Category Archives: The Pet Page

Vol. 11, No. 8 – Jan 17 – Jan 30, 2018 – The Pet Page

• SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income cat and dog friends.

In the SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main) Friday, February 2nd.

Please call to schedule an appointment 584-3823.

The proceeds from The Spirits Car Club of Ventura event went to CARL and VCAS.

• The Spirits Car Club of Ventura recently held the Splinter Nationals event with proceeds going to Canine Adoption and Rescue League (CARL) and Ventura County Animal Services (VCAS). On Sat., De. 30th a few of the members presented Mary Saputo, CARL’s president with a check from the event. Also present was Sharon Clark, Executive Director, staff, a few volunteers and 2 CARL mascots, Ava the Chow and Bruno, the American Staffordshire/Terrier mix.

Please visit the CARL website for more loveable, adoptable dogs at

• In our last issue we inserted some wrong information in this article so here it is corrected.

by Jim Reilly President National Police Dog Foundation

Another exciting and challenging year is almost over, and with your help, we are already planning and working on projects for next year.

2017 has been a wonderful growth year for us, but with growth comes challenges. Our efforts to expand and become a meaningful national foundation for police K-9s has become a reality. Some new 2017 sponsors include national corporations such as Purina, McDonalds, and Petplan.

Thanks to our new marketing efforts and sponsors, our services are now reaching into even the smallest police departments across the country. While this is good news, and our fundraising efforts have grown, unfortunately so have the requests for financial assistance from these departments.

We need your help. We still have a shortfall in 2017 of $28,000, and desperately need to raise funds by year-end to fulfill emergency K-9 medical requests.

In planning for the 2018 needs of our nationwide police departments, we anticipate having to fund the following requests for assistance:

– Purchasing: 10 grant requests for new police K-9s

– Training: 20 grant requests for police K-9s and handlers

– Medical: 20 grant requests for medical assistance and emergency veterinary care

– Retired Medical: 10 grant requests for retired medical care

– Health Insurance: In 2018, we hope to grant at least 10 annual Police K-9 health insurance plans

– Heat Alarm: In 2018, we hope to save even more K-9 lives and give out 10 police vehicle heat alarms grants

While it is gratifying that agencies have increasingly come to rely on the National Police Dog Foundation to help provide for their needs, it is daunting to come up with the necessary funds to respond to the ever-increasing requests of these agencies. If our forecast holds true, we will need to raise over $270,000 in 2018 to meet expected needs.

And so we turn to you, our friends, to help these amazing K-9 heroes. We need your help in this time of need to ensure the safety of our communities. In addition, please keep NPDF in mind when creating your estate planning. If you need help with this, please contact us.

Most of the Police K-9’s deeds of valor go unreported, much less remembered. Often times, we are their only voice. Please look into your heart to see how you can help. Your generous, tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated and will go directly to support Police K-9s.

Search Dog Riley searches the wreckage of a home in Montecito. Photo by Mike Eliason/Santa Barbara County Fire.

Thank you for allowing me to share our needs with you. To donate please go to, as every dollar helps. The National Police Dog Foundation is an all-volunteer foundation ensuring your donation is applied entirely to the benefit of Police K-9s.

• Just over 48 hours after a wall of mud and debris slammed into homes in Montecito there were 16 SDF(Search Dog Foundation) trained Canine Disaster Search Teams in action around-the-clock searching for survivors. The Search Teams, along with their Task Force teammates from throughout California, continue to comb the debris and slog through the mud to ensure that no one is left behind.

Monday afternoon, prior to the mudslide, Search Dog Foundation-trained Search Teams Eric Gray & Riley and Wade Haller & Rex staged for deployment as heavy rains were expected to soak the recent Thomas Fire burn areas in southern Santa Barbara County. After the mudslides destroyed several homes and pushed debris across Highway 101, all the way to the ocean, the teams went to work searching for survivors.

Mojo- Mojo needs immediate surgery.

• Mojo needs immediate surgery to repair his badly injured right hind knee hurt during the Thomas Fire evacuation. Two years ago Mojo’s buddy Shalisa suffered a debilitating equine accident. During eight challenging years taken for her recovery, Mojo kept Shalisa going with unconditional love and constant companionship. Because of unrelenting financial demands during her recovery, Shalisa now lacks funds for Mojo’s surgery for his right leg and to stabilize his left leg. Dr. Holsworth, at Vet Surg in Ventura, evaluates Mojo as being in the prime of his life and most capable of making full recovery. Buddy Nation, a Ventura non-profit is helping Shalisa raise funds. Those who know and love Mojo will be forever grateful for whatever donation you can make.

Vol. 11, No. 7 – Jan 3 – Jan 16, 2018 – The Pet Page

• by Jim Reilly President National Police Dog Foundation

When we evacuated from our National Training Center (NTC) campus on the night of December 4, we weren’t sure if we would have a home to come back to after the devastating Thomas Fire swept through our canyon.

