Category Archives: The Pet Page

Vol. 14, No. 18 – June 2 – June 15, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.
SPAN Thrift Store is providing low cost spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.
Two upcoming clinics in June are:
First one will be at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main) on Tuesday, June 15th, and a second one on Tuesday, June 29th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015..
Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙One variety of Natural Balance Cat Food is being recalled for possible Salmonella contamination. The variety is Natural Balance L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets Green Pea & Chicken Formula Dry Cat Food that is sold in two sizes. The contamination was discovered during routine state surveillance sampling by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. The recalling company is Natural Balance Pet Foods of San Diego, California.

People can contract Salmonella infections by touching pet food that is contaminated with the pathogen, then eating or drinking without washing their hands. They can also get sick by having contact with cat bowls, feces, or their cat’s fur, since the animal can shed the bacteria in their stool. Symptoms of Salmonella poisoning in people include a fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and cramps, and diarrhea that may be bloody. If you have been experiencing these symptoms, see your doctor.

The recalled products are both Natural Balance L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets Green Pea & Chicken Formula Dry Cat Food. The 5 pound bag has UPC number 2363306234, lot code 1008080 06:42N811202:20, and best if used by date 10-Mar-2022. The 10 pound bag has UPC number 2363300235, lot code 1008080 06:42N811202:20, and best if used by date 10-Mar-2022.

If you purchased this product, stop feeding it to your pet immediately. You can throw it away in a secure package in a garbage can with a tight lid. Or you can take it back to the store where you purchased it for a full refund.

Then clean and sanitize pet food bowls and any storage containers that may have held the food with a mild bleach solution. Wash with dish soap and rinse well, then dry.

∙A study from the University of Guelph suggests that a cat owner and their training methods can play a big role in preventing aggressive behavior.

Lead author Kristina O’Hanley found that the cats in the study showed less aggression if they received positive reinforcement to manage unwanted tendencies. Cats would become aggressive to their owners, other people, and other cats more often when owners made loud commands like “no!” or held them by the scruff of their neck.

Data from animal shelters was used to analyze those early experiences, and then owners were surveyed about their later experiences with the cat in the home.

“Surprisingly, we saw few effects of early management of kittens in shelters on adult cat behavior,” O’Hanley said. “Most of the effects that we saw related to how the cat was managed in the home after adoption.”

The findings show that 35% of the cats included in the study had swatted at and bitten people and that female cats were more likely to show aggression toward owners and other cats.
In homes with many cats, there was a lower risk of feline aggression toward owners and other people.

∙New study shows that pets and their owners’ diet together
Reviewed by Emily Henderson

If a pet owner is on a specific diet, chances are their dog is on it, too, a new U of G study reveals. But when it comes to a grain-free diet, owners seem to choose it more for their dogs than themselves, the study also found. It demonstrates that many variables, not just dietary habits, influence the selection of dog food.

The international Pet Food Consumer Habit Survey is the first of its kind to examine factors involved in pet owners choosing grain-free dog food in both Europe and North America.

The study found dog owners who are on gluten-free, organic or grain-free diets are likely to look for the same characteristics in the dry dog food they purchase.

Feeding their dog grain-free pet food was common among pet owners who prefer “premium” food, avoid grains or processed foods, follow vegetarian, vegan or ketogenic diets, or have strict diet routines.

Researchers surveyed 3,300 pet owners from Canada, the U.S., Germany, France and the U.K. Participants were asked where they get their information about dog food, where they buy it and the most important factors in their choices.

Just over 21% said they look for “no grain” as an attribute that influences their purchase.

The study said the pet food industry is highly influenced by human trends and what pet owners believe about nutrition. Researchers focused on pet food innovations for dogs and cats must consider consumer trends and try to supply the best food formulations for consumers’ beliefs, she said.

∙Are dogs really that good at sniffing out COVID? Another study leaves no doubt.
By Katie Camero

We don’t yet know what concerts, festivals and other large gatherings will look like after the COVID-19 pandemic is under control, but you may want to start adding dogs to the picture.

Canine presence is already normal at airports where dogs search for weapons, explosives, drugs or other dangerous materials. But they have been gradually making appearances at large events to sniff out COVID-19 following research that revealed their powerful noses could detect if a person was carrying the virus.

In its study, nine dogs were able to identify positive coronavirus samples with 96% accuracy on average after three weeks of training.

Researchers say using dogs can help catch people who are infected and don’t know it — otherwise known as asymptomatic carriers — before they spread the virus to others. This method is also cheaper than traditional testing practices. The study was published Wednesday in the journal PLOS ONE.

“This is not a simple thing we’re asking the dogs to do,” Cynthia Otto, senior author of the study and director of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine Working Dog Center, said in a statement. “Dogs have to be specific about detecting the odor of the infection, but they also have to generalize across the background odors of different people: men and women, adults and children, people of different ethnicities and geographies.”

The team trained eight Labrador retrievers and one Belgian Malinois to identify whether urine or saliva samples from hospitalized adults and children were COVID-19 positive. All samples were “inactivated” to prevent the dogs from getting infected.

A “scent wheel” with 12 ports containing coronavirus positive and negative samples, as well as some controls such as gloves, paperclips, empty cans and garlic on filter paper, was presented to the dogs. If they responded to a COVID-19 positive sample, the dogs were rewarded.
Although the canines detected positive samples with high accuracy, their ability to avoid false negatives was lower, likely because of the strict study criteria, the researchers said. “If the dogs walked by a port containing a positive sample even once without responding, that was labeled a ‘miss.’”

Dogs’ noses, with about 300 million scent receptors, are exceptionally good at their jobs. In comparison, humans only have about 5 or 6 million, according to the American Lung Association, which says “a dog can even detect a teaspoon of sugar diluted in a million gallons of water (the equivalent of two Olympic sized pools).”

Vol. 14, No. 17 – May 19 – June 1, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙ SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.
SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.
Two upcoming clinics are:
Tuesday, May 25th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main), and a second at Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036 on Tuesday, June 1st.
Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙ Sadly, Search Dog Cooper’s story began like so many others as he was mistreated and neglected at the hands of his original owner. When Silicon Valley Animal Control removed Cooper from that situation, they worked with Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue to find an appropriate foster home for the young yellow Lab.

Thanks to his foster family’s patience and kindness, Cooper learned that humans can be good and loving. Bouncing back from a rough start in life, Cooper showed immense joy when playing with toys—enough toy drive to warrant a call to the Search Dog Foundation.

Cooper passed his search dog candidate evaluation and soon found himself climbing rubble and searching for human scent… and enjoying every moment of it! Flying through training, Cooper was partnered with his new handler, Mike Bruce, with whom he quickly certified, and they now stand ready to respond when needed to help in the aftermath of a disaster.

Cooper’s journey from rescued to rescuer is only possible thanks to you.

SDF Family has helped Cooper and many dogs like him find their home and a job they love as a search dog, but we know there are many more out there, waiting for their chance at a new “leash on life.”

A search dog will never ask for anything—their unconditional love and unwavering bravery in the face of tragedy is what they readily give for nothing in return. But it doesn’t mean they don’t need our support and care.

