Category Archives: Professor Scamp Ph.D (Pretty Happy Dog)

Vol. 13, No. 1 – Oct 9 – Oct 22, 2019 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs. Two upcoming clinics in October are:

Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015, on Thursday, October 24th and a second one on Thursday, October 31st at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main).

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙Kicking off the single day full of fall festivities on October 26th is the 7th Annual Ventura Harbor Village HOWL-O-Ween Dog Costume Contest. The Instagrammable pet parade from 11 am to noon, draws hundreds of canine lovers to the harbor. A wonderful display of dogs in thematic costumes have a chance to win prizes for the best attire.

“Do you think I could win the Dog Costume Contest Best In Show?”

Dog owners and their furry com-pet-itors are encouraged to arrive a little early at 10:30am to check-in near the Carousel at Ventura Harbor Village. The contest is open to canines only. Up to 75 dogs can enter the contest and there is no entry fee! Pre-registration is available online at

Owners are known to coordinate costumes with their dogs, such a past stand out participants: farmer & a cow, bee & bee trainer, fisherman & his first mate, plus many more dynamic duos. Canines will compete for the top dog spot in costume categories including: Best in Show, Spookiest, Cutest/Prettiest, Most Creative, and Most Sea-worthy. Winners will receive blue ribbons and gift certificates to select Harbor Village restaurants, boutiques, and attractions. Each winner also gets a chance to pick out a pumpkin from the mini pumpkin patch.

All doggies that participate get a treat bag and a professional photographer will be on site to snap photos of pooches and their owners as well!

∙Have you always dreamed of working with animals as a career? Ventura Pet Wellness & Dog Training Center will be hosting their 3rd Annual Animal Career Fair! Come learn about a variety of animal related fields and careers and talk with various animal professionals!

This event is free to the public – Everyone welcome! (Children 14 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult) Please visit for an updated list of some professions that will be represented.

Sun, October 13th 2019 From: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Ventura Pet Wellness & Dog Training Center located at 3521 Arundell Circle #B Ventura.

∙The FDA is issuing a serious warning for dog owners.

The federal agency is asking consumers to throw out certain kinds of raw dog food because it has tested positive for salmonella and listeria monocytogenes.

The recall is for Performance Dog frozen raw pet food.

The FDA is cautioning about all Performance Dog frozen raw pet food produced on or after July 22 because there are not a lot codes printed on retail packaging. If you have any Performance Dog product that you purchased after July 22, throw it away.

Mark Rubin is a Ventura artist who stated “Being a “self-taught” artist I paint as it makes sense to me. I use vivid colors to create seascape and landscape scenes both realistic and with fantasy. Because animals are a special love to me, I am now spending a great deal of my time painting customer’s canine children. Customers simply choose from different size canvas, send a photo to me and I will then create a painting.”

He can be reached at [email protected]. or 805-766-3464. To see more of his work go to

Vol. 12, No. 26 – Sept 25 – Oct 8, 2019 – The Pet Page

∙Canine Adoption and Rescue League (C.A.R.L.) presents a blues and roots music festival from noon to 6p.m. Oct. 12 at Promenade Park on Figueroa Street in Ventura. There will be live bands, food, beer, wine and a raffle. Entry is $25.Live entertainment acts scheduled include the bands Kelly’s Lot, Crooked Eye Tommy, Jim Gustin & Truth Jones, plus special guests.

Proceeds from CARL Fest will support the nonprofit’s efforts to save, care for and find ‘forever families’ for dogs who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. Many are pulled from Camarillo Shelter or Simi Valley shelter. Currently, the no-kill organization has more than 70 canines available for adoptions. Foster homes are always needed and welcome as well.

You can see some of the rescue’s dogs at regular adoption events at a location near you from 12-3pm; Pet Barn in Ventura, every Saturday; or Pet Food Express in Thousand Oaks, 2nd Saturday each month. Other places are Petropolis in Camarillo (4th Sat. monthly (Except Sept) 10am-2pm); Petsmart in Camarillo (third Sat., 12-3pm), Petco in Westlake (1st. Sat. monthly, 12-3); as well as places in Oxnard, Ventura and Port Hueneme.

While awaiting their forever homes, the dogs are housed by generous volunteer foster families or at our boarding/kennel facility in Santa Paula. We have dedicated volunteers who walk, visit, play with or bathe the dogs there, but could always use more volunteers. Let’s find homes for these precious pooches!

While the dogs are in Project Second Chance, C.A.R.L. provides necessary veterinary treatment, vaccinations, etc. Choose from canines of all sizes, ages, different looks and varied personalities. Dogs in their adoption program are placed in pre-screened, loving and secure homes. CARL makes a lifetime commitment to all their dogs.

CARL’s mission is to advocate for animal welfare, seeking to end the needless deaths of companion animals through its adoption, education, and outreach programs. They rely entirely on donations and do not receive government, state or city funding.

The rescue’s new thrift store helps their mission to help animals. All proceeds go directly to help the animals. The new store location is at 2750 E Main St, Suite B, next to Smart & Final.

For more information, call 805-644-7387 or go to and you can always find dogs to adopt in the Ventura Breeze.

Leo is able to make an immediate connection with homeless military veterans.

∙A service dog with a specialized skill that can help save the lives of a homeless military veterans is getting a much-needed surgery, thanks to Gold Coast Veterans Foundation (GCVF). The 165-pound, white Samoyed mix named Leo ventures into homeless encampments throughout Ventura County and is able to make an immediate connection with homeless military veterans, who are often resistant to being contacted and engaged in social services.

Rafael Stoneman, Leo’s companion, is the director of GCVF’s Mobile Veteran Outreach program that provides care and services to homebound and homeless veterans. Stoneman, once a homeless veteran himself, has a degree in psychology and addiction counseling.