We are so grateful to everyone who has supported us during this difficult time and we know that many of you have wanted to help in some way. Our goal is to stay the course and move ahead into 2018, focused on recruiting more rescued dogs, forming more new Search Teams and welcoming more veteran Teams to train onsite than ever before.

All the while, we will be cleaning up and rebuilding the parts of the NTC that were lost to the Thomas Fire, including Search City, parts of Industrial Park and our campus in general.

We still have a job to do and will continue to put all donations to good use. All gifts will help strengthen our operations as we move forward, including our recovery and rebuilding efforts.

Thanks to our new marketing efforts and sponsors, our services are now reaching into even the smallest police departments across the country.

National Training Center dogs had a home to return to after the Thomas Fire swept through their facility. They evacuated the Center and were happy that some of it remained to start the re-building.

In planning for the 2018 needs of our nationwide police departments, we anticipate having to fund the following requests for assistance:

– Purchasing: 10 grant requests for new police K-9s

– Training: 20 grant requests for police K-9s and handlers

– Medical: 20 grant requests for medical assistance and emergency veterinary care

– Retired Medical: 10 grant requests for retired medical care

– Health Insurance: In 2018, we hope to grant at least 10 annual Police K-9 health insurance plans

– Heat Alarm: In 2018, we hope to save even more K-9 lives and give out 10 police vehicle heat alarms grants

While it is gratifying that agencies have increasingly come to rely on the National Police Dog Foundation to help provide for their needs, it is daunting to come up with the necessary funds to respond to the ever-increasing requests of these agencies. If our forecast holds true, we will need to raise over $270,000 in 2018 to meet expected needs.

The National Police Dog Foundation is an all-volunteer foundation ensuring your donation is applied entirely to the benefit of Police K-9s. To donate go to or mail check to National Police Dog Foundation 2390-C Las Posas Rd. Suite #477 Camarillo, CA 93010.

•Mandy Grier has a special bond with her yellow Labrador retriever — the dog is trained to alert Grier, an insulin-dependent diabetic, that her blood sugar is beginning to dip.

“She’s been a godsend,” said Grier of her canine companion of nearly three years. “She has definitely made it easier on me.” Mylow is trained to alert Grier when her blood sugar drops to 80.

“The first time she did it at home it was pretty amazing,” said Grier. Through her keen sense of smell, Mylow is able to detect that Grier’s glucose level is dropping.

The dog raises her tail, locks up like a statue and stares directly at Grier until she tests her blood sugar.

The downside is that a dog like this can cost as much as $25,000.

• Did you ever wonder if anything is going on while dog is sleeping and dreaming? According to a new study they may be learning, Researchers in Hungary trained 15 pet dogs to sit and lie down using English phrases instead of their Hungarian.

Afterward, the scientists attached small electrodes to the dogs’ heads to record their brain activity while they slept. Electroencephalograms (EEGs) showed that during 3-hour naps, the dogs’ brains experienced brief, repeated moments of “slow-wave” brain activity lasting several minutes. Nested within these slower oscillations, were “sleep spindles,” bursts of activity lasting 0.5 to 5 seconds that look like a train of fast, rhythmic waves on EEG recordings—and are known to support memory, learning, general intelligence, and healthy aging in humans and rats.

But this is the first time they’ve been studied in detail in dogs. The scientists discovered that the number of spindle sessions per minute correlated with how well the dogs learned their new, foreign vocabulary.

•A recent study found dogs to be “smarter” than cats. But one of the scientists who conducted the research says it’s not quite that simple.

“We did not study their behavior, so we make any claims about how intelligent they are,” researcher Suzana Herculano-Houzel, an associate professor at Vanderbilt University, stated.

Although they didn’t observe behavior, Herculano-Houzel and her colleagues did observe the number of neurons in the brains of different animals, including two dogs and a cat. “We count cells by dissolving the brains ― literally turning them into soup ― then counting floating neuronal nuclei under the microscope,” she said.

She noted that the dogs and cat used in the study had died of natural causes and their bodies were donated to science. The researchers found that dogs have “about twice as many neurons in the cerebral cortex as cats do.”

She acknowledged that the researchers’ sample size was small. But in this case that doesn’t really make a difference. Since neurons are the brain’s “information-processing units. Whatever species has the most neurons in the cerebral cortex is therefore expected to be capable of more complex and flexible behavior.”

The study suggests that dogs have the “biological capability” for more complex and flexible behavior than cats. But researchers still can’t be sure whether dogs are using that capability to its full potential.

But raccoons were the huge surprise,” Herculano-Houzel said. “They have cat-sized brains, but with dog-like numbers of neurons, which places them on par with primates, who as a whole have lots of neurons crammed in small brains.”

