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Vol. 14, No. 24 – Aug 25 – Sept 7, 2021 – Opinion/Editorial

∙ As previously covered, two 15-year-old students were arrested for starting a fire at Mound Elementary School in Ventura on July 22.

The damage to the school is preliminary estimated at over $1,000,000.

The Ventura Unified School District board unanimously voted to declare an emergency which will expedite the necessary decisions as necessary to quickly resolve the situation. The district will be leasing and installing a portable building and proceed with repairing the fire damage. Demolition has been started.

The moral and legal question remains in terms of what is the appropriate action to take against 15-year-olds? Certainly, they need lots of help. Should they be incarcerated until they are 21? Will putting them in prison help or just make them worse?

I feel for their families trying to deal with this.

∙ Because we have a Sudoku puzzle in each issue, I thought it would be fun to share this.

Maki Kaji, the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life’s work was spreading the joy of puzzles, has died. He was 69 and had bile duct cancer. Known as the “Godfather of Sudoku,” its name is made up of the Japanese characters for “number” and “single.” There are different levels of difficulty for each puzzle.

It wasn’t until 2004, when Sudoku became a global hit, after a fan from New Zealand pitched it and got it published in a British newspaper.

∙ Question: Regarding Afghanistan, what president said this last year? ‘It had been a long and hard journey in Afghanistan. It’s time after all these years to bring our people back home.”

Answer: Trump.

I certainly agree with Trump and feel that Biden is doing the correct thing. He isn’t doing as well as it should have been accomplished, but after 20-years and an estimated 2 trillion dollars, the time has come to get out.

Of course, some Afghanistan people, especially women will be hurt by this, but there is really no way to deal with religious zealots no matter where, or who, they are. If this had been done with better preparation (as it should have been), eventually the results would have been basically the same.

The Taliban rule will be draconian. But how long would the United States need to remain there to prevent this from happening? Another 20-years, forever?

The basic problem, and miscalculation, was that the Afghanistan military would fight to “save” their country. Maybe we should have known this.

Act 1: Ten Taliban (driving old beat-up trucks and old motorcycles) wearing sandals, head scarfs and civilian clothes approach an Afghanistan military base and declare “we have the place surrounded so give up.”

Act 2: 50% of the military throw down there never-used weapons and give up. The other 50% change into their civilian clothes and go home.

U.S. national security advisor Jake Sullivan stated, “The Afghan military chose not to fight for their country.” It appears Taliban fighters met almost no resistance from the U.S. trained military.

If they are not willing to fight for their country, I don’t think that we should die for them anymore.


We can no longer be the savior for the entire world. Right now, we have enough of our own serious problems to deal with. We should certainly still provide aid to situations like the one in Haiti.

Those are my thoughts. As always, I would love to hear yours. Publisher

∙ The cousin of a Texas mother of four who died recently following a month-long battle with COVID-19 told news outlets that she asked relatives to make sure her children get vaccinated before she was intubated.

Lydia Rodriguez, who was not vaccinated and whose husband Lawrence also died this summer after contracting COVID-19, was first hospitalized in mid-July. According to a fundraising page set up on the family’s behalf, the couple were both in the ICU at the same time.


“Before she got intubated, one of the last things she told her sister was ‘Please make sure my children get vaccinated,’” Dottie Jones, the woman’s cousin, told the news outlet. “She would be there for her kids right now if she had been vaccinated.”

Most days during the coronavirus pandemic, Cardinal Raymond L. Burke could be found strolling down the streets of Rome mask less and carrying rosary beads. The 73-year-old conservative cardinal was an early critic of social distancing and, later, an unabashed skeptic of the vaccine.

Last Tuesday, Burke announced he had tested positive for the coronavirus. Now, the cardinal is in a hospital bed in his native Wisconsin, breathing with the help of a ventilator.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has tested positive for COVID-19, the governor’s office announced in a release.

Conservative talk radio host Phil Valentine has died following a lengthy battle with COVID-19. He was 61 years old. Recently Valentine voiced skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccine.

In December of 2020 he tweeted, “I have a very low risk of A) getting COVID and B) dying of it. If I do, why would I risk getting a heart attack or paralysis by getting the vaccine?”

At least he won’t have a heart attack or paralysis.