“Leo is our secret weapon in the battle to end veteran homelessness in Ventura County,” Stoneman said. “Homeless veterans immediately clam up or disappear when law enforcement, county mental health professionals, or social service workers try to engage them. But Leo breaks down all the barriers and gets the conversation started faster than any person could. They immediately sense they can trust him.”

On Thursday, Sept. 12, a group of influential foundation leaders and government agency representatives came together to formally recognize how important Leo and Rafael’s work is. GCVF Chairman Dennis Murphy recounted how their efforts recently saved the lives of veterans and their families, including one newborn infant. A recognition plaque from Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin was presented.

But in order for Leo and Rafael to continue their work, help was needed. The enormous animal suffers from hip dysplasia, which makes it difficult for him to walk the streets and alleyways where he works his magic. Surgery is his best chance to get his mobility back.

With this in mind, the highlight of the evening was a check from the GCVF board for $5,000 to cover the cost of the surgery.

“When we make a connection and have a real talk, the veterans become interested in their VA healthcare, PTSD counseling, getting sober and coming back to the world,” Stoneman said. “Leo’s a big part of saving these veterans’ lives.”

Mobile Veteran Outreach brings comprehensive help, services and support directly to homeless military veterans. All services are free of charge. For more information, visit or call 805-482-6550.

Gold Coast Veterans Foundation, a nonprofit uniquely focused on disrupting the root causes of veteran homelessness in Ventura County, California, offers comprehensive services for low-income, at-risk, homeless and disabled veterans. For more information, visit

Winnie and Livi providing comfort (and laughs) for patients and staff at Ventura County Medical Center.

∙Dog owners, if you’ve been waiting to give up your pet’s pig ears, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that now is the time. A warning about a multistate salmonella outbreak tied to the treats has been updated to include all pig ear products.

“A total of 127 people infected with the outbreak strains of Salmonella have been reported from 33 states,” the CDC stated.

FDA, CDC warn dog owners not to buy pig ear treats or feed them to pets

Animals and their humans can get sick from simply handling these treats or caring for a dog who has eaten one.

The CDC recommends that adults and children wash their hands after playing with or feeding their pet. Owners should discourage their pets from licking humans’ faces after they eat or from licking open wounds. Pet food should also be stored away from human food to avoid any contamination.

The CDC and the US Food and Drug Administration are also advising retailers not to sell pig ear treats.

Mitzi (2002-2019)

She was such a beautiful little lady, she will be missed by Tony who said “She was the best faithful friend I ever had. The memories of Mitzi will last forever for the rest of my life.”

Vol. 12, No. 25 – Sept 11 – Sept 24, 2019 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income cat and dog friends.

Two upcoming clinics in September are:

Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, on Thursday, September 19th and a second one on Thursday, September 26th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main). Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙A growing upsurge in cannabis-related dog poisonings across Canada has veterinarians calling for increased awareness of the dangers of pets ingesting pot.

More Canadian pets, specifically dogs, are coming in contact with CBD and cannabis according to recent statistics by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association from the Pet Poison Helpline, which services Canada and the U.S.

“From a formal perspective, we know the numbers are increasing and we know anecdotally that across Canada veterinarians are seeing this on a day to day occurrence” stated Dr. Ian Sandler, member of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association.

A dog may have sniffed out cannabis on a walk, ingested dried cannabis edibles or oils at home, or even been offered it in some form by their owner, said Sandler.

Your pets can indeed get high, but beyond that are very sensitive to THC, which can be toxic for them if ingested with other ingredients like chocolate, said Sandler.

“I think the biggest issue right now is awareness. In many cases people may be careful when it comes to putting these products in the right place if you will in terms of keeping away from children but they’re not thinking about their four-legged friends.”

The CVMA is pushing to have better safety labels on cannabis products, and be involved in the safe dispensation of potentially helpful cannabis treatments in the future.

∙RedRover’s Pet Disaster Preparedness Tips

Livi celebrated her 8th birthday doing what she loves, her therapy work at VCMC. She always smiles when she is working.

September is National Preparedness Month and planning ahead is the key to keeping yourself and your pets safe if disaster strikes. It is important to remember: If it’s not safe for you, it is not safe for your pets. You can follow these tips to make an emergency plan for your pets:

1. Microchip your pets

2. Keep a collar and tag on all cats and dogs

3. Plan a pet-friendly place to stay

4. Use the buddy system: Exchange pet information, evacuation plans and house keys with a few trusted neighbors or nearby friends.

5. Prepare an emergency kit for each animal: To help alleviate some of the stress that happens during an evacuation, we recommend creating and taking an emergency kit for each of your animals if you are forced to leave unexpectedly. You should keep your kit in an easy-to-grab container or bag, and periodically check and update as needed. Here is a list of suggested items to keep in your kit(s):

One-week supply of food. Store food in a water-tight container and rotate it every three months to keep it fresh. If you use canned food, include a spare can opener.

One-week supply of fresh water. If officials declare your household water unfit to drink, it’s also unsafe for your pets. Follow American Red Cross guidelines for storing emergency water for your family and your pets.

Medication. If your animal takes medication, a replacement supply may not be easily available following a disaster.

Copies of vaccination records.

Photographs of you with your pets to prove ownership.

Photographs of your pets in case you need to make “lost pet” fliers.

Temporary ID tags. If you’ve evacuated, use this to record your temporary contact information and/or the phone number of an unaffected friend or relative.

Carrier or leash for each animal. Caregivers of multiple cats or other small animals can use an EvacSak, which is easy to store and use for transport.

Pet first aid kit. (Keep in a waterproof container). This kit can include items such as gauze, adhesive tape, cotton balls, cotton swabs, ice pack, tweezers, antibiotic treatment and more.

6. Identify emergency veterinary facilities outside of your immediate area: If a disaster has affected your community, emergency veterinary facilities may be closed. Pets may become injured or ill during the disaster, so make sure you know how to access other emergency facilities. You can also check with your veterinarian to find out if they have an emergency plan that includes setting up in an alternate, emergency facility.