You can give them the gift of both by making a donation today.
Together, we can change the lives of so many—both human and canine.
Address 6800 Wheeler Canyon Rd, Santa Paula but it seems like Ventura.
You can donate at

∙ The lead water technician for Real Water—a Las Vegas-based company that produces “alkalized” bottled water now linked to liver failure cases—testified that he had no relevant experience to be a water technician when he was promoted to the position last August.

Real Water’s lead technician, Casey Aiken, 40, is a former vacuum and timeshare salesman who began working for Real Water last June after losing his job as a strip club promoter. According to a taped deposition from late March that was obtained by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Aiken was promoted from his job of loading bottled water onto shipping pallets to the company’s lead technician after “a couple hours” of training.

In late November, just a few months after Aiken’s promotion, five infants and children who drank the water developed acute non-viral hepatitis, which led to acute liver failure, health officials say. The children ranged in age from 7 months to 5 years. Real Water’s branded water was the only common link between the cases.

Health officials didn’t connect the November cases to the water until March, however, when state and federal investigations were underway. On April 26, the Southern Nevada Health District announced it had identified six additional probable cases and one suspected case, all of which are in adults. The health district is now investigating 50 additional cases, and there are now at least 10 civil suits against Real Water, all alleging poisoning. Aiken’s video deposition was taken in connection with those civil suits.

∙ By Chrissy Sexton staff writer
A study conducted at the University of Helsinki is providing new insight into what causes aggressive behavior in dogs. Based on a dataset of more than 9,000 dogs, the researchers found that aggressive behavior is most often triggered by fear.

Growling, barking, snapping, and biting are all signs of aggression among dogs, but these same gestures are also used for communication in non-aggressive situations, such as during play. It is important to recognize when a dog’s aggression is excessive, and poses a threat to both humans and other animals.

“Understanding the factors underlying aggressive behavior is important. In what kinds of circumstances does aggressive behavior occur and what is the dog’s motive for such behavior? In normal family dogs, aggressive behavior is often unwanted, while some dogs with official duties are expected to have the capacity for aggressiveness. At the same time, aggressiveness can be caused by welfare issues, such as chronic pain,” explained study co-author Salla Mikkola.

The researchers investigated aggressiveness toward both dog owners and unfamiliar humans based on several potential risk factors.

“Dogs’ fearfulness had a strong link to aggressive behavior, with fearful dogs many times more likely to behave aggressively,” said Mikkola.

“Moreover, older dogs were more likely to behave aggressively than younger ones. One of the potential reasons behind this can be pain caused by a disease. Impairment of the senses can contribute to making it more difficult to notice people approaching, and dogs’ responses to sudden situations can be aggressive.”

While small dogs are more likely to become aggressive compared to bigger dogs, their behavior is not usually considered as threatening. As a result, the researchers found, aggressiveness is often not addressed in small dogs.

The results indicate that male dogs are more aggressive than females, regardless of neutering. The study also revealed that dogs who spend time in the company of other dogs behave less aggressively.
“In the case of dogs prone to aggressive behavior in the first instance, owners may not necessarily wish to take a risk of conflicts with another dog,” said Mikkola.

The experts found significant differences in aggressive behavior among various dog breeds, which can point to a genetic cause.

“In our dataset, the Long-Haired Collie, Poodle (Toy, Miniature and Medium) and Miniature Schnauzer were the most aggressive breeds. Previous studies have shown fearfulness in Long-Haired Collies, while the other two breeds have been found to express aggressive behavior towards unfamiliar people,” said Professor Hannes Lohi.

“As expected, the popular breeds of Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever were at the other extreme. People who are considering getting a dog should familiarize themselves with the background and needs of the breed. As for breeders, they should also pay attention to the character of dam candidates, since both fearfulness and aggressive behavior are inherited.”

The study is published in the journal Scientific Reports.

∙ Dogs are great at reading their owners’ emotions and body language, so showering your pet with attention just before leaving may actually make them more anxious when you’re gone.

“Don’t drag out hellos and goodbyes,” Venator said. “Stay calm when leaving and give them a treat as you walk out the door to create a positive association with you leaving.”

Venator suggested that if you feel guilty heading out without saying goodbye, try having a play session 10 to 20 minutes before stepping out the door.

Photo by Denna Gledhill

Haole Boy had been wowing crowds since 2013, when he climbed on his owner John Murphy’s surfboard at Mondos and started surfing with virtually no instruction. He went on to work with A Walk On Water (AWOW) program, helping teach kids with developmental disabilities to surf and be comfortable on the waves. He died a year ago and this memorial has been set up on the Promenade near California St.

Vol. 14, No. 16 – May 5 – May 18, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙ SPAN Thrift Store is open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.

SPAN Thrift Store regularly provides $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Three upcoming clinics are: Tuesday, May 11th at the Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036, a second one on Tuesday, May 18th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015 and a third one on Tuesday, May 25th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main).

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.By Linda Carroll

∙ Beachgoers may have felt safe from Lyme disease, but a new study suggests those heading to the shore also need to keep a careful eye out for disease-carrying ticks.

Researchers in California were surprised to find just as many adult black-legged ticks carrying Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme, in areas of grass and scrub leading to the beach they did as in the woodland habitats in the northwestern part of the state.

“We went into new habitats and found them in numbers we didn’t expect,” said lead author Daniel Salkeld, a research scientist at Colorado State University. “A few years ago I would have said the ticks there wouldn’t have been infected because there aren’t any grey squirrels, which are the source for Lyme in California.”

People may not be looking for ticks when heading to the beach, but the tiny bugs could be hiding in coastal grasses or nearby scrub areas.

“I think they’ve been under our noses all along,” Salkeld told NBC News. “We just haven’t thought to look very closely.”

Fortunately, for Californians, at least, the ticks aren’t a year-round problem. They’re only there during the rainy season, Sakeld said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that around 476,000 Americans are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease each year.

Typical symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • A characteristic skin rash, called erythema migrans

Most cases of Lyme can be successfully treated with a few weeks of antibiotics, according to the CDC. Untreated, the illness can spread to the joints, heart and nervous system.

To take a closer look at where the ticks might be hanging out, Sakeld and his team dragged public and private areas, including California state parks, county and regional parks and national parks in Marin, Monterey, Napa, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Sonoma counties for the blood-sucking bugs.

The researchers found Borrelia burgdorferi in 4.1 percent of adult ticks in coastal scrub and in 3.9 percent of adult ticks in woodland areas.

Sakeld doesn’t know yet how the ticks are being infected. The reservoir of the bacteria “could be voles or rabbits,” he said.

The findings were published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

“This is a great study,” said Laura Goodman, an assistant research professor at the Baker Institute for Animal Health at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. “There is a bias in this country where people think they are only at risk when they go into the woods. But really, prevention and vigilance should be practiced everywhere outdoors, and we should be vigilant year-round.”

Lia Gaertner, director of education and outreach at the Bay Area Lyme Foundation, offered prevention tips:

  • Stay on trails and on sand.
  • Wear light clothing and use tick repellent.
  • Check and triple check your body — up to three days later.
  • Throw clothes into hot dryer once inside.
  • Shower.

“We tell people that if they find a tick attached to themselves, they should always save it so you can send it for identification and see what type it is and if it carries disease,” Gaertner said.

While black-legged ticks are predominantly a woodland and shrubland species, they can also be found in grasslands near the coast, said Richard S. Ostfeld, a tick expert and distinguished senior scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York.

