Category Archives: Mailbox

Vol. 13, No. 1 – Oct 9 – Oct 22, 2019 – Mailbox


My Opinion on gas prices and taxes is that we are getting screwed…again, and the roads are not getting any better. Folks should pay better attention during midterm elections and not bow down to the promise of road and highway fixes and hope for the best, the last gas tax vote was a huge sham and now we as voters don’t have any recourse, they can now raise the price anytime they want without any say or vote from the consumer. Never mind the refineries. which we have the most of many states. Anytime one has an incident whether in our state or not gas prices go up, troubles in the mideast or just the hint of it sends the price soaring high yet we are the largest exporter? This stupidity is our reality……my opinion of the day.

John Murchison


As I stagger through the twilight years of my life, one of my few remaining pleasures was the cornmeal hotcake available exclusively through the Vagabond Coffee Shop here in Ventura. Imagine my shock and horror when I found out they were closing! “Fear not, grumpy old dude,” I was told. “They’ll be back in no time and better than ever.”

Ten months later and…nothing.

As Ventura’s only actual and true local newspaper, I expect the Breeze to get to the bottom of this travesty.

Alfred J. Lewis

Alfred: Hey, you work for the Breeze you go find out why and inform our readers.
Editor Sheldon

Dear Editor:

How much more direct evidence do we need to accept the facts?

Trump thinks the miscounting of votes, and interference of a foreign power, into our last election, giving him the presidency by mistake, means that he, Trump, has been awarded the United States of America as a gift. One, he can run, and rule, to please himself, and contribute to the wealth, and welfare, of his immediate family.

 It’s like Putin owning Russia. It’s like Saudi Arabia having a house of royalty. Trump counted the votes and decided he had won the lottery. The ownership of the United States.

If other dictators can own countries, then he, Trump, being the best dictator of all, should have control of the U.S. of A.

I’m convinced he believes all this. He is royalty. He is a dictator. He need ask no one, for permission to do anything he wants to do, and no one can challenge his authority.

And his sycophantic followers are letting him get away with all this malarkey.

When does this country wake up and say “enough?” When do we stop letting this nightmare rule the country?

When do we revive our Constitution, and make it work like the founders wrote it?  When do we put down this bratty temper tantrum, and send him to bed without the pacifier he thinks belongs to him.


Es Cole
Ventura, Ca.

The demise of language and manners

Over the last decade or so, there has been a noticeable decline in the use of the English language. It seems that we, as a whole, have gotten lazier, using more slang than appropriate words, and much more language that should not be used in public.

Recently I was at a local restaurant for a quick meal. In the booth between me and a family with two children were two late-teen young men. Throughout the meal their discussion was peppered with impolite language. Not one sentence was uttered that did not contain the F-word or S-word, or both. So unnecessary.

Across the restaurant was a group of six young people who were so loud they were a public nuisance. Half of them were carrying on conversations on their phones in addition, raising their voices to be heard. Not a relaxing meal. I am all for people enjoying each other’s company, but when behavior impacts the entire restaurant, it is simply rude and uncalled for. Everyone deserves the right to enjoy their meal, not just a few.

Maybe it’s just me, but I believe telephone conversations should be in private, not public. Pay attention to those around you and act appropriately. Say please and thank you. Leave the colorful language at home. We all have our issues. We don’t need to add yours.

Whatever happened to polite manners and appropriate language? Apparently, these skills aren’t being made a focus of early learning. Why do we have to accept the sheer laziness and rudeness of others? Don’t they realize it makes them look uneducated and trashy? As much as I fear our present course as a country, I fear our future more, knowing that these young people will someday be our leaders.

Shirley Lorraine
Shirley: Like our President saying B- – -S- – -?

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.
~ Alan Wilson Watts

Vol. 12, No. 26 – Sept 25 – Oct 8, 2019 – Mailbox

Dear Editor:

Listen to all the voices. Hundreds of voices squealing about

impeachment. Everyone on TV news is parsing that word.