7. Plan for temporary confinement: Physical structures, like walls, fences and barns may be destroyed during a disaster. Have a plan for keeping your animals safely confined. You may need a tie-out, crate or kennel. Read more tips for ensuring your pets’ safety during an evacuation.

8. Comfort your animals: Your animals will appreciate your calm presence and soft, comforting voice if they are stressed following a disaster or while evacuated, and you may find it comforting to spend time with them, too. Some animals, especially cats, may be too scared to be comforted. Interact with them on their terms. Some animals may find toys, especially long-lasting chew toys, comforting.

9. Know where to search for lost animals: When animals become lost during a disaster, they often end up at a local shelter. Keep the locations and phone numbers of the shelters in your area readily accessible.

10. Get children involved in disaster preparedness plans


Lexi was the service dog of John King, a veteran who had raised Lexi from birth.  She was his 24/7 companion and they were seen all over town.

John stated “ I carried her for her final 100 feet and set her on the table. She looked at me with those sweet brown eyes and kissed my nose. She knew her time had come and was telling me goodbye. She rests with the angels now.”


Casper was cared for in his final weeks by Dr. Heather Skogerson, who loved him and did everything to save him. He was loved by Eric, Cappi, Gill, Debi, Betty and Heather.  He now rests in peace and finally has an indoor home with his ashes on a mantle piece.

Vol. 12, No. 24 – Aug 28 – Sept 10, 2019 – The Pet Page

∙Since 1992, SPAN has made it their mission to reduce dog and cat overpopulation throughout Ventura County. SPAN provides financial assistance to residents in need. This year SPAN has assisted with helping Spay and Neuter over 1000 animals in 2018-2019. Also, SPAN supports a humane, Trap-Spay/Neuter return process for managing the Feral Cat population. During the last year SPAN assisted with over 300 Feral Cats.

With the continued support of cash donations and donations to the SPAN Thrift Store, SPAN is able to assist with the cost of Spay and Neuter. Since the start of the SPAN mission they have helped over 36,000 animals. This could not be achieved without the dedication from wonderful volunteers and the generous support from people that are passionate about animals. They appreciate your continued support to help make another successful year!

∙ It’s official! Ventura County Animal Services (VCAS) broke an adoption record on Saturday, August 17th at their annual Clear The Shelters pet adoption event. They adopted out more animals than at any other adoption event in shelter history! 167 shelter pets found homes (85 cats, 55 dogs, 18 rabbits and 9 other critters).

The highlight of the day was one Santa Paula family who adopted 9 animals — two kittens and seven farm-type animals for their 5-acre property.

Clear The Shelter is a nationwide event presented by NBC4 and Telemundo52 but was organized locally by the team at VCAS.

Jackie Rose, Director of Ventura County Animal Services said, “We felt such love and support from our community. So many animal-loving folks came to adopt their next best friend. 167 adoption could not have been possible without the unbelievable dedication of our staff and volunteers.”

Randy Friedman, Marketing Manager for Ventura County Animal Services, said, “From a marketing standpoint this was perfection. So many supporters in our community shared the event on social media. Our event reached over 50K people online and as a result, over 200 people were lined up for adoptions before we even opened!”

The success of the Pet Food Bank has now led to Pantry 4 Paws, a countywide pilot program from the HSVC. With distribution facilities being set up across Ventura County, the new program aims to feed the dogs of homeless and underserved communities across the county.

Any welfare agencies, nonprofits or businesses that offer assistance to the homeless in Ventura County and are interested in hosting a Pantry 4 Paws dispenser at no cost should contact Cooper at [email protected] or 805-656-6505.

Those who’d like to support the HSVC’s Pantry 4 Paws program can drop off unopened bags of dry dog or cat food at the Ojai shelter, at 402 Bryant St. Also, the HSVC Amazon Wish List has been updated to include examples of requested food.

∙The Food and Drug Administration is warning dog owners not to feed their pets a certain raw dog food brand after samples tested positive for Listeria and Salmonella.

The FDA announced that Texas Tripe Inc. dog food tested positive for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. The company has recalled 35 lots for each of 23 product varieties.

The FDA says the pet food represents a serious threat to human and animal health. Because these products are sold and stored frozen, FDA is concerned that people may still have them in their possession. The products are manufactured by Texas Tripe Inc. and are sold direct to consumers online.

∙ “Your dog is positive for THC, and she’s really high right now.”

That’s something Jennifer Wright never expected to hear from the on-call veterinarian at the Animal Hospital of Cambridge.

Coco, the Wright family’s nine-month-old Yorkie-Havanese cross, had been acting out of sorts that evening. Coco wasn’t having a stroke as feared, but she was one of a growing number of dogs in Canada falling ill from THC toxicity since cannabis was legalized in October, 2018.

Sometimes, THC toxicity happens when an animal gets into their owners’ stash, but like the Wrights experienced, sometimes a dog can get sick from eating as little as a discarded butt from the side of a walkway or in a city park, said Cathy Hrinivich, a small animal emergency care veterinarian at the Animal Hospital of Cambridge.

“We have people come in, particularly seniors, they’ve walked the same route with their dog for years and years and never had a problem with this before, the dog is sniffing around and gets into something,” Hrinivich said.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals runs a poison control hotline in the U.S. and has reported a 756% increase in calls related to marijuana or cannabis over the course of the last 10 years, he said.

Washington and Colorado became the first two states to legalize recreational cannabis in 2012. It is now legal in 12, including the District of Columbia, and approved for medical use in 33 states.

“Certainly since the legalization of marijuana products, I think every veterinarian has seen just a dramatic spike in marijuana toxicity dogs, for sure,” Hrinivich said.

Hrinivich said the hospital has seen an increase in both calls from worried pet owners and cases presented at the clinic — but said many pet owners are hesitant to bring in their dogs.