Vol. 11, No. 6 – Dec 20, 2017 – Jan 2, 2018 – The Pet Page is a good place to help with your missing pet.

• Some veterinarians are offering their services for free during these times for our displayed and for pets without a home to call their own. Check with your vet to find out.

• by Jennifer Tipton

On Thursday, Dec. 7th I visited the Ventura County Fairgrounds located at our beautiful Seaside Park, one of three shelters set up by the American Red Cross.

People weren’t the only ones being cared for, there were about 150 horses in the stables and in a separate building, managed by American Kennel Club Pet Disaster Relief, they housed about 150 dogs, 150 cats, birds, guinea pigs, hamsters and one very large desert tortoise. Carmen from Ventura County Animal Services said they had taken in a total of 703 animals! The animals appeared very well cared for, each in crates covered with blankets for a sense of security and the dogs were being walked twice daily. “The animals will be cared for until the owner comes for them, if no one comes, they are transferred to the Camarillo Animal Shelter where we will phone, email and send letters to contact the owners, after 10 days, if no one comes for them, the animals will be put up for adoption”, Carmen said. The Camarillo shelter is a “no kill” shelter, one of the largest in So. California.

• Canine Adoption & Rescue League has a boarding kennel/sanctuary in Santa Paula. In the first days of the fire they sheltered 50 of SPARC’s (Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center) dogs and 8 of Santa Paula’s pets.

“This service was offered at no cost to the organizations, although considerable expenditure on CARL’s part. All the dogs were well and safely cared for and “weathered” the experience well. “stated C.A.R.L. President “Mary Saputo.“

The organization welcomes and relies on the generosity of dog welfare advocates to continue its mission. To learn more about C.A.R.L., how to donate, how to adopt, or how to volunteer, visit or call 644-PETS.

The National Training Center Search City has burned to the ground, with only remnants of the buildings and vehicles that made up the mini disaster neighborhood remaining.

• The National Training Center (NTC) campus, at 6800 Wheeler Canyon Rd., Santa Paula lost much, but not all of their buildings.

All of their main buildings – the Welcome Center, Handlers’ Lodge, Canine Pavilion and Caretaker’s Quarters – were unscathed, as were the Showgrounds, Canine Memorial Wall, and Guardian Glade.

The train car at the top of the Train Wreck prop was burned and will no longer be usable and, sadly, the historic Boone’s Cabin, containing relics from over one hundred years of history is completely gone.

They stated “We look forward to having you continue on this journey with us as we get back on our paws and continue fulfilling our mission of strengthening disaster response in America.”

SDF Headquarters 6800 Wheeler Canyon Rd., Santa Paula, CA 93060 888-4K9HERO.

The Humane Society of Ventura County has taken in hundreds of animals displaced by the Thomas Fire. The animals, being housed at the HSVC’s Ojai shelter, all are safe and in good shape, but funds are critically needed to maintain their care, as the evacuations wear on and the animals have nowhere else to go.

“The shelter has been staffed 24/7 since the fire began on Monday night,” said Greg Cooper, the HSVC’s director of community outreach. “Donations are pouring in and are greatly appreciated, but the need is monumental and ongoing.”

The HSVC has set up a donation link on its website so all funds go toward Thomas Fire Relief:

To donate: go to

To volunteer: Email Amanda Volden at [email protected]

To drop off food and supplies: Go to the Ojai shelter, at 402 Bryant St.

For additional inquiries: Email Greg Cooper at [email protected]

As told by Finnegan – Quartermaster of the Luna Sea to Jennifer Tipton

My name is Finnegan and I am 2 years old. I was rescued from the Ojai Animal Shelter October 10, 2017 by Lisa Barrick and Shawn Taylor. Lisa and Shawn had sold just about everything they owned to buy a 43-foot Hunter Sailboat they call the Luna Sea. It’s been their home in the Ventura Harbor since 2016 and now it’s my home too.

On Monday night, December 4th, strong Santa Ana winds started up and we were rocking quite a bit, I could hear the halyard lines slapping up against the main sails, it sounded like a halyard symphony! Then all the power went out and we popped up topside to have a look, with all the pitching and yawing,

Captain Shawn insisted I wear my personal flotation device in case I got tossed overboard. We noticed that all the lights in the Harbor were out and it was very dark, but we still didn’t know there was a fire until morning when Captain Shawn and First Mate Lisa could see the flames at sunrise. By then, there was a heavy layer of smoke hovering over the harbor, ash falling and a lot of dust from the fields across the way.

Our boat neighbors told us that many owners of the boat slips here invited evacuees from the fire to stay on their boats and the Marina’s office manager allowed many others to stay in the parking lot in their RVs.

