Category Archives: Harbor Patrol Blotter

Vol. 12, No. 26 – Sept 25 – Oct 8, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

3:14am, monitored mayday call for a boat fire from the dive vessel Conception on VHF 16 to the U.S. coast guard. Officers prepared the fireboat and responded with multiple agencies. The incident is under investigation.

5:51pm, while on foot patrol, officers were contacted by a transient claiming he was assaulted. After an investigation it was determined the individual was the disturbing party and was removed from the harbor by VPD for trespassing.

2:55am, received a report of a transient disturbing a female sitting outside the Holiday Inn express. Officers responded and searched but were UTL.

7:50am, received a report of a transient disturbing people and fitting the description of the earlier person of interest. Officers found the individual and issued warnings for his various violations. He moved along. Later in the day Ventura PD was looking for the same individual performing same stunts.

11:40am, officers contacting several kayakers and Standup Paddle Boarders and issuing warnings for insufficient safety equipment. Also with educational warnings, issuing loaner lifejackets. Every person aboard a vessel needs a PFD
5:06pm, received a report of a stingray strike at Harbor Cove. Officers responded and assisted State Parks with the patient.

5:40pm, received a report of a male fainting in the parking lot near Island Packers building. Officers attempting to assist the patient, but he refused any medical attention.

10:45pm, while on patrol, officers observed/contacted three vehicles parked in the district lot for illegal camping. The three individuals were issued warnings and their vehicles removed from the parking lot.
8:31pm, dispatched to a traffic collision at 1510 Anchors Way dr. Officers responded and assisted a female who reported suffering a reaction to medication and was involved in an accident with several vehicles.

1:57pm, received a dispatch to a fall victim at 1583 Spinnaker Dr. Officers responded and assisted an elderly male with a head injury. The patient was transported to local hospital for further evaluation by AMR medics.

3:05pm, observing the US coast guard buoy tender “George Cobb” conducting routine maintenance of navigation buoy #4 outside the harbor entrance.

2:56pm, while on patrol in H-1, dispatched to a traumatic injury near Riverhaven encampment. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with a transient male who sustained a major head injury, but unable to remember how it happened. The patient was transported to Harbor Blvd by fellow transients in a makeshift gurney, treated there then transported by AMR to hospital.

7:25pm, dispatched to a person not breathing at VWM. Officers responded with VFD/AMR and found the patient deceased. VPD took over the incident.

7:15pm, observing a full moon rising.

7:40pm, while on patrol outside the harbor in Boat 17, officers engaged a drone flying from Harbor Cove, had to take evasive action to avoid a collision. The drone disappeared and officers were unable to locate the operator. It is illegal to operate drones in and around the harbor without a permit.

6:30am, monitored radio traffic of an abandoned panga aground at Deer Creek beach near the Ventura County Line.

8:45am, dispatched to a sick 90-year-old female in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with patient complaining of right foot pain from gout. Patient self-transported to hospital.

1:15pm, received a dispatch to a fall victim in the Ventura Marina community. Officers responded, assisted VFD/AMR; the patient suffered major injuries.

5:20pm, officers assisted State Parks in detaining a large vessel reported operating in violation of speeding near swimmers and no registration aboard.


Vol. 12, No. 25 – Sept 11 – Sept 24, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Monday 8-19

11:23pm, while on patrol officers observed a transient with various items and a small inflatable. Contacted the individual and he advised he was planning to paddle up the coast. Officers attempted to dissuade the boater from his journey due to the time of night and the bad weather. After a futile attempt the paddler terminated his voyage.

Tueday 8-20

5:50pm, observed a Small Craft Advisory posted by National Weather Service

Wednes 8-21

9:28am, dispatched to a gunshot victim in the 2700 block of SeaHorse. Officers responded and assisted Ventura Fire / AMR with the call.

3:53pm, received a report of a stingray strike at tower 3, Harbor Cove. Officers responded and assisted State Parks with the call. The wound was treated with hot water and the patient was later released at the scene.

9:45pm, dispatched to an unconscious person at the Comedy Club in the village. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the call. The patient was treated and transported to local hospital for further evaluation. There was fear that he could die laughing.

Thursday 8-22

1:00pm, received a report of a motor vessel in the surfline near the Santa Clara Rivermouth. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19 and contacted the skipper and moved the vessel out of the surfline and into safer water, just before a set of waves threatened to swamp and ground the vessel.

Friday 8-23

11:34am, received a report of a stingray strike at tower 3, Harbor Cove from State Parks. Officers responded and assisted lifeguards with the patient. Hot water was applied to the wound and the patient was released after treatment.

