Category Archives: Harbor Patrol Blotter

Vol. 16, No. 15 – Apr 19 – May 2, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Wednes 4-5

6:21am, received report of two stray Pit-bulls loose in the Holiday Inn Express lobby. Advised patrol not equipped to deal with dogs, relayed animal control #.

7:34am, dispatched to traffic collision on Spinnaker dr. No injuries occurred.

5:00pm, while on patrol in Rescue B19, officers conducted a safety inspect on inflatable boat 4 POB’s. Ensured they had safety equipment, not to leave harbor

7:27pm, dispatched to a fall in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR to lift the patient from the floor to a chair.

9:03pm, waiting for Animal Control to pick up abandoned dogs, officers observed a large group of young adults showing up at Surfers Knoll for a bon fire. Told of ordinances & chances of getting parking tickets, group dispersed.

Thursday 4-6

9:00am, assisting Manson construction with traffic control in main channel aboard Rescue B19. Tug vessel towing the crane barge to Oceanside Harbor.

3:28pm, received report of a vessel accident at VIM, J-dock. Officers responded, investigated three vessels involved, all damage appeared minor.

8:30pm, while locking restrooms, officers observed a medical at Surfers Knoll. The patient, female transient unresponsive, seizing on floor. Contacted dispatch, VFD/AMR en route. Patient eventually became alert, refused medical attention.

Friday 4-7

12:40pm, loaned out the beach wheelchair to a grateful family at Harbor Cove.

4:30pm, notified of a Ocean Rescue at Emma Wood. Officers responded towards Ventura Pier to assist a Standup Paddler who was “identified” in distress. Officers contacted the individual near the Ventura Pier not in distress just doing a long-distance paddle from Emma Wood to Ventura Harbor.

7:03pm, dispatched to Portside for a behavioral emergency. Female transient requesting evaluation at hospital. AMR transported the patient to hospital.

Saturday 4-8

12:08pm, observed visibility decreased to ¼ mile due to heavy fog. Officers patrolling with radar just outside the harbor to assist small boats recreating.

3:02pm, dispatched to a person not breathing in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded, unfortunately responders were unable to conduct resuscitation efforts because obvious signs of death were present.

Sunday 4-9

4:45am, opening gates/restrooms at Harbor Cove for Easter service for group.

10:05am, received report of a transient loitering in the roll-out dumpster at the launch ramp. Responded to investigate and found the transient as reported. Officers were able to convince the male to exit and to stay out of the container.

10:22am, received report of a Hazard-to-Navigation, large tree adrift near the fuel dock. Officers were able to remove the hazard and deposit it at the L/R.

Monday 4-10

9:03am, dispatched to difficulty breathing in Ventura Marina Community.

1:25pm, dispatched to back pain in Ventura Marina Community. Assisted AMR.

Tuesday 4-11

7:25pm, received report that the fog signal on South Jetty not working with heavy fog conditions from beach patron and a large vessel inbound. Officers explaining how to turn on signal with VHF marine radio and the high probability that the vessel has limited visibility instruments to navigate safely.



Vol. 16, No. 14 – Apr 5 – Apr 18, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Wednes 3-15

6:03am, observed Weather Service issued Small Craft Advisory, raised pennant.

3:45pm, checked rain gauge, 1.42 inches of rain measured in 24hrs at District.

Thursday 3-16

1:30pm, while on patrol in Fireboat, contacted a sailboat operating around the Manson Dredge and floating pipe. Advised of the dredge’s restriction in ability to maneuver and general danger of dredging equipment. Vessel left the area.

Friday 3-17

7:30am, responded to request for traffic control from Manson Const. so they can sink Dredge pipe across the main channel of the harbor.

12:12pm, dispatched to a medical in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to a 67 y/o male complaining of nausea and vomiting blood. Patient transported by AMR to local hospital for evaluation.

10:15pm, received report of illegal fishing in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded but the violators were gone on arrival. After searching area, contacted by a couple who observed several kids escaping into the keys on bikes

Saturday 3-18

2:30am, dispatched to an assault victim at 1050 Schooner dr. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to assist, but the victim refused medical aid.

