Vol. 16, No. 23 – Aug 9 – Aug 22, 2023 – Mailbox


I had absolutely nothing to do with the XGames coming to Ventura, but my hat’s off and tons of Kudos for everyone involved from the Fairgrounds, to Visit Ventura, the City, Metrolink and all involved with the planning and execution. What was most fun for me, who is not into skateboarding, BMX or Motocross was to sit in my house less than 5 miles from the arena and watch the awesome coverage on ABC and ESPN. The close ups and camera angles were spectacular and gave me a complete appreciation for the competitors. Ventura, a job well done. The whole world got to see our wonderful town. Hope it can happen again.

Carl Morehouse former Mayor/Councilmember.


I was very inspired by what I saw at the X Games.

The tumultuous traffic jams  (a la Strawberry Festival) seemed to have avoided us.

Congrats for the planning, and to those who showed Ventura in such a magnificent light.

However, I am pretty sure that the millions watching the X-Games, Ventura Style, and suffering from the excruciating heat around the country, are already  making plans to sell their houses…… and move to Ventura!

Oh, dear.

On another point:  I have also been inspired to launch my very own X-Games.

The plan is to  encourage us “seniors” to skateboard and bicycle exactly the way we saw during the X Games.  (I have ruled out Motorbikes–because they are too noisy.)

I would call the event the “O-Games—   as in “Octogenarian.”

And to qualify for the O-Games, competitors must have been the recipient of new knees, hips, or shoulders (and bring a doctor’s letter along to prove it.)

I must confess, I am the recipient of one of those bionic parts–but you should see me leaping over buildings as I roar down the mostly closed Main Street on my bike!

Stay tuned.

Ivor Davis

Ivor: Sounds wonderful but I’m glad to say I still have only my natural parts but I will come out and cheer for you old folks.


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true.
~ James Branch Cabell