Do we or don’t we? Do we call it impeach? Do we call it an investigation? Does what we call this matter?

Every commentator has advice for the Democrats. Enough already!

Every commentator is so boring. Every commentator makes my fingers itch to change channels. Every channel has a talking head about the wishy, washy Democrats, and the obedient Republicans. Every commentator is irritated that the politicians are not listening to the commentator’s advice.

TV has never been so boring. I used to play games in the street when I was young. I miss those days. I think I’ll go play In the street. If  I’m  limber enough to avoid being hit by a car, that will be way more exciting than listening to dull, carping news commentators.

Your Scamp column is far more informative, and interesting, and entertaining, than those boring talking heads on TV.

I’m going outside; gonna  play tag with moving cars.

E. D. Coleski

E.D. Woof woof

Dear Sheldon, your heartfelt honesty is much needed, you are truly one of Ventura’s gems.
Jay Berkowitz (*no relationship to Avi).
Downtown Ventura.

Thanks Jay but some readers don’t think I’m a gem but a clump of coal.

*Avraham Berkowitz is an American attorney and political adviser, who currently serves as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Advisor to the Senior Advisor in President Donald Trump’s White House.


Today I rode my bike down to Mission Park for the Climate Strike event that was happening there. I wore my March for Science t-shirt, took some pictures, and talked to a lot of people before I realized something: I am sick of all of this.

I was involved in what we hippies in Phoenix thought was the first Earth Day. There was no internet (or PC’s or Smart Phones, etc.) so the word was spread by people calling people then people telling people about the day. We called it word-of-mouth communication. There was no formal organization, no central authority. We just showed up one morning at Encanto Park and started picking up trash and putting it in the proper receptacles.

In the past fifty years, I have been a member of the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife, Green Peace, and VLT. Fifty years and nothing has changed except that the planet has gotten hotter and more polluted. That is why I am sick of all of this.

I tried to tell a few people that things will continue as they are now if we don’t have the right politicians in place to make changes, politicians who care more about the Earth then Big Energy’s cash, but it was like shouting into the wind. They had their t-shirts, their clever signs, and their righteous indignation and they were sure that this would “save” the planet. I was tempted to clue them in on the fact that man will never destroy the Earth, it will go on no matter what we do; only mankind will be destroyed and, sadly, some of the beautiful animals who share this planet with us.

But maybe that is what is needed, maybe a species reset should happen so maybe a new class of man will arise that will respect our natural resources and work to protect them.

I know that I won’t live to see this or any other end of mankind however it happens, but I still care enough to do the thing now that will help the most: I will vote for candidates who have PROVEN that they give a damn about the planet.


John Darling

Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
~ Robert L. Peters

Vol. 12, No. 25 – Sept 11 – Sept 24, 2019 – Mailbox


What a great idea for our Councilmembers to host quarterly townhall meetings. With the new district election process, it gives our representatives an opportunity to have a local focus balanced with a citywide understanding.

As a fan of CAPS TV Council coverage, I’m wondering if a Councilmember or two will use this forum to hear their constituents’ concerns or simply use it as another platform to hear their own pontification.

It will be interesting to see if the idea gets traction. And the details – how it is communicated, how input for the agenda is solicited, convenient times/locations, etc. how many will actually attend.

I’m wagering that my Councilmember will be on board. During the last campaign, while Erik was canvasing my neighborhood door-to-door, he took 20 minutes to simply stand on the sidewalk and share his thoughts about our district and the city and listen to mine.

If one or two start this practice, I’m sure peer pressure will ‘encourage’ participation. I look forward to your updates on the process and outcome!

Clark K. Galbreath

Dear Breeze

As the former administrator of the Gary J. Channer, DDS Pediatric Dental practice I am delighted to celebrate three generations of Pediatric Dentistry in Ventura.