∙ How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

By Jennifer Nelson

Is your pup smelling a little ripe? How often and when to bathe your dog can depend on several factors. “Dogs don’t need baths as often as humans,” says Dr. Callie Harris, a veterinarian at Purina, who is based in Atlanta, and judge of ABC’s Pooch Perfect, a new dog grooming competition show.

How often you bathe your dog can vary depending on his coat type, lifestyle, health conditions, and even the time of year. But a good rule is about once a month. Dr. Harris says you can let your nose make the call. “My personal gauge is when I am kicking my dog out of the bed. This usually means it’s time for a bath,” she says.

If you have a very young puppy, it’s a good idea to hold off baths for a bit. Young puppies can’t regulate their body temperature, so their first bath shouldn’t be before about eight weeks old.

Long haired breeds, like Shih Tzus or collies, and double-coated breeds, like labs, beagles, and huskies, obviously need more bathing to keep long or thick coats clean and matt-free. Short hair breeds who don’t get that dirty may need less washing.

Dr. Harris says to use dog-safe shampoo, and for those double-coated breeds, a de-shedding shampoo can help cut down on the amount of hair they shed. “No matter what shampoo you choose, make sure you thoroughly rinse all product out of your dog’s coat to prevent any skin irritation.”

Doggie conditioner is probably not necessary for most breeds, but long-haired dogs whose fur can mat easily may benefit. Check with your vet or a good groomer about the best conditioners for a long-haired breed. Conditioners also come in de-shedding formulas.

You can wash your dog too frequently, and it’s important not to. “Excessive bathing may cause your dog to have a dry coat or dry skin,” says Dr. Harris. Similar to how humans can develop dry skin from long, hot showers, you don’t want to overdo bathing your dog. If she already has dry skin, ask your veterinarian about special shampoo and conditioning products that are more hydrating and keep baths infrequent if possible.

What if Your Dog Hates the Bath?

For dogs who aren’t a fan of bath time, several tricks can make the experience less stressful:

  • Use a tub that is non-slippery and comfortable.
  • Try showering with your pup. He might like it more if you’re in there, too.
  • Make it calm and stress-free by placing your dog in the tub or sink gently.
  • If she doesn’t like running water, fill the tub up a few inches before you put her in.
  • Use a cup to wet your dog rather than a shower sprayer.
  • Start with wetting and sudsing her back legs first.
  • Give lots of treats.
  • Smearing peanut butter, cheese, or other favorite snacks in the shower or tub can help distract.

If your pup still isn’t loving the bath, establish a relationship with a groomer who is trained to bathe dogs successfully with minimal stress. Pet parents may not realize that bath time can be a great way to bond with your dog and provide positive engagement. Turning your pup’s bath time into a family affair by involving the kids may help, too.

As always, consult your veterinarian about questions and concerns at your pet’s next appointment.

Vol. 14, No. 15 – April 21 – May 4, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.

SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Two upcoming clinics are:

Tuesday, April 27th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main), and a second at Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036 on Tuesday, May 11th.

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙As cat owners, probably one of the most dreaded parts is knowing how to trim cat nails without causing a full of cat meltdown. It can a very stressful process for both you and your cat. Here at IndyVet, we wanted to help alleviate the stress of trimming your cat’s nails by showing you a few tips and tricks.

One of the first things that you will want to have is a pair of small feline nail trimmers. Human nail trimmers can cause small cuts on your cat’s pads and can cause irritation and discomfort.

One of the first things that you will want to do is find a comfortable place to sit down. Then, have your cat in your lap in a sitting position. Put some pressure on the top and bottom side of the paw so that the nail comes out of its sheath. Clip only the top (white) part of the nail. Make sure that you aren’t trimming the pink (quick) part of the nail. This can cause pain and bleeding.

If your cat is stressed, a tip is to swaddle your cat in a large towel. This ensures that your cat can’t scratch you as you trim their nails. If your cat is still showing signs of distress, you can use treats or cat food to distract them.

If your cat is scratching or trying to bite you, you do have the option of calling your vet and having them trim your cat’s nails for you. Veterinarians have access to medications that can decrease your cat’s anxiety. They also have more handling techniques and staff members who can help assist in the process.

∙ HealthDay News — Cats have a long history of boosting people’s moods and brightening their days. And that’s probably true for kids on the autism spectrum as well, new research shows.

The small study suggests that adopting a shelter cat may help reduce separation anxiety and improve empathy in kids with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

“Cats, and companion animals in general, offer unconditional acceptance and someone to talk to that listens, and caring for an animal can help with learning responsibility,” said study author Gretchen Carlisle. She’s a research scientist at the Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction at the University of Missouri, in Columbia.

ASD is a brain disorder that affects social skills, communication and impulse control. In the United States, it affects one child in 54, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The new study included 11 families that had children with autism between the ages of 6 and 14. The families were followed for 18 weeks after adopting a shelter cat. The researchers used standardized social skills and anxiety scales to pick children who were likely to respond well to a pet. The cats were also screened for temperament.

Overall, parents reported an instant bond between child and cat, and the bond remained strong over time even with the added responsibility of caring for the pet.

The researchers found that the kids’ separation anxiety, bullying and overactivity declined over the study period and they showed more empathy after adopting the cat. Most families kept the cat after the study ended. The new findings were published online recently in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing.

Carlisle said it’s not that cats are a better choice than dogs, but feline companions may be particularly well suited for some children with autism and their families.

“Many children with autism have sensory issues and when a dog is barking in your face, it can be really overwhelming, whereas cats just sit beside you and are less overwhelming from a sensory standpoint,” she explained.

Cats can also be much easier to care for, especially by parents of kids with autism who might already be overwhelmed and stressed.

“We specifically selected cats aged 10 months to 4 years because there is prior work that younger cats are more social with kids with autism, and adult temperament tends to be set at 10 months with cats, so these are younger cats with an adult temperament,” Carlisle said.

Several autism experts agreed that adopting a pet can have benefits for kids with autism and their families, as long as they know what they are getting into.

“Though small and preliminary, these are promising findings that mirror what I see in practice,” said Dr. Melissa Nishawala, director of the Autism Spectrum Disorder Research and Clinical Program at Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone Health in New York City. “This is a study of pets or companion animals as opposed to service or therapy animals, so it is something that any family could pursue and gives a roadmap of how to do it well for families who are interested.”

James McPartland, director of the Yale Developmental Disabilities Clinic in New Haven, Conn., agreed that animals can be soothing and help teach kids with autism responsibility.

“Getting a pet is a big responsibility and there are many people who may find it’s more responsibility than they wanted,” he added. “So it’s important to think through what is realistic for your family before adopting a pet.”

∙Larger dogs such as the Rottweiler, great Dane and Rhodesian ridgeback have greater risk of osteosarcoma than smaller breeds, new research has shown.

Although the painful and aggressive bone tumor was known to be more common in certain breeds than others, a study has now looked at the epidemiology surrounding the dog breeds that get osteosarcoma and the impact on canine welfare.

The study – led by the University of Bristol Veterinary School in conjunction with Cardiff University and the RVC, and using data from VetCompass Veterinary Pathology Group histology – has also shown breeds with shorter skulls and legs have lower osteosarcoma risk.