By Friday, December 8th, it felt calm, but there was still heavy smoke in the air, so we stayed indoors. We did get a lot of debris in our slip like burnt pieces of wood and tree limbs, but we felt safe because we were surrounded by nature’s fire retardant!

Cooper wants to share some puppy love with fire victims

Occupational therapist Lauren Taluy and her registered therapy dog Cooper are available to visit places supporting displaced families for Cooper to share some puppy love with those affected by the fires. Cooper is 10 years old and has been with Lauren since he was 8 weeks old, which is when he began his life as a therapy dog. Cooper’s family lives in Ventura and includes Lauren’s husband Timur and her 2 children, 4 year old Ellie and 2 year old Hudson. Please contact Lauren at 805-300-8103 or email [email protected] to arrange for a visit from Cooper.

Vol. 11, No. 5 – Dec 6 – Dec 19, 2017 – The Pet Page

•  Purrs & Paws Holiday Boutique returns to Ojai for the Sixth annual Humane Society fundraiser slated for Dec. 16. Over 30 vendors will offer a vast variety of holiday gifts for people and pets, at the Humane Society of Ventura County’s holiday boutique.

The boutique will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Chaparral Auditorium in Ojai, at 414 E. Ojai Ave. Newly added this year is a Vintage Market, on the lawn next to the auditorium.

All proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the nonprofit HSVC.

With over 5,000 supporters, and marking its 85th year, the HSVC is committed to making this holiday market the best one yet. New and returning vendors will be featured.

Admission to this family-friendly event is free and open to the public.

For more information, contact Heather Rowe at [email protected] or 646-6505.

• The Teague Mansion in Santa Paula is the venue for Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center’s (SPARC’s) gala fundraising evening on December 8. The themed event is a 1930s murder mystery, featuring a theatrical production with plenty of intrigue. All proceeds from ticket sales and the silent auction will go toward medical costs and daily care of the animals at SPARC.

The evening includes a light buffet supper, beverages and a theatrical murder mystery filled with fun and drama. Tickets are $125 per person and can be purchased at (Eventbrite link).

“Feed me”

Many people are unaware that being a “no kill” shelter adds a high cost to running a shelter, since every animal, no matter how sick or injured, receives appropriate vet care. Every effort is made to give the animals a second chance at life at SPARC.

SPARC’s cost to run a “No Kill, No Excuses” shelter is $1.4 million per year; the city of Santa Paula contributes just over $100,000 of that. SPARC relies on grants and donations from the public.

Medical staffing and veterinary care alone is around $500,000, so it is vital to have the support of people who believe in the no-kill mission by buying their tickets to the 1930s murder mystery event and supporting other SPARC fundraising efforts.

• The FDA says it has received about 68 reports of pet illnesses, and even deaths, related to bone treats. Some of the reports involved more than one dog; a total of about 90 animals have been affected.

About 15 dogs have died of the illnesses, the agency said.

These treats differ from uncooked, butcher-type bones because they are processed and packaged for sale as dog treats. The products may be dried through a smoking process or by baking, and may contain other ingredients such as preservatives, seasonings or smoke flavorings.

Different types of bone treats for dogs, including treats described as “Ham Bones,” “Pork Femur Bones,” “Rib Bones,” and “Smokey Knuckle Bones,” were listed in the illness reports.

“Giving your dog a bone treat might lead to an unexpected trip to your veterinarian, a possible emergency surgery, or even death for your pet,” stated Carmela Stamper, a veterinarian in the Center for Veterinary Medicine at the FDA.

Vol. 10, No. 4 – Nov 22 – Dec 5, 2017 – The Pet Page

•  Sponsorship makes an ideal gift at any time of the year for an animal-loving friend or relative – birthdays, holidays, as a ‘thank you’ gift, or simply to say ‘I love you’! — either for a cat lover who has everything, or for friends and family members who love making a difference in the lives of animals. Your sponsorship gift of $25 or more, helps a cat or kitten awaiting adoption into a forever home. When you sponsor a cat or kitten as a gift, you will receive a certificate to the recipient and include both of you in the monthly Surfcat Mewsletter mailing. You can choose the message or dedication you want on the certificate.

Surfcat … Providing compassionate care and community connections for cats in need of forever homes. or 500-7125

“I’m as cute as a dog so may I take a tennis ball?”

•  In honor of America Recycles Day, the Canine Adoption and Rescue League (CARL)is accepting redeemable bottles and cans at their kennels located at 901 Mission Rock Road, Santa Paula. All proceeds from the recycling of plastic bottles and aluminum cans goes back to the kennel to help the dogs living in the sanctuary. CARL has been helping homeless dogs in Ventura County for the past 20 years. Alternatively, drop off the clean redeemable bottles and cans to the donation basket inside the back door of Pet Barn at 3203 E.Main.

