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Vol. 14, No. 02 – Oct 21 – Nov 3, 2020 – A View from House Seats

by Shirley Lorraine
Radio Theatre Reigns for Halloween

Not going out to trick-or-treat the neighbors. Staying in and staying safe? Want all the chocolate for yourself? Settle in and turn on your radio for some chilling, thrilling tales to listen to by the light of the full moon.

The Every Now and Then Theatre has chosen this Halloween to bring forward a new dramedy in partnership with Conejo Players Theatre in Thousand Oaks. This year’s offering will be “Halloween with Grandpa” six stories featuring numerous well-known Ventura County talents.

Hosted by Celebrity Guest Host, KVTA radio personality Tom Spence, the one hour nationwide, streaming, commercial-free broadcast will air via on Friday October 30 at 6:00 a.m. (yes, you read that right!) and 1:00 p.m. PT and again on Halloween, Saturday, October 31 at 6 a.m., 1 p.m., 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. PT. Click on Listen Live to tune in. Then just sit back and enjoy.

The stories, titled They’re Here, Worldwide Wives Conspiracy, Headless Pumpkin, Careful What You Wish For, Haunted House, and Nosey Neighbor’s Computer, are sure to delight and possibly fright.

The cast includes familiar voices of Bob Allen, Lloyd Allen, Dale Alpert, Bob Decker, Jim Diderrich, Judy Diderrich, Erin Fagundes, Julia Rogers Hook, Keith Hurt, Ray Mastrovito, Kelli McKay, Rosemary Moffat, David Newcomer, Courtney Potter, Gary Randolph, Mark Andrew Reyes, Tom Spence, Linda M. Stiegler, Celeste Van Etten, Robert West and James Wortman. TV personality Elvira (who has participated in previous Every Now and Then Theatre productions) makes a cameo “appearance.”

The all-volunteer troupe is allowed only one rehearsal before performance. The mix of seasoned professionals and promising beginners such as Aubree, Tom Spence’s daughter, who making her acting debut to hear grandpa’s six stories, is a proven blend. “It’s a free treat” says Spence. “No travel, no dress code, …get your snacks and relax.”

All Every Now and Then Theatre’s productions benefit foster children by providing broadcast copies to cast and supporters in trade for their donations to KVTA radio’s Children Services Fund. Listen for how you can support this mission and get your own copy of the broadcast after it has aired.

Every Now and Then Theatre, founded and helmed by James Wortman, has been offering sterling performances for Ventura County and beyond audiences for the last 30 years. The Troupe has garnered 54 awards internationally since 1990 for their high-quality radio productions. Find more information about the Troupe at and on Facebook. Like, follow and support.


Conejo Players is gearing up for Haunted Broadway Drive-in Theater this coming weekend, October 23, 24 and 25. There may be a few tickets left for this haunted musical adventure if you’re lucky as word has it the event is almost sold out already. Cannot attend but want to be involved? Volunteers are always needed for future live streaming projects. Contact Executive Technical Director Jeremy Zeller at [email protected] to see how you can lend your talents.

Vol. 14, No. 02 – Oct 21 – Nov 3, 2020 – Movie Review

Streaming Spotlight by Cindy Summers
Like Father – Netflix Films

3 out of 4 palm trees
Breeze rating from 1 to 4 palm trees, 4 being best.

It seemed as though everything was falling into place in the life of New York advertising executive Rachel (Kirsten Bell) who was looking forward to her upcoming wedding and was up for a promotion. Looks can be deceiving though as Rachel was about to be left at the altar at her wedding where her dad showed up unannounced after being absent 25 years. Later they got together, got drunk, and ended up on the honeymoon cruise with each other.

When Rachel’s phone fell out of her wedding bouquet at the alter after promising not to even bring it to the wedding. Owen took Rachel aside and expressed his concern for her workaholic issues they’ve been trying to work through and apologized saying he couldn’t marry her. As the wedding guests sat uncomfortably witnessing the wedding being canceled, Rachel’s father stood up to leave and tripped over a chair as he exited the venue. This caught Rachel off guard, as she hadn’t seen or spoken to her father for over 25 years.

