Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

Is poetry your passion?

The Ventura County Writers Club is accepting submissions for their 19th annual poetry contest until February 28, 2020 11:59 PM PST. Cash prizes for winning poems. Winning poems are eligible for publication by the VCWC Press, in the Ventura Breeze and are invited to read at the award ceremony April 14th 7:00 PM, 1605 Burnley St. in Camarillo.

Adults 18 years and older: first prize is $100, second prize is $75, and third prize is $50. Youth ages 13 – 17: first prize is $50, second prize is $35, and third prize is $25. Youth ages 12 and under: first prize is $35, second prize is $25, and third prize is $15. The contest is open to poets worldwide and club membership is not required. Go to Call Rhonda Noda 805-300-0837 with questions.

Read a book save a dog’s life

Local writer Paulette Mahurin feels very lucky. Stricken with Lyme Disease after moving to Ojai in 1997, she took to writing. Battling chronic fatigue and an array of other symptoms, there wasn’t much else she could do to occupy her time. Prior to a tick bite, she worked as a Nurse Practitioner (NP) in the Antelope Valley Hospital Emergency Room.

Writing, she explained, saved her from depression. She took writing classes. In one class with Deb Norton, a storyline came to her. That was the seed from which grew her first novel, The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap. To the amazement of this amateur writer, the book went on to be an international best-seller on Amazon.

More books came forth. Eight to be exact. Several making their way to Amazon best-seller lists. Feeling blessed and extremely lucky from the outpouring of support from readers when her third novel, The Seven Year Dress, hit number 1 in literary fiction/historical fiction in the United Kingdom and Australia, along with ranking in the top ten in the United States, she decided that she wanted to do more to help with her ongoing dog rescue work. The decision came easy.

The profits from her books would go to help rescue dogs from kill shelters. She had donated profits from her first novel to Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center, the first and only no-kill shelter in Ventura County at the time. Next, from her second book, His Name Was Ben, she had donated profits to the Canine Adoption and Rescue League. She then branched out to network with multiple rescue groups to help rescue dogs from kill shelters in Southern California. She has contributed to rescuing 2,380 dogs from kill shelters.

Yes, Mahurin feels lucky. Now with regained health and enjoying volunteer work, she continues to write and work along with her husband to help free more dogs from shelters. Featured on her blog site, are the before and after photos of all the dogs she’s helped along with information on her eight novels.

Not only is Mahurin known for her work with dog rescue, but for the topics she addresses in her novels. Her latest novel, The Old Gilt Clock, (released December 2019) tackles Willem Arondéus’ brave fight against the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands during World War II. All of Mahurin’s books can be found on Amazon at:

Community invited to VUSD Information Night

The Ventura Unified School District (VUSD), under the direction of Superintendent Dr. Roger Rice, has announced that most of the VUSD schools will have Schools of Choice lottery spots available for the 2020-2021 school year. VUSD is also increasing the number of interdistrict transfer spots open to residents in surrounding communities. The public is invited to attend the VUSD Information Night on Thursday, January 16, 2020, from 5:30-8 pm at Buena High School, located at 5670 Telegraph Rd. to learn more about these opportunities, speak with representatives from all VUSD schools, and service departments.

“Since my arrival over nine months ago, we have been working as a team to identify obstacles that our families face that can be resolved with policy and procedural changes. We identified a need for our more lottery spots for Schools of Choice and have made adjustments to ensure we are offering spots at every school that does not require a placement process,” stated Superintendent Roger Rice.

The number of lottery spots for each school will be determined based on enrollment numbers. Some schools may have 5-10 spots; others may have over 100. City of Ventura residents are eligible to submit for these lottery spots from January 17-31, 2020. The application will be available online at on January 17. El Camino High School, Pacific High School, and Homestead (home school option) will not be participating in Schools of Choice as they have placement processes that must be followed.

“We realize that the Ventura Unified School District is a District of Choice for others in Ventura County. To assist our neighbors and to do everything we can to continue to provide excellent educational services during a time of declining enrollment, VUSD will be offering more spots for the 20-21 school year for interdistrict transfers,” stated Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Dr. Danielle Cortes. “We are dedicated to ensuring that all students who would like to be educated in the Ventura Unified School District have that opportunity.”