I certainly understand that vaccines aren’t 100% perfect, but of the new 10,000 COVID cases in Miami, 98% of the patients were not vaccinated.

Guns in The News:

A 3-year-old girl was killed after a 5-year-old boy shot her in Minnesota. The shooting was reported in a residence in the town of Bena, according to the Cass County Sheriff’s Office. Upon arrival, deputies learned that the victim had been shot inside the home.

An autopsy is pending with the Midwest Medical Examiner’s Office, and an investigation is ongoing, Burch said. It remains unclear whether criminal charges will be filed in connection with the incident against the gun owner. They certainly should be.

At least 3,371 children and teens in the U.S. were killed with guns in 2019, according to a report this year from the Children’s Defense Fund, a child advocacy nonprofit organization. The group estimates that a child was killed by a gun every two and a half hours during that year.

Three people are dead, and two others are in critical condition after an overnight shooting at an East Side sports bar, according to San Antonio police. The shooting happened around 3:23 a.m., Sunday, after-hours at the Boom Boom Sports Bar (I guess Boom Boom is the sound of guns being fired.)

Police said a fight started inside of the bar between two people before it spilled into the parking lot. A man then went to his car, pulled a long gun, and started shooting rounds in the air, striking five people – two women, and three men.

The two people shot dead at an NHK factory in Frankfort, Indiana, were employees of the company – a grandmother and granddaughter who were arriving for their shift, according to the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office. The alleged suspect, 26-year-old Gary C. Ferrell, an employee at the factory is in custody.

Ventura street names have interesting origins

by Richard Senate

The Street names in Ventura reflect her long and colorful past. Each one  has its own story to tell. The Street we call today “Main Street” was once known as “El Camino Real”  the famed royal road that linked all the Missions in Spanish Times. With the coming of the Yankees they wanted to devest themselves of anything that sounded Spanish so the name was changed official by Ordinance #10 in 1867 by the new city of San Buenaventura.

The oldest street name  that survives today is that of  “Figueroa” that stands before the old Mission. Contrary to legend, it wasn’t named after the popular California Governor of that name. It is named for the local blacksmith named Figueroa who had an adobe on that street in 1850. “Palm Street” was named for the three tall date palms planted at the Mission by the padres. Sadly these tall trees, once landmarks are gone. Perhaps we should plant new ones to replace them?

“Oak Street” was given that name because a large oak tree one  stood on the roadway. It first appears on the maps in 1869.  “California Street  is believed to have been given its name when California became a state in 1850.  It ran from Main Street to the spot on the beaches where boats landed before the construction of the pier in 1872.

“Thompson Street” gets its name from local farmer “Dixie” Thompson who was known for his  dancing horsed that performed in local parades. It was originally called “Meta Street” and used as a horse racing track in Mission Times.  “Poli Street was named for popular landowner and doctor Dr. Manuel Antonio Rodriguez de Poli. He was our first town doctor. He had a large adobe on the place where it turns to connect with the Ventura Avenue.

“Ventura Avenue” was originally called  “Canada Street” before its name was changed by an act of the state Assembly in 1872.  Another odd street name is “Sanjon Street”. It is not named after an unknown Catholic saint, even if it sounds that way. It was a Yankee corruption of its true name–“Zanja” that means a man made ditch or canal. The names of our street tell a unique story of our community.

The celebration of Jewish New Year

Rosh Hashanah occurs on the first and second days of Tishri. Jewish Year 5782 starts at sunset on Sept.6 (The Jewish calendar date begins at sundown of the night beforehand. Thus all holiday observances begin at sundown on the secular dates listed, with the following day being the first full day of the holiday. According to the Torah, the story of creation in Genesis says “And it was evening, and it was morning day one”, “And it was evening, and it was morning; the second day”, thus night comes before day. So, for the Jewish calendar all days begin at nightfall and end the next day at nightfall including holidays.)

In Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah means, literally, “head of the year” or “first of the year.” Rosh Hashanah is commonly known as the Jewish New Year. This name is somewhat deceptive, because there is little similarity between Rosh Hashanah, one of the holiest days of the year, and the American New Year.

There is, however, one important similarity between the Jewish New Year and the American one. Many Americans use the New Year as a time to plan a better life, making “resolutions.” Likewise, the Jewish New Year is a time to begin introspection, looking back at the mistakes of the past year and planning the changes to make in the new year.