Rachel tried to return to work, but was sent home for her scheduled vacation after having an emotional outburst in the office. Later that evening, her father Harry (Kelsey Grammer) showed up at her apartment concerned for her and suggested they go to a bar, if even just for one drink and that they didn’t even need to talk if she didn’t want. They both ordered the same drink, Harry ordering 3 to catch up to where Rachel was at before arriving. After some uncomfortable moments and a few more drinks they ended up having a great time drinking the night away.

They staggered back to Rachel’s apartment after a countless number of shots, and were sitting outside when the car arrived that was scheduled to take Rachel and Owen to the cruise ship. They both had a laugh over it for it was for the honeymoon, but were both still so drunk from the night before that the next thing they knew they both woke up on the cruise ship that was already out to sea. Rachel regretted what had seemed like a great idea when they were drunk and tried to get separate rooms but no other rooms were available.

The cruise was set to dock in Jamaica, so they both decided that they would get off the cruise there and fly back to New York. Due to the fact that the ship caters packages to honeymooners, they kept dealing with the repeated awkward assumption that they were just married by the staff and the other couples staying in the honeymoon suites.

Rachel and Harry spent the cruise learning about each other and enjoying activities like honeymooner’s pool parties, and day hike adventures to beautiful waterfalls where they had some very enlightening moments. They also entered in the cruise’s Gigantic Gameshow where they had to match answers and won because Harry coordinated their answers before the game, no matter how they didn’t fit the question. After their win, Harry wanted Rachel to enter the karaoke contest with him, though she refused until Harry shared something that recently happened to him that would cause them to become even closer.

Putting a different spin on the traditonal rom-com, Like Father has a diverse cast of couples; a senior couple, gay couple, and black couple as the other honeymooners on the cruise. Bell and Grammer are a hilarious comedic combo, who are also able to express heartfelt genuine emotion when dealing with the challenges of their past family issues. Those who have distant family relationships may find yourself crying at the joy of this unique father-daughter reunion.

1h 43m

Vol. 14, No. 02 – Oct 21 – Nov 3, 2020 – Forever Homes Wanted

Hi: I’m Tazzy, a 1+ year old beautiful Rottweiler who is in need of a loving home. I was rescued from VC Animal Services and I’ll always be grateful to the Starr Group for sponsoring me and to C.A.R.L. for taking me into their program. I know I’m in great hands and they will find me my forever home.

While at VCAS I exhibited some unusual behavior. I’d start to bark/growl at ‘phantoms’. They think it may be due to ear canal agenesis and I may be over stimulated by light/shadow and/or sound. I may be only able to hear muffled sounds or vibrations.

I’m very social to people, but it’s unknown how I’d do with children or cats. I was introduced to a couple of other dogs at VCAS and after sniffing one another, we chased each other briefly and playfully. I do bark through the fence at dogs who pass by. So for now it’s still unknown how I’d do with another dog.

If you have room in your heart and home for little sweet me, please fill out an online application to meet me. Canine Adoption and Rescue League C.A.R.L.CARL Adoption Center-call 644-7387 for more information.

Can you see yourself with a fun, active, smart dog? Coral May would make a wonderful companion for long walks, hiking and even running. There is a catch though. You need to be a strong handler and train her to listen to you.

Some of our more experienced volunteers have been working with her using a “Haulti” face collar and have made great progress already. Since Coral May is so smart you will also want to help her learn commands. She  already knows sit, stay, shake and lay down. Make an appointment to meet this beautiful girl.

Ventura County Animal Services – Camarillo location – 600 Aviation Drive
Coral May A692466

Vol. 14, No. 02 – Oct 21 – Nov 3, 2020 – Mailbox

Dear Editor:

The circumstances of this election are like no other in a hundred years. We need to execute our Constitutional right to vote and stay safe from the Covid-19 virus. The best way to do that is to vote from home. To make sure your vote counts: 1) update/verify your registration, 2) select the language you want your ballot in (, 3) track your ballot (, and 4) vote early. The League of Women Voters of Ventura County suggests voting by mail by October 20th to make sure your ballot arrives in time to be counted. Complete your ballot and deposit it in a drop box, mail it, or deliver it to a voting center. All of these are safe options. For more information about the election, visit the Ventura County Elections Division at

Pat Butler Ventura


In an effort to inform voters, the League of Women Voters, Ventura County conducted candidate forums for local city council, mayoral, state senate and assembly elections as well as the Congressional District 26 election.