Wright has said her family is now “hyper-vigilant” when they take Coco for a walk “keeping her on the sidewalk and making sure we’re trying to keep everything out of her mouth — which is quite a challenge but we’re just glad she’s OK.”

“I literally thought that day, that my dog was going to die.”

∙A vet had to remove a chew toy from a dog’s mouth. The vet said he needed a saw to remove the nylon toy bone, and if he hadn’t, the dog might have died.

A strong sense of panic set in quickly. Dog owner Amy Walsh was experiencing the same fear any dog owner might when her golden doodle, Bentley, began choking on a nylon chew toy.

The flexible toy, which is made by a company called Lumabone, had gotten wedged in Bentley’s mouth in late July. Walsh said the dog couldn’t close his mouth, and his tongue was stuck in the back of his throat. The two-year old dog was having trouble breathing.

“I guess it was the way he bit down on it. He had one of the holes of the bottom part wrapped around his jaw and his bottom teeth to dislodge it,” Walsh told local TV station FOX4.

Unlike most of Lumabone’s dog toys, the one in question has an unusual arched shape with holes at each end. A Facebook search produced several posts where other owners complained about the same thing happening to their dogs.

“I was terrified. I love him. He’s my favorite pup-pup that I look forward to coming home to. I didn`t know if I was going to lose him,” Walsh said.

Dr. David Leighr, owner of Long Veterinary Clinic in Kearney, said Bentley was breathing, but he was having difficulty. He used a bone saw to remove the toy from the dog’s mouth.

Leighr said he often sees this happen with large bones from hams and other large hunks of meat. Lumabone`s website said owners should supervise their dogs while they gnaw on toys like these.

“This particular toy, it was kind of a rough finish. It was difficult to slip it in and out of his mouth. Once it got lodged in there, it was hard to slip out,” Leighr said Tuesday.

FOX4 made several requests for comment from Lumabone, but the company didn’t get back to us. A Facebook post by the company’s owner indicated the toy has been taken off the market.

Morgan was the constant companion, and soulmate of Steve Clare.  Morgan lost his battle with cancer, breaking Steve’s heart.  Morgan will be remembered running on the beach … playing with his dog friends, sitting with Steve watching television at night.  And he will be sorely missed by all.




Roxy, a beautiful, sweet dog, was the beloved companion of Jason Higbie.  Roxy loved her walks in the park, greeting people, leading a happy dog life.  She endured her daily insulin shots but she finally lost her battle with diabetes.  She is sorely missed by Jason, Gill, Heather and Cappi.

Vol. 12, No. 23 – Aug 14 – Aug 27, 2019 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income cat and dog friends.

Two upcoming clinics in August are:

Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, on Thursday, August 22nd and a second one on Thursday, August 29th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main).

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙The Humane Society of Ventura County announces its fall SPAYghetti – No Balls fundraiser will take place on Sunday, Sept. 15, at Four Brix Winery in Ventura, at 2290 Eastman Ave., No. 109. The event will run from noon to 3 p.m.; all funds raised will benefit HSVC low-cost Spay and Neuter Clinic services.

SPAYghetti – No Balls is not just a punny name; the charity event actually will feature delicious Italian food from LC Imports Pizza of Ventura as well as dessert from Danny’s Deli and Grill, Four Brix wine and hard cider, live music by Fish Fry, silent auction items, a Raise the Paw fundraiser and more.

A limited number of tickets are available to the public. Tickets are $75 and can be purchased online at, by phone at 805-646-6505 or in person at the Humane Society of Ventura County, 402 Bryant St., Ojai.

The Humane Society of Ventura County is proud of the success and heritage of its low-cost Spay and Neuter Clinic at its shelter property in Ojai. The shelter’s veterinarians have performed approximately 80,000 alteration surgeries since opening in 1986. “We are committed to providing crucial services to the public to help control pet overpopulation,” said shelter director Jolene Hoffman.

According to the ASPCA, female cats can breed three times a year and have an average of four kittens per litter. Dogs can breed twice a year with litters of six to 10 puppies. In just seven years, one unspayed female cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 kittens; one unspayed female dog and her offspring can produce 97,000 puppies. It is estimated that nationwide there are 32.6 million unaltered pets.

The need for controlling pet overpopulation is especially great in at-need communities including those in Ventura County. Nationally it is estimated that fewer than 50 percent of pets are spayed or neutered in households earning less than $35,000 a year; and among households below the poverty line, fewer than 10 percent of pets are spayed or neutered.

“We want to reach out to the communities with the most need by offering no-cost spay or neuter surgeries, on location,” said Christina Sisk, DVM, director of veterinarian services for the Humane Society of Ventura County. To this end, the HSVC is seeking support for a mobile spay and neuter vehicle. For more information, call Diane Duncan, HSVC director of development, at 805-437-9056.

∙By KLTV Digital Media Staff

One homeless dog almost set a world record when she gave birth to a litter of 20 puppies. The Guinness Book of World Records says the largest litter of puppies born is 24.

The mother of the litter, Luna, was found in Winona, picked up by Smith County Animal Control, and taken to their shelter.

Luna’s labor started at 7:30 a.m. but by 1:30 p.m. she was not doing well and emergency surgery was required. Dr. Roy Wilmeth of Kingdom Vet Clinic in Flint, delivered the puppies.

Eighteen of the litter survived. The emergency surgery cost $1200 and animal rescue group, Because4Paws, covered the surgical costs and care of the puppies.

Luna’s new family has now been moved to a temporary foster home where the puppies are bottle-fed every two hours.

Luna and her 18 puppies will eventually need a new, permanent home.

∙More than half the dog owners responding to a recent survey said their pet exhibited at least some fear of veterinary visits, with 14% of dogs showing severe or extreme fear during veterinary exams. Toy breeds, mixed breeds and hounds were most likely to show fear, while working breeds and gun breeds were the least likely, and dog size, lifestyle, social environment and place of purchase, as well as whether the client was a first-time dog owner, also had an effect.

