Vol. 14, No. 11 – Feb 24 – Mar 9, 2021 – Mailbox

Dear amazing Publisher of the Ventura Breeze:

First may I please thank you Sheldon from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the many folks who found the Ventura Parkinson’s Disease Support Group because of your incredible generosity to print our meeting notices since January, 2016! There have also been many times over the years you covered and printed special articles about the Group and our activities to help bring awareness about Parkinson’s Disease to the public, a big thank you again for being such an important part of the “support” in Support Group!

In your November 18, 2020 issue you also printed a deeply appreciated tribute to my husband Robert Jenkins who passed away last November 2 with complications of a 14-year battle with Parkinson’s Disease. Words can never express how much that tribute meant to me, our families and our Support Group family.

So, it is with a heart full of gratitude for all that you have given the Ventura Parkinson’s Disease Support Group, our Community and myself that I am writing to announce that I will be taking a sabbatical as the Volunteer Coordinator for now. I can’t imagine having gone thru the journey of Parkinson’s Disease without the support of all of our Group Members and Friends, the many presenters over the years, community support from the Lexington and the City of Ventura and your unwavering support for both Robert and I.

Jennifer Parkinson Iljin of Neuroboxing/Neurocommunity will be keeping our efforts alive and our “Group in the Loop” with upcoming zoom meetings and other amazing programs to help and support all who face the incredible challenges of living with Parkinson’s Disease. I still welcome folks to call me if they’d like to get their email address added to the list so they can stay connected if they are not already receiving our emails.

Yours truly,

Patty Jenkins

Hi, Sheldon

I just finished the latest Breeze and laughing my head off about how the lizards started the wild fires! So funny! How do come up with this far out humor? Thanks for keeping us entertained.

Judith Beay

Judith: I sniff a lot of glue. Smoking pot has lost its luster now that it is legal.



I too was shocked to find out that Rep.Greene apparently wasn’t aware that the Jewish Satellites were down just prior to & during the wildfires due to escrow negotiations with prospective buyers from a nearby galaxy hoping to join in the space x project becoming partners with Star Link.

Is it possible she is trying to cover up some new found possible evidence linking her distant cousins the “Greene Lizards, family of acting legend Sgt.Stadinkto” to the devastating fires? Let’s hope not, we don’t want any negative influence among our united, legitimately elected ones who are chosen to represent “we, the people.”

Kim Koonce

In our last issue we had the article “Humane Society of Ventura County during the Pandemic.” To adopt a pet or to make donations to the Humane Society of Ventura County these are the correct contact information   www.hsvc.org & https://www.hsvc.org/wishlist

Don’t worry if you are a kleptomaniac, you can always take something for it.
~ Robert Benchley