11:40am, received request for assistance with a dog on the loose near the launch ramp. Officers were able to capture the animal for the elderly owner.

10:22pm, received report of illegal fishing in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and two fishermen fled the pond area upon arrival.

Sunday 3-19

12:17pm, received report of illegal fishing at the pond in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded, but the culprits were gone on arrival.

2:37pm, observed a 35ft sailboat in danger of going aground near the turning basin. Officers responded in Fireboat, took the vessel en tow to the launch ramp.

Monday 3-20

7:55pm, received complaint from Manson Dredge captain of hoop netters in dangerous areas near the dredge. Officers responded in Fireboat and contacted three different fishermen for multiple violations.

Tuesday 3-21

8:34am, observed Weather Service issued Gale Warning for SE winds gusting to 45kts. Officers raised warning pennants at the Port District.

Wednes 3-22

10:30pm, dispatched to a medical in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to 74 y/o female with chest pain, she was transported

Thursday 3-23

12:45pm, received a request to retrieve a R/C sailboat that was stuck in floating dredge pipe. Officers responded and were able to rescue the remote-control boat
11-3pm, dispatched to boat fire in Channel Islands Harbor. Officers responded in Fireboat 1 to assist Ventura County/Oxnard fire with an 80ft powerboat fully involved in a marina at CI harbor.

Saturday 3-25

9:30pm, received report of a 50ft power vessel sinking in slip at VIM C-dock. Officers responded, found the vessel as reported and began searching for the source of the leak. After investigation, the bilge pumps were turned on and the water was pumped out of the engine room and forward bilge. Marina manager was notified and officers ensured the power was on and bilge pumps working.

Sunday 3-26

6:32pm, dispatched to full arrest in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to a 56 y/o male. Obvious signs of death were present, and responders were unable to resuscitate the patient.

Monday 3-27

.9:00am, observed that Manson Construction dredging project has concluded. The H.R. Morris is being towed out of the sandtrap by tug Elmer M en route to Oceanside for maintenance dredging at that harbor.

11:55am, received report that one of the outriggers from the Hokuloa club was vandalized and dragged into the water at Harbor Cove. Incident is under investigation by Ventura PD.

Tuesday 3-28

7:02am, officers putting flags to half mast, respect for Nashville shooting victims

Vol. 16, No. 13 – Mar 22 – Apr 4, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 3-7

5:40am, observed Weather Service issued Small Craft Advisory, raised pennant.

7:41am, dispatched to medical in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to assist with the call.

3:20pm, dispatched to traumatic injuries in VIM parking lot. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to a bicyclist who sustained a head injury. Patient transported.

Wednes 3-8

9:53am, while on patrol, officers issued a warning to a fisherman fishing in front of a “No Fishing” sign near the Port District. Officers advised of areas to fish.

3:14pm, dispatched to medical in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to assist female with back pain. She was transported

3:50pm, received report of illegal fishing in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers investigated, found a fisherman as reported, removed subject from park.

Thursday 3-9

1:02pm, conducting traffic control for Manson towing 3,000ft of dredge pipe.

4:45pm, contacted by older gentlemen who lost his vehicle in Harbor Village. Officers were able to locate the vehicle and reunite owner with it.

6:30pm, while on patrol in RB19, officers issued warnings to several vessels engaged in hoop net fishing for lobster in prohibited areas near Harbor Entrance.

Friday 3-10

6:30am, observed Weather Service issued Small Craft Advisory, raised pennant.

8:50am, officers creating safety perimeter in Rescue vessels for Manson setting up dredging operations. Mariners can contact dredge on VHF67 for passing info

Saturday 3-11

3:15am, observed very poor water conditions near the patrol dock with a lot of debris coming out of the barranca in the keys.

8:12am, officers assisted State Parks with lifeguard try out near San Pedro St.

10:00am, officers on patrol in Fireboat assisted with traffic control for the Manson Dredge en route to begin annual maintenance dredging of harbor.