All this began when my husband Gary Channer, D.D.S. and I came to Ventura 42 years ago and met Dr. David Ashrow, who was the first Pediatric Dentist in Ventura and was one of the first of eight in the United States. Dr. Channer inherited the practice from Dr. Ashrow in 1977 and cared for thousands of children in Ventura County until his retirement in 2004.

Dr. Sunil Ilapogu associated with Dr. Channer in 2004 after having completed his specialty training in pediatric dentistry at Loma Linda Dental School.

Known as Dr. Sunny, the practice is celebrating 15 years of service to the children of Ventura County.

One of Sunny Smiles staff, Anita is celebrating 36 years with the office, Kathy celebrating 20 years, and Dr. John Khalaf , their Pediatric Dental Anesthesiologist has been with the practice for 20 years.

Patti Channer

Dear Editor:

When has Donald Trump asked for permission to do anything he feels like doing, or taking, or spending. He does it, and all his enablers fall in line.

This behavior is so much like the Nazi’s who fell in line behind Hitler. Hitler yelled, and the population said, “Heil. Hitler.”

The German people at that time might have had a good reason — they had been starved, and their country ravaged by the time Hitler showed up to make the trains run on time.

Trumps enablers, have no such live and death excuses.

They all are wanna be Trumps. Wanna be rich. Wanna live in penthouse suites. Wanna play golf 7 days a week.

Wanna make up our own golf scores.

Whatever you wanna do, if The Donald does it, it must be OK to follow suit.

I was under the impression that the people of the United States of American were independent, patriotic, generous, and even, at times, intelligent.

Where have all these remarkable Americans been these last couple of years?

If those were the Good Old Days, then I’m ready to go back.

I’d prefer, however, to go forward. Forward under our own collective ability to be democratic, generous, and wise.

Sincerely yours,
Esther Cole, Ventura

When I was young, people used to say to me: Wait until you’re fifty, you’ll see.
I am fifty. I haven’t seen anything.
~ Erik Satie

Vol. 12, No. 24 – Aug 28 – Sept 10, 2019 – Mailbox


Eight new people found us (Ventura Parkinson’s Disease Support Group) because of you and that beautiful spot you had us on page 11 in the July-Aug edition of the fabulous Ventura Breeze, and we had over 60 attend!! You knocked it out of the park for us – thank you so much again!

Patty Jenkins

Hi Sheldon,

Wonder if anyone else has noticed the following situation?  Perhaps you could bring it to the attention of the appropriate department.

The traffic signal at the intersection of Kimball Road and Blackburn Road causes some confusion.

If you are exiting from the westbound 126, the freeway offramp brings you to this intersection.  For motorists wishing to make a left turn from the westbound 126 offramp onto Kimball Road, when the signal turn green, it is a solid green light (which would normally mean they must yield to oncoming traffic).   There is no indication that the oncoming traffic from Blackburn Road has a red light, so drivers who are unfamiliar with the signal pattern may be hesitant to make the left turn onto northbound Kimball Road.  If there was a green left-turn arrow to indicate that this is a protected left turn (in addition to the solid green light) it would help eliminate uncertainty and improve traffic flow.

CW Ventura


You claim to be looking out for all of Ventura. However, you do not care for the seniors in your area. As a senior in a 55 and older park, I see us getting the shaft on a daily basis from park owners. Do you know some?

You claimed to want to help during your election for mayor-now you are there, you do not want anything to do with us. City Council and rent review board turn us down at every corner.

There seems to be a bias against seniors. We vote and pay taxes like most everyone else. Can you say you care about seniors? It is very obvious you do not care for the elderly. Now you want a promotion to Supervisor?

Ralph Trigo Ventura

Ralph: As usual we try to receive a response from the city regarding letters. This is from the Mayor.

Mr. Trigo,

I am sorry you feel like I don’t care about you and Ventura’s seniors. I think it’s important you know about all of the important steps myself and my colleagues on the Ventura City Council have taken to support seniors.