All interdistrict transfer applications will be considered once the Schools of Choice lottery is complete, and all intradistrict transfer requests have been processed. Every effort will be made in the 2020-2021 school year to make spots available to all who apply to the Ventura Unified School District.

Families are invited to attend the Ventura Unified School District Information Night to learn more about both initiatives, as well as, meet with representatives from all 26 schools, and many service departments including Transportation, Food & Nutrition, Special Education, Career and Innovation, and Technology Services. The night will begin with a session at 5:30 pm in the auditorium. This presentation will cover Schools of Choice, transferring, and enrollment. The session will repeat at 6:30 pm. School and service department representatives will be available from 6-8 pm in the gym and cafeteria to answer questions.

Island Packers Winter Whale Watching Cruises at Ventura Harbor Village

Just in time for 2020 whale watching at its best.

With Winter in full swing, visitors to Ventura Harbor Village can board an Island Packers whale watching vessel and travel from Ventura Harbor through the Southern California waters off Santa Barbara Channel, known for its marine mammal diversity, to see breathtaking mammals that cavort in waters off of the Channel Islands.

The 3-3.5 hour half day cruise, a sure bet to spend time with family or friends and can be awe-inspiring, with the possibility of seeing more than 28 species of marine mammals along with the migrating Gray, Fin and Humpback whales, seals, sea lions and large pods of dolphins identified within the waters of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary of Southern California.

Whale Watching Excursions, now through April 1, 2020 marks the official start of the gray whale migration. Departure times are listed daily on the Island Packers website.

For more information about the Winter Whale Watching program, visit or email Islands Packers at [email protected].

From 6-foot dinghies to 88-foot commercial fishing seiner boats, scores of pleasure boats call Ventura Harbor home. Ventura Harbor Village marina is one of the top offloading squid harbors on the Pacific Coast and in the nation and Ventura Harbor Village marina is home to some of the largest fishery companies. Ventura Harbor has two yacht clubs and two boat yards.

For visitor information, contact Ventura Harbor Village at 805-477-0470, online at Ventura Harbor Village is located at 1583 Spinnaker Drive in Ventura.

Residency at the Ventura Veterans Home Part 2 of 2

by Carol Leish

“The Veterans home has been here in Ventura for 10 years,” according to, Julian Bond, Administrator. “It is a residential care facility for the elderly, which provides medical care; a licensed clinical social worker; has an activities department; offers rehabilitative services; and, offers physical therapy. All of this helps to maintain and improve the quality of life for the veterans who live here.”

Mack E.

Mack E., who has lived at the veteran’s home for 2 1/2 years, was in the U.S. Army. He said, “We were attached to the Air Force, which was basically the 20th Bomber Command and the 22nd Air Depo Group. We were a truck company, that was attached to the Air Force through World War II, which was stationed in India, near Calcutta.” He was in the Army for four years.

“I heard someone talking about the various veteran’s homes here in California, while still living in Springville, in Central California,” according to, Mack. “Since it was after my wife had passed away, even though my daughter was helping me out a lot, I did some research by looking it up on the Internet.”

“The activities that I enjoy,” according to, Mack, “include doing chair exercises, and exercising in the gym every day. I also like the various trips that we take, which has included going to the Reagan Library and to the Getty Museum. The food is very good here, too.”

Jim C.

Jim C., who has also lived at the veteran’s home for 2 1/2 years, was in the U.S. Army from 1969-1971. He served 15 months in Germany.

According to Jim: ‘Living here, at the Ventura Veteran’s Home, was a very good move for me, since I had been living in the Los Angeles area. I like the city of Ventura. I had gotten involved with a church right away. I also enjoy going to the libraries here.”

“The activities that I enjoy,” according to, Jim, “include, flower arrangement, and use of the keyboard.”

Jerry B.

Jerry B., who has lived at the veteran’s home for 1 year, was in the Navy for 21 years (1962-1979). He was stationed primarily in San Diego, after having started off his career in Virginia.

Since he had asked his son, who lives here in Ventura, about the veteran’s home, he decided to stop in to tour and to get an application. He said that, “I decided to come here, especially after my wife died in March, 2018.