Psychology Today

∙By Hanna Netisingha

Parvovirus, commonly known as “parvo,” is a contagious virus that can be very serious and even fatal in dogs. Dr. Jennifer Reinhart, a small animal internal medicine specialist at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Urbana, explains that parvo is a problem that can be seen in dogs of any age.

“Although there is a window of highest risk between 8 and 16 weeks, adult dogs that are not correctly vaccinated may contract this virus as well,” says Dr. Reinhart.

Patients that are diagnosed with parvovirus usually present with vomiting, diarrhea, lack of energy, and poor appetite.

Parvovirus targets the gut cells of the dog. That is why patients have vomiting and diarrhea, which may lead to dehydration or starvation, due to a lack of nutrition staying in the body. The virus also attacks bone marrow cells, which causes problems in the immune system.

“When the virus attacks the immune cells in the bone marrow, the patient becomes more susceptible to secondary infections,” Dr. Reinhart explains.

Although the vaccine series cannot guarantee absolute protection against the disease, it offers the best chance at avoiding parvo. An animal that is appropriately vaccinated has a much lower chance of contracting the virus.

Supportive care includes aggressive fluid therapy and antibiotics. In some cases, a feeding tube is placed.

“The antibiotics are for protecting the patient from secondary infections, and the feeding tube is sometimes placed in order to give the nutrients the patient needs if it isn’t eating on its own,” says Dr. Reinhart. The antibiotics are crucial because the virus attacks the immune cells in the bone marrow, suppressing the immune system of the patient.


Moose and Molly

Mother Goose and Grimm


Vol. 12, No. 22 – July 31 – Aug 13, 2019 – The Pet Page

∙ SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income cat and dog friends.

First two clinics in August are: Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, on Thursday, August 15th, and on Thursday, August 22nd at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore. Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙ Do you have a plan in the event of a major earthquake? Does it include your pets? In the wake of two significant quakes recently in Southern California, the Humane Society of Ventura County wants to remind all pet owners of the importance of having an earthquake plan – for the entire household including the pets.

“Southern California is prone to all types of natural disasters and being prepared should be at the forefront for every resident,” said Greg Cooper, director of community outreach for the nonprofit HSVC. “But unlike weather-related disasters, an earthquake can strike without warning, so planning in advance is key.”

There are a number of things pet owners can do in preparation and in the event of an earthquake. Here are some tips from the HSVC:

Microchips: Your pets should always have up-to-date ID tags on their collars, and they should also have embedded microchips. “Have your pet microchipped in advance in case they get separated during an emergency,” said Arlene MacSween, assistant director of the HSVC’s Ojai shelter. “Don’t forget to register the microchip and keep those records up to date for any changes in address or phone numbers.

Go-bags: If you need to evacuate your home, having preassembled go-bags for every person and pet in the household is a must. Your pets’ go-bags should include food, water, poop bags and cat litter, spare leashes, and collars with ID tags. Also, have copies of vet records, pet medications and recent photos. And don’t forget pet treats and toys to help keep them comfortable during trying times.

Crates: Having portable crates for your pets can help keep them safe in a contained space. Store your pet crates in easy-to-reach places.

Pet sanctuary: In the event of an evacuation, you’ll want to know what hotels are pet-friendly; research hotels in advance, locally and regionally. Also, check with local animal shelters to see if they may provide sanctuary for your pets during the emergency.

Breathe: You help yourself and your pets by staying calm. “Animals get scared and nervous and may act differently during earthquakes,” said Tracy Vail, HSVC senior humane officer. “They can feed off of our emotions when we’re uneasy during a disaster.”

The HSVC offers shelter whenever it’s needed for evacuated pets and livestock at no cost to the owners. The Ojai shelter is at 402 Bryant St.

For more information about the resources and services offered by the HSVC, visit or call 805-646-6505.

∙ Thes are TurfMutt’s top five tips for ensuring the family yard is a place everyone can enjoy year-round.

Consider your dog’s needs.

Each dog – senior, puppy, small, big, active breed or not-so-much – has different needs. Is your dog a water hound? Maybe you should include a splash pool or water fountain. Got a digger? A sand pit might work well to keep your dog entertained – and the mess contained. Does your dog love to run the perimeter of your yard? Design your yard with his path in mind. Does she have dog friends next door? Maybe an eye-level hole in the fence would keep her from barking. Jot down everything your dog needs from your family yard, then you map out your landscaping accordingly.

Keep your pet safe and sound
One of the most important pet features in your family yard is a secure fence – whether it’s made of wood, metal, vinyl or concrete. Inspect and fix your fence – or install one – so you can rest easy knowing your dog is safely within the boundary of your yard.

Include turfgrass
Turfgrass is safe – unlike concrete, asphalt or hard ground – and offers your pet a soft, cool spot to lie down, even during the hottest conditions. It also creates a comfortable backyard playground and provides a place to take care of business. There are many types of turfgrass that can handle “ruff-housing” from dogs and kids alike. Check your climate zone to make sure you’re selecting an appropriate grass species for where you live. (Another bonus benefit is grass is very good at capturing and filtering rainwater.)

Select the right plants
You’ll want to have a balance of grass, flower plants, trees and shrubs in your family yard. Including this mix of species will not only be beautiful, it will also help support biodiversity. Remember, nature starts in your own backyard! Keeping your climate zone in mind, select appropriate landscaping for the areas you’ve identified in your yard. Around walking paths, for instance, you’ll want to include sturdy, yet soft foliage that can stand up to puppy and people traffic without scratching. Use elevated boxes and patio planters for more delicate flowering plants.

Avoid toxic plants
One last word of important advice – there are some plants and shrubs that are poisonous to dogs. You’ll want to avoid these in your outdoor living room entirely. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has a list of toxic plants that you should refer to when shopping for your family yard.

