Category Archives: Mailbox

Vol. 15, No. 19 – June 15 – June 28, 2022 – Mailbox

To publisher

Of course, you are right, but so what? The issue is how to change a culture that has much support and a long history. Not an easy task.

Logic doesn’t prevail with much of society. Also the method of constitutional change supports careful and tedious review. In other words not easy to do…..

Politicians seek re-election not logic, fairness or necessarily good solutions, few of them are smart thinkers or idea people. But we choose a government of the people and for the people . That is how we end up with Trump…….keep at it…..

Robert A Lombardi

Sheldon et al:

Thank you for the schedule and your continuing support of the Ventura Senior Men’s Group. Many, if not most, of the responses we receive from interested prospects mention their notice of Ana Baker’s Ventura Events notice in the Breeze. We are in your debt!

Donald Finch, secretary

How can I be useful, of what service can I be? There is something inside me, what can it be?
~ Vincent Van Gogh

Vol. 15, No. 18 – June 1 – June 14, 2022 – Mailbox


What are Measures A and B, and why is it so important for County voters to vote “yes” when oil companies are saying vote “no”?

Here’s the answer: Approving Measures A and B will confirm that voters agree that all new oil well development in Ventura County should be subject to the modern environmental standards approved by the Board of Supervisors in 2020. When they approved the 2040 County General Plan, the Supervisors approved policies to encourage continued oil development in Ventura County, but also required that any new drilling comply with modern environmental standards protecting air, water, public health, and disadvantaged communities, and which address climate change.

Then oil companies spent millions hiring signature gatherers to put Measures A and B on the June ballot. A YES vote is for applying the modern environmental standards approved by the Board. A No vote is for going back to the old days when oil companies could escape environmental review and standards that protect air, water, and public health, and which address climate change. Now, oil companies are spending $5.5 million more to scare voters into voting no.

Oil companies are spreading lies and misinformation about Yes on A and B.

They say oil production would be shut down – not true. Supervisors made it clear that oil drilling continues to be encouraged – with modern environmental safeguards.

Oil companies say jobs would be lost – not true. Measures A and B do nothing to stop drilling or cause job losses.

They say that gasoline prices would rise if A and B are approved – not true. Nothing is stopping oil companies from drilling.

Now it is up to Ventura County voters to tell oil companies: YES, you can continue to drill for oil, but we expect you to comply with the reasonable environmental standards the Supervisors have already adopted.

Ventura County voters must vote YES on Measures A and B.

Phil White – Ojai

The writer is a former County Planning Commissioner and Air Pollution Control District
Director who now sits on the County Climate Emergency Council

Breeze readers:

The horror of the school shooting in Texas has left me deeply moved, as I am sure it has with all Americans. Solutions need to be found for this problem, a uniquely American Problem.  In the 1950s  Congress met in the face of a rise in Juvenile delinquency (it seems so tame by todays standards) and held hearings.

They heard from psychologists and so-called experts who blamed comic books for the problem. Such horror comics as “Crypt of Terror” were blamed and banned from the public. (The creators of these comics–changed and started to produce a humor magazine called Mad that had great impact).  A new Congressional hearing need to be held on the causes of these school shootings. Its not comic books now but, I suspect, its violent, bloody videogames.

All of the shooters seemed to have played these games to obsession until the idea of killing becomes ‘normal’ to them so they re-enact the horrors in real life.  TV and movies help to re-enforce the carnage. People are becoming  hardened by these games they play each day to the point where human life is cheapened.  I do not know if video games are the problem, but an investigation is needed. I suspect there isn’t one cause but several. More mental health hospitals do need to be built and manned by trained competent doctors and psychologists.  This deeply troubled young man should never have been permitted to own a firearm–any firearm.  Deeply troubled people need to be helped before they become deadly shooters bent on a high body count.
Richard Senate

Why are we willing to live with this carnage? Where …is our backbone?
~ President Biden

Vol. 15, No. 17 – May 18 – May 31, 2022 – Mailbox

Dear Sheldon,

The Breeze just gets better and more informative.  The May 4 Breeze first page was attractive and compelled me to read the story by Patricia Schallert about “Sobre Las Olas”.  The photos were great!