Jerry said, “I enjoy playing Botchy Ball twice a week and playing Shuffle Board twice a day. I also enjoy doing puzzles. Also, as the president of the Allied Council, I’m able to interface between the residents and the administration here in order to improve/maintain things for our quality care that we receive.”

City Council member, Jim Friedman said, “I am honored that Ventura’s only Veteran’s home is located in the district that I represent (District 5).” It’s a beautiful facility providing a wonderful array of amenities for the veterans that live there. I am very thankful for the service that these men and women have provided to our country.”

10900 Telephone Rd., Ventura 93004 805-659-7500

Helping Hands for Humans engages and inspires

The Ventura event was a huge success, creating individual care packages for the homeless.

by Amy Brown

A little kindness can go a long way in changing someone’s life, and the holidays are a perfect time for gratitude for what one has, and for giving back to those who aren’t as fortunate. A wonderful example of both was found in the annual Helping Hands for Humans event, an organization that now operates in both Colorado and Ventura, inviting local community members to gather to assemble care packages with hygiene products, snacks, and medical supplies for the less fortunate. Each person who attended created their own Ziploc bags with items from a long assembly line of donated products to then take with them and give to those in need. According to the event organizers, this is about much more than creating a care package. “We think that a sense of camaraderie, community, and love instilled in your heart will be what you take away from this experience. Everyone who comes is encouraged to bring their smile, and any extra items they may have for care packages.”

Colorado event was held simultaneously by the founders Ashley Tindall (the blonde in the red sweater) and Clint McBride (in the green hooded Grinch outfit).

Ashley Tindall and her husband Clint McBride saw a need and wanted to make a difference, starting Helping Hands in Denver, Colorado in 2012 before they moved to Ventura the following year and continued the event here. “The Denver winters were unbearably cold. I saw so many homeless people passed out on the streets, freezing and hungry,” said Tindall. “It seemed like they were everywhere, and it hurt my soul at a deep level. It especially hurt me to see the way some people treated the homeless population–like they weren’t humans. The people that made packages and handed them out would always come back and tell me how amazing their experience was and how grateful the homeless person was. It forever changed them, so the event became as much about the people coming to the events as it was about the homeless,” said Tindall.


Sasha Collins joined in to collaborate with the event soon after it began in Ventura and has been co-hosting it with Tindall and McBride every year since. “I was thrilled. I thought it would be a great opportunity to get friends and family together for an event where we could take the focus off of all the mass consumerism that is associated with the holiday season, and instead focus on giving back to our community,” said Collins. The event was held simultaneously in Ventura and Fort Collins Colorado this year, with the two groups engaging and cheering each other on via FaceTime, as Tindall and her husband moved back to Colorado.

Helping others is a family affair. Stephanie Reilly and her 16-year-old daughter Roux, who have participated in helping the homeless in other local organizations, participated this year for the first time. Reilly shared that she felt it was important to show children that many people don’t have the basic necessities. “Homelessness in Ventura is becoming a larger problem. It’s heartbreaking when you see so many at stop signs, and this is just another way we can help,” said Reilly.

When asked what the hoped for takeaways were for the participants, in addition to the care packages, Collins replied, “I am hoping that it gives people a chance to focus on the needs of other people, but I also hope that it inspires people to contribute to their community in a greater way throughout the year as well.”

The events ran simultaneously both in Ventura and Colorado, with organization founders Ashley Tindall and Clint McBride.

“This event is really about igniting the spark of giving to others, to the homeless and in life in general as fellow human beings,” said Tindall.

Looking Back at 2019

Ed and Sandy Fuller celebrated the completion of their home rebuild (first of two) after the Thomas fire devastated their neighborhood and reduced their beloved home to ashes. A ribbon-cutting ceremony by Ventura city officials was held in front of the new home and another across the street at the newly completed residence of Michael and Sandra Gustafson who also lost their home to the Thomas Fire. Newly appointed Mayor Matt LaVere spoke during the event, recalled watching the devastation and wondering how the city could ever recover from the catastrophic event that leveled over 500 homes in Ventura.

The Ventura College Foundation has received a $2 million donation from the Helen Yunker estate.
Honoring Yunker’s request, the donation will establish endowments for the Ventura College Music Department and the Opera and Musical Theatre program. The gift will be split evenly between the two.
Yunker, who died in July at age 96, served on the Ventura College Foundation Board for 18 years.