Saturday 8-24

11:31am, received a report of a person-in-the-water near the breakwall. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19 and discovered a kayaker in the water and his kayak taking on water. Officers took the person on board and dewatered the kayak. The victim was taken to his slip in the harbor.

Friday 8-30

9:10am, officers proctoring a qualifying 500-meter swim for Ventura Fire water rescue swimmers in the Pierpont Basin swim course.

5:50pm, received report of an ocean rescue, kite surfer in distress near the Ventura Pier. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19 and assisted with the call.

Saturday 8-31

1:43pm, dispatched to two separate stingray strikes at Harbor Cove. Officers responded with hot water to assist State Parks lifeguards with the medical(s). The two patients, 11-year-old male and a 35-year-old female, were treated at the scene and released after hot water treatment was performed.

5:40pm, received a report of a transient disturbing customers in the Harbor Village. Officers responded and contacted the male who was pan handling with his guitar. He was informed of the ordinance violation and moved along.

Sunday 9-1

8:30am, received a report of a stingray strike at Harbor Cove from an open water swimming group. The patient self-treated and was being self-transported

12:53pm, received report of tar balls on the beach and in the water near Surfers Knoll. Officers responded with State Parks and investigated the report. The water was brownish from a light red tide event and there were no more than normal tar accumulations on the beach.

2:20pm, received report of a disabled sailboat in the South Basin. Officers responded, found the sailboat, took them into a short tow holding them on station and transferred the tow to Towboat US to complete.

Vol. 12, No. 24 – Aug 28 – Sept 10, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 8-06

4:15pm, received a report of sailing vessel securing without permission at VWM G-dock. Officers responded and found a travelling/transient vessel looking for the courtesy Ventura Yacht Club reciprocity dock. Officers contacted the VYC and escorted the vessel to the dock.

Wednes 8-07

10:50am, received dispatch to a stingray strike at Harbor Cove. Officers responded with hot water to treat the injury. A 10-year-old female was transported by her parents to local hospital for further evaluation.
Saturday 8-10 11:35am, received a report of a stingray strike at Harbor Cove from State Parks. Officers responded with hot water, assisted lifeguards with the patient.
Sunday 8-11 12:30pm, patrol vehicles observing several religious groups conducting ceremonies, baptisms at Harbor Cove and near Marina Park. Also large crowds at the harbor beaches, most likely due to the sun coming out.

Tuesday 8-13

4:08pm, while on patrol officers encountered a truck with a trailer in the turnaround near the district. A verbal warning was issued, and the operator asked to move the vehicle because it is blocking the roadway.

Wednes 8-14

3:45am, while on patrol, officers startled a man in dark clothing lurking around vehicles. The subject fled the scene and a gas can and hose were found.


Thursday 8-15

7:10am, while opening Surfers Knoll restrooms, officers observed a person lying awkwardly on the sand. It was soon discovered that the patient was not breathing. Fire dispatch was notified, and officers performed life-saving procedures. The patient was eventually pronounced dead on scene.


10:41am, received a dispatch to a medical at Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the call. The patient had fallen and HP officers and VFD picked him up and returned him to his chair.


2:15pm, observed the “John Wayne Cancer Foundation” paddle board being paddled up coast to the Ventura Pier. The board is paddled and handed off from each lifeguard agency to raise money for cancer research at City of Hope.

7:03pm, dispatched to a seabird in distress at Marina Park. Officers responded with VFD and were able to free the bird that was tangled in line attached to the mast of the Marina Park boat playground.

Saturday 8-17

9:10am, received dispatch to an eye injury near the Santa Clara bridge. Officers responded and found the patient, a local transient and assisted VFD/AMR with the patient. He was treated and released.


1:50pm, received a report of a stingray strike at Harbor Cove. Officers responded with hot water and assisted State Parks with the patient.


9:30pm, received a report of three males fishing at the Ventura Marina Community lake. Officers responded and searched the area but were unable to locate the trespassing fisherman. It is illegal to fish there.

Sunday 8-18

2:04am, dispatched to a brush fire near Santa Clara River mouth. Officers responded with multiple fire agencies to the fire. For two hours officers assisted Ventura FD with transporting firefighters to the blaze and pulling hose.

12:30pm, received a report of a vessel accident near VIM I-dock. Officers responded to investigate the incident. A vessel reportedly collided with a fixed object causing some damage. No injuries were reported.


