Vol. 10, No. 21 – July 19 – Aug 1, 2017 – Mailbox

Dear Sheldon:

Thank you again for putting Estella’s pic & plea in The Breeze(needed medical treatment). It has brought in well over $1,000 in a week … yay! The best people read The Breeze, that’s for sure.

Cappi Patterson

I second that thank you Sheldon! Such amazing and compassionate people are in the world. It helps restore my faith in humanity when I see people pull together to help the innocents. Because of your piece in the Breeze we are so close to our goal! Thank you!!!

Debi Reeves, President & Founder Buddy Nation helping the homeless dogs of Ventura

Dear Mr. Brown

Just want to say “Thanks” again for your coverage of our Harbor Gallery 1st Yr. anniversary and my exhibit at the Ojai Art Center. The pictures are great, and Mary-Jo looks wonderful! She also sends her thanks to you — we need all the publicity we can get at our little gallery and the turn out that day was terrific! We will help keep our customers aware of your special paper.

Karen Wu


I like your coverage but wish you had said Mark Watkins made $300,000 last year.

Historic Preservation is out of control and just adds cost and delay; 40 year old test is ridiculous, and notable architect is over reach ( Where is the marquee now from Mayfair Theatre that sat in the dirt for years after all the fuss and $$ the city spent in having it moved) No mention of Ventura Realty four prior suits against the city.

Mike L Merewether


A recent report paints an interesting picture of bottled water marketing practices, claiming the industry has been working to convince consumers that bottled water is more pure than tap water despite no evidence to support the claims. The report claims bottled water costs over 1000 times more than tap water per fluid ounce and uses more than 2000 times more energy to produce; the purity of tap water is better regulated and in fact, most bottled water is filtered tap water, anyway.

According to a Scientific American article, bottled water is ripping off consumers to the tune of 1900 times the cost of tap water, and bottlers aren’t revealing where their water comes from: “…18 % of the 173 bottled waters on the U.S. market today fail to list the location of their source; a third disclose nothing about the treatment or purity of the water inside their plastic bottles.” The Natural Defense Council reports that 90 percent of the money consumers pay for bottled water actually covers everything but the water itself: bottling, packaging, shipping, marketing and other expenses, and profits.

Nate Spencer-Ventura-who drinks tap water that is cold

The easiest person to deceive is one’s self.
~ Edward Bulwer-Lytton

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