Jeff Lambert , Community Development Manager for the past ten years is leaving Ventura to take a similar post with the City of Oxnard. As Community Development Director Lambert has managed current and future advanced planning for the city. His responsibilities for the City of Ventura included running Building and Safety, Code Enforcement, planning and economic development.

The Ventura Police Department now has a full-time mental health technician embedded within the Ventura Police Patrol Task Force. The technician will be responsible for case management and outreach for the homeless population suffering from mental health issues. The effort is a partnership with Ventura County Behavioral Health and is funded through a Triage Grant.

Former Ventura Mayor and City Councilman Jim Monahan may no longer serve on the City Council, but his legacy will now live on forever. A newly named street, James Monahan Way is at Poli Street and the City Hall parking lot as well as the gateway to the Ventura Botanical Gardens.

The Board of Education is pleased to announce their unanimous vote to appoint Dr Roger Rice as the new Superintendent of Ventura Unified School District (VUSD). Dr Rice, who currently serves as the Deputy Superintendent of Student Services for the Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE), comes to the district with a wealth of knowledge and skills he will use to further VUSD’s commitment “For the Future of Every Student.”

Dr Roger Rice, who has a distinguished career of more than 20 years of service to Ventura County youth, has worked to develop and support innovative programs for Alternative Education, Career and Technical Education (CTE), Special Education, and other programs to meet the needs of At-Risk Youth.

Yolanda Bundy, Chief Building Official City of Ventura has been selected by the Structural Engineers Association of Southern California as the Safer City Building Official of the Year because of her dedication to supporting a safer community and leadership within the building official community.
She is head of the Ventura Building and Safety Division, the office that issues building permits for construction projects in Ventura (Note: She has left Ventura for a position in Malibu).

After serving a distinguished career with the Ventura Port District General Manager Oscar F. Peña officially retired on April 30, 2019.  Peña has been at the helm of Ventura Harbor for 20 years. The Ventura Port District employs 35 full-time employees and generates $8 million in annual revenue.
A Ventura resident for 27 years, Peña cites several key accomplishments during his 20-year employment. With Peña at the helm, the commercial

Venturan Chuck Ceci,l whose radio show “The Swinging Years” had run for more than 50 years has died at age 97. He died on April 30th still broadcasting his syndicated radio show. In 1942 he briefly hosted his first radio show for a small radio station. At the same time, Cecil hosted the “Big Band Countdown” for Armed Forces Radio which spread his love for jazz around the world.

New pedestrian safety light poles designed by artist Michael Davis are being installed on the west side of the California Street Bridge over Highway 101 to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety. The improvement project moves into the much-anticipated final stage of construction with the contractor scheduled to complete the installation of eight new pedestrian safety lights in one-week depending on weather conditions.

Congratulations to Detective Michael Acquarelli for being selected as the Office of the Year for the Ventura Police Department. He has served Ventura for 13 years. During that time, he has received the Medal of Valor for his heroic life saving actions during a critical incident and he was selected as the SWAT Team Operator of the Year in 2015 and 2018. As an officer, he has worked patrol, served as a field training officer and served as a detective in the street crimes unit.

The Ventura Police Officers’ Association (VPOA) is pleased to announce the winners of the 16th annual Dee Dowell Memorial Scholarship. The scholarships are to honor Sergeant Darlon “Dee” Dowell, who was shot and killed on August 7, 1978. Sergeant Dowell is the only officer in Ventura’s history to die in the line of duty. In selecting scholarship recipients, the VPOA considered academic achievement, school and community service, financial needs, and the following requirements:

1st Place $5,000.00 Annika Kinnaman
2nd Place $3,500.00 Bryce Weinell
3rd Place $2,000.00 Labiba Sardar

Ventura Mayor Matt LaVere has publicly announced his candidacy for the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, District 1. With deep roots in both Ventura and the Ojai Valley, an impressive record of leadership on Ventura’s City Council and a lengthy, diverse group of endorsements, Mayor LaVere is excited to kick-off his campaign for County Supervisor.