I personally have spent more than 30 hours meeting with leaders from the various park resident councils, and based on the feedback I received, my city council colleagues and I voted to strengthen our rent control ordinance by adding new disclosures that require Park owners to better inform potential tenants about their rent control rights.

We have also strengthened our rent control oversight board, which now has more frequent meetings than ever before. And lastly, we just invested over $225,000 to develop a senior strategic plan, which the city council hopes to utilize in order to provide the best possible resources to our City’s seniors. To me, it is imperative we support our city’s seniors.

— Mayor Matt LaVere

Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present.
~ George Washington

Vol. 12, No. 23 – Aug 14 – Aug 27, 2019 – Mailbox

Dear Sheldon,

It was sad to hear in one of your recent editor’s remarks that you feel that you should (for reasons of appearing ‘non-partisan’) refrain from voicing your opinions about important issues that affect all of us, and about the criminals in our government currently who are kidnapping & caging children (without keeping records, properly caring for the children or caring about reuniting them with their children short of a court order), using our Dept. of Justice to curtail investigations, cut off access to important (Mueller) report information, destroying the effectiveness of our environmental and food-protection agencies (etc.), just because a few Trumpenstein Monsters come at you personally for your comments. 

Your voice (as a producer/editor of local news & opinion) is a very important one. Always remember that trying to ‘kill the messenger’ is about all the game the RedPutinCons have left. They know that they cannot defend themselves (or the RedPutinCons in power currently) so all they have left is to attack Americans who care about the rule of law and decent treatment of children as dangerous ‘Socialists’ or ‘Liberals’, never minding the fact that our Constitution is a liberal document and socialism has been the American economic model for this country since the 1st contract went out to build & fund the 1st fire station, police station and hydro-electric dam. Capitalism is just a term created by corporations & investors to advance their fascist ideology, when in fact without their (corporate welfare) socialist govt. (mostly military) contracts, most of these wonderful ‘capitalist’ corporations would cease to exist. 

So please speak up and speak out against fascism, mistreatment of children & the elderly and of our environment and food & water inspections (etc.) as often as you’d like, and call your detractors what they are; angry RedPutinCons with a political agenda to destroy all opposing opinions in this country. 

If we lose people like you (from speaking out) we lose the game. Period. 

Thanks for speaking your mind,

Sean T. Turner

Sean: If I keep changing my mind about speaking out I could end up with one that doesn’t work. Oh, what to do?

Hi, Sheldon

1) Re: July 31 – August 13

Opinion/Editorial where Britain’s ambassador described Trump, etc. I loved your editorial comment! Not my comment, I would never comment about Trump some readers get upset.

2) I have a number of friends who live in Santa Paula that I bring The Breeze to. They wonder why copies aren’t distributed to Santa Paula locations. Of course, I have no answer.

The answer is too far to pay a delivery person to take there. Do you work cheaply?

3) Re: Shirley Lorraine’s theater reviews; they are awesome. I happened to sit next to her at the Rubicon. She is definitely a “Woman of Many Talents” as printed on her business card.

Judith Beay


What a great idea for our Councilmembers to host quarterly townhall meetings. With the new district election process, it gives our representatives an opportunity to have a local focus balanced with a citywide understanding.

As a fan of CAPS TV Council coverage, I’m wondering if a Councilmember or two will use this forum to hear their constituents’ concerns or simply use it as another platform to hear their own pontification.

It will be interesting to see if the idea gets traction. And the details – how it is communicated, how input for the agenda is solicited, convenient times/locations, etc. how many will actually attend.

I’m wagering that my Councilmember will be on board. During the last campaign, while Erik was canvasing my neighborhood door-to-door, he took 20 minutes to simply stand on the sidewalk and share his thoughts about our district and the city and listen to mine.

If one or two start this practice, I’m sure peer pressure will ‘encourage’ participation. I look forward to your updates on the process and outcome!

I’m too shy to put my name in the paper.

