Vol. 10, No. 18 – June 7 – June 20, 2017 – Mailbox

Dear Sheldon and Diane:

As a dog owner myself I share in understanding your deep sadness upon losing Scamp. Your article of looking for him and he not being there tore at my heart for you . Scamp was the lucky one to have you two as his loving parents.

Our sincerest condolences.
Teryn & Bart Bonime


As a 30 yr. resident and avid reader of the Breeze I am shocked at this article about (name withheld).  Yes sadly this is about my son. It was a rental car and not a car stolen and all this will be resolved by him and the courts.  I am writing because with so very many daily awe full confirmed crimes/stories  reported  why  you would choose to report a “non incident”  as  news worthy?  Not what I have enjoyed or known of and about the Breeze to report?

I would rather see the names and faces of people I should truly be looking out for in our neighborhoods, albeit the Ventura star helps with that.


(name withheld)


Name withheld

Why are you calling a police report an article? We write articles and just report police reports. Do you really expect us to somehow play jury and decide who in each police report is innocent or guilty? That is for a judge or jury to decide.

If this was indeed a rental car (name withheld) will be  eventually found innocent or the case won’t even go to court. When this happens please let us know and we will be happy to report that to our readers.

We have police reports in every issue that you have enjoyed.

The following is at the beginning of our police reports. “Police reports are provided to us by the Ventura Police Department and are not the opinions of the Ventura Breeze. All suspects mentioned are assumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.”

Thank you


Les asked me what I wanted for  wedding present.

“A dog.” I answered. “I want two things I never had growing up: a dog and a Christmas tree.

She moved house to house with us from Berkeley to El Cerrito to Richmond to Altadena to Los Angeles. She lived to be 12 years old. In old age she developed painful arthritis and heart problems. We opted to put her to sleep. It seemed the humane thing to do, yet I still feel guilty about that decision.

For months after she was gone, I swear I could hear the tinkle of her license hanging on her neck. I’d look around, call her name.

Es Cole

Good morning Sheldon,

I want to let you know that a contribution to Buddy Nation has been made to honor  the life and memory of precious Scamp.  We were all very saddened to read the news that Scamp had passed. I know he soared very high when he left his earthly body behind, because he was so loved.

Sending love and light for your journey of healing.

For Them

Debi Reeves, President & Founder

Buddy Nation helping the homeless dogs of Ventura

Dear Sheldon Diane and Savana:

We wanted to extend our condolences to you upon learning the Ventura Pooch Parade, that professor Scamp has crossed over the rainbow bridge.  We have enjoyed reading his column for several years and appreciated his insightful perspective on things.

In addition to his illustrious career Scamp was also a member of your family and you must miss His presence very much .

We’ve recently had to say goodbye our first dog Rosie, and  had to make difficult quality of life decisions regarding how and when to say goodbye so we can empathize with your loss .

Our deepest sympathies go out to you and your family.

Katherine Warren and Pete Dibble

There is nothing more provocative than minding your own business
~ William S. Burroughs