Vol. 12, No. 21 – July 17 – July 30, 2019 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income cat and dog friends.

The clinic will take place in the SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main) on Thursday, July 25th.

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙Official dog of Israel. The breed has avoided extinction by surviving in the Negev desert for thousands of years. On Monday ,July 22, Wings of Rescue, a group that transfers dogs to be rescued, will transport

a group of Canaan dogs to LAX (a 15-hour flight).

Canine Adoption And Rescue League (CARL), a no kill dog rescue serving Ventura Co since 1996 will partner with a transporter to pick up the dogs from  LAX. They will then bring them to CARL’s kennel/sanctuary in Santa Paula.

CARL will then exercise, clean, water and feed them.  And clean their transport crates.

The dogs will then be re- crated taken to Camarillo airport, board a jet and be transported to

Washington State for adoption.

The rumor that the dogs were wearing yamaka’s turned out to be fake news.

∙Federal health officials are warning about a salmonella outbreak that has been linked to popular dog treats. According to the CDC, 45 people in 13 states have become ill after coming in contact with pig ear dog treats.

No deaths have been reported but a dozen people have been hospitalized.

Officials say a common supplier has not yet been identified.

Experts say make sure you wash your hands right after you handle pet food or treats and to store them away from human food.

Call your vet if your dog starts showing the symptoms of salmonella infection which include having diarrhea that may contain blood or mucus or vomiting.

∙Of all the cosmic events, solar eclipses prompt perhaps the biggest change in animal behavior. Animals that are active during the day head back to their nighttime homes while nocturnal animals think they’ve overslept. Around the world, unusual incidences of animal behavior are reported while everyone else is watching the eclipse.

Some spider species begin to break down their webs during an eclipse, as they typically do at the end of the day. Once the eclipse has passed, they begin to rebuild them again, possibly complaining about the lack of rest in between.

Fish and birds that are active during the day head for their nighttime resting places, while nocturnal bats are tricked by the sudden darkness.

Hippos in Zimbabwe were observed leaving their rivers during an eclipse, heading towards their nocturnal feeding grounds on dry land. Midway through their departure, the eclipse passed, daylight returned, and the hippos returned. The animals appeared agitated and stressed following the eclipse for the remainder of the day.

∙Heat is not the only danger to be aware of during warmer months (even in Ventura).

Rattlesnakes have bitten dogs in the past as they look for water or a cool spot. But rattlesnakes are not the only creature pets should avoid.

If dog owners are going into the woods with their pets, they should remain vigilant of ticks.

Ticks are able to go from animals to humans.

Foxtails can also pose problems for dogs, including infection if it makes its way into the fur and skin.

∙A Santa Clarita veterinarian is naming a few reasons why she believes a potential pet parent should consider adopting a senior pet from a shelter or rescue organization.

Pets are viewed as seniors after 7 years old, and depending on their size and breed, often have a lot of life left to live, not to mention the love a newly adopted senior pet has to give to someone willing to look past their age and offer them a second chance at a happy life.

Cats and smaller dogs like chihuahuas can potentially reach 16-17 years old and beyond, and 60- to 80-pound dogs like Labradors or golden retrievers can potentially reach 12-14 years old and beyond, according to Dr. Jaimie Ronchetto of Cinema Veterinary Centre.

“I do think that senior dogs are harder to adopt out because people typically want a young animal, so sometimes they could be overlooked,” Ronchetto said. “But in that amount of time that you get with them, there’s so much love and so much that you can get out of the relationship, and just giving them a home for their golden years where they can feel safe and loved is important.”

Ronchetto noted that senior pets are often already trained, eliminating the need for extensive obedience and potty training necessary with young pets, and are usually calmer in general as well.

“Senior pets do make really great companions, usually because they’re settled, they’re happy typically being just the house dog, lap dogs,” Ronchetto said. “They don’t need typically a lot of exercise or energy expended. They’re happy to just be there and be loved on.”

Senior pets end up in shelters for a variety of reasons, and may or may not have medical issues. The most common medical problem seen in senior pets is arthritis, which Ronchetto noted can be maintained with anything from supplements to pain relief medications.

“There’s lots of things that we can do for arthritis now,” she said. “There’s lots of things out there to make them comfortable and help with their mobility.”

While all ages of dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters due to overcrowding, Ronchetto noted that “a lot” of senior pets fall into this category as a result of being consistently overlooked.

Ronchetto believes that the dogs and cats who do get adopted from shelters have even more gratitude and love for their new families.

“I think that they know that they’ve been saved,” she said.


Vol. 12, No. 20 – July 3 – July 16, 2019 – The Pet Page

?SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income cat and dog friends.

Two upcoming clinics are: Thursday, July 11th at the Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036; and another on Thursday, July 18th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015.Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

? A new study suggests when dog owners go through a stressful period, they’re not alone in feeling the pressure their dogs feel it too. Dog owners experiencing long bouts of stress can transfer it to their dogs, scientists report in a study in Scientific Reports.

The Swedish researchers focused on 58 people who own border collies or Shetland sheepdogs. They examined hair from the dog owners and their dogs, looking at the concentrations of a hormone called cortisol, a chemical released into the bloodstream and absorbed by hair follicles in response to stress.

Depression, excessive physical exercise and unemployment are just a few examples of stress that can influence the amount of cortisol found in your hair, said Lina Roth of Linkoping University in Sweden.

Roth and her team found that the patterns of cortisol levels in the hair of dog owners closely matched that found in their dogs in both winter and summer months, indicating their stress levels were in sync. Some pet owners may wish for this to not actually be the case, especially as dog hairs can aggravate skin, as well as the throat or lungs too, should they be inhaled. If you’re a dog owner and you’re wanting to rid your house of any stray hair and bacteria, you might want to look to find the best air filters and purifiers for dog hairs, hopefully creating an easier environment to breathe in, while also potentially looking to desync their stress levels too.