•  While the holidays can be the most wonderful time of year for people, it can be one of the most dangerous for pets.

Dr. Ryan Keane at Eastown Veterinary Clinic in Grand Rapids says pet owners should be aware of the health and safety hazards that are lurking in their homes during the holidays.

In addition to the obvious things an ingredient called Xylitol can be fatal, even in small doses.

In less than 24 hours, Xylitol can result in liver failure. The ingredient is becoming more popular in foods like peanut butter and sugar-free candies and gums.

When you decorate your tree, keep the tinsel off branches that are close to the ground, where your cat can easily grab them. “They have barbs on their tongue that point backwards so if they get a piece of string or tinsel on their tongue, they kind of have to swallow it. It can’t come back out,” Dr. Keane says.

We’re all guilty of sneaking a treat or two under the table, but keep in mind that a small portion for us can be a calorie overload for your animal. “Very small amounts are fine, the problem is when everybody wants to give that animal a small amount at family gatherings it’s all cumulative and adds up,” Dr. Keane says.

Dr. Keane suggests keeping an extra eye on your pet after you have company over and if they’re acting abnormally, it may be a sign they were exposed to something toxic. If you see this immediately get the pet to their vet.

•  Experts have known for some time that dogs have poor vision, and are up to eight times worse than humans at seeing things in deta.

Scientists have developed a test for dogs and found that they struggle to tell red and green apart, much like color blind humans, a condition known as deuteranopia.

So they can hardly see a red ball on the green grass.

This is important for people directly involved in dog training but also for fols who want to improve their dog’s attentive skills during some activities such as play. If at the park and you want to get your dog to bring back a ball falling on the green grass it would be better if you thought of using blue instead of red toys.

•  Dog owners have a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease or other causes, a study of 3.4 million Swedes has found. The team analyzed national registries for people aged 40 to 80, and compared them to dog ownership registers.

They found there was a lower risk of cardiovascular disease in humans of dogs, particularly of hunting breeds. Researchers said it may be active people who choose to have dogs.

“The results showed that single dog owners had a 33% reduction in risk of death and 11% reduction in risk of heart attack,” compared to single non-owners, said lead study author Mwenya Mubanga of Uppsala University.

Dr Mubanga said: “Perhaps a dog may stand in as an important family member in the single households.”

For their study, published in Scientific Reports, the team looked at data from 2001 to 2012. In Sweden, every visit to a hospital is recorded in national databases – while dog ownership registration has been mandatory since 2001.

Owning a dog from breeds originally bred for hunting, such as terriers, retrievers and scent hounds, was associated with the lowest risk of cardiovascular disorder.

•  Thirty-five dogs found inside robbery suspects home

By Victoria Usher

Inside the home of 72-year-old Robert Bustamante Flores, Corona bank robbery suspect, authorities discovered thirty-five dogs being kept in horrible conditions. They had been locked inside the home all day and all night, every single day. Animal Control officers were able to save the dogs, seven of them being small puppies and then took all of them to the Corona Animal Shelter so that they could be evaluated and fed.

Flores told detectives that twenty-six dogs were living inside his home when they asked him about the robbery. Once a search warrant was obtained four animal control officers and investigators searched the house together and found thirty-five dogs along with possible evidence of robbery. The good news is those dogs are now safe and have very recently become available for adoption! Hopefully they will all find their forever homes soon!

•  A local Lancaster dog has won the 18th annual AKC Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE) in the Search and Rescue category! Each year the AKC® Humane Fund celebrates five loyal, hard-working dogs that have significantly improved the lives of their owners and communities. “Piglet,” a Lancaster Search & Rescue dog has brought closure to many grieving families.

“Piglet,” a six-year-old Catahoula Leopard Dog, is rigorously trained and certified to find human remains on land and in water. Each year Piglet and handler, Lori Wells spend hundreds of hours training, testing, and answering the call of duty for law enforcement agencies in California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. At nearly 7 years old, Piglet has built a reputation as an unparalleled search resource.

Piglet is unique not only for her diligent work ethic and talented nose, but also for her infectious ‘smile’. She always lights up the room at community events and fundraisers and is happy to make new friends, human and canine alike.

Vol. 10, No. 3 – Nov 8 – Nov 21, 2017 – The Pet Page

Thank you to Chuck Bowman for once again providing his services as maybe the best Santa in town!

The Humane Society of Ventura County’s annual Santa Paws holiday photo shoot is almost upon us. On Sunday, Nov. 19, the Ventura Beach Marriott will host the popular event, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Two weeks later, on Sunday, Dec. 3, the HSVC Shelter will host a second Santa Paws pet photo shoot, also from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The shelter event will additionally feature a marketplace, where you can get some holiday shopping done while you wait, from the many local vendors who’ll be on hand selling quality goods. Plus, the shelter event will once again include its popular bake sale, where delicious handmade goodies will be available to purchase for your enjoyment. All proceeds from these events benefit the animals of the HSVC.

