Vol. 16, No. 25 – Sept 6 – Sept 19, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Wednes 8/16

9:20am, received report of petroleum sheen near VIM E/F docks. Officers searched all vessels in the area, unable to locate a source for the spill.

8:00pm, dispatched to a fall in the Village. Officers responded with VFD and assisted an intoxicated male who was transported to hospital by AMR.

Thursday 8/17

6:01pm, dispatched to a traffic collision on Spinnaker. Officers responded, found no accident occurred, a transient stating she was robbed of 20k by passing car.

7:36pm, received report of an inflatable raft sinking in the keys. Officers responded in Fireboat, transported the pair back to the Marina Park dock.

Friday 8/18

8:35pm, dispatched to an unoccupied kayak 1 mile offshore of Little Rincon. Officers responded in Fireboat with multiple agencies to the Search/Rescue.

After searching area found a 55-gallon drum with a flag, likely mistaken identity

9:33pm, escorting a 100ft yacht to find its berth at VHV C-dock after it was evacuated from Avalon Harbor due to foul weather from hurricane Hilary.

Saturday 8/19

7:33am, observed the Santa Clara Rivermouth breech while on patrol.

4:15pm, dispatched to multiple persons caught in a rip current near South Jetty. Officers responded in Fireboat helped State Parks with returning victims to shore

5:30pm, dispatched to multiple person rescue at Surfers Knoll groin. Officers responded in Fireboat and assisted state parks with the ocean rescue.

Sunday 8/20

2:47pm, observed a 5.0 earthquake near Ojai. Officers checking all areas of responsibility for damage or injuries. Nothing found initially.

4:18pm, dispatched to a sick person in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to assist the patient.

7:33pm, observed a jetski trailer at the launch ramp. Due to Hilary storm, officers responded in Fireboat to search for the personal watercraft. While searching, the PWC had returned to the launch ramp and hauled out.

Monday 8/21

7:10am, observed a lot of debris from the river and barranca throughout harbor.

1:40pm, while on patrol in Fireboat, officers removed hazards to navigation from the storm throughout harbor. Large branches and all other sorts of debris.

Tuesday 8/22

4:39am, observed a 3.9 earthquake aftershock from Sunday’s earthquake.

12:30pm, removing all types of debris from the harbor from the storm.

Wednes 8/23

7:30pm, received report of a female transient attempting to board vessels in village. Officers contacted subject and warned of trespassing, she moved on.

Thursday 8/24

3:53am, dispatched to a sick person in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded, patient disclosed they were Covid 19 positive. Fire captain released most responders stating, “There is no need for us all to get Covid!”

5:52pm, dispatched to a behavioral emergency at VWM A-dock. Once on scene the patient was distraught a romantic interest met online was no longer communicating with the patient. Offered condolences, advised unable to assist.

Friday 8/25

8:01pm, received missing person report from daughter of a mother last seen in her wedding dress. She was married on a vessel in the harbor. Advised we would “B-O-L-O” for missing mother. Did not locate the missing during shift.


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