The shofar is a ram’s horn which is blown somewhat like a trumpet. One of the most important observances of this holiday is hearing the sounding of the shofar in the synagogue.

No work is permitted on Rosh Hashanah. Much of the day is spent in temple, where the regular daily liturgy is somewhat expanded. There is a special prayer book called the machzor used for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur because of the extensive liturgical changes for these holidays.

The common greeting at this time is L’shanah tovah (“for a good year”). This is a shortening of “L’shanah tovah tikatev v’taihatem” which means “May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.”

Yom Kippur, on Sept.15, also known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Some Jewish people traditionally observe this holy day with an approximate 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services.

Yom Kippur completes the annual period known in Judaism as the High Holy Days or Yamim Nora’im (“Days of Awe”) that commences with Rosh Hashanah.

Happy New Year to a few famous Jews:

Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Harry Houdini, Marx brothers, Steven Spielberg, Sandy Koufax, Irving Berlin (Ironically, his compositions included “White Christmas” and “Easter Parade”) ,Mel Brooks, Dustin Hoffman, Peter Sellers, Al Jolson, Stan Getz, Ruth Ginsburg and Mark Zuckerberg (and Jesus Of Nazareth of course).


These striking yellow blossoms adorn Ventura every summer. The Cassia leptophylla (Gold Medallion Tree) is a broad semi-evergreen tree that grows to 25 feet tall and 20 feet wide and is drought tolerant. In early to mid-summer, the clusters of 3- to 5-inch wide deep yellow flowers appear. This is the most common and reliable of the Cassias in southern California – it was first planted in the Los Angeles County Arboretum in 1958, and has been an increasingly popular and very reliable and beautiful canopy tree in Ventura County landscapes. The name Cassia is from the ancient Greek ‘Kassia’, a name for the kassian plants that provided senna leaves and pods for medicinal use.

Ex-city manager becomes VCTC Interim Executive Director

The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) has named Mark Watkins Interim Executive Director.

Watkins will succeed VCTC Executive Director Darren Kettle, who in July was named chief executive officer (CEO) of Metrolink, Southern California’s regional passenger rail.

The Commission reached an agreement with Watkins during a special meeting. Watkins’ start date will be Sept. 7, and he is expected to serve in the position for four to five months while the Commission completes the search for a permanent executive director.

Watkins is a familiar face in local government in Ventura County. Most recently, he was the city manager of Ventura, a position he held for four years before retiring at the end of 2017. Before that, Watkins was the public works director and assistant city manager in the City of Thousand Oaks for several years. A Ventura resident, he is currently president of the Ventura Land Trust Board of Trustees.

Ventura County Supervisor and Commission Chair Kelly Long stated “We look forward to working with Mr. Watkins over the next several months as we search for the next permanent leader of VCTC.”

Watkins thanked the Commission for the opportunity to return to public service temporarily.

“I’m excited to help VCTC navigate through this transition and to keep critical projects and initiatives moving forward without interruption,” Watkins said.

The Ventura County Transportation Commission is the regional transportation planning agency committed to keeping Ventura County moving.

Vol. 14, No. 24 – Aug 25 – Sept 7, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙ My name is Laura Lindsay. I’m the new Ventura Chapter Leader for Love on a Leash, the San Diego-based national non-profit organization certifying pet therapy teams to provide comfort and healing to people in our community.

In Ventura, we’re looking to expand our chapter and grow the number of pet therapy teams to meet the increased demand for pet therapy services in this post-COVID environment. School is starting soon and life will become far more complicated for families across our county. Add to that a growing fear of the Delta virus, controversy around vaccines and vaccine booster shots, continued economic challenges for families and businesses in our community and that leads to increased stress. I anticipate there will be growing needs for our after-school Paws for Reading programs in our local libraries, visits with home-bound seniors in our senior centers, staff and patient visits in local hospitals and behavioral healthcare centers, visits adults with developmental disabilities, and scheduled wellness days to help reduce stress at our local colleges and schools.

We are standard poodles, Rocket and Winnie, we have been active pet therapy dogs in Ventura for several years.

In order to meet this demand, we need to do three things:

Identify any already-certified local pet therapy teams who are available and wanting to volunteer to work.

