Category Archives: Professor Scamp Ph.D (Pretty Happy Dog)

Vol. 15, No. 09 – Jan 26 – Feb 8, 2022 – The Pet Page

∙ From CARL:

2021 started out just as tough as 2020 ended. With the pandemic continuing into its second year, our rescue saw a continued large increase in owner surrenders and more dogs looking for their second chance at a happy life waiting in high kill shelters. We have seen such tremendous support for the dogs in our rescue thanks to our rescue village. With over 100 finding their forever homes this year, we have a few stories that have touched our hearts, that we wanted to share with you all.

April 2021: Sasha was found as a stray and ended up at the Devore Animal Shelter in San Bernardino County. She was immediately put on the euthanasia list and hidden in their quarantine section due to her behavior. She was labeled as aggressive and her future looked grim. Thankfully we were able to save her and she gained a second chance. Once she arrived we saw a very young girl who was looking for structure and training. We knew it was going to take a special person to be the one to adopt her.

Fast forward to November 2021, and Sasha is now in her forever home. Her new owner loves her just as much as we all did. She likes to spend her time drinking from the water hose and lounging at the picnic table.

What started out as a pandemic foster, turned into a forever home for CARL long term resident Mamba. It was never understood why Mamba was never adopted during her 12 years at CARL. She is a very happy gal with good spirits and a loveable smile. Maybe she had fallen victim to “Black Dog Syndrome” , maybe it was because she wasn’t the right fit for those who were interested, or maybe she was closer to her person than anyone realized.

In early 2017, Chrissy began volunteering with CARL and soon enough she became Mamba’s friend. Over the years they created a special bond and once the pandemic hit, Chrissy chose Mamba to be her work from home buddy after spending years in a kennel environment. After a year of being roommates, Chrissy knew she had to make it official. Mamba now spends her day lounging around the house, watching neighbors from the window, and seeing her other 4-legged friends around her home.

How you can help today:
Dog rescue never stops and everyday a new surprise arises. We have been fortunate to continue to save the lives of countless dogs who are looking for their forever homes. Below are a few ways to help benefit the dogs at CARL:

Donate directly to CARL through Network for Good or Paypal
Donate items from our Amazon Wishlist
Use the WoofTrax app when you go for a walk
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Canine Adoption and Rescue League
PO Box 5022
Ventura, CA 93005

∙ SPAN Thrift Store is open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.
SPAN Thrift Store regularly provides $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.
Three upcoming clinics are: Tuesday, February 8th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015, a second clinic on Tuesday, February 15th in the SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main), and a third clinic in the SPARC parking lot, located at 705 E. Santa Barbara St., Santa Paula, 93060, on Tuesday, February 22nd.
Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙ Dear Friends,

Ventura County Animal Services participated in the #BettyWhiteChallenge, a nationwide fundraising event kickstarted on Twitter and shared by well-known celebrities. The trending movement, inspired by Betty White’s long history of animal activism, called upon the community to donate $5.00 to their local animal shelters on Monday, January 17, 2022, what would have been her 100th birthday.

VCAS set a modest fundraising goal of $10,000 and quickly launched our participation in the challenge.  We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we exceeded our original fundraising goal by leaps and bounds, collecting an extraordinary $51,510! We received nationwide coverage on NBC4 and held a concurrent pet adoption event which resulted in 24 animals finding loving, forever homes. We were both surprised and honored by the massive outpour of support from our Ventura County community and we wish to thank all who participated in the Betty White Challenge!
Please consider being a part of this movement and donating today at
Ventura County Animal Services

∙ An athletic Hungarian farm dog and a tiny pet of bygone Russian aristocrats are the latest breeds in the American Kennel Club’s purebred lineup.

The club announced that it’s recognizing the Russian toy and the mudi. That means they’re eligible to compete for best in show at many U.S. dog shows, including the AKC’s big annual championship and the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club show.

The mudi (whose American fans pronounce its name like “moody,” although the vowel sound in Hungarian is closer to the “u” in “pudding”) descended from long lines of Hungarian sheepdogs before a museum director took an interest in the breed and gave it a name around 1930. Fans say the medium-size, shaggy dogs are vigorous, versatile and hardworking, able to herd sheep, hunt boars, snag rats and compete in canine sports such as agility and dock diving.

The Russian toy developed from small English terriers that gained the fancy of Russian elites by the early 1700s. The diminutive dogs — supposed to weigh no more than 6.5 pounds (2.7 kg) — have a leggy silhouette, perky expression and lively demeanor, breeders say.
These additions bring the number of AKC-recognized breeds to 199.