6:30pm, while on patrol in Fireboat, contacted two kayakers with insufficient safety equipment, no navigation lights and avoiding dredging operations.

Sunday 3-12

8-12pm, trouble-shooting Rescue Watercraft with starting issues. Unable to keep the voltage up with multiple attempts, so swapping out RWC’s.

2:20pm, observed smoke showing from a vessel outside the harbor. Officers responded in Fireboat to investigate. The vessel was overheating and not on fire. Officers towed the disabled vessel to their slip in the keys without issue.

7:20pm, received a request for a tow from a disabled electric boat in the 1st channel of the keys. Officers responded in the Fireboat, towed vessel to slip.

Monday 3-13

6:17am, Weather Service issued Small Craft Advisory, raised warning pennant.

7:45am, observed Manson replenishing South beach, adding pipe as sand fills in.

7:35pm, received report of loud crashing sounds. Officers investigated, found nothing except Manson construction moving pipe & sand, most likely the cause.

Tuesday 3-14

11:17am, dispatched to medical in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to assist a patient with hemorrhage/lacerations.

1:35pm, dispatched to medical in Ventura Marina Community.

Vol. 16, No. 12 – Mar 8 – Mar 21, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 2/14

9:00am, Weather service issued Gale warning for winds gusting to 40kts later. Officers raised two warning pennants at Port District.

Wednes 2/15

6:10pm, while on patrol in Rescue B-19, observed vessel, inflatable dinghy, in violation of speed ordinance and improper navigation lights. Officers issued warnings for violations and escorted the vessel back to the launch ramp.

Thursday 2/16

9:15am, received request for assistance from a disabled fishing vessel ¼ of mile outside the harbor. Officers responded with Tow Boat US and assisted the vessel to the Ventura Harbor boatyard for haulout.

1:00pm, dispatched to fall victim on the riprap near Marina Park. Officers responded, found fisherman upside down in the rocks. Responders were able to right the patient, assess, treat minor wounds and release at the scene.

Friday 2/17

4:40pm, dispatched to traffic collision on Spinnaker Drive. Officers responded, found the accident but no injuries occurred just damage to vehicles. Patrol stood by until Ventura PD arrived to conduct accident report.

Saturday 2/18

5:30pm, while on patrol in the Fireboat, officers observed large debris field of logs/sticks outside of the Harbor. They removed large logs when possible.

Sunday 2/19

1:23pm, received request to remove 250lbs of found chain. Officers removed the chain, hauled it off Rescue B-19 with hoist on the Fish-offloading pier.

5:00pm, received report of two very large logs adrift in the main channel of the harbor from Tow Boat US. Officers responded in Fireboat, towed the Hazards to the launch ramp, officers in the vehicle towed them to the roll-out dumpster.

Monday 2/20

4:10pm, while on patrol in Fireboat, observed and removed logs from the entrance of the harbor. Still, lots of debris in the water outside the Harbor.

Tuesday 2/21

2:00pm, observed NWS issued Storm Warning for winds gusting to 50 mph later today. Officers raised storm warning flag at the Port District flag pole.
Tuesday 2-21 6:56am, dispatched to a fire alarm in Portside complex. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to assist a 90 y/o male unable to turn off a fire alarm after burning his breakfast. Responders were able to locate and secure the alarm.

7:05pm, while locking up gates/restrooms at Harbor Cove lot, observing sand suspended in the air and sand drifts forming in the parking lot and Spinnaker Dr.

Friday 2-24 12:20pm, received report of an individual who tried to dry cannabis it the hand dryer of a restroom in the village. Officers responded, discover the strong scent and found the floor covered in the green leafy substance. The subject fled scene.

2:44pm, dispatched to an unknown problem at Andria’s Seafood. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to assist an intoxicated female transient. She was eventually transported to hospital for further evaluation for intoxication.

10:49pm, dispatched to an unconscious person near the Launch ramp restrooms. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to assist a 30 y/o male overdosed laying on the ground. The patient overdose, then his friend gave him 3 doses of Narcan. He eventually regained consciousness and was transported to hospital for eval.