Neal Andrews long term Ventura councilman and past mayor has died. Neal died on Sunday, August 4, 2019 following a protracted illness. He served his last year on the council as mayor a position he coveted.
Andrews ran and won a seat on the city council in 2001. His election changed the dynamics of the council at that time. His election and subsequent actions led to the changing of city managers in 2004. Neal was a conservative and used his conservative voice for what he believed to be a fiscally conservative approach to city government.

On Wednesday, July 10th, the Ventura Botanical Gardens dedicated the Schwab Entrance Plaza to honor the memory of the late Miriam Schwab and her longstanding support and philanthropy for the Garden and the Arts in Ventura.

On Saturday, July 27th, NBA superstar and Ventura local, James Ennis III, returned to his old stomping grounds and organized a basketball camp for the westside Ventura youth at the Westpark Community Center. Before Ennis was drafted to the NBA, he played for Ventura High School, Ventura College.

The Ventura County Fair closed after another successful Fair. Celebrating the best of the best from throughout Ventura County, the 144th year closed with success. Visitors came from near and far to enjoy the 12-day Fair, July 31 through August 11.

The Ventura County Fair’s mission is to preserve, promote, and showcase agriculture and the traditions of Ventura County.

California Travel Association kindly recognizes what Visit Ventura knows: we’re a special place to work
Visit Ventura was kindly honored once again as a great place to work, this time by the California Travel Association (CalTravel). The California Travel Association is the united voice of the travel and tourism industry in California, advocating on issues and legislation that affect the tourism industry.

The Perfect Firestorm – The Thomas Fire Story will be screened at the Ojai Film Festival on Sunday November 3rd at 1pm and Friday November 8th at 1pm at the Sane Living Center at 316 E Matilija St, Ojai, CA 93023. CAPS Media’s documentary chronicles the extraordinary personal stories of survival and healing during and following the devastating Thomas Fire.

“The Perfect Firestorm is an amazing achievement that has had a tremendous impact on so many people in and around this community.  Being recognized by the Ojai Film Festival is well-deserved.  Thank you to CAPS Media for capturing this historic event in such a meaningful way.”   David Endaya, Ventura City Fire Chief

The Board of Directors of the Ventura Police Community Foundation is pleased to announce the 2019 Heroes Among Us Award Recipients: Ken Sharp, Art Pillado, Jackie Pearce, Jim Duran, Alex Wulff and Sal Flores. These community heroes have displayed selflessness, dedication and compassion, making a positive impact in Ventura and beyond.

Five new City of Ventura Police Officers took the oath of office on October 3. Welcome Officer Monica Danskin, Officer Ash’lee Gray, Officer George Orozco, Officer Mariano Robles and Officer Heather Straup. Their commitment to serve and protect our community is appreciated.

At a recent meeting of the Ventura City Council a plan to make sewage plant output to bring wastewater to drinking level standards was approved. The council approved a $200 million plan to obtain more drinking water for the city and reduce the amount of sewage water released into the Santa Clara River estuary. The $200 million plus plan will be used to build a new plant that will take wastewater once slated to be emptied into the estuary and treat it to drinking water standards.

The Ventura High School Cougars took on the Buena High School Bulldogs on Friday, October 25th at Larrabee Stadium in their annual rivalry football game. The cougars have consistently defeated the bulldogs the past nine years. After Friday night’s win with a 49-28 score, Ventura High accumulated a decade worth of winning streaks against Buena.

The City of Ventura announces an $8 million settlement with Southern California Edison Company to resolve wildfire claims resulting from the 2017 Thomas Fire. The City of Ventura’s $8 million settlement is part of a larger settlement for a group of six public entities, including the 2017 Thomas Fire and 2018 Montecito Debris Flow, but it does not affect the claims of residents, individuals and businesses affected by the fire against Southern California Edison.

After more than 33 years of service with the City of Ventura, Police Chief Ken Corney has announced his retirement effective Dec. 31, 2019. In reflecting on his career, Chief Corney said that “it has been a tremendous honor to work alongside the dedicated men and women of the Ventura Police Department, and to serve our community.”

“For more than three decades, Chief Corney has served our community with honor and distinction. He is a model of integrity and professionalism and it has been an honor to work with him,” stated City Manager Alex McIntyre. “He epitomizes the values of teamwork, leadership and public service. He has dedicated his career to improving the quality of life in our community and responding to the significant public safety issues faced by cities throughout our state. The City of Ventura is a safer community thanks to the work of Chief Corney. He has led the Ventura Police Department with heart and humility transforming the service of the agency.”