Identify local pet owners who would like to become certified pet therapy teams able to volunteer in Ventura.

Help educate the general public on the difference between therapy dogs, service dogs, and emotional support dogs; how utilizing certified Pet Therapy Teams can strengthen existing programs; and the value of pet therapy teams in helping to reduce stress in our local environment.

You can learn more about this organization at

Thanks for your time and for anything you can do to help this important cause.

Laura Lindsay Chapter Leader, Love on a Leash Ventura Chapter

(914) 610-8918 [email protected]


∙ SPAN Thrift Store is open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.

SPAN Thrift Store regularly provides $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Two upcoming clinics are: Tuesday, July 31st at the Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036 and a second clinic on Tuesday, September 7th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015.

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that approximately 51,000 packages of Simply Nourish frozen dog food has been recalled by its manufacturer, Wet Noses Natural Dog Treat Company of Monroe, Wash.

The affected dog food contains elevated levels of Vitamin D, the FDA said.

Consumers are advised to stop feeding the products listed below to their dogs. Dogs ingesting elevated levels of Vitamin D may exhibit symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, excessive drooling, and weight loss. Vitamin D when consumed at very high levels or over a long period of time can lead to serious health issues in dogs including renal dysfunction.

Consumers who have dogs that have consumed any of the products listed below and are exhibiting these symptoms, should contact their veterinarian.

Affected Simply Nourish frozen dog food products were distributed at select PetSmart stores nationwide.

The products are packaged in 2lb and 4.5lb packages across specific date ranges.

No illnesses have been reported to date, and no other products are affected, according to the FDA.

The recall was initiated after a routine nutrition test confirmed elevated Vitamin D levels on certain Simply Nourish frozen food products. Subsequent investigation indicates the problem arose as a result of the vitamin mix dosage being significantly reduced by the vitamin mix manufacturer, and this change was not detected or properly communicated. As a result, the dosage was not reduced.

Consumers who have purchased Simply Nourish Frozen Food are urged to return it to the place of purchase for a full refund.

Consumers with questions may contact the company at 1-800-938-6673 from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PST.

∙ The Food and Drug Administration is warning pet owners that Midwestern Pet Foods, Inc.’s products have been “associated with the illness or death of hundreds of pets who had eaten the company’s dry dog food.”

The FDA said Tuesday it has issued a warning letter to the Evansville, Indiana, family-owned company because inspections of manufacturing plants revealed evidence of violations.

As of Aug. 9, the federal agency said it was aware of “more than 130 pet deaths and more than 220 pet illnesses that may be linked to eating brands of pet food manufactured by Midwestern,” which may contain potentially unsafe levels of aflatoxin, a byproduct of mold.

“The FDA is dedicated to taking all steps possible to help pet owners have confidence that the food they buy for their animal companions is safe and wholesome,” Steven Solomon, director of the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, said in a statement. “Samples of dog food were found to contain high levels of aflatoxin.”

∙ When given the choice between a free meal and performing a task for a meal, cats would prefer the meal that doesn’t require much effort. While that might not come as a surprise to some cat lovers, it does to cat behaviorists. Most animals prefer to work for their food — a behavior called contrafreeloading.

A new study from researchers at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine showed most domestic cats choose not to contrafreeload. The study found that cats would rather eat from a tray of easily available food rather than work out a simple puzzle to get their food.

“There is an entire body of research that shows that most species including birds, rodents, wolves, primates — even giraffes — prefer to work for their food,” said lead author Mikel Delgado, a cat behaviorist and research affiliate at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. “What’s surprising is out of all these species cats seem to be the only ones that showed no strong tendency to contrafreeload.”

In the study, Delgado, along with co-authors Melissa Bain and Brandon Han of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, provided 17 cats a food puzzle and a tray of food. The puzzle allowed the cats to easily see the food but required some manipulation to extract it. Some of the cats even had food puzzle experience.

“It wasn’t that cats never used the food puzzle, but cats ate more food from the tray, spent more time at the tray and made more first choices to approach and eat from the tray rather than the puzzle,” said Delgado.

Cats that were part of the study wore activity monitors. The study found that even cats that were more active still chose the freely available food. Delgado said the study should not be taken as a dismissal of food puzzles. She said just because they don’t prefer it, doesn’t mean they don’t like it. Delgado’s previous research shows puzzles can be an important enrichment activity for cats.