The study included 1,756 laboratory-confirmed osteosarcoma cases in dogs compared with 905,211 dogs under veterinary care in the VetCompass database.

A total of 27 breeds – mainly larger breeds – had an increased risk of osteosarcoma compared to cross-breeds, with 30, mainly smaller, breeds – including the Jack Russell terrier, border terrier, bichon frise, French bulldog and cavalier King Charles spaniel – had reduced risk versus cross-breeds.

The study also compared body mass and leg length, and confirmed previous findings that heavier dogs with longer legs and longer skull shapes are at greatest risk of bone tumors.

It is hoped the results could inform breed health reforms – especially in predisposed breeds such as the Rottweiler, great Dane, Rhodesian ridgeback, mastiff and German pointer.

Previous studies have identified high-risk breeds for bone tumors, but the paper is novel in identifying those at lowest risk because of the population size included in it.

With a dog’s genetics likely to play a role in tumor development, owners of high-risk breeds should be alerted to look for signs of the disease – which include lameness and painful, bony swelling – and contact a vet if concerned.

Grace Edmunds, clinical veterinary research fellow and lead author at the University of Bristol Veterinary School, said: “As osteosarcoma also affects adolescents, it is hugely exciting that by understanding the biology of bone tumors, and working with my collaborators in human cancer research, we may make a difference to both canine and human cancer patients.”

The team is now developing a project that will sequence certain genes in at-risk and protected breeds to identify genetic pathways that cause tumors to develop in normal bone.

The paper is published in Canine Medicine and Genetics.

Vol. 14, No. 14 – April 7 – April 20, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.
SPAN Thrift Store regularly provides $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.
Three upcoming clinics in April are: Tuesday, April 13th at the Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036, a second one on Tuesday, April 20th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015 and a third one on Tuesday, April 27th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main).
Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

K-9 Rocky has a nose for illegal drugs.

∙An Oxnard Police Department K-9 detected a half ton of methamphetamine that was being smuggled in produce boxes. Police Officer Caston and K-9 Rocky were conducting a traffic stop of a vehicle in Oxnard when Rocky alerted the officer to the presence of narcotics. During a search of the vehicle, Caston found more than 1,000 pounds of methamphetamine with a street value of $2.8 million.

∙For the last quarter-century, the local Search Dog Foundation (SDF) has been dedicated to training canine disaster search teams to respond with their urban search and rescue task forces to find survivors in the aftermath of disasters throughout the United States and the world.

This year, twenty-five years after our founding in 1996, we invite you to take a journey through our history with us—revisiting the heartbreaks we’ve faced in disaster work as well as rejoicing in the successes and the accomplishments that you have made possible…

Seeing a desperate need for more highly-trained, certified search dogs, Wilma founded the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation the very next year.

On February 2, 2020, nearly 25 years after the bombing in Oklahoma City, Wilma witnessed SDF’s 168th team certify for deployment, fulfilling her goal to create one certified search team for each of the 168 lives lost on that tragic day. In memory and in honor of them, SDF works each day to help ensure no survivors are left behind.

The moments like these that we’ll revisit during the year—like our 168th certification—and the ones that lie ahead are only possible thanks to your generosity and belief in our work. With you fueling our mission, we are now at 180 certified teams and growing! Each day is another day we further Wilma’s legacy of strengthening disaster response in America. Thank you for making an impact on so many lives through the years, both canine and human.

Donate today at

∙The Biden family dogs, Major and Champ, are back at the White House after an incident in which Major caused a “minor” injury to an undisclosed person.

The White House did not specify when the dogs had returned from Delaware, where they were sent earlier this month after the incident.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on March 9 that the dogs had already been scheduled to be out of town prior to the incident while the first lady was traveling and would return to the White House soon.

∙Puppy scams have cost Canadians more than $105,000 since January 2020, according to the Better Business Bureau.

Mary O’Sullivan-Andersen, president and CEO of BBB for southern Alberta and B.C.’s East Kootenay region, says consumers need to be especially diligent if they are trying to purchase a puppy online.

“Ask for references from other satisfied customers, set up a live video call to meet the breeder and the puppy, and ask for detailed information about the dog and its health,” she said in a release.

“Take the necessary steps to ensure the breeder is legitimate and ethical. Don’t become the victim of a scammer.”

∙Service dogs trained to support veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder can decrease the severity of their symptoms better than companion dogs classified as emotional support animals, according to the results of a long-awaited study by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Research involving 227 veterans — 153 of whom remained with their paired dogs for the entire study — showed that both types of animals helped decrease PTSD symptoms in their owners. But results were more significant in participants paired with a service dog.

In addition, veterans paired with service dogs had fewer suicidal behaviors and less ideation at the 18-month point, while both groups displayed a decrease in other symptoms such as anger and disrupted sleep.

However, the research found that, while both groups showed slight improvements in their mental health, there was no change in their levels of disability and no difference in physical health by the study’s completion.

“While both groups appeared to have experienced some benefit, an improvement in overall disability and quality of life among veteran participants with PTSD was not observed with the provision of a service dog relative to provision of an emotional support dog,” wrote the authors of the study, “A Randomized Trial of Differential Effectiveness of Service Dog Pairing Versus Emotional Support Dog Pairing to Improve Quality of Life for Veterans with PTSD.”

∙If your pet has put on weight during the pandemic, you’re not alone.
A recent Hills Pet Nutrition survey says our four-legged friends are putting on pandemic pounds with us, and not every pet parent wants to hear it.

Dr. Andrew Novosad with Sugar Land Veterinary Specialists says the first step to better health is recognizing there’s a problem.

“We use things like big-boned, there’s lots of ways you can phrase it. You find yourself having to be tactful… Yes, your dog’s overweight!” Dr. Novosad said.

Pandemic or not, Dr. Novosad said treats should be given out sparingly. As for Kibble, you can reduce the amount you’re feeding, or use a diet version, but dogs and cats typically differ on what they’ll tolerate. While dogs will likely accept a bland diet, “Cats will go on a hunger strike just to prove a point,” Dr. Novosad said.

If you need some guidance on helping your pet slim down the right way, visit, the American Veterinary Association website

∙ Midwestern Pet Foods has issued a voluntary recall of certain dog and cat food brands manufactured at the company’s Monmouth, Illinois, facility because they may be contaminated with salmonella, according to a company announcement posted on the FDA website.
The affected brands, which are sold nationwide, include CanineX, Earthborn Holistic, Meridian, Pro Pac, Pro Pac Ultimates, Sportmix, Sportmix Wholesomes, Sportstrial, Unrefined and Venture.
FDA expands Sportmix dog food recall after 70 dogs reportedly died
FDA expands Sportmix dog food recall after 70 dogs reportedly died
The Indiana-based company discovered the potential for contamination after routine sampling. You can tell if your product needs to be thrown out by looking at the expiration date, the company said.

The possibly contaminated products have an “M” in the date code, such as this example: “EXP AUG/02/22/M1/L#.
Midwestern Pet Foods is urging retailers and distributors to pull recalled lots from their inventory and shelves and, if possible, contact customers that purchased the products.

Vol. 14, No. 13 – Mar 24 – April 6, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.