Vol. 15, No. 08 – Jan 12 – Jan 25, 2022 – The Pet Page

∙ SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.
SPAN Thrift Store is providing low cost spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.
Two upcoming clinics are:
First one will be at on Tuesday, January 18th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015. The next one will be cats only, at the Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036, on Tuesday, February 1st.
Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙ “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
Will Rogers

A Christmas Miracle for Creed.

∙ A family was put in a difficult situation as they needed to move from their home and had to give up one of their two dogs. They were able to keep their Chihuahua but had to give up their Rottweiler named Creed. The owners of Creed found a nice family to care for him who lived in a farmhouse so he had plenty of land to run around. They said to the new owners if anything came up where they could not care for Creed then to let them know and they would find him another home.
About a year later a property manager went by to check on the farmhouse and found the occupants had moved out and left Creed behind and inside a chain link kennel next to the house. He fed Creed for a couple of days hoping the occupants would return to pick up their dog but no one came for him. The property manager called Canine Adoption and Rescue League (CARL) as he has in the past when he finds abandoned dogs and so an employee picked up Creed and brought him to their kennel. Creed was checked out by a vet and then placed up for adoption. Creed was cared for by the employees at CARL and exercised by the volunteers for about four months
While some volunteers of CARL were at an off-site adoption event, they were approached by a lady who asked if we had a dog named Creed and we said yes. The lady said, “I think that is our dog”. It turns out they drove by where the new owners used to live and noticed the house was vacant. They discovered a video of Creed that a volunteer at CARL had made and placed on social media.
The original owner made an appointment with CARL to go see Creed the very next day and brought along Creed’s little Chihuahua brother. Once they walked up to his kennel, there was no doubt that this was their Creed! Tails were wagging and lots of tears flowed of the happy reunion. Creed’s original owner is now in a situation where they can keep him and so they brought home their dog from the kennel the same day. All of this is possible due to CARL picking up Creed and caring for him until his original owners could be found. It truly is a Christmas Miracle! For more information on Canine Adoption and Rescue League, their website is
∙ What can your pet eat?
While you generally should not give pets human food, there are some treats that are safe apples, carrots, green beans and bananas. It is usually better to get treats that are made for them.
No matter how cute those puppy-dog eyes are, do not give your pets these items:
Sweets, especially chocolate.
Turkey meat, skin or bones
Anything with artificial sweeteners, especially ones using Xylitol
Yeast dough
Cats have been known to eat plants, some of which are toxic to them. Avoid plants like poinsettias and Christmas cactuses if your pet likes to munch on plants.
Keep pets safe, whether you travel or host. If you are traveling with your pet, make sure to use this checklist:
Identification tags
Usual food and medicine
Contact information for an emergency clinic
A safe space prepared for pets while guests visit
A pet carrier for travel

During holidays, pets will likely have their routines thrown off. Try to take them on walks, play with them before guests arrive and let them have a secure, safe place away from the party.

∙ By Susanne Ruststaff
Bentley seemed to be in a haze. Normally this 12-pound Chihuahua-terrier mix would never refuse hot, fresh French fries from a drive-through fast food joint. But on a recent warm afternoon, he turned his head away at his owner’s offer.
“He wouldn’t take them, so I knew something was wrong. He was just out of it,” said Dana Long, a resident of Tiburon. Long eventually took his dog to the veterinarian, who informed him that his typically sprightly and voracious Bentley was stoned. He had likely picked up a chocolate edible on the fields of a nearby middle school, where Long’s daughter was playing softball.

While excess cannabis consumption by canines is not new, cases are growing as more and more states legalize the drug, and its use becomes more widespread, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The group’s poison hotline suggests that as more and more states have legalized recreational marijuana, reports of marijuana toxicity in dogs have also grown.

Between 2017 and 2020, national call volume for cannabis ingestion rose from 1,436 to 3,923 cases, said Tina Wismer, a veterinarian and senior director of the New York-based ASPCA Poison Control Center.

Those numbers are likely just a fraction of the true incidence of marijuana poisonings — reporting to the control center is voluntary — but the trend is clear. In California, where recreational marijuana was legalized in November 2016, call numbers grew by 276% between 2016 and 2020. In Colorado, those numbers have risen eleven-fold since legalization in 2012.

It might sound funny that so many pooches are getting into the hooch. But for dogs who accidentally ingest potent edibles intended for a human several times their weight, the narcotic effect can be serious. In addition, if dogs are chewing on drugs found outdoors, it is possible those drugs are laced with chemicals other than THC, the active ingredient in pot, said several veterinarians.