The Breeze is a gift you have given to Ventura and it just keeps on giving!

Suzanna Ballmer


Thanks Suzanna makes all of the work worth while


What are Measures A and B, and why is it so important for County voters to vote “yes” when oil companies are saying vote “no”?

Here’s the answer: Approving Measures A and B will confirm that voters agree that all new oil well development in Ventura County should be subject to the modern environmental standards approved by the Board of Supervisors in 2020. When they approved the 2040 County General Plan, the Supervisors approved policies to encourage continued oil development in Ventura County, but also required that any new drilling comply with modern environmental standards protecting air, water, public health, and disadvantaged communities, and which address climate change.

Then oil companies spent millions hiring signature gatherers to put Measures A and B on the

June ballot. A YES vote is for applying the modern environmental standards approved by the Board. A No vote is for going back to the old days when oil companies could escape environmental review and standards that protect air, water, and public health, and which address climate change. Now, oil companies are spending $5.5 million more to scare voters into voting no.

Oil companies are spreading lies and misinformation about Yes on A and B.

They say oil production would be shut down – not true. Supervisors made it clear that oil drilling continues to be encouraged – with modern environmental safeguards.

Oil companies say jobs would be lost – not true. Measures A and B do nothing to stop drilling or cause job losses.

They say that gasoline prices would rise if A and B are approved – not true. Nothing is stopping oil companies from drilling.

Now it is up to Ventura County voters to tell oil companies: YES, you can continue to drill for oil, but we expect you to comply with the reasonable environmental standards the Supervisors have already adopted.

Ventura County voters must vote YES on Measures A and B.

Phil White – Ojai

The writer is a former County Planning Commissioner and Air Pollution Control District

Director who now sits on the County Climate Emergency Council

Ocean Promises

It’s an unseen promise for all generations,
A warm beach that extends to the horizon,
Its word of honor is a Pacific sunrise.
In pursuit of hope; to turn the tide.

The westerly swell brings us a Ventura picture,
When nature’s beauty reaches us at high tide.
Let us quietly listen to these ocean sounds.
For their stories remind us someone has gone before us.

By Jeff Russell

Are you an amateur cartoonist? Send your cartoon to [email protected].

It’s not hard to understand modern art. If it hangs on a wall it’s a painting, and if you can walk around it, it’s a sculpture.
~ Simon Updike

Vol. 15, No. 16 – May 4 – May 17, 2022 – Mailbox

Hi there!,
 I read the article about the owls and just to inform you about the return of them. They “were” there last year and Olivia the owl actually had a broad of three! I was fortunate enough to take pics of them over a three month period.
This is my screen saver in my phone. Anyway, hope you enjoy! If you would like anymore pics or know someone else that does, just let me know!

Kori Ventura


Show Big Oil they cannot spend millions to buy elections in Ventura County.

In 2020, in the interest of public health and safety, our duly elected Board of Supervisors voted to require antiquated oil leaseholders to review the environmental impacts new drilling or fracking could cause to surrounding communities and our resources.

Not taking “NO” for an answer, Big Oil has spent millions on fancy signature collectors, fancy mailers, and fancy yard signs to convince VC voters that oil companies need not consider the damage that new drilling or fracking on these old leases (3000 in the county) would cause.

Let’s show Big Oil what their obscene profits cannot buy here. Let’s show them some VC grassroots determination. Grab your kids or grandkids, grab some poster board and crayons, and let’s show them some not-so-fancy “YES on A & B – FOR OUR KIDS” car-window and yard signs.

You can’t drink oil – protect our water, protect our environment, and protect our kids.