SPAN Thrift Store regularly provides $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Three upcoming clinics in April are: Tuesday, April 13th at the Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036, a second one on Tuesday, April 20th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015 and a third one on Tuesday, April 27th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main).

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙ Bravo Packing is expanding its March 4, 2021 recall of pet food products for possible Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes contamination. No human or animal illnesses related to the consumption of these products have been reported to the company to date.

The recall now includes all Bravo Packing pet food and bones in all package sizes. During an FDA inspection, samples collected tested positive for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. The recall is being expanded due to potential cross-contamination.

The recalled products include Performance Dog chub frozen raw dog food in 2 pound size; Performances Dog chub frozen raw dog food in 5 pound size; “Green Tripe” cub – ground bovine stomach frozen raw dog food in 2 pound packages, and “Green Tripe” chub-ground bovine stomach frozen raw dog food in 5 pound packages.

Also recalled is “Beef” chub – ground frozen raw dog food in 2 pound packages and “Beef” chub – ground frozen raw dog food in 5 pound packages. “Performance Dog” patties frozen raw dog food in unknown sizes is recalled, as is “Tripe” in 1/4 pound patties frozen raw dog food in unknown sizes. Finally, smoked Bones, in 14 varieties, of unknown package sizes, is recalled.

Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes can cause illness in pets and in people. Pets can eat this food, get sick, and spread the pathogens in their feces, which can contaminate their fur and environment. Pets who are sick may be lethargic, have diarrhea that may be bloody, fever, and vomiting. If your pet has been ill, see your veterinarian.

If you have any of these products in your home freezer, do not feed them to your pet. You can throw them away after first double bagging them. Put them into a secure garbage can with a tight fitting lid so other animals can’t access them. ou can also take them back to the store where you bought them for a full refund.

∙The Bidens’ 3-year-old German shepherd Major “nipped” a Secret Service agent’s hand.

“No skin was broken,” said the official, who described the injury as “extremely minor.”

The White House medical unit handled the incident, press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters, adding that “no further treatment was needed.”

∙The French Bulldog, once again, claimed Los Angeles’ top spot in the American Kennel Club’s (AKC®) 2020 ranking of the most popular AKC-recognized dog breeds in the U.S. The French Bulldog was also recognized as the #1 pup in West Palm Beach, FL and San Francisco.

Pomeranians have gained a bit of popularity moving from a 10th spot ranking to 9th, signifying the only real change in Los Angeles’ 2020 list.

“No wonder I’m LA’s favorite dog I’m sooo cute.”

“The French Bulldog continues to be a top favorite for people of Los Angeles for a third year in a row,” said AKC Executive Secretary Gina DiNardo. “This breed’s playful, alert and smart temperament make it a popular choice for both current and potential dog owners.”

Los Angeles’ top 5 breeds for 2020:

1. French Bulldog

2. Bulldog

3. Labrador Retriever

4. German Shepherd Dog

5. Golden Retriever

The AKC also announced its nationwide rankings at the AKC Museum of the Dog in NYC.

The Labrador Retriever celebrates a milestone! The loveable Lab remains the number one most popular breed in the United States for the 30th year.

While the Lab holds firmly to the top spot, the French Bulldog has continued to skyrocket in popularity. The Frenchie landed at number two in 2020, knocking the German Shepherd Dog down to third. The German Shepherd Dog had been the second most popular dog breed since 2009.

Most Popular Breeds Nationwide 2020

1. Labrador Retriever

2. French Bulldog

3. German Shepherd Dog

4. Golden Retriever

5. Bulldog

∙Get ready for what El Paso Animal Services is calling “Straylight Savings,” a play on daylight savings time. Animal Services is asking you to take time to check if your pet’s microchip is up to date.

While the fire department reminds residents to check the batteries in your smoke detector when daylight savings starts and ends, Animal Services said it’s also a great reminder to check the contact information on your pet’s microchip.

El Paso Animal Services said microchips are so important in making sure that your pet gets back home to you in case they ever get lost, but only if the contact information attached to the chip is current and registered.

You can update your pet’s microchip information by contacting the microchip manufacturer directly and ensure they have your current address and contact number. You can also register your pet’s microchip for free on the database as an extra layer of protection.

El Paso Animals Services reminds residents that if your pet does not have a microchip, microchipping is usually only about $20 at most veterinary clinics.

The nonprofit is also hosting free microchip clinics throughout the year through the Resource Rover program.

For more information on Animal Services’ next Resource Rover Pop-Up Microchip Clinic will be held, be sure to follow them on social media by searching for “El Paso Animal Services.”

∙From King Features: Are High Rehoming Fees Legitimate?

In a private Facebook group I belong to, someone is offering a pet for adoption, saying it belonged to their recently deceased mother-in-law. They want a $650 fee for “rehoming” the pet, because they say it has AKC registration. Is this a legitimate fee? It seems awfully steep. — James in Burlington, Vermont

James: Rehoming fees are a fact of life for private pet placements, but $650 to simply adopt a pet is unreasonably steep.

That isn’t to say that rehoming fees are a bad thing. A reasonable rehoming fee can prevent a pet from being adopted by people with bad intentions, who can’t financially care for a pet, or who are impulsively adopting a cute little dog that they might abandon at the first hiccup in behavior.

The flip side is someone abusing the rehoming fee for personal profit. That person may claim that the fee offsets their costs of caring for the pet, but when the rehoming fee far outstrips the cost of adopting from a shelter, it’s time to proceed with caution.

“ I need to take a break while delivering the Ventura Breeze. It’s hard work for a little dog. I need a raise” Glenda

Find out what the local shelter charges to adopt a pet and ask online what average rehoming fees are for your area. If you’re interested in the dog, contact the offerer and find out as many details as possible about its breed, temperament, health and the environment it lives in. Do not send any money beforehand. You need to meet both them and the dog in person, and no money should change hands until both sides agree (in writing, ideally) to the rehoming.

Further, if they are truly concerned for the dog’s welfare, they will have questions for you — maybe even an application — to make sure you are genuinely adopting the dog and will be a good owner.

Vol. 14, No. 12 – Mar 10 – Mar 23, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙On March 1, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that pet food manufacturer Vitakraft Sun Seed, Inc. had recalled one of its pet foods due to potential Salmonella contamination. The pet food you have in your cabinet could be putting your furry friend’s health—or yours—in harm’s way.

The affected products can make your pets seriously ill. The recall affects a single lot of Vitakraft Vita Smart Hedgehog Food, which may have been contaminated with Salmonella. The affected products are marked with lot number 343422 and UPC number 0-51233-34792-9.

The FDA reports that the recalled lot of Vitakraft Hedgehog Food could cause pets to develop fever, vomiting, diarrhea, blood in their stool, and general lethargy. Anyone whose pets develop these symptoms after eating the affected food is advised to contact a veterinarian.

Bravo Packing of Carneys Point, New Jersey is recalling all Ground Beef and Performance Dog, which is a frozen raw pet food, because it may be contaminated with the pathogens Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. Both pathogens can cause serious illness in animals eating the products and in humans who handle contaminated pet products. No human or animal illnesses have been reported to the company to date in connection with this issue.

Samples of Performance Dog and a sample of Ground Beef pet food were collected during an FDA inspection and tested positive for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. Performance Dog usually works with a distributor who is located in Brooklyn, New York, that fills orders to brick-and-mortar retail stores or to consumers directly nationwide. You can see pictures of product labels at the FDA web site.

