Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

Visit Olivas Adobe

When visiting Olivas Adobe, Docent Mary Thompson can show you the wonderful living quarters and provide a historical overview of the families who lived there. Enjoy an afternoon filled with California history, art, and see Ventura County’s only remaining Monterey style adobe home from the Rancho-era. Olivas Adobe will open to visitors the second Sunday of each month, May-August 2021, from 11am – 3pm.

Movie Stars in Ventura, a long tradition

Kevin Costner by Johanna Spinks from the Face of Ventura from the Ventura Breeze.

by Richard Senate

I was working giving tours at the Albinger Archaeological Museum that summer in the 1980s. It was a fun job and enabled me to meet people from all over the world and tell them the history of our city, as interpreted in the archaeological finds at the small museum. It was a slow day I recall when a couple came in, as was my job, I started to give them the tour pointing out the significant artifacts from the Chumash and Spanish Colonial periods. The man, had short hair, cut in a military fashion but he looked familiar. I racked my brain trying to figure out where I knew the man from. Did I go to school with him? Did we work together on some project? But, being a professional, I didn’t interrupt my tour to flat out ask him who he was. He didn’t ask a lot of questions and toured the grounds with his lady friend. Then, as he left, he signed the quest book. When he left I checked the log only to discover the familiar face belonged to the actor Tom Cruise! I walked outside to see him drive away in a big black car, with a gold grill. He waved at me as he passed. I later learned he was filming Top Gun at the time and that accounted for his haircut. But Ventura has always been a place where movie stars have visited over the year. It is a place to unwind from the rigors of Hollywood.

A list of the greats and near greats who have stopped over in our community is long.

This is but a sample:

Kevin Costner He grew up in Ventura and attended Buena High School. He considers Ventura his home town and returns from time to time.

Fatty Arbuckle, Silent clown and controversial star drove though Ventura, and on Main Street was given a ticket for speeding. He told the policeman he had once lived in Ventura for a time.

Red Grange Football hero made silent films too making his race car movie Racing Romeo at the Ventura fairgrounds. Sadly this film is now lost.

James Cagney The popular star of Hollywood’s Golden Age stayed at the Mission Hotel while doing pick up shots for the race car film The Crowd Roars They filmed this at the Ventura County fairgrounds.

Clark Gable, the uncrowned king of Hollywood’s Golden Age had dinner at the Olivas Adobe after poaching ducks on owner Max Fleishmann’s property in 1939.

Jessie “The Body” Ventura, AKA… James George Janos, Took his wrestling name from a visit to John’s at the Beach. He later became an actor and was elected Governor of his home state of Michigan

Larry Hagman also visited Ventura. Best known for his role as JR Ewing in Dallas.

John Travolta. He had his action thriller Swordfish On Main Street, downtown Ventura.

There are many others that could be listed. You may have met one or two?

Tree Town

Many of Ventura’s trees are drought-stressed. If you have a young tree in your yard or a city street tree in front of your house, a few buckets of water each week will help it survive.

There are over 30,000 street trees in the City of Ventura, so the city’s urban forestry crew appreciates each resident who can provide water for thirsty trees.

Mayor Sofia Rubalcava and the Ventura Tree Alliance encourage you to help our urban forest stay healthy during the dry summer months!

The Bookmark About Libraries and Friends

Gently used books offered by the Ventura Friends of the Library at Hill Road.

by Jill Forman

Apology and Correction

The Barbecue for the July 31 book sale will be provided by the Ventura Downtown Lions. The Lions have been so helpful to the Ventura Friends of the Library at book sales for years, providing “person power” when we need it most. My apologies to the Lions for misstating the organization in my last column, and thanks for all the hard work!

Bookstores back in business

The Foster Friends of the Library bookstore has moved to a larger area on the first floor of the library. Open 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. More books, great bargains, nice open shelves.

Hill Road Friends of the Library used book sales are also open. Gently used books of many genres, low prices with an honor box for payment. Open all library hours.

Online bookstore still going with a more selective inventory. Pickup for now will be at the Foster bookstore.

Remember that all purchases support your Ventura libraries! The Friends of the Library help with book purchases and programs.

Volunteer opportunities: We need folks to staff the Foster bookstore. We would also like to have someone at Hill Road for a couple of hours once a week, to hand out online orders. If you are interested: [email protected].

Summer Friends of the Library Book Sale and Community Event

Saturday July 31, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday August 1, noon-3 p.m.

Dudley House Museum, 197 North Ashwood Avenue (at Loma Vista.)

On Saturday there will be a plant sale 8 a.m.-2 p.m., and a hot dog barbecue provided by the Ventura Downtown Lions 11 a.m. – 2 p.m ($5 for hot dog, chips and bottle of water.).