Why cats prefer to freeload is also unclear. Delgado said the food puzzles used in the study may not have stimulated their natural hunting behavior, which usually involves ambushing their prey.

The study was published in the journal Animal Cognition. The research was supported by Maddie’s Fund and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.

Announcing Melissa Baffa as Ventura Land Trust Executive Director

Baffa has held a variety of nonprofit management positions throughout Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.

The Ventura Land Trust is pleased to announce that Melissa Baffa has been selected by the Board of Trustees as its new Executive Director. Her appointment comes at a time of historic expansion for Ventura Land Trust, which in the past year has grown to hold nearly 4,000 acres of land designated for conservation and public access in Ventura County.

Baffa, a biologist, has held a variety of nonprofit management positions throughout Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties since 2008, including her most recent role as the Development Officer for Foundation and Corporate Relations with the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Her recent experience also includes serving as a Science Communication Fellow for the Ocean Exploration Trust; since 2015 she has participated in three expeditions, exploring the deep sea off the coast of California and near the Galapagos Islands as a part of this appointment. Her work associated with the fellowship resulted in well over a dozen published articles in newspapers and magazines, and public speaking engagements addressing nearly 3,000 people over the past six years.

Baffa also brings a strong background in education, having taught in the classroom for a decade before transitioning to nonprofit work, and working as an instructor with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at California State University, Channel Islands since 2017. She has held board and committee positions for a variety of nonprofit organizations, including KidSTREAM Children’s Museum, the Ventura County Leadership Academy, the Ventura County Women’s Political Council, the California League of Park Associations, and the Ventura County Women’s Economic Roundtable. Baffa was a member of the cohort of leaders recognized by the Pacific Coast Business Times with a 40 Under 40 award in 2013.

Baffa succeeds Derek Poultney, who has served as Executive Director of Ventura Land Trust since 2016. Baffa’s appointment adds much needed capacity to the Ventura Land Trust organization during a time of incredible growth and allows Poultney to continue his work with Ventura Land Trust as Conservation Director, leading land acquisition and stewardship.

A lifelong resident of Ventura County and an avid lover of the outdoors, Baffa understands that the protection of open spaces now is crucial to the health of our environment, and to the health of lived spaces.

“We live in a region of incredible biodiversity, and in a world of increasing impacts from climate change, pollution, and habitat fragmentation, the properties Ventura Land Trust protects will provide corridors within which nature can thrive. I can think of no greater honor than working to preserve this amazing place we call home for the people and the nature of today and tomorrow,” says Baffa.

“What Ventura Land Trust is doing is so much more than conserving land for nature’s sake. It is preserving nature for our sake as well.”

Board President Mark Watkins believes that Ms. Baffa’s installation as Executive Director positions the organization to become a cutting-edge land conservation organization and provides the capacity needed to continue to add lands and open them to the public. “We are thrilled to welcome Melissa to our team. Her experience and leadership will move Ventura Land Trust forward. We are all fortunate to live and recreate in one of the most beautiful places on earth, Melissa’s leadership for the Ventura Land Trust will help to protect that beauty and provide a healthy environment for current and future generations.”

The mission of Ventura Land Trust is to permanently protect the land, water, wildlife and scenic beauty of the Ventura region for current and future generations. Learn more and become a member at

Vol. 14, No. 24 – Aug 25 – Sept 7, 2021 – Movie Review

Streaming Spotlight by Cindy Summers
Nine Perfect Strangers – Hulu Originals

3 out of 4 palm trees
Breeze rating from 1 to 4 palm trees, 4 being best.

Tranquilum House holistic resort is the setting for Nine Perfect Strangers, where nine people from all walks of life gathered together to attend a pricey 10-day “Mind and Body Total Transformation Retreat” led by a mysterious Russian woman named Masha (Nicole Kidman). The program included regular practices like healthy eating, massage, meditation, acupuncture, etc. but also some strange and unusual things like blood tests and Masha actually saying in her welcome speech that she was in complete control and planned to “f%@# with all of them”.

Only 10% of applicants are accepted and Masha intentionally groups people together to also help them benefit from healing interactions with each other, believing that their individual issues will help trigger more revealing and sharing of truths that lie deep inside the minds of her guests.

