Vol. 10, No. 14 – April 12 – April 25, 2017 – Mailbox

To publisher

So sorry he (Scamp) is not well. Dad may have a title, but everyone knows who the real mascot of The Breeze is.

My dogs have loved meeting Scamp at various Breeze sponsored events through the years.

We are here for whatever you may need.  Sending good wishes .


HI Sheldon,

I read the Breeze today about poor Scamp.  I am so sorry.  Pets just don’t live long enough.  I am very sad for you, Diane, and Scamp.  I think even Savana will miss him.

I agree with you about the golf courses.  If we want the city to take a hit on a golf course for the benefit and draw of tourists, okay.  But we don’t need two of them.  I would like to see some of the land for one of them used as a park, and some used as a tiny house enclave for the homeless (with social services all in one place), or for veterans, or both.  I would like to see a nice bike path.  I would like to see Ventura become more friendly to RVers by having a place they could park overnight (self-contained aka boon docking) for a minimal fee, like $10 or so.  In the summer there are few options for RVers.  The beach ones are quickly filled, and the Ventura RV resort charges an outrageous $65-105 per night.  The city does not allow RVers to park anywhere in the city overnight.  We are losing this tourist biz.  If we had a reasonable place to just park overnight, we could send the trolley round there and take those tourists to where they can spend some money.

That’s my suggestion list.
Anyway, back to Scamp.  I hope this sorrowful time is not too terrible.
Alison Carlson


Thanks for your kind words about Scamp, are tough times for us. See his article for an update.

To the Editor:

The article written by “City Staff” regarding Local Home –Based Businesses is absolutely correct. “The economy gets a boost because more money spent at a local business stays in the local area. Local dollars are re-spent as payroll, goods and services……and even as donations to community charities”. Further, the article notes the multiplier effect of local dollars spent. This is the very same factual economic concept that I have written about several times, including in the Breeze, with regard to Vacation Rentals. Vacation Rentals are a negative to our economy because the owners, for the greater extent, and their booking agents reside not in Ventura but elsewhere. Some are out of the State. There is not a possibility that a vacationer, here for a week can out spend a full time resident living in that same residential home. This article points to the hypocrisy of our City Council and staff. They have ignored the beneficial economic benefit to businesses in Ventura by not allowing vacation rentals. Instead they prefer to collect a 10% “bed tax” going directly to the City coffers, and not supporting businesses for a better economy. The taxes they do collect are at the cost to neighbors living next to these quasi-hotels. What arrogance! I believe that we have had enough. It is time to change the form of government in Ventura, starting with an elected mayor. We also need to query each person running for council on there position on vacation rentals, or any other economic fallacy, and vote accordingly.

John Whitman

Ventura, Ca


There was a time that I agreed with you concerning historical buildings, but after open debates with others, I have changed my mind. Here is my reasoning.

The reason to preserve Ventura’s history is to make sure that future visitors and citizens are given a glimpse into our past way of life.

Here’s an example. Ventura at one time had so many horse hitching posts and wagon street rings that most thought nothing of removing them. There were plenty. As the years went on, we are now down to a few. Now the city puts some value on them as historical. Why ? The reason is not that they are beautiful , but because they are a historical utility item from our past way of life. They are rare now.

Just as rare are barns and carriage houses within the city limits. They were once plentiful,  but now very rare in our unique city. They are historic because they are rare.

Buildings considered for historical status should not need to be beautiful or build by noted architects. Being a rare glimpse of Ventura’s true past should be part of the consideration process. Rare is the key word.

The Top Hat may not be beautiful, but it is a rare downtown example of what our city looked like. Once gone , future visitors and citizens will not have a true historic view of our historical downtown area. So many great examples of our past are lost to short sighted business people and council members.

Change is inevitable and should be done carefully. We only have one historical downtown area. Historical areas draw tourist who bring in tourist dollars. Leave the Top Hat downtown.

Condominiums are usually never charming nor historical yet.

Mike Art

Great paper:

Just a thought City Council is wondering what to do with the 1/2c sales tax. Drive the city streets and what to do with the money will come to y’all.

Some potholes are tire eaters. Of course the money will probably go to increased salaries and perks for the bureaucrats. But it would be a nice idea to put a little down on the streets.

Charlie Hillman


Street repair is one of the things being considered for the use of the additional money. An oversite committee is being formed to watch over the City Council’s use of the money perhaps you should apply for a position on the committee.

As far as increased salaries for City Council members that won’t happen so they will just need to be happy with the $600 they get now per month (or around $5.00 per hour for the time that they spend on city and other committee matters).

A government big enough to give you everything you want,
is strong enough to take everything you have.
~ Thomas Jefferson