She thinks the owners are influencing the dogs rather than the other way around because several human personality traits appear to affect canine cortisol levels.

The researchers don’t know what causes the synchronization in cortisol levels between humans and their pups. But a hint might lie in the fact that the link is stronger with competitive dogs than in pet pooches.

The bond formed between owner and competitive dogs during training may increase the canines’ emotional reliance on their owners, she said. That in turn could increase the degree of synchronization.

The study results are no surprise, said Alicia Buttner, director of animal behavior with the Nebraska Humane Society in Omaha.”New evidence is continually emerging, showing that people and their dogs have incredibly close bonds that resemble the ones that parents share with their children.”

So, relax around your best friend. It’s good for both of you.

?Seattle-based Amazon is the most dog-friendly workplace in the U.S., according to a newly released report. The study, by the pet care website, said Amazon’s pet policies at its Seattle campus gave it the highest dog-friendly score of any other U.S. employer.

The study based its rankings on data collected from pet owners on what they value most, including the total number of dogs allowed in the office, dog and pet parent perks and office amenities geared towards pups.

According to the survey, Amazon supports its 6,000 registered dogs with an on-campus dog park and plenty of free poop bags and treats. The company also has policies allowing for pet time off, a pet adoption stipend and other amenities.

“Today, 40 percent of all workers feel overworked and pressured, and dogs can offer much-needed relief in an office environment,” the report says.

Phil Tedeschi, executive director of the Institute for Human-Animal Connection at the University of Denver, says having pets in the workplace is often welcomed by many employees, not just pet parents.

“The bond between humans and animals is good for human health and can build connections in the work environment,” he said. “Pets often allow for engagement and shared activity, in turn strengthening bonds among coworkers.”

Heatstroke and hot pavement among threats

By Benjamin Mandile Herald Staff Writer

Temperatures are rising in Southwest Colorado, which means it is time for pet owners to consider the safety and comfort of their furry companions as more people venture outdoors.With temperatures starting to soar, pets can experience different dangers, including heatstroke, burned paws and rattlesnake bites.

Heatstroke, which affects animals more than people, occurs when the body is unable to regulate its temperature.

If a pet is experiencing a heatstroke, put cool (not cold) water on the animal’s head, stomach and paws to help cool it. If a pet has had a heatstroke, take the animal to the veterinarian immediately after cooling it.

A car parked in 70 degree weather can reach 89 degrees after 10 minutes, according to information from the American Veterinary Medical Association. A car parked in 90 degree weather can reach a scorching 109 degrees after 10 minutes..

Barbara Hjermstad, hospital manager at Riverview Animal Hospital, said the clinic sees one to two dogs die from heat-related illness each summer.

Overheating in cars is not the only heat-related risk for pets. Their paws can also burn on asphalt. Owners concerned about the temperature of cement or asphalt can place their own hand on the blacktop for four seconds to test the temperature, Anderson said.

There are a few other things animal lovers can do to help keep their pets safe during the summer.

One way of keeping pets healthy in high temperatures is to leave them at home, Anderson said.

If pets are left at home, they should have shade if left outside.

Another way to keep pets safe is to know the signs of heatstroke, including excessive panting and lethargy (unable to walk).

People should also remember to take water for their pets on long walks or hikes. Knowing how much to bring depends on the size of the dog.

Dog owners can also find temperature vests online to help cool down their pets.

?The Food and Drug Administration identified 16 brands of dog food that had been linked to heart disease in dogs that eat them, according to a report the agency recently published.

In the report, the F.D.A. named for the first time the pet food brands most frequently associated with adverse events. In descending order of most incidents of heart disease, the brands are Acana, Zignature, Taste of the Wild, 4Health, Earthborn Holistic, Blue Buffalo, Nature’s Domain, Fromm, Merrick, California Natural, Natural Balance, Orijen, Nature’s Variety, NutriSource, Nutro and Rachael Ray Nutrish.

The heart condition examined in the report, canine dilated cardiomyopathy, often results in heart failure and is believed to have a genetic component, according to the report. The disease usually affects large breeds, but the F.D.A. said it knew of smaller dogs that have been afflicted with it.

The disease was most frequently reported to the F.D.A. in golden retrievers, but the report noted that breed-specific social media groups and activities raised awareness of the issue in these communities of golden retriever owners, who perhaps disproportionately notified the F.D.A. of their dogs’ diagnoses.

Most of the dog foods listed are usually labeled “grain-free” and contain a large proportion of peas, lentils, legume seeds or potatoes, according to the report. Many of the dogs researched in the investigation did not have a genetic predisposition to the condition, the F.D.A. said.

The Pet Food Institute said in a statement that it was “committed to the health of pets and take seriously the responsibility to make safe, complete and balanced food for our dogs and cats.”

Vol. 12, No. 19 – June 19 – July 2, 2019 – The Pet Page

SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income cat and dog friends.

The clinic will take place in the SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main) on Thursday, June 27th. Please call to schedule an appointment(805) 584-3823.

Dog Days Of Summer. Walk your furry friends at Buenaventura Golf Course every Sunday through Sept. 1, 5pm to sunset. Drink and food specials available on the patio. 5882 Olivas Park Dr.

Pam Williams has a new helper at her side.

Ventura resident Pam Williams has a new helper by her side. Pam recently graduated from two weeks of training and received her third service dog from Canine Companions for Independence, a non-profit organization that breeds, raises and trains assistance dogs for people with disabilities.

Pam has a spinal cord injury and was matched with Hibiscus, a two-year-old yellow Labrador/Golden Retriever cross, who has been professionally trained in over 40 commands. Hibiscus assists Pam by picking up dropped items, turning on and off lights, opening and closing doors and drawers and other tasks that will enable her to live a more independent life.

During Team Training, students are strategically matched with assistance dogs and learn how to work with them safely and effectively. Though costs to breed, raise, train and assistance dog and provide ongoing support to the team are estimated at $50,000, Canine Companions assistance dogs are provided free of charge to recipients.