5:20pm, dispatched to a fall patient in the Harbor Village. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the patient. A 50-year-old female fell down a stair and injured her arm. She was treated and transported to local hospital.



Vol. 12, No. 23 – Aug 14 – Aug 27, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter



10:44am, received a report of a stingray strike at Harbor Cove. Officers responded with hot water to assist State Parks with the medical. The hot water applied to the wound with hotwater bag. The patient was treated and released.


10:44am, received a request for hot water for a stingray strike from State Parks lifeguards. Officers responded and assisted the patient.

10:56am, another request for hot water from Leo Robbins instructors for a stingray strike in the sandtrap. Officers contacted fire dispatch and when completed with call, assisted with another stingray bag of hot water via boat 19

 7-27 1:30pm, received a report from State Parks regarding a PWC operating recklessly near Marina Park. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19 and contacted the vessel. The operator was educated, local ordinance &state laws.

4:00pm-8:24pm, officers conducted twenty educational enforcement contacts in this time period with separate operators on Personal Watercraft. The violations ranged from speeding in the harbor to speeding in restricted areas: such as too close to shore or too close to swimmers. The last group was issued warnings for operating after dusk and speeding in the Pierpont Basin.


4:50pm, received a report of a theft at Ventura Village Harbor mart. A transient stole a can of beer, otherwise known as a “BeerRun.”


12:15pm, received a request for a tow from a large fishing vessel being towed by another. Officers responded in Rescue B19 to assist. The vessel was taken into a short tow and safely delivered to the Ventura Boatyard for haul-out..

11:04pm, received a dispatch to a stabbing victim near Riverhaven encampment. Officers responded and assisted VFD, AMR and VPD with the patient. The patient was bandaged and transported Code3 to local hospital.


5:50am, received a request to assist US coast guard in flare sighting search. Officers responded in Rescue B-19 and searched Ventura Harbors’ sphere-of- influence, a few miles in all directions and were UTL any vessels in distress.


5:00am, while preparing morning weather forecasts officers observed a heavy fog bank moving in, leaving approximately ¼ mile visibility around the harbor


10:30am, received a report of a juvenile sea lion in distress near VWM D-dock. Officers responded found numerous sea lions but none in distress.


3:15am, dispatched to a fall victim at the Holiday Inn express. Officers responded and assisted VFD with the call.

4:50pm, received a request from a disabled 39 foot sailboat in need of assistance returning to their slip. Officers responded in Rescue B19 and safely towed the vessel into their slip in Ventura West Marina G-dock.

6:45pm, received a request for a tow from a disabled electric boat at VHM Yacht yard. Officers responded and towed the vessels to the keys.


7:11am, dispatched to a fall victim at the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and provided a lift assist to an 80 year old male. No injuries were sustained during the call.

9:15am, dispatched to an Ocean rescue while on patrol in Rescue B19. Officers responded to Bath lane and found a prone paddler in no distress.

2:01pm, received a dispatch to a brush fire near Harbor/Spinnaker. Officers responded but the incident was observed out of Patrols response area.

7:45pm, received a report of a sick/injured dolphin near Marina Park. Officers responded and assisted CIMWI with the incident. Several bystanders, surfers, attempted to steer the mammal back out to sea. Darkness ended the attempt.


11:53am, dispatched to a medical alarm in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and ascertained that the alarm was activated accidentally.


Vol. 12, No. 22 – July 31 – Aug 13, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 7-09

8:05pm, while on patrol, officers observed a head-high South swell with strong lateral and rip currents throughout the Harbor Beaches at the jetties and groins. West winds were blowing 15 knots gusting to 20 knots.
Thursday 7-11 3:45pm, received a report of a deceased mammal on Pierpont beach. Contacted CI marine mammal rescue to handle the call.

Monday 7-15

11:59am, dispatched to an overdose at Riverhaven transitional camp, CPR in progress. Officers responded and assisted AMR and several off duty/retired first responders with the patient. Narcan was given to the patient, he recovered from the full arrest and ran off into the riverbottom, requesting no further help.


Tuesday 7-16

12:07pm, dispatched to a medical at 1600 Spinnaker Drive. Officers responded and assisted a transient male suffering from an allergic reaction to mosquito bites from the estuary last night. He was transported to local hospital

7:20pm, received report of a man down in front of the A-dock restrooms at VIM. Officers responded and found the man and were able to wake him and move him along. He was suffering from behavioral issues and wandered off.

Wednes 7-17

1:13pm, dispatched to a male complaining of chest pain. Officers responded and assisted the patient with initial treatment and AMR/VFD took over and eventually transported the patient to local hospital for further evaluation.