  • Frances Welly (Melissa McCarthy) was a famous author on her way out, looking to find herself after being scammed in an internet romance.
  • High school teacher Napoleon Marconi (Michael Shannon) and his wife Heather (Asher Keddie) were dealing with the suicide of their son three years ago along with their 21 year old daughter Zoe (Grace Van Patten), who was his twin, and were given a substancial discount to attend due to their limited finances.
  • Tony Hogburn (Bobby Cannavale) was a football player whose career ended early due injuries and now struggles with alcohol and drug addictions related to his physical recovery.
  • Jessica Chandler (Samara Weaving) is a social media influencer with hidden self-esteem issues and at the retreat in the hope of also repairing her love relationship with her husband Ben (Melvin Gregg).
  • Carmel Sneider (Regina Hall) stated her goals at the retreat were to work on self-esteem, weight loss and confidence.
  • Lars Lee (Luke Evans) is always quick with critical comments about the program and attendees, and appears to have some hidden agenda in being at the resort.

Upon arriving, all guests are required to relinquish all phones, laptops, etc. as well as any other items that don’t fall in line with the designed wellness practices, such as alcohol and drugs of any kind. Masha’s boutique health-and-wellness resort promises guests healing, transformation and a path to a better way of living, which she created after a life of climbing the corporate ladder and ending up being ambushed in a parking garage where she was shot and died, but came back to life with a renewed sense and commitment to creating Tranquillum House.

Assisted by her dedicated employees Yao (Manny Jacinto) and Delilah (Tiffany Boone), Masha guarantees attendees will leave with an entirely new sense of wellness and outlook on life, though little did they know there was more than they knowingly agreed to in the personally designed nutritional shakes they had every morning. The resort is definitely not what it seems to be and with each passing day, the guests discover many secrets about each other and the resort’s host.

Runtime: Season 1: 8 – 50m episodes

Vol. 14, No. 24 – Aug 25 – Sept 7, 2021 – Mailbox


San Buenaventura could run out of water. Really. We have only local supplies to rely on and they are very low and dependent on fall and winter rains (in 2021-22) for real re-supply. We need lots of rain to fill our lake, river, streams and aquifers.Will they come? If you think this is just a severe drought, you might think so. If you think climate change has shifted water and air currents in new, possibly permanent directions, steering rain away from us, then no.


As we fret over the size and height and the number of new housing units in our city, we need to ask where will the water come from to supply these new residents? We are told the new buildings are more efficient users of water, but what water? Obviously water we existing residents depend on. We are soon going to feel the squeeze of new water restrictions, based on diminishing local supplies and the impact of thousands of new local residents in the new housing buildings.  

How do we get the public and our City Council and Planning Commission and staff members and local elected to stop developing new housing until we have adequate water to support it and keep existing residents supplied with what we need? Our slow or stubborn response to these environmental realities could hurt us locally and globally.

We must petition our local government to develop only what we have water to support, based not on historical models but new environmental realities facing us every day.

Bob Chianese


On the topic of the feral cat problem throughout Ventura County: Over the past 20 years I have had many discussions with Ventura County Animal Regulation and yet the problem continues. I have written numerous letters to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors on this issue, as have others that are very involved with this effort.

Most recently, I was informed that the feral cat problem was (finally) going to be discussed with the Ventura County Board of Supervisors and Animal Regulation on August 12, 2021. It has now been postponed until November 2021.

While I fully appreciate that there are many issues facing our civic leaders, the continued lack of discussion, engagement or acknowledgement to those who continue to express concern is troubling. We cannot, as good citizens, continue to ignore this massive problem with the hope that ‘someone else’ will take care of it or worse yet, that it will simply go away. We can no longer afford magical thinking. Solutions must be explored that enhance the ability of Animal Regulation to assist more broadly and actively where feral cats are concerned. Also with Animal Regulation, we must collaboratively increase opportunities for feral spay and neuter surgeries.

As responsible citizens, community members and human beings, we must be the voice, the caretakers, the stewards and the advocates for animal welfare.

My second issue is people come to the SPAN Thrift Store on weekends to find a place to euthanize an animal when it is an emergency situation, i.e., hit by car, seizures, etc. and so far the only answer I can help with is go to their vet or VSMG, which runs about $500. Ventura County Animal Regulation has licensed vet even in the daytime on weekends to do this. I feel this is wrong.