Saturday 2-25

6:40am, observed Santa Clara Rivermouth breeched sometime last night.

9:03pm, dispatched to a fall in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to a female who fell getting out of the jacuzzi. The patient was treated and then transported to local hospital by AMR.

Sunday 2-26

8:58pm, received report of a transient stealing a package from an apartment in the Portside. Officers responded, found a large package left behind in the general area of the theft. The property was retrieved and placed in lost & found.

Vol. 16, No. 11 – Feb 22 – Mar 7, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Wednes 2/1

10:35am, while on patrol in the Fireboat observed a large tree in the surfline at the Santa Clara River breech. Officers were able to take the Hazard-to-navigation en tow and released near powerplant, in less populated waters/beach.

Friday 2/3

10:04am, dispatched to smoke near 1300 Spinnaker Dr. Officers responded in Fireboat and searched the South and A-Basin of the harbor. Unable to locate any smoke or fire. VFD continued the search on land towards Riverhaven.

6:45pm, received a mayday call from the wife of fisherman and his son with a disabled 17ft aluminum vessel in the sandtrap, against the North Jetty. Officers responded in the Fireboat, passed tow line and pulled vessel off the rocks. The skipper was able to restart outboard & officers escorted back to the launch ramp.

Saturday 2/4

8:05am, received request for found property, a lost surfboard that was found at Surfers Knoll. Officers received the property earlier in the week and returned it.

12:47pm, received request for a tow from Leo Robbins support boat. Officers responded in Fireboat and towed the vessel back to city sailing center docks.

7:55pm, received request for a tow from a disabled electric boat near the fuel dock. Officers responded in Fireboat, assisted vessel back to the keys.

Sunday 2/5

9:50am, received report of burglary at boutique in Harbor Village. Patrol responded with VPD, found evidence of disturbance from last night.

10:20am, received report of a sick sealion at Hollywood Beach. Relayed contact info for Channel Islands Marina Wildlife Inst. (CIMWI) to report incident.

3:23pm, dispatched to a fall at VWM G-dock. Officers responded with VFD / AMR to 63 y/o female who injured shoulder & collar bone. Patient transported.

Monday 2/6

11:40am, received report of female transient living on park bench at VIM. Officers responded, contacted female, convinced her to move along.

Wednes 2/8

11:11am, received report of a petroleum spill in the A-basin. Officers responded in Fireboat and thoroughly searched the area but were unable to locate a sheen.

11:33pm, closing the West end of the launch ramp with delineators and caution tape. The ramp will be used to dispose of damaged cement docks from the Keys

Thursday 2/9

11:53am, received report of a transient screaming near Island Packers. Officers responded, found subject who was still yelling, did not engage, no laws violated.

Friday 2/10

8:45am, received report from City of Ventura that they have a survey vessel inspecting the Ventura Pier for damage from recent storms and large surf.

9:16pm, while on patrol in Rescue B19, officers issued warnings for fishermen hoop netting in prohibited areas of the Harbor Entrance.

Saturday 2/11

3:07am, received report of an attempted break-in at the Village Market in VHV. Officers responded with VPD to the call and investigation. VPD handled the call

10:30am, received request for a boat ride from an oil platform worker off Carpinteria. Advised that was out of our area and not a service we provide.

4:16pm, dispatched to unconscious person in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with VFD/AMR call upgraded to cardiac arrest. Responders performed CPR and all other resuscitation efforts, but unfortunately were unable to restore pulse and or breathing.

Monday 2/13

10:35am, received report of holding tank removal service possibly pumping into Harbor waters at VWM C-dock. Responded, found subject with suspicious activity but no sewage in the water. Issued warning no PFD, discharge into water

Vol. 16, No. 10 – Feb 8 – Feb 21, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Wednes 1/25

9:10am, officers on patrol in Fireboat, observed and towed a Hazard-to-Navigation, a large log from debris flows, south of the Santa Clara River breech.