On Sunday 1 p.m.-4 p.m., free tours of the Historic Dudley House and Museum.

Lovely setting, great book bargains, summer food, museum tour, plants…be sure to join us. Even if you just want to come by and join the community in celebration.

Book groups at Foster and Hill libraries

Both are returning to in-person discussions.

Foster meets the first Saturday of the month 10-12. August’s book is The Roundhouse by Erdrich. Information: [email protected].

Hill Road meets the last Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. August’s book is I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by McNamara. Information: [email protected].

Summer Reading Challenges

Create a profile for each family member.
Log reading minutes or books, complete activities, earn badges, and become eligible for prizes.

Ongoing Library Events

Minecraft Mondays – 4:00 to 5:30 pm. [email protected]

Storytimes – Stories and songs every Monday and Saturday at 10:30.  Visit Ventura County Library’s Facebook page and the live video will automatically start.

Globetrotting Storytime – Mondays for stories and songs with an emphasis on world view.

Bedtime Stories Live Join Ms. Mayra for bilingual bedtime stories Mondays, 7 pm.

Art Lessons Live – Wednesdays, 3:00 p., Miss Kat will show you how to draw a different children’s book character. Bring your favorite drawing tool and a piece of paper. Visit the library’s  Facebook page and the video will automatically start.



The club is being rebuilt as the Ventura Canoe & Kayak Club

Class for introduction to sprint canoe and kayaking held at the Harbor.

The club was originally known as the “Ventura Olympic Canoe Club” and had many National titles in the late 1970s and 80s. After a dormant period, the club is being rebuilt as the Ventura Canoe & Kayak Club.

Club membership can be for anyone 12 years old and up! Competition age brackets are set at under 18, under 16, and under 14 divisions for youth. Adults may compete in the Senior (or open) category, as well as master’s divisions. Masters age groups begin at age 30, with different divisions spread out over 15-year intervals.

With all of their coaches and volunteers completely vaccinated and Covid-19 numbers in the county dropping, they are now offering limited free beginner classes! Thanks to donations, they are able to offer these beginner classes for free. (They pay $10 per person for event insurance and will happily accept a donation should you wish to contribute.)

Beginner events are limited to 10 people per session and we will be following Covid safety protocols. If you find you enjoy and like the sport, you will be invited to join the club and train regularly.

Drew Story, Ventura Canoe & Kayak Club head coach stated “ I have been the chief organizer behind rebuilding our club. We were a big and extremely successful organization in the 70s and 80s (thanks going to Bill Bragg), with a record number of national championships and several club members being on Olympic and World Championship teams for the United States. I hope to revive our club and provide both kids and adults with an opportunity to enjoy this unique sport.”

“Our events are open to anyone 12 years old and up. All participants must be able to swim 100 yards unassisted and will be required to wear a life jacket at all times. We will provide life jackets and all equipment. We paddle sprint racing canoes and kayaks at the Ventura Harbor and welcome both youth and adult athletes.”

“If you are unable to attend one of our free Saturday classes and still interested in giving sprint canoe and kayak a try, please contact us and we will make separate arrangements with you.” ttps://

They had a really fun day launching and learning how to canoe at the lovely Portside Ventura Harbor development’s new non-motorized public launching ramp.

Scholarship awards presented by CMH Auxiliary Junior Volunteer program.

These young people have contributed thousands of hours of volunteer service to CMH.

On June 14, scholarships were awarded to nine deserving young people who have been part of the CMH Auxiliary Junior Volunteer program. At an outdoor ceremony in front of Community Memorial Hospital, Auxiliary president Linda Pettit, Junior chairperson Marilyn Beal, and hospital President and CEO Gary Wilde presented the $1000 awards to the seven Maria Cavallo Scholarships for students planning to enter medical field careers.

Dr. James Woodburn also assisted in the presentation of the two Audrey Woodburn scholarships for those heading for careers in nursing.

These young people have contributed thousands of hours of volunteer service to CMH while maintaining academic excellence and community involvement and are to be commended for their dedication.

Award ceremony recipients:

Maria Cavallo Scholarships for Medical Field Careers: $1,000 each

Caroline Connolly: Served in CCU and ED for 288 Hours. She earned a 3.98 unweighted GPA while attending Ventura H. S.

Adithi Desham: Was a desk/flyer and volunteered in the Pharmacy with 287 Hours. At FTHS, she earned a 3.94 unweighted GPA.

Isabella Garcia: Served 239 hours in Maternity. She attended Buena H.S., graduating with a 3.92 unweighted GPA.

Frances Kayser: Frances served 311 hours at the front desk of the Ocean Tower. This young lady, who graduated from Ventura HS with a 4.0 unweighted GPA.