Valerie Bereman

SPAN Thrift Store

Dear Mr. Editor (Sheldon)

I agree the city parking lots can be a horrible filthy mess.  Maybe they could get the city owned Street Sweepers to brush by the parking lots once a week.

Which parking lot were you reviewing?  We have a lot along the shoreline. THE CONCRETE MULTI-STORY ONE NEXT TO ALOHA.

Along with Ancient Aliens and Spinach you could add Broccoli, Grits, Collard Greens, Mustard greens, Turnip greens, Poke Sallet, Corn Pone, and anything that crawls up out of the mud and looks like a tiny Lobster.  

I look at the Aliens from a different perspective.  They left thus junk here because they didn’t want in their world.  As for Popeye, he didn’t look much like an Earthling before or after Spinach.  Olive Oyl and Bluto could have been Disney character before Micky Mouse.

 Regarding newspapers, it went on to say; “Especially notable is a loss of reporting in smaller towns, suburbs and real areas. Leaving thousands of American Communities with no local coverage.”  A way that the government might help the failing news industry is by way of a bill that has bipartisan support in Congress.” 

This goes to show that once in a “Blue Moon” Congress can agree on some things.  (PS You’re right we don’t have a Blue Moon this month, but it’s coming someday!).

 “This country has, for whatever reason, also refused to produce the network routers.”


For a moment I thought you were going all the way back to Al Gore, but he was only a wannabe President.

Michael Gordon

He only is happy as well as great who needs neither to obey
nor command in order to be something.
~ Johann Goethe


Vol. 14, No. 24 – Aug 25 – Sept 7, 2021 – Ojai News & Events

Javier Saucedo of Ventura County’s Green Business Program will visit the Ojai Library at 2pm on Friday, September 10, to explain and demonstrate the contents of the DIY Home Energy Savings Toolkits currently available for lending from Ventura County Library locations.

3C-REN and the Ventura County Library have partnered to create the DIY Home Energy Savings Toolkit. The toolkit includes tools, equipment, and a guide to help you save energy and increase the comfort of your home. There are items for you to keep, like LED light bulbs, outlet gaskets, weatherstripping, and water leak detection dye tablets; and tools to return, like an infrared laser thermometer and a Kill-A-Watt meter. Join this event for a demo of the kit, to ask your questions, and to learn about other sustainability programs in your area.

Javier Saucedo joined the construction trade in 1990, continuing until 2006 when he became an energy conservation specialist working with SoCalGas, SCE, and California weatherization programs. He currently leads the County’s Green Business Program, performs residential and commercial energy audits, and oversees quality control on energy saving upgrades.

This event is free and open to the public. For additional information, contact Ron Solórzano, Regional Librarian, at (805) 218-9146. The Ojai Library is located at 111 East Ojai Avenue in Ojai, CA. Hours of service are 10am to 8pm Monday through Thursday and 12pm to 5pm Friday through Sunday.

The Ojai Storytelling Festival will present special performances for students on Friday, Oct. 29 at Libbey Bowl in Ojai at 9:30 (primary) and 11:15 (upper grades 4-12). The performances will present nationally acclaimed professional storytellers from around the United States. This year’s line-up includes Donald Davis, Regi Carpenter, Bill Harley, Diane Macklin, Kim Weitkamp, Bil Lepp and the Reverend Robert B. Jones.

Check website for the storytellers that are scheduled for each of the performances. Each of the sessions will feature stories appropriate to the grade level attending the performance. A special group ticket price for 10 or more is just $5 per ticket. Tickets for groups and individuals less than 10 are available on our website. For group tickets, phone 310-890-1439 or visit

Finding Light, a new exhibition featuring artworks by the Ojai Studio Artists at the Ojai Valley Museum. Using a wide variety of mediums and styles, sixty artists depict how they found light. View the exhibition for inspiration about how you too, can continue to find the light in your life.

Although viewing artwork in person is a much richer experience, an online version of the exhibition is available on the museum’s website,

The exhibition will be on view through the end of October 11.

In addition to Finding Light, small exhibitions on a range of topics related to the history of the valley, and a diorama of the Sespe Wilderness, are always on view at the museum.

The Ojai Valley Museum is located at 130 W. Ojai Avenue in Ojai.