Without work, all life goes rotten. But when work is soulless, life stifles and dies.
~ Albert Camus

Vol. 12, No. 22 – July 31 – Aug 13, 2019 – Mailbox

Dear Sheldon Brown, Editor, Ventura Breeze,

Planting trees is the most effective and aesthetic way to restore soil, reduce heat islands and air pollution, and pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. If the VC2040 General Plan sets a goal to plant and maintain a million trees by 2030, what is the goal for the city of Ventura? Ventura City’s Tree Committee can partner with a proposed new Ventura County Tree Committee to assure success and ecological benefits from planting trees. At one point in the 1980’s there were less than two dozen condors. The hatching of the 1000th California Condor chick tells a story, that if we work together—such as planting a million trees this decade—our county will be better for decades to come. 

Patrick Makiri


Let Ventura Lead on All-Electric New Homes

The housing shortage is a major priority. With the solution of building more homes is an opportunity to design homes for transition away from natural gas that risks explosions, pollutes air, and accelerates the pace of global climate change. Replacing natural gas with electricity in single family homes can reduce a homeowner’s carbon footprint as much as 90%! Ventura can make sure that no new homes have the added expense of gas connections. New home construction costs are an average $6,000 less with no gas connection. There are efficient all-electric options for heating, water heating, and cooking. Operating and other costs for the new all-electric home owner will be $130 to $540 less per year with better air quality and zero risk of fires or explosions.

Homes with solar, battery storage, and smart circuit breakers can shed load during peak high-priced hours and assure flexible, economical backup power in a black-out. The city can also require new homes to cut water use in half with tankless on-demand water heaters, rain collection and gray water for the garden and various equipment and strategies promoted by the city’s Sustainable Ventura.

We immediately need to ask the County Supervisors to assure that the Ventura County General Plan Update requires zero-emission, all-electric, water conservation design for all new construction. The city doesn’t need to wait for a General Plan Update. Santa Rosa and Berkeley just banned gas connections in new home construction. Make Ventura the first city in the county to accelerate the transition to safe, sustainable, less expensive housing by passing such an ordinance now.

Jan Dietrick

Ventura Breeze

RE: Ventura Moments: We Are So Very (Very) Lucky.

Reading the pretentious, tumid article in the July 3rd issue with passive amusement, I couldn’t help but wonder if the writer, was living in a dream world or, perhaps, referring to Ventura pre-1980.

“It could be argued that our lives are a vacation, with work, chores and errands thrown in.” Non arguable however, is that engaging in these endeavors is severely blemished by the appalling, ever-increasing traffic melee one faces every day of the week.

Ventura’s “Planning” Commission seems specifically focused on lining the coffers with real estate dollars. Have we not noticed the plethora of new condominiums under construction? And when this new housing attracts newcomers to taste of our “kaleidoscopic culture and simple pleasures”, traffic, congestion will’ exponentially, increase. Not to mention straining our critical water supply during drought periods. Ventura’s goal: “If there’s an open piece of ground, build on it!”

“people who want to see Ventura stay the special place it is.” Indeed.

R.J. Quirk

Dear Mr. Brown,

Strong pesticide regulation should be part of the Ventura County 2040 General Plan. There has been little effort at the state or federal level to prohibit the use of pesticides such as chlorpyrifos, which has been proven to cause brain damage in children.

There is no reason to expose farm workers, their families, or the public to these dangerous chemicals. The county should take the lead on this issue, since there is a lack of impetus from state and federal agencies.

Farmers can control pests naturally by using biologically integrated pest control methods. Doing so would ensure the safety of our food supply, as well as ensuring the health and safety of farm workers and their families.

Kristen Kessler

It’s hard to lose a mother-in-law. In fact it’s almost impossible.
~ W.C. Fields




Vol. 12, No. 21 – July 17 – July 30, 2019 – Mailbox

Dear Sheldon Brown,

As a fellow citizen dedicated to the cause of climate justice and resilience, I hope you will urge your readers to speak out as the County Supervisors decide what to include in the Draft General Plan and Climate Action Plan on August 6 at 1:30.  Many individuals and groups have proposed policies addressing climate change impacts–the increased intensity of droughts, heat waves, floods, and wildfires that scientists have forecast–through development of more local, resilient and secure food, water and energy resources.  Most importantly, the Planning Commission recommended creation of an office of climate action to direct all county agencies as they implement climate action policies.  An outpouring of public support will ensure this recommendation is given the serious consideration it deserves.