Ground Beef and Performance Dog raw frozen pet foods come frozen in 2 pound and 5 pound plastic sleeves. If you have these products in your home, throw them away in a sealed container, or take them back to the store where you bought them for a full refund. Then clean dog dishes and anything that may have come into contact with the food with a mild bleach solution to kill pathogens. Rinse them thoroughly and dry before using again. Wash your hands well with soap and water after cleaning and after handling these products.

Pets who are infected with these pathogens can be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some pets will have decreased appetite, fever, and abdominal pain. Others may be infected but show no signs. All pets can pass these infections to the humans they live with through fees and saliva.

People with Salmonella infections have symptoms of nausea, vomiting, a fever, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. People infected with listeriosis can suffer from high fever, severe headache, stiff neck, nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Pregnant women can suffer miscarriage and stillbirth with this infection even though they are only mildly ill. Anyone who is feeling sick after having contact with this food or with a pet who has been fed the food should contact their doctor.

∙Veterinarians warn of marijuana poisoning in dogs now that it’s legal in Arizona

By Steve NielsenPublished Pets and AnimalsFOX 10 Phoenix

An inquisitive 90-pound Labordoodle accidentally ate marijuana while on a walk and vets say an incident like this could have turned nearly fatal. The good news is that most dogs recover from marijuana poisoning. However, it can still be serious.

Dr. Marcella Granfone at emergency hospital Arizona Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Center said they have several cases of this a week. “We have seen more severe effects from edible products where pets can come in looking comatose and actually will need a machine to breathe for them for a period of time.”

Dr. Karen Choptain is a veterinarian at the hospital, and she says the problem of dog overdoses has become especially pronounced over the last month. These exposures can lead to a number of different symptoms, including trouble walking, leaking urine and nausea”, she said, but it depends on the size of the dog.

“We’re very concerned that if there’s more access to them than you know, dogs can get into a lot of things. So definitely warning owners to be more cautious of the edible products. They’re just a lot stronger,” she said.

∙Studies show that skinny dogs live longer. Purina did a landmark study in 2002 using the American chunky dog, the Labrador Retriever. They divided 48 sets of twins up, told half the group to let them be typical beefy labs and told the other half to limit food and calories so that they were skinny. “So skinny that your neighbors tell you to feed your dog, skinny.”

The results were shocking. The skinny group outlived the normal group by almost 20% (11.3 years versus 13 years). Also, of great interest was that those in the skinny group died a more natural death and almost 90% of those in the normal group were euthanized due to medical problems.

Since this original study numerous groups have repeated it and achieved almost identical results. What they have also found its that being skinny delays the onset of many age-related degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, organ failure and arthritis.

So how skinny is skinny enough? Historically, veterinarians have used what is called the Body Condition Score or BCS. This rates a dog on a numerical scale based on subjective criteria

You want to be able to feel your dogs ribs with a little fat only between skin and ribs. Your dog should have a waistline, meaning the chest should be wider than the abdomen and there should be nothing hanging beneath. Of course, what is normal for a greyhound is not normal for a bulldog, so breed variation plays a role.

∙ HealthDay News — It is an image as heartwarming as any: Young children giggling as the family dog climbs all over them and licks their faces. But new research suggests the bond may be more than playful.

“The great news is that this study suggests dogs are paying a lot of attention to the kids that they live with,” said study author Monique Udell, an animal behaviorist and associate professor at Oregon State University. “They are responsive to them and, in many cases, behaving in synchrony with them, indicators of positive affiliation and a foundation for building strong bonds.”

The children were asked to walk with their off-leash dogs in a standardized way among color-coded taped lines in a large empty room. Researchers videotaped the experiments, analyzing how much time each child and their dog were moving or stationary at the same time (what they called activity synchrony), how often they were within 3 feet of each other (proximity), and going in the same direction (orientation).

“Sometimes we don’t give children and dogs enough credit. Our research suggests that with some guidance we can provide important and positive learning experiences for our kids and our dogs starting at a much earlier age, something that can make a world of difference to the lives of both,” she said.

Still, the percentages were all lower than found in previous research with adults — who had nearly 82% active synchrony and almost 73% proximity with their dogs.

“One interesting thing we have observed is that dogs are matching their child’s behavior less frequently than what we have seen between dogs and adult caretakers, which suggests that while they may view children as social companions, there are also some differences that we need to understand better,” Udell said.

The researchers are now studying more about synchrony and bond quality between dogs and the kids and adults in their families. This includes participation in animal-assisted interventions and increasing the child’s responsibility for the dog’s care.

The findings were published in the journal Animal Cognition


Vol. 14, No. 11 – Feb 24 – Mar 9, 2021 – The Pet Page

SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use. SPAN Thrift Store is providing low cost spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Two upcoming clinics are: Tuesday, March 2nd at Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, and a second one at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main) on Tuesday, March 9th.

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

Celebrated every February, National Pet Dental Health month aims to bring awareness the importance of oral health care for pets. In addition to bad breath, poor oral health can contribute to damage to the teeth and gums as well as periodontal disease, which can negatively impact the kidney, liver, and heart muscle.

One common type of periodontal disease, known as gingivitis, causes inflammation of the gums around the teeth and can act as a wake-up call for owners to pay attention to their pet’s pearly whites before more serious conditions develop.

Dr. Bert Dodd, a clinical professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, says that gingivitis is very common, and every pet has it to some degree.

Until gingivitis reaches a more advanced stage, it can be difficult for pet owners to detect on their own and their animal may not exhibit any symptoms. As such, it’s important that pets are regularly checked for signs of gingivitis by their veterinarian.

Just like in humans, gingivitis is caused by plaque buildup on the tooth. This plaque is made of food, saliva, and bacteria. Through an interaction between these foreign bacteria and the body’s immune system, enzymes are released that break down the gum tissue, leading to inflammation.

There is hope for friends of furry felines suffering from cat allergy, as Luxembourg researchers are working on developing new types of treatment.

Researchers at the Luxembourg Institute of Health developed a new immunotherapy approach, injecting allergic mice with a mix of major cat allergen Fel d 1 in combination with high doses of CpG oligonucleotide, an adjuvant substance that improves immune response.

The mice subjected to this allergen-specific therapy showed significantly reduced signs of airway inflammation and hyper-responsiveness, lower levels of pro-allergic molecules and IgE antibodies, commonly associated with allergic responses, and higher levels of IgA and IgG antibodies, which can have anti-inflammatory properties.

The mice also showed higher levels of immune cells involved in allergy regulation and tolerance.

The work at LIH “sets the bases for the development of novel successful immunotherapeutic treatments for allergies,” said Prof. Markus Ollert, Director of the department of infection and immunity and senior lead author of the study.

The findings were published in international journal “Allergy”.

NCSU professor shares science behind COVID-19 sniffing dogs

by Amber Rupinta

Dogs who have joined the fight against COVID-19 are now being used to sniff out humans who may have the virus. Dogs who have joined the fight against COVID-19 are now being used to sniff out humans who may have the virus.

While dogs on the frontline using their acute sense of smell aren’t anything new, the science behind how to train them to sniff out coronavirus and how effective it is is still being gathered.