Thursday 1/26

2:00am, received report of a prowler in the Ventura Marina Community from a tenant. Advised the caller to contact Ventura PD for police calls.

5:00am, received report of suspicious persons just outside the restrooms at 1510 Anchors Way. Contacted VPD, advised. Officers responded, a group of people scattered on arrival. After search, found the subjects at the launch ramp restrooms. Removed them, advised not to return, no boating business/activity.

5:33pm, while on patrol, observed then issued verbal warnings for insufficient lights and illegal placement of hoop nets to two kayakers in the Harbor entrance.

Friday 1/27

7:02am, observed transient camped on the sidewalk in front of the Surfers Knoll restrooms, officers issued warning for camping, subject complied, moved along.

12:46pm, received request from director of a film shoot in the harbor to use a drone for filming. Advised Harbormaster, then he granted permission to do so.

9-11am, officers conducting in-house boat tow training with Rescue B19 and the Fireboat. Towing evolutions included: long and short tows.

3:31pm, received request for assistance from sea bird rescuer retrieving oiled birds in the Ventura Keys barranca. Officers rescuing birds for rehabilitation.

Saturday 1/28

2:25am, received report of three fishermen harassing a sealion at the launch ramp. Officers responded, found the fishermen on the docks fishing. They advised the sealion was harassing them, they decided to leave. Officers advised of the Ventura Harbor Ordinance regarding fishing in designated areas.

10:40am, received a call from a kayaker who was rescued by officers 20 years ago during a strong East wind event. He capsized at the Harbor entrance and was unable to right or get back on his kayak properly. Officers Hummer and Kabris responded in Rescue B19 after receiving overdue report from the victim’s wife. Officers found him 6 miles offshore, hypothermic. The kayaker was rescued, handed over to medics, recovered for a few weeks in the hospital. He wanted to thank the officers who saved his life on the anniversary, 20yrs ago.

Sunday 1/29

1:55am, dispatched to Portside apartments for a 70 year old with difficulty breathing. Officers responded with AMR/VFD. Patient transported to hospital.

Monday 1/30

12:06pm, while on patrol in the vehicle, observed the Santa Clara Rivermouth breech has moved approximately ¼ of a mile south and still flowing.

Tuesday 1/31

7:33pm, received report of a red flare near the Santa Clara Rivermouth. Officers responded, searched the area along with US coast guard, no vessel found.reeeeeeeefh586666666



Vol. 16, No. 09 – Jan 25 – Feb 7, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Wednes 1/04

6:17am, observed Weather Service issued a Gale Warning, raised pennants.

8:28am, dispatched to traumatic injury in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to a 76 y/o female with a fractured leg. After assessment/treatment, patient transported to local hospital by AMR.

Thursday 1/05

12pm-7:54pm, received reports of docks breaking in the keys, vessels adrift. Officers worked with TowBoat US towing broken docks to the launch ramp and adrift vessels to vacant slips in harbor marinas. Eight damaged docks were eventually towed to the launch ramp for destruction. Ten vessels were towed to slips throughout the harbor and many more vessels moved on their own. A giant, intense West swell, one of the largest in years, coupled with a minus tide exasperating the incoming surges, destroyed older docks without pilings.

10:07pm, dispatched to a broken dock at Seahorse Ave in the keys. Officers responded in Rescue B19, were able to access the dock and secure it with lines.

Friday 1/06

6:00am, received request for assistance with a broken dock gangway in danger of colliding with a vessel at Bayshore finger of the keys. Officers responded in Rescue B19 and were able to secure the broken ramp so it was no longer in danger of damaging vessels in the area.

7:15am, received request for entrance conditions for a 100ft crew boat attempting to exit the harbor. Officers advised that 10-15ft waves were still closing out the entrance and convinced the captain to postpone voyage.

2:33pm, while on patrol in truck, observed Major Engineering dismantling broken docks at the launch ramp from the surge/swell event from yesterday.

Saturday 1/07

8:45am, while on patrol in Rescue B19, officers removed several Hazards to Navigation throughout the harbor, mainly floating pieces of broken docks.