Kathleen Wheeler

Ventura Citizen

At this time the VC Planning Department announced that the General Plan Update will be on the agenda of the regular open session of the Board of Supervisors on August 6 starting at 1:30. Written comment about the Preliminary Draft, available at, can be sent in advance to the Supervisors addressed to [email protected] and copy [email protected]. The August 6 meeting will be a chance to submit comment cards and make public open verbal comment. There may be so many people wanting to comment that the time limit could be one minute (usual maximum is three minutes). 

Location: Board of Supervisors Chamber, Administration Building, VC Government Center, 800 Victoria Ave, Ventura CA 93003. 

Call Susan Curtis planner coordinating development of the General Plan Update. [email protected].   805-654-2497


Ventura Breeze:

President Donald Trump said that a teleprompter mishap led to his much-mocked July 4th flub in which he talked about defending airports during the American Revolution.

“The teleprompter went out,” Trump told reporters as he left the White House . “It just went out – it went kaput.”

During his Independence Day speech paying tribute to the military, Trump began talking about air defenses during the American Revolution, which took place more than a century before the invention of the airplane.

“Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports,” Trump said of the fighting force created by the Continental Congress in 1775.

There was no air travel in 18th Century America.

Larry Etod-Ventura


We are shocked at his lack of revolution history. He did not mention that the air-force dropped 2 atom bombs on England which helped bring the conflict to an end.


Looking at game shows and man-on-the-street TV programs it is painfully apparent that the Citizens of the USA do not know their own history. This is clearly a problem with the educational system and the way American History is  presented to the students. This is a problem that needs to be addressed.  I believe that just pointing out a problem is one thing, but every time you do this, you should also point out solutions, low cost, way to solve the problem.
One idea would be to run a well drawn and researched comic strip  or media cartoon, to tell the story of America. It should be an honest picture of our past that would show both heroes and villains, done in an entertaining way. It would be a “cliff notes” introduction to the story that is America. It should run in the press for one year –to cover from the first landing of Europeans to the present age. It is a sad day  when young people do not know who we fought in World Wars I and II.
This might be a way to solve this education gap with the public.

Richard Senate Ventura

Richard: Swell idea, do you know a cartoonist that would do this for nothing? Maybe the ghost of Paul Conrad?

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs
and returns home to find it.

~ George Moore


In our last issue we had an article about the goats clearing the land behind the Golden China. The contacts weren’t quite correct, here they are.

Vol. 12, No. 20 – July 3 – July 16, 2019 – Mailbox

Dear Editor:

“They got what they deserved.” That’s what I hear, when the anti-immigrant individuals talk about the two innocents, who died, trying to reach the United States.

Where’s the compassion? Where are the heartaches.? Not on this side of the border. These are the people who mimic Trump’s policy of keeping immigrants out of our country. The people who implement Trump’ policies. 

“Sad story, but not our fault. They wanna come here? Sorry, not enough room.”

What would our country be like, without the mix, and talent, and hard work, of all immigrants, from all parts of the world?

Maybe our First Americans would be in charge. Interesting idea.

I know our first Americans had big hearts. Willing to share what they had.

They did not sneer at immigrants.

Esther Cole, Ventura

Dear Editor, 

Bravo to the women on the Ventura City Council for preserving the city’s participation in the Clean Power Alliance for the majority of its electricity accounts. They understand that the Clean Power Alliance offers more value in terms of transparency and local control. The city’s electricity bill payments to Clean Power Alliance stimulate the supply of more clean energy that is increasingly local in comparison with a future in which taxpayers’ money goes to Edison shareholders and long-distance transmission investments that we don’t need, that should be replaced by distributed generation. Leaders who support Clean Power Alliance understand that it is the most aggressive path to lessen the negative impacts of climate change. 