Eesh Manwani: Volunteered in the Gift Shop where he served for 376 hours. A graduate of FTHS, with a 3.72 unweighted GPA,

Aniket Rahane: Served in both CCU and the Gift Shop with 335 hours accumulated. Aniket graduated from Buena HS with a 3.95 unweighted GPA.

Elsa Schmidt: Was a desk/flyer putting in 335 hours of service. A graduate from FTHS with a 4.0 unweighted GPA,

Audrey Woodburn Scholarships for Nursing: $1,000 each

Breanna Burke: Volunteered in SDS, ED, and Maternity accumulating 259 hours of service. She graduated from Ventura H S with a 3.9 unweighted GPA.

Erin Hoffman: Gave 275 hours of service in Maternity. She attended Saint Bonaventure HS and graduated with a 3.64 unweighted GPA.

NAWBO celebrates BRAVA 2021 awards

Photo by Deena Gledhill

NAWBO celebrated their BRAVA 2021 awards online on Friday, June 18th, and a luncheon held at Peirano’s on June 17.

This year’s theme “Diversity, Resilience, Transformation: Bold Women Creating Her-story” showcased how these six exemplary women in business and leadership are breaking barriers, forging new ground, and pursuing their goals with fearless fortitude.

“Even after a year where almost everything changed, we received a record number of nominations for our 21st annual celebration,” stated Seana-Marie Sesma, President-Elect of NAWBO VC and owner of Your PR Girls. “The BRAVA Class of 2021 personifies our theme as we all gather in June to celebrate these Bold Women Creating Her-story and their ability to pivot!”

Enroll your child in an amazing learning and exploration summer experience

The MERITO Foundation’s Marine Science Beach Camp is a program that engages children in hands-on ocean science and stewardship activities. Children will learn and experience a variety of marine science concepts, explore the coastal environment, and play with ocean-themed games. They will be introduced to scientific monitoring, and marine art and poetry in a safe and healthy environment.

Week of July 12-July 16, 2021. Theme: ‘Tidepools, Fish & Plankton’

Children will get to experience being a marine scientist for the week by learning about the life at the tidepools, will collect and identify plankton using scientific equipment like plankton nets and microscopes; will learn to catch, identify, and release fish, about the different fishing practices, and about our local marine protected areas.

Week of July 19 – 23, 2021. Theme: ‘Birds, Whales and Whales’

During this 2nd week, children will get to be ornithologists (bird biologists), learn about local seabird species, and identify them through binoculars! Children will switch up and become marine mammologists (those who study marine mammals) to learn about the whales, dolphins, and sea lions that live or pass through our coast and the Channel Islands, such as the blue whales! Will also learn about wetlands, help restore their local Kalorama wetland, participate in beach cleanups, marine art, and beach scavenger hunts.

Times: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
3 days/week (M, W, F)
Location: At Buenaventura State Beach south of Ventura Pier.
Ages: 8 – 12 years of age
Cost: $200/week per child
Discounts for siblings and/or two weeks registrations are available
Scholarships available based on needs.

More details at

For any questions email us [email protected], or call 805-765-6326

You can register your child or grandchild at

Visit Ventura is awarded “Best Place to Work” for the fourth year in a row

Visit to learn more about the Visit Ventura team.

The Pacific Coast Business Times has once again honored Visit Ventura with their “Central Coast Best Place to Work” award.

This marks the fourth year in a row that Visit Ventura has been selected as a “Best Place to Work,” but, suffice to say, 2020 was not a conventional work year.

“It was a year of adjusting and readjusting, again and again,” said Marlyss Auster, Visit Ventura President & CEO. “There were some stressful times, but through it all our team maintained the same upbeat attitude they’ve always had. And we never lost sight of our overall mission to do the next right thing to help our community. Thank you, Pacific Coast Business Times, for kindly honoring us. And thank you, wonderful Ventura, for working alongside us to do that next right thing.”

Through creative thinking and various award-winning campaigns, Visit Ventura helps spearhead a tourism effort that generates close to $300 million in annual visitor spending and, equally important, creates roughly 2,600 jobs in Ventura. Perhaps less known, tourism’s dollars help bolster Ventura’s General Fund, which, among other things, helps fund the city’s fire and police forces, build the city’s roads, and finance the city’s schools. Now more than ever, tourism will play a critical role in the recovery of the economy — from the national front to local hometowns.

“We all know how hard the pandemic has been on Ventura’s economy,” said Auster. “And tourism will be the economic driver that not only sees Ventura to its feet, but sees Ventura thrive. Our amazing team will continue to work hard to see that happen.”

The “Best Place to Work” awards began in 2016. They represent feedback across an organizational structure and were quickly embraced by the community thus increasing their prestige. Workplace factors such as compensation, paid time off, community involvement, and overall corporate culture are considered.