11:03am, dispatched to Ocean Rescue at Bangor Lane, Pierpont Beach. Officers responded in Rescue B19, swimmer in distress was assisted safely to the shore.

1:55pm, received report of a large log adrift in the entrance. Officers responded in the Fireboat and found a pier piling adrift. It was taken en tow to the launch ramp and removed for destruction.

Sunday 1/08

11:16am, received a request for a tow from the skipper of a 40ft trawler in the keys. Arranged a tow for the vessel with TowBoat US.

Monday 1/09

8:55am, dispatched to an Ocean Rescue at the Ventura Pier. Officers responded in the Fireboat, victim was safely assisted to shore.

6:05pm, dispatched to flooding at the Holiday Inn Express/Navigator. Officers responded in truck, assessed drains failing. Barricades placed to close the area.



Vol. 16, No. 08 – Jan 11 – Jan 24, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 12/20

9:40am, observed a large accumulation of debris in the main channel. Officers responded in Rescue B19 and were able to remove Hazards to Navigation.

Wednes 12/21

5:55pm, received report of a lost dog in the Harbor Village. Officers responded and searched for the reporting party and the dog, but were unable to locate either

Thursday 12/22

10:46pm, received request for an escort of a semi-submerged “panga” being towed to the launch ramp by TowBoat US. Officers responded and observed the vessel was safely hauled out. The vessel was found abandoned near Gaviota.

Friday 12/23

4:23pm, dispatched to a disabled electric craft near the launch ramp. Officers responded in Fireboat to assist 5 POB’s and two dogs aboard the vessel. The vessel was taken en side tie and towed to their slip in the keys.

Sunday 12/25

8:05am, received report of a transient in a box truck dumping liquid waste/littering in public. Officers responded, contacted and issued warning for the violations. The individual was removed from the launch ramp.

Monday 12/26

10:38am, dispatched to backpain in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to assist the patient, who was transported to hospital.

Tuesday 12/27

8:00am, observing large 8-10ft surf breaking on both sides of the Harbor Entrance. Further observed dangerous conditions at beaches around harbor.

8:35am, received request for a tow from a disabled “honey-wagon.” Officers responded in the Fireboat and towed the vessel to the launch ramp.

Wednes 12/28

6:13am, observed Weather Service issued Small Craft Advisory for large dangerous Northwest swell, officers raised warning pennant at District.

7:12am, dispatched to hemorrhaging in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to a 93 y/o male, transported by AMR to hospital.

7:39pm, received report of suspicious transient riding a bike without a headlight. Officers observed individual, were unable to ascertain any suspicious activity.

Thursday 12/29

3:15pm, observed a “boat club” vessel inbound excessively in violation of speed ordinance. Officers responded to fuel dock and contacted the skipper. He believed the #10 ATON navigation buoy was a 10 mile an hour speed sign.

10:01pm, dispatched to a boat fire South of the harbor. Officers responded in the Fireboat, found a commercial fishing vessel with very bright orange forward lights. Confirmed no fire aboard the lightboat, canceled responding units.

Friday 12/30

5:35pm, received a report of a disabled vehicle parked in the village. Officers responded, attempted to start vehicle but were unable to. Granted permission to park overnight with intention to resolve mechanical issues.

Saturday 12/31

6:00pm, observing rain starting to fall. Preparing for heavy weather forecasted.

8:05pm, while on patrol, observed flooding in the Holiday Inn express parking lot. Officers alerted hotel staff and Ventura PD dispatch.

10:45pm, received report of a female transient kicking in doors in the Harbor Village restrooms. Officers responded, found female as reported, contacted VPD. The subject was eventually arrested for vandalism, public intoxication.

Sunday 1/01/23

6:00am, observed winds sustained at 30kts, gusting to 40kts in operations center.

6:05am, raised Gale warning flags for Northwest winds gusting to 40kts.

8am-3pm, officers dealing with wind related issues such as unfurling sails, various debris in the water and resecuring vessels.