We seriously need that kind of leadership in Congress as well. Bipartisanship is needed to pass such solutions. This month’s relaunch of the Climate Solutions Caucus is a hopeful sign in that Republicans and Democrats can find common ground for solving climate change, making it a bridge issue rather than a wedge issue. Representative Salud Carbajal makes everything a bridge issue, especially climate. He joined the original Climate Solutions Caucus as soon as he arrived in Congress in 2017. Representative Julia Brownley could also join the caucus.  We have many local women leaders who are putting climate as the priority concern and pulling together to quickly arrive at solutions that reduce the risk of climate change.

Jan Dietrick


A federal judge recently blocked President Donald Trump from tapping into Defense Department funds to build parts of his US-Mexico border wall.

Judge Haywood Gilliam of the Northern District of California blocked the administration from moving forward with specific projects in Texas and Arizona, saying Trump couldn’t disburse the funds without congressional approval. The lawsuit that prompted the ruling was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of the plaintiffs, the Sierra Club and Southern Border Communities Coalition.

Thank you

Charles Burn Ojai

As long as there is algebra there will be prayer in school.
~ Larry Miller

Vol. 12, No. 19 – June 19 – July 2, 2019 – Mailbox

Dear Editor:

What a waste of time, energy, and insults. Trump hears nothing he doesn’t want to hear. He loves street fights. He loves slinging mud, and other matter, just for the sake of making noise.

The, only, way to make Trump uneasy, is to ignore him. He doesn’t exist. He isn’t worth an iota of attention, or awareness. Trump is a nothing.

One treats nothing by doing nothing, saying nothing.

S. Douglas

S: Wait a minute didn’t you just write about not writing about him by writing about him?

Dear Sheldon,

I disagree with your opinion that gun show should be allowed at the County Fairgrounds. To do so so soon after the recent shootings in Thousand Oaks shows a desensitization and insensitivity to this critical issue of contemporary Society.

Regarding Beay letter to Breeze on June 18, 2019. Excellent and concise. Why are government and religious entities involved in our personal health care decisions?

Lou Vigorita Ventura

Dear Editor:

I am writing to commend a teacher, Sheila Bartsch, who has passionately taken up the torch to teach tolerance and the benefits of diversity to her 2nd grade students. Ms. Bartsch teaches at Pierpont Elementary. She has been an educator in the district for 25 years. It began when Sheila happened upon a book titled, “My Totally Intolerable Blocks.” She was impressed with the book not only because of its message, but also because it was written by sixteen-year-old, first time author, Emily Ford, who was abandoned at birth in a remote village in China because of her sex. This young author wrote the book specifically to teach tolerance and the benefits of diversity to young children using the personification of a child’s block set. (go to for more info)

Sheila Bartsch read Emily’s book and immediately recognized utility in the author’s story. Consequently, she decided to use the book as a springboard to discuss bullying behavior and the importance of tolerance to her young students. Ms. Bartsch’s passion for teaching these social values summoned her creative side which was natural given that she also holds a degree in Art History. Since reading the book, Sheila has developed novel methods of how the author’s book can inspire children to appreciate their differences and work together as a team for the common good of everyone.

Sheila Bartsch should be recognized for her efforts, for her passionate teaching, and immense creativity. As a result of Sheila’s enthusiasm, the author donated thirty books to Pierpont Elementary School. By example, Sheila Bartsch has not only encouraged this young author to continue to proclaim her passion for diversity, she also reminds adults that it is the responsibility of every one of us to teach tolerance to our youth. Thank you Sheila Bartsch for going the extra mile. You are to be commended!

April Marano


Thank you for your great local paper.  You asked a question, “Why are Christian conservatives against abortion?”