Chief Ken Corney joined the Ventura Police Department in 1986. He was promoted to Sergeant in 1995, Commander in January 2000, Assistant Chief in December 2003, and appointed as Police Chief in December 2009.

Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation pairs families in the Tri-County area who have a child with cancer

5-year-old Emmanuel Sandoval with 10-month-old brother Sammy after receiving a Christmas tree through Teddy Bear.

Each year, Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation (TBCF) pairs families in the Tri-County area who have a child with cancer with supporters to help make their Christmas dreams come true through their holiday program Project Christmas.

Through the Project Christmas program, TBCF staff collect each child’s specific wish lists and shop for the items they want and need. Then, TBCF staff finds supporters to “adopt” a family for the holidays. Adopting a family entails purchasing a gift for not only the child undergoing cancer treatment, but also their brothers and sisters. The value of each gift is $100. Additionally, each family that is adopted is provided a Christmas trees, Christmas lights, a $50 grocery gift card for a holiday meal, stockings, hot chocolate and candy canes. Lastly, the trees and gifts are delivered by TBCF to the family’s home in time for Christmas!

The goal of Project Holiday is to alleviate the financial stress of shopping as well as the time and energy associated to it. Often, it is simply not possible for parents to go shopping due to the fact that they are under financial duress or can’t leave their sick child.

“The holidays can be a difficult time for these families whose sole focus is on the health of their sick child,” said Lindsey Leonard, Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation Executive Director. “Through Project Christmas, our hope is to provide some joy to these children and families while bringing some needed relief for the parents/caregivers. Being able to help families and see children’s faces light up is what the holiday season is really all about,” said Leonard.

To make these efforts happen, Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation has relied heavily on the support of our generous community in the Tri-County area.

“Getting to deliver Project Christmas gifts and trees has been such a highlight of our holiday season for the past six years. Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation treats each family they serve as if they are their own family. It is such a blessing to work with them.” stated Susie Perry, a long-time supporter and volunteer with TBCF.

“This has been an eye-opening experience being able to help these families, while they are going through so much. I hold these families near to my heart, even though I don’t know them personally. Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation is such a wonderful organization with the most amazing people that are so dedicated to these families. I feel truly lucky to be able to be involved in the efforts.” exclaimed Summaer Cole,

“We really appreciate everything you (TBCF) have done for us since the very beginning. You are always so attentive and always thinking about us said the Sandoval Family.

The Sandoval family received Project Christmas as well as a Project Turkey delivery of Thanksgiving food last month through the Project Holiday Program.

This year, Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation projects they will help 190 families in the Tri-Counties.

Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation is a non-profit organization providing financial and emotional support to families of children with cancer living in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo counties. Services are providing to families that have a child diagnosed with cancer up to age 18 and continue until they reach 21 years of age. To learn more about Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation and how you can support families that have a child with cancer please visit, 805-962-7466 or

Happy New Year from everyone at CAPS Media

Welcome to a New Decade.  All of us at CAPS Media want to express our sincere thanks for the tremendous support demonstrated by Friends of CAPS who created videos, sent letters, emails and made calls to City Council Members and City staff expressing your appreciation for CAPS.  Your continuous support has been extremely helpful in giving our city officials a better understanding of the depth of services provided by CAPS throughout the community.

This remarkable and effective CAPS’ member based, grass roots campaign is what democracy is all about and exactly what CAPS and public access television is all about.  The First Amendment guarantees every citizen freedom of speech, and thanks to all of you, the public has spoken loud and clear.

Everyone at CAPS is looking forward to 2020 and working with Member/Producers, colleagues and partners to expand our services throughout the community.  All year long the CAPS staff trains new members and mentors existing members in the use of media and storytelling tools to help them create their own programs and projects to air on television and radio and stream online.  CAPS provides a place for Member/Producers to share local news and regional history, in-depth interviews, faith-based programming, community messages, educational information and more.  CAPS Radio – KPPQ, 104.1FM, continues to grow with new local voices and programs developed and broadcast on the airwaves.