At NCSU’s Veterinary School, Dr. David Dorman has led several research studies surrounding dogs using their sense of smell to detect bombs and cancer. Dorman says when it comes to a dog using its acute sense of smell to detect the virus there are many questions as to what exactly the dog is smelling.

“So, what we don’t know for example is, are the dogs actually detecting the smell of the virus or our body’s response to the virus?” Dorman explained. “So, for example, if say I have an infection with COVID, maybe my sweat changes because I also have a fever. That’s something an animal may be detected, those types of signals, rather than the virus itself,” said Dorman.

Researchers say training dogs to sniff out COVID-19 can be as simple as having them detect it first through sweat or urine samples then having trained dogs look for the same scent in crowds.

“This approach has been used at the Helsinki airport for several months on a voluntary basis,” said Dorman. “Where travelers going through Helsinki will provide a sweat sample, they basically take a little bit of a Q tip, rub it under their armpit and pass it to the dog to see if they might have COVID. So, that’s been attempted. There’s also been a couple of experimental studies that were recently published, showing the dogs can be accurate about 80% or more of the time, detecting a COVID positive patient, if they’re presented with sweat or a saliva sample.”

For pet owners with an overweight animal companion, there can be a difficult balance between wanting to treat a pet and wanting to keep them in the best health possible. However, with moderation and consistency, owners can ensure their pet reaches a healthy weight without discomfort.

Dr. Lori Teller, an associate professor in the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, says that a healthy diet is integral to successful weight loss.

Treats, whether specially made for pets or table food, should not make up more than 10% of an animal’s diet, and when given, the calories of a treat should be included in a pet’s total daily intake, she said.

Healthy treats may include green beans, baby carrots, celery sticks, or apple slices,” Teller said. “There also are other ways to treat pets besides food; many pets may be satisfied with some attention, whether that is a game of fetch, a catnip toy, or a chin scratch.

Owners with an overweight pet also should consult with their veterinarian to set a weight loss plan that is best for their animal. As a general rule, Teller says that a gradual reduction in body mass is safest.

Exercise can also be a healthy tool in promoting a pet’s weight loss. For dogs, this can include walks, swimming, frisbee, or fetch.

If a dog is resistant to exercise, Teller recommends starting slowly. Taking walks in new areas may help mentally stimulate your dog in new ways, and, as a result, your dog may not even realize that they are going out for exercise.

If your dog is hesitant to get moving, Teller also recommends ruling out underlying health problems that may make exercise painful for them.

Cats and other non-walkable pets can also benefit from exercise. Cats may be encouraged to move with certain toys, such as a laser pointer. Teller says owners can place the cat’s food in a location where they will have to work to get it, such as on top of a tall cat tree.

Vol. 14, No. 10 – Feb 10 – Feb 23, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙The first dogs have arrived from Delaware and are settled in their new home.

Lucky German Shepherds are living in Washington, DC.

“Champ is enjoying his new dog bed by fireplace and Major loved running around the South Lawn,” the White House said in a press release. Champ lived at the vice president’s residence during the Biden’s time there, and Major was adopted by the family in 2018 from a Delaware pet rescue.

∙ To some extent, dog genetic patterns mirror human ones, because people took their animal companions with them when they moved. But there were also important differences.

For example, early European dogs were initially diverse, appearing to originate from two very distinct populations, one related to Near Eastern dogs and another to Siberian dogs.

But at some point, perhaps after the onset of the Bronze Age, a single dog lineage spread widely and replaced all other dog populations on the continent. This pattern has no counterpart in the genetic patterns of people from Europe.

Anders Bergström, lead author and post-doctoral researcher at the Crick, said: “If we look back more than four or five thousand years ago, we can see that Europe was a very diverse place when it came to dogs. Although the European dogs we see today come in such an extraordinary array of shapes and forms, genetically they derive from only a very narrow subset of the diversity that used to exist.”

An international team analyzed the whole genomes (the full complement of DNA in the nuclei of biological cells) of 27 ancient dog remains associated with a variety of archaeological cultures. They compared these to each other and to modern dogs.

The results reveal that breeds like the Rhodesian Ridgeback in southern Africa and the Chihuahua and Xoloitzcuintli in Mexico retain genetic traces of ancient indigenous dogs from the region.

The ancestry of dogs in East Asia is complex. Chinese breeds seem to derive some of their ancestry from animals like the Australian dingo and New Guinea singing dog, with the rest coming from Europe and dogs from the Russian steppe.

Greger Larson, a co-author from the University of Oxford, said: “Dogs are our oldest and closest animal partner. Using DNA from ancient dogs is showing us just how far back our shared history goes and will ultimately help us understand when and where this deep relationship began.”

Dogs are thought to have evolved from wolves that ventured into human camps, perhaps sniffing around for food. As they were tamed, they could then have served humans as hunting companions or guards.

The results suggest all dogs derive from a single extinct wolf population – or perhaps a few very closely related ones. If there were multiple domestication events around the world, these other lineages did not contribute much DNA to later dogs.

Dr Skoglund said it was unclear when or where the initial domestication occurred. “Dog history has been so dynamic that you can’t really count on it still being there to readily read in their DNA. We really don’t know – that’s the fascinating thing about it.”

Many animals, such as cats, probably became our pets when humans settled down to farm a little over 6,000 years ago. Cats were probably useful for controlling pests such as mice, that were attracted by the waste generated by dense settlements. This places their domestication in cradles of agriculture such as the Near East.

“For dogs, it could almost have been anywhere: cold Siberia, the warm Near East, South-East Asia. All of these are possibilities in my mind,” Pontus Skoglund explained.

∙According to MedVet, cancer affects one in four dogs and one in five cats, and is the No. 1 disease-related cause of death for dogs and cats in the U.S.

Dr. Bobbi Musgrove, of Premier Pet Clinic in Tahlequah, said it’s a lot harder to detect symptoms of cancer in animals than in people.

“Unfortunately, a lot of the things people have as symptoms when they are coming down with cancer are easier to detect because people know those aren’t normal,” Musgrove said. “In dogs and cats, they tend to hide those kinds of symptoms, even though they’re very well domesticated. They are still technically prey and they’re not necessarily going to show us when they have symptoms of pain.”

Big changes dogs or cats may make if they are feeling ill include loss of appetite, decreased physical activity, or major behavior changes. Surprisingly, cats may come off as friendlier, and that could indicate an illness.

“A lot of people think that a dog or a cat might vocalize when they’re in pain, but in fact, that’s not generally the case unless it’s an injury-type of pain,” Musgrove said. “They’re not going to cry if they have pain associated with a tumor somewhere.”

Among the types of cancers dogs and cats are most at risk for are skin cancer, lymphosarcoma, spleen, liver, and bone and joint.

“There’s not just one [cancer] that’s the most common, but we do tend to see dogs and cats getting lymphosarcoma, and it can pop up in numerous systems throughout the body,” Musgrove said.

The process for detecting cancer in an animal begins with a physical exam.

“There aren’t as straightforward of tests for dogs and cats as there are for people. We don’t have what’s called a ‘PET’ scan and we don’t have genetic blood work or markers that are specific for certain tumors,” Musgrove said. “It’s all going to depend on if I feel a mass in the abdomen. We take an X-ray and then maybe do an ultrasound, and then we would potentially get a diagnosis based on getting a sample like a biopsy.”

