It is time for you to stop and take a breath.  No matter who you are, where you are, or what situation you are in, it is time to stop for a moment to look around you then ask yourself: Is this my country?  Is this how I want it to be?  Is this how we proud Americans were raised?
You see people fighting over toilet paper in the grocery store, not helping those in need, distrusting everyone because they “might” have COVID-19.  Now ask yourself again: Is this my country?

My presumption is that the vast majority of us would say no, this is not my country.  They would go on to say they are ashamed of America at this moment.  It is this vast majority that needs to step up now and show our children and our world what kind of people we really are.

No doubt, COVID-19 is scary but that is only because of all the unknowns that surround it.  Where did it come from, how is it circulated, will I survive this pandemic?  Right now there are no answers to any of these questions but I have faith in our scientists, our doctors, and the rest of our dedicated health professionals.  I know they will find an answer and when they do all of these fears will disappear.

But what will be left is the question.

The answer to that depends on how we act now.  If we continue as is, America will be changed for the worst but if we act like kind, rational, caring individuals, we will come out of this better and stronger than ever before.

Pray for this if you will and work for it no matter what.  Remember, you are America, you can be the greatest country on Earth once more and the time to start earning that designation again is today.  Tomorrow may be too late.

John Darling


Like most Venturans I am totally amazed at the panic buying I see taking place, particularly toilet paper. As an English person born at the end of WW 2 I was used to privations, ration cards and many realistic apects of post war Europe, As a child I played on bomb sites and was warned “not to touch or pick up anything metal or round”  –  my toilet was an outside privvy with torn up strips of newspaper for toilet paper.

As the pandemic gets more serious I imagine I may have to tear up my latest edition of the Breeze and use it for toilet paper. With that in mind I have a request for you – could you please print future editions of the Breeze on softer more gentle paper please.

Sincerely yours

Paul Whitehead

Paul: Our current paper is the softest that we can print on. Sorry if it scratches you.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Canceled

It was with great disappointment that we had to cancel the Ventura Elks Club’s 32nd County Ventura St. Patrick’s Day, planned for Saturday, March 14, due to concerns surrounding the coronavirus.

We are truly sorry to have disappointed all the young families and the young at heart who come out every year, for the past 32 years, to cheer on and take part in this big, iconic holiday parade on Main Street in downtown Ventura.

We are deeply thankful for every one of the parade sponsors and participants who were ready to go on, right up till the last minute; they make this remarkable community event possible every year.

To those who paid to take part in this year’s parade, know that while we will not be returning funds this year, you are prepaid for next year. We will see you all then!!

Thank you as always for your wonderful ongoing support. Visit venturastpatricksdayparade.com for additional parade information.

Nan Drake, Jim Monahan and Brian Brennan
Co-chairs, County Ventura St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee


In our last issue there was a wrong date for Saturday April 12 it is April 11.Ventura Botanical Gardens is announcing two photography tours, both Saturday mornings on March 28 and April 11.

This is a world of action, and not for moping and groaning in.
~ Charles Dickens