Big Oil might not know it, but YES WE CAN defeat them.

On June 7, vote YES on Measures A & B – for our kids.

Diane Underhill

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
~ Bill Watterson




Vol. 15, No. 15 – Apr 20 – May 3, 2022 – Mailbox


In our last issue we had 2 errors (at least) the article on Marcy’s Dream had board members names spelled incorrectly at the bottom of the article. They are correct at the top under the image and should be Kenny Slaught and Eva Rhodes. Sorry Kenny and Eva.

On the front-page article on the Murals on Wall St. a photo of a boat some how sailed into the photos. Its GPS must have been down for it to end up on Wall St. This is the photo that should have been there.

A Ventura Surprise

a Pacific hint is a beautiful sunrise,
For waters rise early in the morning,
with midnight colors they rinse our beach,
And cover the shores with the call of nature.

The moon gestures us to follow new horizons,
Her sacred position is a nighttime mystery,
Before it reaches onshore tomorrow at Dawn,
It lets go of tiny seashells with a Ventura tide.

A coastal tide is the ocean’s little secret.

by Jeff Russell

Lead us not into temptation. Just tell us where it is; we’ll find it.
~ Sam Levenson


Vol. 15, No. 14 – Apr 6 – Apr 19, 2022 – Mailbox


William Greenberg has had several cartoons featuring classical composers. I know who they are but don’t listen to classical music. Maybe you could explain them to me?
Mary Johnson

Mary: I would be happy to.

“The Four Seasonings” The Four Seasons is a group of four violin concertos by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, each of which gives musical expression to a season of the year. These were composed around 1718−1720, when Vivaldi was the court chapel master in Mantua. You may have heard some of it while on hold as they are often played while waiting.

“Beethoven’s Fifth” The Symphony No. 5 in C minor of Ludwig van Beethoven, Op. 67, was written between 1804 and 1808. It is one of the best-known compositions in classical music and one of the most frequently played symphonies. Many consider it to be the greatest symphony ever written.

“Rachmaninoff’s Third” Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Op. 30 (Rach 3), was composed in the summer of 1909. The work often has the reputation of being one of the most technically challenging piano concertos in the standard classical piano repertoire.
Rachmaninoff’s third piano concerto is 40 minutes of finger-twisting madness.

You can listen to them on YouTube. You might become a fan of classical music.

Never Give Up

I yearn to paint the colors of sunrise,
Authenticate nature’s unknown course,
Understand the mystery of silence,
The calm that follows an alternative route.

The unseen blues that wander below,
Are forbidden waters that rise beneath,
In between the waves I hear the answer,
A clear picture that turns the tide.

by Jeffrey Russell

He who knows what he is told, must know a lot of things that are not so.
~ Arthur Guiterman

Vol. 15, No. 13 – Mar 23 – Apr 5, 2022 – Mailbox

Hi Sheldon,
Great article in your paper today (3-9) about human trafficking!
Smiles, Tammy Morrell

These binoculars were left in Ventura. If you can tell us where and they are yours let very honest Trevor know at [email protected].

Ventura Wave
Ventura is a mornings journey off the coast.
A wooden pier that navigates out to the islands, As the seagulls return through a Pacific inlet, On arrival with wings, they return our tide.
Their gully horn is a captain’s bellow,
“Leave our shores; we arrive with ocean orders.
As a coastal breeze flutters in from the sea,
Our sandy shores animate Ventura past Dawn.
The seagulls drawl in the perfect wave.
by Jeff Russell

Forecasting is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.
~ Edgar Fiedler


Vol. 15, No. 12 – Mar 9 – Mar 22, 2022 – Mailbox

Mr. Editor:

You are too easy on Trump. He is a complete A-hole— amazingly incompetent. Also, your review of guns is insufficient. We need constitutional amendment to really limit guns. No chance of course, but worth the battle, thanks for your little paper.

Robert A. Lombardi an old guy.

