Vol. 9, No. 12 – March 16 – March 29, 2016 – Mailbox

Dear Venturans and others:

An article today (Mar 8)  in the “Wealthy Doctor” by Sarah Huebscher finally exposes the criminal acts of local surgeon Aria Sabit and his pleading guilty to many charges of gross negligence in his surgery procedures and massive fraud. It is one sorry tale, except for the two MD whistle blowers, Drs. Carry Savitch and Gary Proffett. Thank you sirs.

Many local Venturans were damaged permanently by Sabit; then he went on to Michigan to repeat his crimes. Incredible.

This amazing article is a necessary read for all of us, to understand how a major hospital and profession can sink into criminal and cruel activities and keep it under raps for so long. We need local investigative reporters in our media to keep our public and private service providers honest and serving the public good. A small town like ours can have major scandals kept quite by the powers that be. We need the light of day shed on them to stay healthy and safe.

Read and be amazed:


Bob Chianese

opinion robertsonBreeze:

I see that there are new large trash cans in Marina Park.  Do you know whether they are locking so that vagrants can’t get into them?  If so I would like to suggest that State Parks and the City use them in all the parks and along the promenade.  If they lock it will go a long way toward discouraging vagrants from dumpster diving.

Murray Robertson
A Very Concerned Ventura Resident

From Nancy O’Connor, CPRP , Parks Manager  City of Ventura

The cans have locking mechanisms on them. It is our goal to continue to purchase these cans and install them where we can. We have this project as one of our high priority Capital Improvements.

Thank you

Publisher Sheldon

Page 5 opinion ” In our last issue, I spoke about the large amount…….”

Use amount if you  weigh it, use number if you count it. Did you weigh the decisions or did you count them?

Doctor Luke

Maybe I did both, but probably just used the wrong word. Good thing that we have such smart readers.

Dear Sheldon

What a wonderful surprise to see our little press release (for Parkinson’s Disease )get such special attention! Thanks so very much – you just always go above and beyond, bless your hard working heart! And I got a call last night from a dear lady in Ojai who had seen the article in the Ventura Breeze; I had not yet seen it and she said “Oh, it is a really nice article with a great picture and everything!”

BTW – LUV that caption under the brain – “Just what is going on in there?” – we always wonder that, don’t we for Parkinson’s Disease purposes. What we know for certain is that the substantia nigra cells just die off and that’s why PWPD (People With Parkinson’s Disease) need dopamine so the message can get from the brain to the muscles for bodily movement to happen. Thankfully we have at least one drug (carbi-dopa/levo dopa) that can help keep PWPD moving for many years more than they would otherwise be able to do so. As much as having this disease is beyond a bummer, at least we do have some treatment available that helps, which cannot be said for many other debilitating diseases such as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

The Ventura Parkinson’s Support Group meets every second Wednesday of the month at the Lexington Assist Living in Ventura. All of your Breeze readers are welcome to come join us.

Patty Jenkins
Coordinator – Ventura PD Support Group


“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
~ Will Rogers