Vol. 15, No. 03 – Nov 3 – Nov 16, 2021 – Mailbox

Hi Sheldon, 

I would like to inform you that there is a human version of Ivermectin. (from one of Sheldon’s previous articles “Speaking of things funny, some folks who are against getting COVID vaccines, are attempting to obtain over-the-counter ivermectin to prevent COVID, which is used to de-worm horses and cows.”)

My brother came down with Covid and was prescribed Ivermectin by his medical doctor. He proceeded to follow all his doctor’s instructions and has thankfully fully recovered from Covid. I just didn’t want you to not have incomplete information and just go by what you are hearing that Ivermectin is just for animals.

Thank you for being a big supporter of women making their own person decisions, including what vaccinations to put into their bodies. 

And finally, thank you for the beautiful tribute to Suz Montgomery. Her passing has left a deep void in our community, and she will be greatly missed. 

Kathy Thomson

Note: Please do not take Ivermectin without first obtaining approval from a qualified medical professional.


It was meant to be. Moved to Ventura in April but it was my first stop at Peet’s cafe today. I saw this paper (The Breeze), and the first time I heard about New West Symphony. 

Did some research and voila, I just got my subscription confirmed. 

Thanks for the article!

Best, Brigitte Zeilinger

Dear Sheldon

The article regarding the life of Suz Montgomery was outstanding. The contributors to the article did an amazing job of describing Suz. Some of the descriptions of her were so on point; passionate, force of nature, committed, fearless advocate, etc.
Suz was a friend and the loss of this remarkable woman will have a definite impact on our community. I had the great pleasure to appear several times on Schmooze With Suz. There were never any “gotcha  questions”, just an interviewer working to bring out important information regarding the role of the Ventura County Probation Agency as an element of the criminal justice system. It was always a joy to be around Suz.  Her honesty, integrity and service to our community were truly refreshing

Alan Hammerand

I got an A in philosophy because I proved that my professor didn’t exist.
~ Judy Tenuta