Adults and children are welcome to pose in their pets’ photos – with or without Santa. The shelter will have many festive pet costumes to doll up your pets if you are in the mood. In addition to cats and dogs, pocket pets, reptiles, rabbits and birds are all welcome!

Holiday photo shoot packages start at $30 and include five to 10 images. For a larger donation, you also will have access to some wonderful HSVC keepsakes, including a 2018 HSVC calendar. All images will be provided on-site on USB flash drives.

For over 30 years, the Humane Society of Ventura County Santa Paws has been providing high-quality holiday family portraits for county residents and beyond. “Having helped with Santa Paws since 1990, I can tell you this is one very fun event – and it’s especially fun for us to see the families grow through the years,” said Greg Cooper, HSVC Director of Community Outreach and official photographer for the event.

• “Piglet,” a six-year-old Catahoula Leopard Dog, is rigorously trained and certified to find human remains on land and in water. Each year Piglet and handler, Lori Wells spend hundreds of hours training, testing, and answering the call of duty for law enforcement agencies in California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. At nearly 7 years old, Piglet has built a reputation as an unparalleled search resource. Read more about her in the next Ventura Breeze.

Four-footed “ghosts,” “spirits” and all manner of costumed canines paraded through Ventura Harbor Village on Saturday, October 21 as the 5th Annual Ventura Harbor Village HOWL-O-Ween Dog Costume Contest was held. Alyssa Clark and Tootsie, a 7 pound Chihuahua/Poodle/Yorkie mix were one of the winners. Tootsie is just over one year old and is dressed as a bundle of grapes with her own wine. Tootsie is too young to drink.


On October 28 the Pierpont Racquet Club held their 1st Annual Pooch Costume Parade. Dogs of all shapes and colors were entered as they paraded through the Club and were sure not to bark in order to not distract the players. Fun prizes and refreshments for pooches and their buddies were provided.

Vol. 10, No. 2 – Oct 25 – Nov 7, 2017 – The Pet Page

“Now that I have herded these wild animals at the Highland Games I can take a nap”

•  The Herman Bennett Foundation is having their 4th Annual “Haunted Dinner, Magic, and Dancing” at the Bard Mansion October 28, from 6:00 pm – 10:00pm.

This fundraiser is to support these dog programs:

Help Military Dogs with their medical needs when they return from service

Ventura Police K-9 Unit (not paid for by the City)

Ventura County Animal Services (VCAS) Camarillo Shelter, a “No Kill” shelter

Vouchers for Low income families Spay/Neuter (cats & dogs) & Feral cats

Support of Animal Rescue Groups

This exclusive fundraising event has grown in both popularity and exposure over the past 3 years.

The event is held at the Historic Bard Mansion on the Port Hueneme Naval Base. It includes a formal sit down dinner, wine and beverages, Magician Bob Bolivar, Ghost Hunters Richard & Debbie Senate, live music by CosoLive, laughs provided by comedian Jason Love, a charity raffle and so much more!

“Walking of the dogs on the Promenade” by Murray Robertson.

Tickets are $140 each, 6 or more tickets are only $100 each.

Call 445-7171 to reserve or visit our website:

Sponsorship opportunities may still be available! See website for details.

•  Many humans aren’t aware of the Halloween dangers to their loving pets. All that candy might be lethal for pet dogs and cats. They can’t metabolize candy like humans.

Chocolates contain caffeine and a compound called theobromine, which can be toxic in certain doses to both dogs and cats. Cats (poor things)can’t taste sweet so aren’t necessarily as drawn to chocolate as dogs. Theobromine is more concentrated in darker chocolates so that type is particularly bad.

Symptoms of eating chocolate are vomiting, diarrhea, trembling and hyperactivity.

Xylitol, a sugar substitute found in some sugarless gums and candies can cause hypoglycemia, seizures and even liver failure in dogs. Symptoms of xylitol poisoning can include vomiting, weakness and lack of coordination.

It important to keep candy secured in a location above the animal’s reach and make sure they aren’t there when you spread it out all over the floor.

Wrappers can also be a problem for pets, especially for cats that love to play with them

Many pet stores stock up on safe seasonal and Halloween treats so check them out.

•  A tribute to Mom Cat by Cappi Patterson.

My precious little feral whom I fed for 10 years … she walked down the
block with me at night to her feeding place … meowing and holding her
tail straight up as she pranced along.
Mom Cat was killed by a hit and run driver.
Rest in Peace, Mom Cat. You were very loved.