The League of Women Voters also conducted discussions of the California Ballot propositions and Ojai School Bond K. You can access the video recordings of these events at the following link:

Be an informed voter! And, make a plan to vote!

Wayne Morgan Ventura


I’ve been walking around this earth for a while now. Never before have I seen such fear and loathing coming from far left haters and far right haters. At times it seems most Americans fall into one or the other of these categories. But, today I witnessed a small event that gave me a little hope. (Mind you, I saw and heard with my very own eyes and ears, it’s not from a disguised Russian blog, TikToK data mine or Falun Gong newspaper.)

I was just leaving Coffee Bean with my large dark roast when a black lady approached a white male cop standing in line and asked what he would be ordering. He told her and she said, “I’m going to buy that for you,” The cop actually blushed and said, “That’s not necessary.” She, said, “No, you deserve it.” The cop was just beaming. Well, apparently, these people must have missed the latest Fox News and MSNBC shows because, for some inexplicable reason, she did not see him as a white, racist oppressor and he did not see her as a lawless, looting rioter. They seemed to share the outrageous belief that each was a fellow human being worthy of mutual respect and appreciation. Could this be the real America? I hope so.

Nick Bonge Ventura

Are you an amateur cartoonist?
Send your cartoon(s) to [email protected] for consideration to be published.

People who do not know how to laugh are always pompous and self-conceited.
~ William Thackery

Vol. 14, No. 02 – Oct 21 – Nov 3, 2020 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 9-29

2:10am, received a report of a break-in at Margarita Villa. Officers responded and investigated. Female transient wanted a drink but MV closed. PD arrested.

Thursday 10-1

1:35am, dispatched to a person bleeding at 4points Sheraton. Officers responded with AMR and VFD to assist the patient who was transported.

Friday 10-2

12:00pm, dispatched to a ocean rescue at the South Jetty, several persons caught in a rip current. Officers responded in Fireboat, deploying rescue swimmer to assist 3 persons clinging onto South Jetty and 2 in the head of the rip. All persons were rescued and assessed for injuries. Treatment and transport refused.

1:47pm, dispatched to an ocean rescue at the South Jetty. Officers responded and found 4 victims hauled out on the jetty. Rescue swimmer deployed to assist.

4:40pm, dispatched to an ocean rescue at South Beach. Officers responded in Rescue B-17 with multiple agencies. Several persons were pulled out of rip.

Saturday 10-3

12:54am, dispatched to seizure at 1691 Spinnaker Dr. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the patient who was transported to hospital.

8:35pm, received a report of a vessel lost in the fog near the #2 buoy nav buoy. Officers responded, found the vessel and escorted it safely back to the harbor.

Sunday 10-4

1:10pm, officers coordinating plan to lifeguard South Beach and Surfers Knoll. About 1500 people are on the beach and conditions are getting very dangerous.

2pm-6pm, officers & State Parks lifeguarded Harbor Beaches with very limited personnel but were able to safely rescue about 50 people from rip currents and contacted/educated every other beach patron in those 4 hours.

8:00pm, officers enforcing safety and fishing regulations at the breakwall for fishermen engaged in hoop netting. 9 vessels were contacted and inspected.

Monday 10-5 4:07pm, dispatched to an ocean rescue off Camden lane. Officers responded in Fireboat and assisted State Parks and VFD with multiple victims in a rip.

4:16pm, dispatched to a stingray strike at Surfers Knoll. Officers responded.

Tuesday 10-6

10:07pm, received a mayday call from a vessel who fouled their prop with a hoop net line outside the North end of the breakwall. Officers responded and towed the small skiff with 3 POB safely to the launch ramp.