More often than not, surgery will be initially recommended by a veterinarian, with radiation or chemotherapy following.

“For skin cancers, there’s probably a decent percentage in the realm of 60 to 90 percent,” Musgrove said. “For tumors that arise in other places — a lot of them, by the time we diagnose them, have already metastasized or spread. The chance of cure with surgery drops down to probably somewhere in the realm of 30 percent.”

Musgrove said a good step in detecting cancers in its early stages would be to have pets get physical exams annually.

“We recommend an annual physical exam for any pet that’s less than 6 years of age. Generally speaking, we’re not going to see cancers arise at a young age, just like in people,” Musgrove said. “Anything over 6, we do recommend semi-annual exams because then we can be better at staying on top of it.”

Another recommendation Musgrove has for pet owners to get their furry loved ones insured before it’s too late.

“Just like in people, you cannot wait until your vet says they believe your dog or cat has cancer to get insurance. You have to have it in advance; otherwise, it’s a pre-existing condition and it won’t be covered,” Musgrove said.

National Pet Cancer Awareness Month started in 2005, and was created by Nationwide and the Animal Cancer Foundation with a goal of raising money and increasing awareness to fight the leading killer of pets.

Vol. 14, No. 09 – Jan 27 – Feb 9, 2021 – The Pet Page

SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use. 

SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Two upcoming clinics are: 

Tuesday, February 2nd at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main), and a second at Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, on Tuesday, February 9th. 

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙Pet owners and veterinarians are being warned about recalled Sportmix pet food products now linked to the deaths of more than 70 dogs and the illnesses of 80 others.

Midwestern Pet Food is expanding its recall of dog and cat food sold online by retailers nationwide as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration investigates potentially fatal levels of aflatoxins.

Midwestern, based in Evansville, Indiana, is broadening a prior recall to include all pet foods manufactured in the company’s Oklahoma plant containing corn and having an expiration date on or before July 9, 2022. The recalled products include “05” in the date/lot code, which identifies them as having been made in the Oklahoma plant. More than 1,000 lot codes are affected.

The company in December recalled only certain lots of its Sportmix product after the deaths of at least 28 canines and the illnesses of eight others. The Missouri Department of Agriculture tested multiple product samples and found high levels of aflatoxins, which are toxins produced by mold that can cause death and illness in pets, according to the FDA. The toxins can be present even if there is no visible mold, the agency cautioned.

Pets with aflatoxin poisoning may have symptoms such as sluggishness, loss of appetite, vomiting, jaundice (yellowish tint to the eyes or gums due to liver damage) and diarrhea. Pets can also suffer liver damage without showing symptoms.

“FDA is issuing this advisory to notify the public about the potentially fatal levels of aflatoxins in Midwestern pet food products that may still be on store shelves, online or in pet owners’ homes,” the agency stated in an alert posted Monday. “We continue a thorough review of our facilities and practices in full cooperation with FDA,” the nearly 100-year-old company said Tuesday in a statement. “Until recently, throughout our long history, we’ve never had a product recall.”

Customers with questions can reach a call center at (800) 474-4163, ext. 455, or email [email protected].

∙ Face masks for pets has increased in 2020 but top vets told Insider you shouldn’t put a mask on your pet. Sales for New York-based Pet Masks increased roughly sixfold during the pandemic, the Southwest News Service (SWNS) reported.

People had previously bought the $25 masks as a novelty or to protect their cats and dogs from pollution. But sales have boomed during the pandemic as people look to protect both their pets and themselves from COVID-19. This is despite the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and UK vet charity PDSA all telling people not to put masks on their animals because it can distress them as well as making it difficult for them to breathe.

∙A study of dog DNA has shown that our “best friend” in the animal world may also be our oldest one. The analysis reveals that dog domestication can be traced back 11,000 years, to the end of the last Ice Age.

This confirms that dogs were domesticated before any other known species.

Our canine companions were widespread across the northern hemisphere at this time, and had already split into five different types.

Despite the expansion of European dogs during the colonial era, traces of these ancient indigenous breeds survive today in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Oceania.

The research fills in some of the gaps in the natural history of our close animal companions.

Dr Pontus Skoglund, co-author of the study and group leader of the Ancient Genomics laboratory at London’s Crick Institute, told BBC News: “Dogs are really unique in being this quite strange thing if you think about it, when all people were still hunter gatherers, they domesticate what is really a wild carnivore – wolves are pretty frightening in many parts of the world.

“The question of why did people do that? How did that come about? That’s what we’re ultimately interested in.”

∙By Rachel Nuwer

It’s easy to understand why early humans domesticated dogs as their new best friends. Tame canines can guard against predators and interlopers, carry supplies, pull sleds and provide warmth during cold nights. But those benefits only come following domestication. Despite more than a century of study, scientists have struggled to understand what triggered the domestication process in the first place. A new theory described today in Scientific Reports posits that hunter-gatherers whose omnivorous digestive system prevented too much protein consumption likely shared surplus meat with wolves. Those scraps may have initiated a step toward domestication.

“This is the first time that we have an ecological explanation for dog domestication,” says lead author Maria Lahtinen, a senior researcher at the Finnish Food Authority and a visiting scholar at the Finnish Museum of Natural History. “I personally don’t think that there is a simple, easy answer behind dog domestication, but we need to see the full picture and complexity of the process.”

Lahtinen did not originally set out to solve a long-standing dog mystery. Instead, she was studying the diet of late Pleistocene hunter-gatherers in Arctic and sub-Arctic Eurasia. At that time, around 20,000 to 15,000 years ago, the world was engulfed in the coldest period of the last ice age. In frigid environments then, as today, humans tended to derive the majority of their food from animals. Nutritional deficiencies came from the absence of fat and carbohydrates, not necessarily protein. Indeed, if humans eat too much meat, diarrhea usually ensues. And within weeks, they can develop protein poisoning and even die. “Because we humans are not fully adapted to a carnivorous diet, we simply cannot digest protein very well,” Lahtinen says. “It can be very fatal in a very short period of time.”

During the coldest years of the last ice age—and especially in harsh Arctic and sub-Arctic winters—reindeer, wild horses and other human prey animals would have been eking out an existence, nearly devoid of fat and composed mostly of lean muscle. Using previously published early fossil records, Lahtinen and her colleagues calculated that the game captured by people in the Arctic and sub-Arctic during this time would have provided much more protein than they could have safely consumed.

In more ecologically favorable conditions, wolves and humans would have been competing for the same prey animals. But under the harsh circumstances of the Arctic and sub-Arctic ice age winter, sharing excess meat with canines would have cost people nothing. The descendants of wolves that took advantage of such handouts would have become more docile toward their bipedal benefactors over time, and they likely went on to become the first domesticated dogs. As the authors point out, the theory makes sense not just ecologically but also geographically: the earliest Paleolithic dog discoveries primarily come from areas that were very cold at the time.

The new study presents a “fascinating idea about lean protein being a food that humans would have discarded but wolves may have relied on during winter months in the Arctic,” says Brian Hare, an evolutionary anthropologist at Duke University, who was not involved in the work. “I think it offers another vital clue for how the human-dog partnership might have been initially fueled.”