•  There have now been a total of 7 SDF (National Disaster Search Dog Foundation) trained Search Teams deployed to Mexico City for the earthquake that struck the region and another 5 SDF Teams in Puerto Rico to assist in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

The two- and four-legged rescuers that have deployed to help them are well-trained and prepared for whatever they may face. We wish them luck in their rescue operations and know that these teams will do all that they can to help those in need.

•  Lung cancer is the biggest cause of cancer death in New Zealand largely because it is often detected late, but now Waikato University researchers believe dogs could be the key to saving lives (just another wonderful thing that dogs can do).

Dr Tim Edwards and his team are training pet dogs, including his own dog Tui, to sniff breath and saliva samples from the Waikato District Health board’s respiratory clinic.

“We will bring those breath and saliva samples into the lab and will have the dogs here evaluate those samples and see if they can tell us which ones are cancer positive and which ones are cancer negative,” stated Dr. Edwards.

Sensitive snouts are a well-known weapon in biosecurity, rescue operations and bomb detection.

And studies even suggest dogs may be able to sniff out even the lowest concentrations of aromatic compounds that come from tumors.

Here the focus will be on people with suspected lung cancer – one of New Zealand’s biggest killers.

“When the dogs sniff they are breaking an infrared beam and if they don’t like what’s in there, if it’s negative, they activate this switch which goes to the next sample, and if their nose stays in and breaks the beam for long enough it’s considered a positive sample and it’s treat time,” Dr Edwards said.

“The promise this technology brings is quick and cheap cancer detection solutions.”

Dr Edwards says one of the first things people ask him is what are the dogs smelling.

“They’re probably actually smelling a whole bouquet of compounds, and each dog’s definition is likely to be a bit different.”

He is using a range of pet dogs. “It’s not about the breed, as all dogs have ridiculously sensitive olfaction. It’s about their temperament and willingness to work,” he said.

Vol. 11, No.1 – Oct 11 – Oct 24, 2017 – The Pet Page

•  Scamp didn’t make it to this anniversary issue, but if he had we are sure this is what he would have said.

I wrote for the Ventura Breeze for over nine years and enjoyed every minute of it. I was just a puppy when I started (about 30 years old in doggy years).

I want to thank my remarkable publisher-editor for giving me the opportunity to write for the Breeze after graduating from Furry State University in journalism. My mom wanted me to be a K9, but I felt that I was too small for the job.

Thanks to my great readers, Scampclub members, and Savana for leaving me alone while I was working at the computer. And for those of you that voted for me as President. Don’t you wish that I had won? And especially the advertisers that supported my page and continue to do so.

I am proud to have presented so many animals for adoption and for the many that were adopted.

My Scampclub members included dogs, cats, birds, a pig and even an elephant.

Doggy heaven is real nice. They feed us whatever we want, take us on long walks, and there are a lot of cute female French poodles for me to sniff. Fire hydrants are all over the place but I don’t use them.

I hope that you still enjoy reading the Pet Page but probably miss my funny little comments.

I miss you all and hope that you are doing well and am glad that the Pet Page continues in my memory.

•  The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (SDF) opened the nation’s very first facility designed specifically for disaster search dogs and their handlers on September 23, 2017. Using 21 years of collective deployment experience gathered from canine disaster search teams and experts across the country, the National Training Center now gives former shelter dogs a place to call home while they transform into search dogs. It also provides search teams with experience in deployment simulations before they ever set foot at the site of a disaster.

Located in the foothills of Santa Paula (it seems like Ventura), the National Training Center provides unique training props, including: a large rubble pile that simulates debris similar to the World Trade Center; Search City, a mini urban “town” that allows teams to search inside and outside of damaged buildings; and even a train wreck consisting of three decommissioned train cars.

SDF recruits, trains and provides Search Dogs at no cost to Search and Rescue Task Forces. Ongoing Advanced Training support is also provided. SDF has a lifetime care commitment, assuring all SDF dogs, even those unable to complete training, will be provided a loving home throughout their lives.

Vol. 10, No. 26 – Sept 27 – Oct 10, 2017 – The Pet Page

•SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income cat and dog friends.

In the SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main) Friday, October 13th.

Please call to schedule an appointment 584-3823.

•Who Let the Dogs Out 5K on Sat. Oct. 7, 4-8 pm in the Ventura Harbor.

Calling all runners for the 1st annual Who Let The Dogs Out 5K. 100% of net proceeds goes towards the Ventura Police Department K9 Unit. Specifically, the money will be used to purchase medical insurance for all of the VPD K9’s. The VPD K9 Unit is not covered by taxpayer funding and relies exclusively on fundraisers and donations.

The 5K is more of an adventure race as it is run on the sand in Ventura Harbor at sunset! All participants will receive a free event shirt, post-race meal provided by the Harbor Cove Cafe, live music, and a beautiful oceanfront course on the sand. There will also be over 30 vendor booths, good food, and family fun! See the ad in this issue for more information.