7:49pm, observing winds laying down, North at 5 kts.

Monday 1/02

11:05am, officers on patrol in the Fireboat, searching for damage from the weather event. Found debris throughout the harbor such as palm fronds, flotsam and trash. Several trips were made to the launch ramp to drop off trash.

Tuesday 1/03

10:50am, dropped of Rescue Boat 19 for bottom cleaning and new zincs.

11:43am, dispatched to difficulty breathing in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to the call, assisted 67 y/o male.

11:57am, dispatched to general malaise in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to assist a 70 y/o male with multiple ailments.

12:45pm, received report of a vessel accident at VWM, a 60ft powerboat stern line snapped in the strong surges in the area. Officers responded with lines and were able to secure the vessel before any damage occurred to the vessel or any others in the marina.



Vol. 16, No. 07 – Dec 28, 2022 – Jan 10, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 12/6

11:37am, dispatched to unknown problem at 1591 Spinnaker. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to an unconscious person in elevator. The patient was awoken, and no medical was discovered, transient sleeping.

Wednes 12/7

7:00am, raised flags to half staff for Pearl Harbor Memorial Day.

4:11pm, dispatched to a boat fire at VWM E-dock. Officers responded in Fireboat, VFD responded by land. After investigation, discovered an electrical fire with heat detectors. Power disconnected; owner advised of fire source.

6:26pm, received report of disturbance between Portside security and fishermen. Officers responded, assisted settling the dispute. Fishing not allowed in the area.

Saturday 12/10

6:03am, observed Weather Service issued Small Craft Advisory, raised pennant.

10:45am, observed the start of the “Santa Paddle” beginning at the village.

11:00am, contacted a Standup foil paddler in harbor paddling without a lifejacket. Officers issued a warning, educated what was needed, a lifejacket.

9:18pm, observing the weather is “turning” for the worse. Rain is intensifying, wind is gusting to 25kts out of South Southwest.

Sunday 12/11

12:33pm, received report of a vessels’ bilge pump continually pumping in VIM B-dock. Officers responded, investigated. A valve was failing, and the vessel was in serious danger of sinking. Contacted owner, TowBoat US took over call.

3:50pm, while on patrol, observed the Santa Clara Rivermouth breeched.

Wednes 12/14

12:53am, dispatched to abdominal pain in VIM marina building. Officers responded with VFD/AMR, assessed patient, AMR transported to hospital.

11:53pm, received report of a transient refusing to leave front door of business in the village. Contacted the individual and convinced him to leave the area.

Thursday 12/15

8:40am, officers taking scientist studying tagged sharks around to their offshore buoys onboard the Fireboat.

6:53pm, dispatched to a lift assist in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with VFD and were able to place the patient back in her wheelchair.

Friday 12/16

6:03am, observed Weather Service issued Small Craft Advisory, raised pennant.

11:10am, officers preparing navigation buoys for the Parade-of-lights parade route through the harbor.

1:35pm, dispatched to a snake bite in the bird watching/settling pond area near Surfers Knoll. Officers responded, found an individual digging in the dirt for what he believed is a dead body. VPD arrived and arrested the individual for drug offense and probation violation. No medical or snake bite observed.

6:30pm, 2022 Ventura Parade of lights begins. Fair weather observed and no major incidents reported during the parade. As usual, heavy traffic on Spinnaker

Saturday 12/17

12:48am, dispatched to a fall patient in Portside apartments. Responders had to gain access through an open window. No injuries, patient assisted back to bed.

9:00am, officers taking scientist out on Rescue B19 for annual Audubon Christmas bird count to the breakwall and beyond.

1:50pm, while on patrol in Rescue Boat19, observed commercial lobster trap in the navigable channel just outside the Harbor Entrance. Officers were able to relocate the trap out of the channel and back to the other traps off the breakwall.

4:05pm, while placing navigation buoys for Parade, observed a sheen of petroleum in the South Basin of the harbor. Officers investigated, UTL source.

6:30pm, Parade of lights begins, 43 participants for this evening’s parade.