Wed 10-7

10:35pm, officers conducting boating safety education to small vessels engaged hoop netting around the breakwall. Many illegally placed hoopnets confiscated

Thursday 10-8

5:17pm, received a request for a tow from a Seiner skiff in South Basin. Officers on patrol in B-17 towed the vessel to their slip nearby.

5:45pm, received report of capsized Hobie cat near the Ventura Pier. Officers responded in Rescue B-17, righted the vessel and escorted back to harbor.

Friday 10-9

11:23pm, officers conducting boating safety to fishermen engaged in hoop net fishing around the entrance and breakwall to 15 vessels and 5 kayaks.

Saturday 10-10

3:10am, officers contacting kayaks and vessels hoop netting around the breakwall and entrance for illegal placement and boating safety violations.

6:26pm, dispatched to an ocean rescue South Beach. 2 victims pulled from rip.

Vol. 14, No. 02 – Oct 21 – Nov 3, 2020 – Police Reports

by Cindy Summers

Police reports are provided to us by the Ventura  Police Department and are not the opinions of  the Ventura Breeze. All suspects mentioned  are assumed to be innocent until proven guilty  in a court of law.

Incident: Prowling Arrest

On October 9, at approximately 9:30 pm, Ventura Police Patrol officers responded to a call of a prowler in the backyard of a residence. As officers responded, the homeowner confronted the suspect, 21 year old vagrant Felix Ramirez. Ramirez was holding a can of spray paint and sprayed the homeowner in the face before fleeing. Officers located Ramirez nearby and arrested him for prowling and battery.

Stolen Vehicle Arrest

On October 10 at approximately 5:00 pm, the Ventura Police Department Command Center received a 911 call of a vehicle driving recklessly in the 3300 block of East Main Street. Ventura Police Patrol Officers responded to search for the vehicle and located it in the 4200 Block of Market Street. The vehicle was determined to have been reported stolen in Oxnard. Officers conducted a stop on the vehicle and took the driver, 29 year old Oxnard resident Angel Perez, into custody without incident. During the investigation, officers determined that Perez was under the influence of alcohol.

Ramirez was arrested for possession of a stolen vehicle, driving under the influence of alcohol, and an outstanding felony warrant.

Buenaventura Art Association

Kay Zetlmaier is one of the artists showing at the Harbor Village Gallery.

Over the past few months, the BAA board has been negotiating with Anna Marie Tan of SpiceTopia, a

downtown retail shop located at 576 E. Main St. The store has a 20-foot wall that will be used for BAA member exhibits in the near future. Plans are underway to install a hanging system for the BAA membership’s Small Image Show.

BAA Member Small Image Entry Deadline: Thursday, Oct. 29. This is a first-come, first-accepted show within certain guidelines. Members, please see entrythingy for details.

Bring-in to SpiceTopia: Sunday, Nov. 1, 2-5 pm

We are very grateful to artist Gerald Zwers who is designing and installing the hanging system for us over the store’s brick wall. We plan to continue regular exhibits with SpiceTopia.

SpiceTopia is located at the original downtown gallery address of the Buenaventura Art Association from 1970 to 1989. So we are, in a sense, coming home!

Harbor Village Gallery & Gifts

Open Fridays thru Mondays, 11-6.

Ventura Harbor Village, near the Comedy Club

We are grateful to the HVG&G artists who have been hosting during the pandemic. Masks and social distancing required. We are also pleased to let you know that our Harbor Village Gallery & Gifts location is also offering online shopping.

Steve Cook Painted in July 2020

Here’s an interesting piece. Painted in July 2020.   I loved painting this and I really loved the end result.  My gallery (our house) had no room for this one, so it sat in the corner of my studio.  Sometime during the late summer or early fall something gashed into the painting unbeknownst to me.  Left a one-inch hole in the middle of the painting.  I was crushed but I was determined to save it so I duct taped the back and applied some color to hide the rip.  The gallery manager, Carol Cook, let me hang it in the hallway.  No longer on the floor in my studio.

Lesson:  Artists guard your work with love.

Steve Cook Ventura