•One of the most difficult tasks veterinarians must perform is telling people when their pets have a serious disease, especially when the owner has recently experienced the loss of a loved one, says veterinarian Sean Owens, a professor of clinical pathology at the University of California at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. Research published in the Veterinary Record found pet owners caring for a sick animal have elevated stress levels, general symptoms of depression and anxiety, and poor quality of life similar to people caring for sick human loved ones. It didn’t take research to discover this.

•A bill requiring pet stores to only sell certain rescue animals could make California the first state to do such a thing as the legislation headed to Gov. Brown’s desk Thursday.

California could be the first in the country to ban the sale of animals from puppy mills or mass breeding operations. Animal rights groups cheered the bill, which was written by Assemblyman Patrick O’Donnell (D-Long Beach).

Private breeders would still be allowed to sell dogs, cats and rabbits directly to people, but pet stores would be required to work with shelters and rescue operations to sell those same animals.

The bill would also require the stores to keep public records that show where each dog, cat or rabbit came from. A violation would mean a $500 fine.

Supporters of the legislation said it will encourage families and individuals to work with breeders or adopt pets in shelters as well as ensure the animals are healthy and sold humanely.

But not everyone supports the bill. Dustin Siggins, director of communications for Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, said businesses could lose money or even their livelihood if the law is enacted. He also said some consumers are worried they won’t have protections that pet stores can offer.

Thirty-six cities in California, including Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Francisco already have similar bans in place, but no statewide bans exist.

•Meet the dogs of Wildwood Correctional Center in Kenai.

“Taz, can you sit down? Do you want a treat?” said Ernie Rogers, an inmate at Wildwood, to his dog, Taz. “Can you sit? Can you give me a paw?”

He and staff said having Taz around for the past seven months has made Rogers more patient, calm, and responsible. He said he’s even kept his cool at the most trying times, like when the dog accidentally broke the TV he saved up for 6 months to buy.

It was frustrating, but he knew 114-pound Taz didn’t mean it, so he learned to forgive.

The new friendship is helping Rodgers counteract the effects of his negative childhood.

The Special Pet Obedience and Training program started at Wildwood in 2013.

The dogs are rescue animals, and inmates pay for the animal’s food and medical care themselves by selling things like food and personal items to other inmates through internal organizations.

Most research on dog training programs in prisons, including a large analysis published in the Prison Journal, shows that they have positive impacts on inmate behavior and help them increase their self-control.

That’s the effect dog training had on Jonathan Norton, who learned to work with the animals when he was an inmate at an Arizona prison years ago and is one of the main trainers at Wildwood.

“I come with a positive approach regardless of how the person is coming at me,” Norton said. “Then, it’s very less likely that anything negative will happen.”

Wildwood superintendent Shannon McCloud started the program because she wanted to keep people busy, and she loves dogs.

She said having them around makes everyone happy, including the staff. She’s seen how the dogs can completely transform inmates, which improves the overall environment in the prison.

“I mean they’re so respectful because they don’t want to lose the dog,” she said. “They’re very good with staff. Very tuned in with the dog. They know the life the dog has had probably wasn’t good, and they want to make their life better.”

Research supports McCloud’s observations, too. Though studies on the programs have limits because of the small sample sizes and few control groups, they found that dog training in prisons reduces recidivism and improves the behavior of long-term prisoners.

In recent weeks, a total of 26 SDF (Search Dog Foundation)trained Search Teams from across the country responded to hurricanes and the deadly earthquake near Mexico City.

•We don’t usually think of adorable puppies as disease carriers but they might actually be making people sick. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating a Campylobacter outbreak in people and its link to puppies purchased from a chain of pet stores.

According to the CDC, at least 39 people across seven states have confirmed or suspected cases of Campylobacter bacteria, which can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. While the investigation is ongoing, federal officials have linked it to contact with puppies sold by Petland, a chain of pet stores based in Ohio.

Twelve of the confirmed cases are in Petland employees, and 27 other people who fell ill either visited a Petland, recently purchased a puppy there, or visited or live in a home with a Petland puppy. According to the CDC’s announcement, nine people have been hospitalized and there are no reported deaths.

Petland is cooperating with officials in the investigation. In a statement, the company writes, “The CDC has not identified any failures of Petland’s operating system that would lead to any Campylobacter infection.” The company says that accordance with the CDC’s advice, they will continue their efforts to encourage handwashing after contact with puppies.

While the exact cause of this outbreak is not known, there are a few possible reasons the puppies could be sick. Shelley Rankin, an associate professor of microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine, says that the biggest risk factor is that they’re puppies. Like small children, puppies don’t have a strong immune system and can more easily get sick. Rankin says that she’s seen many outbreak investigations, and it can be difficult to pin down the exact cause.