Sunday 12/18

9:37am, received report of female transient trespassing on vessel in VWM. Officers responded, the repeat offender detained, PD investigating incident.

7:41pm, dispatched to Portside apartment for unknown problem. Officers responded, found reporting party worried about neighbors excessive drinking. Investigated, contacted/assessed patient, no issues or medical found.

Monday 12/19

1:46pm, received report of sick sealion from concerned beach patrons. Officers explained who to contact, and contacted rescue volunteers to investigate.


Vol. 16, No. 06 – Dec 14 – Dec 27, 2022 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 11/22

4:16pm, dispatched to a fall patient at the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to assist a female, AMR transported to hospital

Wednes 11/23

8:00am, while on patrol in the vehicle, officers deployed a rescue swimmer at South Beach to assist an inexperienced bodyboarder without fins and a surfer on a wavestorm caught in a strong rip current. The pair were assisted to shore, educated on rip currents and safer areas to learn to ride waves.

10:48am, received 911 dispatch of a disabled 35ft sailboat near #2 entrance buoy. Officers responded in Fireboat, towed vessel to the Derecktor boatyard.

6:30pm, contacted a kayaker without lights or a lifejacket in main channel while on patrol. Escorted female to her boat at VWM E-dock. Eventually the owner of the vessel contacted patrol, advising she didn’t have permission to be on his boat. Contacted VPD and had the ex-wife removed from the boat.

Thursday 11/24

9:25am, received distress call from US coast guard, unknown location. Officers searched offshore and throughout the harbor on two separate vessels. After investigation, the distress call was from an aground sailboat at Santa Cruz Island

Friday 11/25

3:45pm, while on patrol in the Fireboat, observed a 10ft inflatable with 1 POB disabled near Harbor Cove. Officers took the vessel en tow to VHV C-dock.

Saturday 11/26

9:12am, received a report of a naked female panhandling near the boatyard. Officers responded and found the subject as described. She was convinced to put her clothes back on and to leave the area.

5:20pm, received report of a naked female walking around Harbor Village. Officers responded and found the same female from earlier. She again was convinced to put her clothes on and was assisted out of the harbor.

Monday 11/28 1:25pm, observed commercial vessel speeding in harbor, issued warning.

2:05pm, on patrol received found property, pair of dentures found on the beach.

8:30pm, dispatched to difficulty breathing. Patient smoked too much marijuana.

Tuesday 11/29

10:58pm, while on patrol in Fireboat, contacted two fishermen with illegally placed hoop nets. Issued warning and educated pair where to legally fish.

Wednes 11/30

9:00am, while on patrol, observed 3 large sand caves in the berm at South Beach. Officers destroyed the caves with shovels. Sand caves are dangerous.

10:17pm, received several requests from individuals looking for permission to camp in their vehicles at the launch ramp or Spinnaker Dr. Advised of the no camping ordinance in the harbor, and gave advice on possible areas to park.

Friday 12/2

10:36am, while on patrol in Fireboat, dispatched to medical in Ventura Marina Community. Officers notified dispatch of delayed response. After docking, officers responded in vehicle and assisted VFD/AMR with the call.

2:41pm, received request to assist bird rescue with an injured pelican near the Santa Clara Rivermouth. Officers responded, but were unable to locate bird.

3:40pm, received report of a Hazard-to-Navigation, a mattress, in the Harbor Entrance. Officers responded in Fireboat and searched but were UTL hazard.

Saturday 12/3

11:23am, received report of a deceased sea lion floating near VHV C-dock. Officers responded in Rescue B19, found the sea lion, towed out to sea.

Sunday 12/4

10:05am, observed then removed a large tree from the Pierpont Basin that most likely came down the barranca. The tree was pulled out at the launch ramp with the truck after officers towed it there with the Fireboat. Removing various other debris/hazards from the Basin that came down the barranca at the keys entrance.

Monday 12/5

12:16pm, received report, a naked female transient on a vessel in VWM without permission. Officers assisted VPD with the call. The subject was arrested.