9:38pm, received a dispatch to an unknown medical in the river bottom. Officers responded with VC sheriff, VFD and AMR to a patient complaining of a staph infection and unable to walk. After searching for the patient, it was determined to be re-dispatched in the daylight hours to assist, UTL in the dark.

Thursday 7-18

2:22pm, dispatched to a medical in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the call. Patient was transported.

Friday 7-19

1:00am, officers were monitoring a film shoot at the launch ramp. The shoot was for a car commercial and would be completed before sunrise.

10:52am, while on patrol in Rescue Boat 19, officers observed a seagull with a hook in its mouth and the line attached to the railing of the #7 buoy North Jetty navigation light. Officers caught the bird and freed it.

Saturday 7-20

11:21am, dispatched to a medical near the Santa Clara River bottom. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the patient suffering from abdominal pain and desiring to be transported to local hospital for further evaluation.

6:10pm, received a report of a behavioral issue near the Ventura Yacht Club. Officers responded and found a female transient with an “Angry Bird” mask violently confronting persons walking by. She was arrested by VPD.

6:40pm, received a report of an overdue vessel. Officers conducted a brief investigation and were able to locate the vessel just outside the harbor.

Sunday 7-21

8:00am, dispatched to a medical in the Marina Community. Officers responded and assisted VDF/AMR with a fall victim.

Vol. 12, No. 21 – July 17 – July 30, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

6-27 2:47pm, received dispatch to medical at 1449 Spinnaker Drive. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with a 50 year old female. Patient was treated and transported to local hospital for further evaluation.

4:20pm, received report of a disabled sailboat in the main channel of the harbor. Officers responded and towed the vessel to their slip in Ventura West.

8:01pm, dispatched to a medical at the 1755 Spinnaker Drive. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the patient who was transported to local hospital after being treated at the scene for moderate injury.

11:15pm, received dispatch to an unknown medical at 1050 Schooner drive. Officers responded, assisted VFD/AMR with the call, the patient refused help.

6-28 12:15pm, dispatched to a fuel spill at the 1415 Spinnaker Dr. A commercial dive boat spilled red dyed diesel. Crew members and fuel dock employees were actively using absorbent boom and pads to retrieve the fuel. NRC was notified of the spill and it was cleaned up by the crews already working on it.

4:40pm, dispatched to a water rescue in progress at Surfers Knoll LG Tower 1. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 17 and assisted State Parks with four victims caught in a rip current. All victims were safely returned to shore.

6-29 10:47am, received a request for a tow from a disabled electric boat near the patrol dock. Officers took the vessel en tow with Rescue Boat 19 and safely delivered the disabled vessel to their slip in the time share docks.

11:08am, while on patrol in Rescue Boat 17,officers took a 40ft becalmed sail boat en tow out past the #2 “V” entrance buoy. The vessel was heading South.

12:04pm, received a report from VCSO of a disabled 21ft motor vessel near the Harbor entrance. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 17, found the vessel with 5 souls onboard and towed the vessel to the launch ramp safely.

6-30 12:28pm, received and observed a need for assistance for a 34ft sailboat aground near the entrance to the keys in the barranca. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 17, towed the vessel off the sand bar and safely to their dock.

3:43pm, received a report of two lost girlfriends from the boyfriends. They had all been paddle-boarding in the keys and were separated. After an exhaustive search of the harbor, the two missing persons were found at home.

7-03 3:20am, received a dispatch to a vegetation fire at Olivas/HarborBlvd. Officers responded and assisted VFD/CHP with the call. The fire turned out to be a homeless warming fire, it was extinguished without incident.
7-04 2:03pm, received a report of a disabled PersonalWaterCraft being swam out of the surfline at Marina Park. Officers responded in Rescue B-19 and assisted State Parks with towing the vessel out of the surfline and back to the keys.
7-05 9:31pm, received a request from VFD Battalion Chief to check the harbor and surrounding areas for damage from the recent earthquake. Officers search the harbor and surrounding areas but were unable to find any damage.
7-07 6:05pm, dispatched to a water rescue, kite surfer down at the Ventura Pier. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19 and assisted several agencies with the call. The patient was discovered North of Surfers Point and Ventura Harbor Patrol retrieved his kite and transported it to Ventura Harbor. The victim was uninjured and retrieved his equipment at the Ventura Port District.

