Vol. 16, No. 15 – Apr 19 – May 2, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Wednes 4-5

6:21am, received report of two stray Pit-bulls loose in the Holiday Inn Express lobby. Advised patrol not equipped to deal with dogs, relayed animal control #.

7:34am, dispatched to traffic collision on Spinnaker dr. No injuries occurred.

5:00pm, while on patrol in Rescue B19, officers conducted a safety inspect on inflatable boat 4 POB’s. Ensured they had safety equipment, not to leave harbor

7:27pm, dispatched to a fall in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR to lift the patient from the floor to a chair.

9:03pm, waiting for Animal Control to pick up abandoned dogs, officers observed a large group of young adults showing up at Surfers Knoll for a bon fire. Told of ordinances & chances of getting parking tickets, group dispersed.

Thursday 4-6

9:00am, assisting Manson construction with traffic control in main channel aboard Rescue B19. Tug vessel towing the crane barge to Oceanside Harbor.

3:28pm, received report of a vessel accident at VIM, J-dock. Officers responded, investigated three vessels involved, all damage appeared minor.

8:30pm, while locking restrooms, officers observed a medical at Surfers Knoll. The patient, female transient unresponsive, seizing on floor. Contacted dispatch, VFD/AMR en route. Patient eventually became alert, refused medical attention.

Friday 4-7

12:40pm, loaned out the beach wheelchair to a grateful family at Harbor Cove.

4:30pm, notified of a Ocean Rescue at Emma Wood. Officers responded towards Ventura Pier to assist a Standup Paddler who was “identified” in distress. Officers contacted the individual near the Ventura Pier not in distress just doing a long-distance paddle from Emma Wood to Ventura Harbor.

7:03pm, dispatched to Portside for a behavioral emergency. Female transient requesting evaluation at hospital. AMR transported the patient to hospital.

Saturday 4-8

12:08pm, observed visibility decreased to ¼ mile due to heavy fog. Officers patrolling with radar just outside the harbor to assist small boats recreating.

3:02pm, dispatched to a person not breathing in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded, unfortunately responders were unable to conduct resuscitation efforts because obvious signs of death were present.

Sunday 4-9

4:45am, opening gates/restrooms at Harbor Cove for Easter service for group.

10:05am, received report of a transient loitering in the roll-out dumpster at the launch ramp. Responded to investigate and found the transient as reported. Officers were able to convince the male to exit and to stay out of the container.

10:22am, received report of a Hazard-to-Navigation, large tree adrift near the fuel dock. Officers were able to remove the hazard and deposit it at the L/R.

Monday 4-10

9:03am, dispatched to difficulty breathing in Ventura Marina Community.

1:25pm, dispatched to back pain in Ventura Marina Community. Assisted AMR.

Tuesday 4-11

7:25pm, received report that the fog signal on South Jetty not working with heavy fog conditions from beach patron and a large vessel inbound. Officers explaining how to turn on signal with VHF marine radio and the high probability that the vessel has limited visibility instruments to navigate safely.