The answer is that we Christians/Catholics/Episcopalians believe that life begins at conception and the Mother is carrying her baby boy or baby girl, a son or a daughter, and we do not believe in murder of the innocent children.

A good local pro-life group that saves babies is Life Choices Pregnancy Clinic of the Ojai Valley.  Check out their website.

The movie “Unplanned” at Collection theater was excellent, a true story about a former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director.

Betsey and John Stewart IV.

Ventura Keys

Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.
~ Elsa Maxwell

Vol. 12, No. 18 – June 5 – June 18, 2019 – Mailbox


When I moved to Ventura five years ago, I played tourist and visited the local landmarks.  I was enchanted by the beauty and serenity of the Olivas Adobe. So I signed up for the training to lead tours and discovered the parallels between the owner of Rancho San Miguel and the State of California. It is a miracle that the Adobe has survived.  I also have a lot of fun and made many friends.

Unfortunately, many of our long time volunteers are no longer able to lead tours.  We really need more people to become docents.  The training is three hour long orientation meeting, reading a book about the adobe and Olivas family, and finally, shadowing a current docent.

We have a meeting once a month.  Our tours are on Saturdays and Sundays, and each tour guide signs up to lead tours one day a month.  If you love history, love to tell stories, and think it might be fun to dress in a costume, we have a fun place for you!  The Olivas Adobe is truly a treasure for Ventura that needs to be shared with the community. For more information, or to volunteer, call Joanne Abing at 805- 644-4586.

Patricia McNeese

Dear Mr. Brown,
In your recent op-ed, you claim that same-sex marriage should be ok, because it does not harm anyone.
The very next paragraph you basically espouse pro-choice, and abortion. You wonder why Christians would be against this. Maybe it’s because we believe it does harm to someone! The pro life Catholic teachings are much more consistent than your pick and choose style. Pro life from conception to death. Try to pick it apart, you can’t,
God bless, sir.
Paul Caron

Won’t even try to pick apart. Thanks for your thoughts.


Why are we allowing the government and religious entities to be involved in our personal healthcare decisions?

MY decisions about my body are mine alone to make!  As a Unitarian Universalist, I am respectful of other women’s decisions about their healthcare choices.

It is also important to use accurate terminology:  a fertilized ovum is not a baby, a zygote is not a baby; an embryo is not a baby; a fetus is not a baby until it is viable. An acorn is not a tree.

In my opinion, those who call themselves, “Pro-Life” are merely “Pro-Birth”. Their policies often do not support care for these babies.  For example, many women without insurance cannot receive prenatal care.  Food supplement programs are under constant attack, as are childcare and early educational programs.

Bottom line, government and religious entities should not be involved in interfering or controlling women’s bodies or in their healthcare decisions.

Judith A. Beay Ventura

Letter To Editor

Brother John, age 81,lives in the family home in Wilkes-Barre Pa. got word that he was having dizzy spells and admissions to the hospital emergency room.

I flew to Pa to see if I could help . John was okay but the doctor said he should not drive.

On Primary day 5/2119 I drove him the poll so he could vote. At his polling place they had coffee and cookies for the voter. Wow.

The young people outside the poll were eager to talk politics/voting. They told me they were disappointed with elected officials on all levels

There are 200,000 registered voters in John’s County (Luzerne) and generally 20% voted in the primary.

They told me they wanted accountability over the elected officials. It was discussed that the federal debt last year was $800 billion. (More spent than raised in taxes).

On idea brought up was to make Congress (Senators and Representatives) balance the budget by only spending the amount raised in taxes. If that was not done then the pay of the Senators and Representatives would be cut by 10% for the next year. One young girl said that if they did it twice in a row they should be barred from running for office in the next term If you have any thoughts about these ideas send me a note George Benz

P O Box 828 Oxnard, Ca, 93032 or e-mail my brother at JOHN@IAM JOHN
GALT.US or e-mail me at [email protected]

“If people don’t want us outside, then where should we go?”
~ Andy Grabarkiewicz Venice homeless resident