Vol. 12, No. 20 – July 3 – July 16, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

6-12 12:03pm, while on patrol, officers were contacted by a group of kayakers. The group turned out to be Rhodes Scholars looking for the best area to paddle

9:35pm, patrolling in the truck, officers contacted a group of juveniles with wood pallets and a small fire near Surfers Knoll. The group was advised of the violation and departed the area.

6-13 5:00pm, received a report of a squirrel that nearly drowned near the city sailing center docks. The squirrel was recovered, and animal control was advised then they picked it up for rehabilitation.
6-15 9:40pm, patrolling in the truck, officers found a lost dog. The owner’s phone# was on the tag, so they contacted. Initially the owner dismissed the officers believing her dog was on her vessel, but after a search realized the dog was gone.



1:09pm, received a dispatch to a water rescue, dog in distress with two bystanders trying to rescue the dog near the pier. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19, the dog was rescued.


11:25pm, while on patrol in the vehicle, officers observed a coyote chasing a skunk on Spinnaker Drive near the Ventura Harbor Village Boatyard.


2:10pm, observed a sailboat being towed by a good Samaritan Personal Water Craft about ½ mile South of the Harbor. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19 to assist. The sailboat was taken into tow to Ventura Isle Marina.

6:30pm, while on patrol in Rescue Boat 17, officers observed a 25ft sailboat disabled near the National Park Service docks. The vessel was taken into a short tow away from the vessels until they restarted their engine.



11:07am, received a report of an illegal bon fire near Surfers Knoll. Officers responded in the vehicle found the fire but unable to locate the perpetrator

8:06pm, dispatched to a fall patient near 1559 Spinnaker Drive. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the patient. No injuries just lift assist.



6:30am, received complaint about several homeless individuals loitering around the launch ramp restrooms washing their bikes. Officers responded but most of the group had already moved along from the area.



8:01am, dispatched to wellness check on a tenant of the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded, found the person not in distress

3:05pm, received dispatch to a stroke victim in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the call. The patient was transported to local hospital for further evaluation.


Vol. 12, No. 19 – June 19 – July 2, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

5-30 9:03am, received a report of a Hazmat situation, oil pipeline rupture near VHV H-dock. Officers were dispatched and responded with multiple agencies. Rescue Boat 19 and vehicle Harbor 1 were utilized and stocked with absorbent booms and pads. The flow of oil was eventually stopped by environmental services and limited damage was caused from the spill.
6-1 12:54am, dispatched to a medical, sick person in the Harbor Village. Officers responded and assisted AMR with a 54-year-old male suffering from a reaction to his medication and alcohol.
6-2 9:55am, received a report of an overdue boater from the concerned family member. The vessel was a sailboat and was not back yet. Officers investigated with US coast guard and the vessel was eventually safely located.
6-3 10:22pm, received a report of suspicious activity near the lake at the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and found two individuals fishing the lake. They were removed from the private community, advised that fishing the artificial lake is prohibited and that they were trespassing.


12:24pm, dispatched to a medical at Harbor Cove beach. Officers responded and assisted state parks lifeguards with a 5-year-old who was struck with a sting ray strike. Hot water was applied to the wound and the child released to his parents on scene.


10:24am, State Parks lifeguard advising that an inflatable is disabled near the #4 buoy just outside the harbor. Officers responded and found the inflatable was towed by a good Samaritan to Harbor Cove where they will trouble-shoot the issue.


3:35pm, received several reports of a sick/injured sea lion on the riprap near the National Park Service. Officers responded, found the sick sea lion and contacted CI marine mammal rescue because the mammal appeared to be suffering from Demoic Acid poisoning.


5:15pm, received a request to check the wellness of an intoxicated individual on a vessel in VIM. Officers responded and contacted the subject who was intoxicated. They were advised to stay aboard their vessel and keep the peace.


8:45am, officers were conducting traffic control for the annual Hokuloa Canoe Club outrigger race at Harbor Cove with Rescue Boats 17 & 19. One thousand paddlers from around the state competed in a 10-mile race starting and ending at Harbor Cove also known as Mothers’ Beach.

11:24am, dispatched to a medical at Harbor Cove. Officers responded in the truck H-1, assisted AMR/State Parks with a patient suffering from sea sickness

9:20pm, received dispatch to a fall victim at the Ventura Harbor Village. Officers responded and found an intoxicated individual who sustained a laceration over right eye. Gold Coast ambulance handled the call and transport


4:32pm, received a mayday call, vessel disabled near the outside breakwall. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19 and assisted TowBoat US with the call. The vessel was safely anchored in calm conditions with 9 souls aboard.