I can’t argue with a person who agrees with me. Trump fans certainly don’t.
Old guys rule

Ocean Communication

Morning will linger, supposing the Dawn.
It prefers the low tide in search of sunrise,
Where never seen colors tint ocean waters.
Ventura invites us to look for the new day.
So we hold on to the Pacific with an ocean anchor,
The coastal shores have enduring views,
As the evening paints, the colors in dusk,
It carves the crescent moon in sunset blue.
A swell is a modest impression of the ocean,
The open passage of rare sea images,
When tiny creatures are the unexpected visit,
A meaningful way to communicate with the ocean floor.

by Jeff Russell

We use 10% of our brains. Imagine how much we could accomplish if we use the other 60.
~ Ellen DeGeneres

Vol. 15, No. 11 – Feb 23 – Mar 8, 2022 – Mailbox


I don’t know if you remember this, but years ago in your Opinion/Editorial you made a comment, almost a throwaway, about how Council members should speak to every item, but one wasn’t doing that. At the time, I figured you meant xxxxxxxxxx, who had just been elected and seemed hellbent on keeping his mouth shut.

I can tell you, I was at the YMCA, sitting on a couch at the entrance, when I read that. It was a turning point for me in how I saw Council’s role. You were absolutely right, and it was so blindingly obvious, but it wasn’t something I’d ever considered. It played a part in my decision to run, and how to run.

Not a meeting has gone by since — before I ran, and now that I serve on Council — that I haven’t viewed Council’s deliberations through that lens. It hasn’t always endeared me to my colleagues, or to staff, but it has given me a clear purpose.

Every time I open my mouth and speak to an item, no matter the scale or scope, that’s because of you. So thank you.

Mike Johnson Councilmember – District 3

Mike: Wow I never thought I had very much influence. Now the council will get mad at me when you “open your mouth.”

Five out of four people have trouble with fractions.
~ Steven Wright

I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, I eat it.
~ Dolly Parton

Vol. 15, No. 10 – Feb 9 – Feb 22, 2022 – Mailbox


Let me get this straight Sheldon, if I park somewhere, lock my car, leave some valuables inside, somehow I deserve to have my car broken into? Did you spend some time in the Soviet Union?
Ted Rose


I assume your question regarding “I deserve” is rhetorical. You obviously don’t deserve to have your car broken into. In a perfect world you could even leave valuables in your unlocked car, banks could leave their doors open after they close, packages left on front porches wouldn’t get stolen. But, I’m afraid this very very far from being a perfect world. If it was people wouldn’t have stormed the capitol.

No, I have never spent time in the Soviet Union and not sure what that question even means (by the way the Soviet Union hasn’t existed since 1991). My grandparents were Russian Jews does that count?



Ventura Harbor experienced unpredictable currents and damaging surges following a massive undersea volcanic eruption near the Pacific Nation of Tonga on Saturday, January 15, 2022.

Daniel Wall, City Emergency Services Manager shared at the Ventura City Council Meeting of January 24, 2022 that he had received a call at 6:15am from the Office of Emergency Services advising him that Ventura would experience a 20 centimeter increase in water level at the Ventura Harbor and “we should be aware and let people be aware.

The event created a significant amount of damage: 24 residential docs were destroyed, a Harbor Master Patrol boat sank due to the tide and swift moving water. It presented itself as a mild event and turned into a pretty significant event”.

Mr. Wall proclaimed that this was considered a State of Emergency. It was shocking to also learn that Emergency Services found that “the Tsunami Monitor in the Harbor was not working and this will result in that being repaired, whatever that particularly means”.

Needless to say, this brought to mind the events of the Thomas Fire and what did not work during that catastrophic event.

Patti Channer

Are you an amateur cartoonist? Send your cartoon to
[email protected]

I’m tired all this nonsense about beauty being only skin deep.
That’s deep enough. What do you want and adorable pancreas?
~ Jean Kerr