Pam says, “Hibiscus will help me be more confident with a best friend by my side.”

Canine Companions for Independence provides expertly-trained assistance dogs to children and adults with disabilities. For more information, call 1-800-572-BARK or visit

On Thursday, June 27, the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura will join companies around the globe in opening their doors to employees’ furry, four-legged best friends for PSI’s 21st annual Take Your Dog To Work Day (TYDTWDay®).

TYDTWDay was established by Pet Sitters International (PSI) in 1999. This annual event urges businesses around the globe to experience the joys of dogs in the workplace for just one day to celebrate the great companions’ dogs make.

The 2019 celebration marks the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura’s fifth year of TYDTWDay participation.

The Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura is excited to go to the dogs for a good cause! We see this event as a way to recognize the important role dogs play in our employees’ lives and an opportunity to make a positive impact on our local community,” says Cheryl Tabbi, Human Resources Manager.

The Housing Authority has a variety of activities planned, including photo sessions and doggie “wag bags.”

For more information visit or PSI at (336) 983-9222, ext. 23230 or [email protected]. To learn more about the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura or its TYDTWDay celebration, visit or e-mail CBeck@hacityventuraThe 2019 celebration marks the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura’s fifth year of TYDTWDay participation.

The Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura is excited to go to the dogs for a

good cause! “says Cheryl Tabbi, Human Resources Manager.

K-9 Teams laid a rose for each of the K-9s who died the line of duty in 2018.

The National Police Dog Foundation, FOP DC Lodge #1, and United for Blue
co-hosted the 2nd Annual Police K-9 Memorial Service at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC.

The memorial service included a rose and wreath-laying ceremony to honor the memory of fallen police K-9s who have given their lives in the line of duty.

The Foundation has established the K-9 Memorial Fund to honor these fallen K-9 heroes, and help fund the replacement of these K-9s.

Please consider donating to the K-9 Memorial Fund to ensure the continuation of this well-deserving event and keep our K-9 units strong. Please help us honor those who gave their lives for our safety.

Donations help offset:
Replacement and training of fallen K-9s — approximately $25,000.00 per K-9 to be street ready

Annual Police K-9 Memorial Service during Police Week in Washington, DC

To donate, please go to

Vol. 12, No. 18 – June 5 – June 18, 2019 – The Pet Page

Justice and Livi working at CMHS on Memorial Day as part of the Dr. Peter Gall Therapy Dog Program.

∙The Dr. Peter Gall Therapy Dog Program is so popular and has such wonderful teams that two teams visit the second and fourth Monday, as well as the third Saturday each month at Community Memorial Hospital. These Certified Therapy Dogs are much appreciated by patients and staff alike and bring joy to all that they meet.

A visit to the shelter would not be complete without the main attraction — the animals.

∙Stop by the Humane Society of Ventura County on June 8 and help celebrate its 87 years of nonprofit service to the animals of Ventura County. The HSVC’s Open House & Birthday Bash will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 8, at its Ojai shelter facility, at 402 Bryant St.

Get a behind-the-scenes peek at its facility, participate in the barking or meowing contest, tour the kennels, meet the staff, and learn about different volunteer opportunities. Visitors also will have the opportunity to meet Dr. Christina Sisk, the HSVC’s new director of veterinarian services, and tour the state-of-the-art spay and neuter clinic.

Ma and Paw Kennel will be there, providing information and answering questions about rattlesnake avoidance for you and your dogs. And the folks of Firefly Ceramics will be there with the Tiles for Tails program, where participants paint tiles to be permanently displayed at the shelter, for a $25 donation.

Pam Williams with Service Dog Hibiscus of the Canine Companions for Independence at Ventura College.

∙If you travel around Ventura and Santa Barbara counties you may have seen people with a service dog sporting a hallmark blue vest and yellow trim. If so, you have seen the contribution that Canine Companions for Independence makes in the local community. These dogs are highly skilled, adapted to the needs of their ‘forever person’, public service animals, that perform many of the tasks that might otherwise cause people with disabilities to simply stay home.

Canine Companions for Independence is the nation’s largest provider of highly trained assistance dogs for people with physical or developmental challenges. The organization provides professionally-trained dogs at no cost to the recipient.

Canine Companions provides Service Dogs, Hearing Dogs, Skilled Companions, Facility Dogs, and very recently have added PTSD dogs into their offering. Service Dogs are able to open doors, pick up dropped objects, turn on and off lights, among other tasks for people with significant physical impairments.

Skilled Companions are available for people under 18, and for people who may have an attendant in their company but can benefit from a dog to assist. They can help to focus attention, keep children calm and engaged, and relieve anxiety during times of high stress, among other skills.

Since 1975, Canine Companions has placed more than 5,000 graduate teams in the U.S.

The local volunteer chapter, the Valley to Sea Chapter, started two years ago when veteran volunteer Puppy Raiser, Elizabeth Howell, saw the opportunity to bring her knowledge of CCI to the local community.

Canine Companions breeds and raises all their own dogs with the assistance of a large network of volunteer puppy raisers and puppy sitters. It costs approximately $50,000 to breed, raise, train, care for, and graduate each dog. This task would not be possible without generous donors from businesses and the public.

The Valley to Sea Chapter will be hosting its second annual Canines and Comedy event on June 27th at Levity Live, at The Collection in Oxnard. Festivities will include an opportunity to learn more about Canine Companions, and meet and pet graduate dogs and puppies in training.

Individual tickets as well as packages can be purchased online or at the Levity Live box office, or by emailing the chapter at [email protected]. Individual tickets are $20 from the chapter, and $25 from the Levity Live box office. $20 from every ticket goes directly to support CCI.

If you would like to find out more about CCI, please email the chapter at [email protected] or go online to You can also find the chapter on Facebook at @cciv2c.