8:10pm, dispatched to a water rescue, person in the water in the turning basin of the keys. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19 and assisted VPD with the incident. The individual was taken into custody for attempted vessel theft.


3:43pm, dispatched to a medical, back pain in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded in H-1 and assisted VFD/AMR with the call. The patient was transported to local hospital for further evaluation.

5:52pm, received a dispatch to a water rescue, kite surfer in distress west of the Ventura Pier. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19 and found the kite surfer conducting a self-rescue. He refused any assistance and officers stood by until he was safely around the pier and headed towards shore.


12:46pm, dispatched to a sheered Fire Hydrant at Harbor and Schooner. Officers responded and found an open hydrant releasing water for the construction along Harbor Blvd. It was open to release pressure along the road


Vol. 12, No. 18 – June 5 – June 18, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

5-16 6:59pm, dispatched to a water rescue, capsized boat near VIM. Officers responded in the vehicle with VFD/AMR. Officers found the victim out of the water and in no distress or in need of medical attention.
5-18 9:30pm, received a walk-in request for medical attention. Officers responded from the operations center and assisted VFD/AMR with a 26-year-old female complaining of seizures. She was transported to local hospital for further help.
5-19 6:30am, harbor patrol and marine safety officers with the Port District assisting State Parks/AMR with the Breath-of-Life triathlon at Harbor Cove.
5-21 12:35pm, Beach Hazard conditions: 3-5ft Southwest swell with strong West winds 25 to 35 knots. Winds are expected to increase throughout the night.
5-22 5:35pm, dispatched to a medical in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with an 82-year-old female.
5-27 9:00am, Ventura County Fire rescue swimmers conducting a class with Ventura Harbor Patrol & Marine Safety Officers. Participants practiced Rescue Water Craft operations and rescue procedures.

6:20pm, Beach Hazard Assessment: large crowds with favorable weather all throughout the beaches. 3-5ft Southwest Swell with many strong rip currents in all the usual areas: Surfers Knoll groin, South Jetty and the breech in the Santa Clara Rivermouth.

7:38pm, while manning the operations center, officers observed a broken transmission on VHF 16. Then they observed a vessel in distress at the Harbor Entrance, with the 3 Persons onboard using paddles to return to the Harbor. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19 and safely towed the disabled vessel to the launch ramp where it was released.

Vol. 12, No. 17 – May 22 – June 4, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

5-02 5:40pm, received a report of a transient casing cars near the National Park Service. Officers responded and found the subject on the beach at Harbor Cove. Nothing suspicious was observed and the individual moved on.
5-04 11:30am, received a dispatch to a vehicle into a building at 1559 Spinnaker Drive. Officers responded and determined there were no injuries involved with the incident. VFD responded shored up the entrance and City building inspectors “red-tagged” the building until it can be repaired.
5-05 7:15am, received a report of an injured seabird, grebe at the Santa Clara Rivermouth. A good Samaritan caught and placed the bird in the estuary. Officers found the bird and captured it because it appears sick/injured. Bird Rescue volunteers were contacted and arranged for a pick up at the Port Dist.
5-10 11:00am, Harbor Patrol and Marine Safety Officers training with Oxnard Fire water rescue class at Surfers Knoll beach. Rescue Boat 19 was used in class.

9:52pm, received a report of a fall victim in the Harbor Village. Officers responded and assisted a subject who stepped in dog droppings and slipped and fell. The patient was uninjured and the dog/owner were not located.

5-11 8:32am, dispatched to a medical, ill person in a vehicle at 1860 Spinnaker dr.

Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with treatment of severe leg pain from the patient. The patient was self-transported to local hospital.

9:06pm, received a dispatch to a medical, unconscious person at 1550 Spinnaker. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with assessment and treatment of a 60 year old male who was transported by AMR to hospital.

5-12 6:43am, dispatched to a fall victim in the Ventura Marina Community, officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with a female complaining of back pain. The patient was transported to local hospital by AMR for further evaluation.

7:11am, while on patrol, officers observed an injured bird, a grebe. They caught it and contacted sea bird rescue for pick up and treatment.

5-13 7:33am, dispatched to a medical, fall victim in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded but were unable to locate the patient. All responding units were cancelled and placed back in service.
5-14 5:05pm, while on patrol, officers observed hazardous ocean conditions from South Jetty to the Santa Clara Rivermouth. 4-6ft South swell with strong rip currents in several places. Officers monitored the conditions ensuring no inexperienced swimmers or surfers were heading out.