For the city, CAPS Media crews record, broadcast and live stream City Council meetings, City Planning, Design Review and other city public meetings as well as create informative and educational segments for the public with the Ventura Police and numerous other departments.  These services are expected to expand in 2020.

CAPS’ community support includes collaboration with the Ventura Unified School District to record, broadcast and stream VUSD Board meetings throughout the year.  In 2019 CAPS’ coverage of Community Council meetings increased to include East Ventura, Ventura College area, MidTown and  Westside Community Councils.  The local Community Council meetings are a great way for Ventura citizens to interact with and receive first-hand reports on City services and plans from City Councilmembers, Ventura Police Department officers, and other officials and leaders in the community.  In addition, numerous faith-based and community organizations recorded and broadcast services and informative programs for the community on Channel 6.

Every month CAPS crews produce Mayor for a Moment profiles featuring outstanding 5th grade students throughout VUSD for recognition at City Council and school board meetings.  And ECTV, the outstanding media education/mentorship program at El Camino High School at Ventura College, continues to produce award winning programs in the CAPS Media studio and in the community.

The start of the New Decade is a great time to become a Member/Producer at CAPS Media.  If you have an interest in community television or radio production, or are just curious, drop by the CAPS Media Center and learn how to become a member of CAPS and join our community of enthusiastic and engaged community of videographers, editors, radio DJs, storytellers and more.  Go to for more information.

2019 has been a very productive year at CAPS Media.  The entire staff eagerly looks forward to a New Year of community Engagement, Education and Entertainment in 2020.

Spreading holiday cheer one bike at a time

Kassandra Ramirez

by Mira Reverente

Some families started showing up early, eager and excited for what lays ahead, undeterred by the heavy downpour and gloom on that last Sunday before Christmas.

Hot cider and cookies greeted all the families who came in for the first annual bike give-away for kids at Bike Hub, a one-of-its-kind community bike shop along Ventura Avenue. Raffle tickets were given out to all the kids upon arrival.

Michelle Gerardi of Ojai brought her daughters. The youngest of the three, two-year-old Brighton, immediately had her sights set on a pink Minnie Mouse bike with training wheels, which she won.

Brighton Gerardi

It will be the first bike for Brighton, but not for nine-year-old Nani, who has always shared a bike with her 10-year-old sister. “Now we each have a bike and don’t have to wait for our turns,” she says.

Volunteers were on hand to assist and help contain the excitement during the give-away. Ventura resident and avid cyclist Mike Steinbaum was one of them. “It’s nice to help people who need bikes or depend on bikes as their primary mode of transportation,” says Steinbaum, a long-time volunteer.

For $5 an hour, anyone can come in and use the equipment and tools at the shop. Volunteers can get credit for pitching in at the shop, from sweeping the floor to assisting customers. Steinbaum explains, “It’s a collaborative effort vs. a drop-off type of repair shop. There’s always something that we could use help with even for those who are not gandy with bikes.”

Bike Ventura is the parent organization of Bike Hub, a non-profit and grassroots group that actively promotes and advocates for bike safety and education all throughout Ventura County.

“We help fix bikes and provide instruction to people who bring in their bikes for repairs,” says Joey Juhasz-Lukomski, executive director of Bike Ventura. The Bike Hub is open most afternoons except Mondays, from 3:00 to 7:00 pm, with longer hours on Sundays. Says Juhasz-Lukomski, “There’s always someone available to help, whether it’s one of our staff or the countless volunteers we have.”

Adan AvilaDeputy Mayor Sofia Rubalcava, donning a Santa hat, also graced the event and mingled with the families.

Leading up to the event, volunteers put in countless hours working on used and donated bikes and ensuring all are safe and road-worthy. Through word-of-mouth, social media and community partnerships, families learned of the local holiday event.

Girardi found out about the event through Facebook but managed to keep it a secret from her daughters until the day of. “I really wanted it to be a surprise,” she says.

Brighton’s big sisters Christabella, 12 and Jazzlyn, 10, also got their first picks. Says Christabella, “We can’t wait till it’s not cold anymore so we can ride our bikes to school.”

Over 30 bikes were up for grabs for the almost 20 kids that were in attendance. Everyone went home with bikes and big smiles.

VENTURA BIKE HUB 490 N. Ventura Avenue
(805) 641-2665. For more information, go to

Photos by Bernie Goldstein