∙ Lebanon, N.H. (AP) A German shepherd named Tinsley, first thought to be a lost dog, successfully led New Hampshire state police to the site of its owner’s rollover crash.

Both the vehicle’s occupants were seriously hurt, but thanks to Tinsley’s dogged efforts they quickly received medical assistance once officers discovered the truck, which went off the road near a Vermont interstate junction, WMUR-TV reported Tuesday.

“The dog was trying to show them something,” said Lt. Daniel Baldassarre of the New Hampshire State Police. “He kept trying to get away from them but didn’t run away totally.

“It was kind of, ‘Follow me. Follow me.’ And they did that and you know, to their surprise to see the guardrail damaged and to look down to where the dog is looking at, it’s just, they were almost in disbelief,” he said.

A New Hampshire state trooper and police from the nearby city of Lebanon responded to the crash site late Monday, just across the state line in Vermont.

There were no further details on the condition of those injured in the single-vehicle crash.

Vol. 15, No. 07 – Dec 29,2021 – Jan 11, 2022 – The Pet Page

∙ SPAN Thrift Store is open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use. SPAN Thrift Store regularly provides $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Three upcoming clinics in January are: Tuesday, January 4th at the Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036, a second one on Tuesday, January 11th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main), and a third one on Tuesday, January 18th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015.

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙ A border collie, named River, who suffered spinal injuries and was paralyzed in his hind legs after collapsing unexpectedly in October can stand and is beginning to walk again, following neurosurgery six weeks ago by UC Davis veterinarians. River came in to UC Davis after suddenly being unable to stand and walk on his own, said UC Davis veterinary neurology resident Amanda Xue.

UC Davis team did an MRI and found he had “essentially a slipped disc,” Xue said. UC Davis veterinarians drilled a hole in River’s back and extracted the material that was compressing his spine. “He’s exceeded my expectations,” Xue said. He’s walking on his own and wagging his tail.”

River’s owner, Linda Drafton, took the dog in for a recheck exam at UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital’s small animal clinic. The past two months has been a whirlwind. She drove three and a half hours from the Redding area to UC Davis to get River help on Halloween; now her dog is mostly back to normal.

∙ By the time Carolyn Chow learned that her father had Alzheimer’s, he would only have five years before succumbing to the disorder in 2017 at the age of 86.

It was devastating to see her father deteriorate so quickly. “He was highly educated, brilliant and highly sociable, and Alzheimer’s took that all away,” said Chow, a staffing consultant for the Division of Human Resources at Cornell.

Chow is now supporting research into Alzheimer’s by bringing her dog Nora, a 7-year-old Chihuahua mix, to the Cornell Veterinary Biobank to contribute to the Dog Aging Project. The nationwide study is an essential part of a $5.1 million research project recently launched at Cornell, the University of Washington and the University of Arizona to investigate the potential links between Alzheimer’s disease and a similar condition in dogs called canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD).

The four-year-project, funded by the National Institute on Aging, is the first large-scale research study to compare CCD and Alzheimer’s disease to determine whether they are triggered by the same genetic and environmental factors.

Researchers in the study will analyze biological samples of hundreds of dogs to identify biomarkers for CCD and bank those samples for future research. Discovering the specific factors that cause CCD will help advance our understanding of Alzheimer’s – a rapidly growing disease in the United States. Currently, an estimated 6.2 million Americans 65 and older live with Alzheimer’s, and by 2050, that number is expected to reach nearly 13 million, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.

Alzheimer’s and CCD share many similarities: Both are incurable and both are difficult to diagnose until behavioral changes emerge. Dogs with CCD, for example, do not recognize familiar people and may stare blankly into space and wander aimlessly.

In the first phase of the Alzheimer’s study, researchers will identify 200 dogs that have CCD, based on a questionnaire the owners complete when enrolling their dogs in the Dog Aging Project. As the canines reach the end of their natural lives, researchers will then examine 100 of the dogs that died to identify the neuropathological markers of CCD.

Identifying the biomarkers of CCD could then be applied to research on Alzheimer’s to determine whether the same cellular changes are associated with the disease in humans.

Castelhano said the collection at the biobank will be made available for future research on Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, as new tools are developed to deepen our understanding of these conditions.

Dogs are also a better animal model to study Alzheimer’s than mice, which have traditionally been used but do not develop a similar type of dementia naturally, Kaeberlein said. “Companion dogs living with their owners live in the human environment,” he added, “and that’s something we really just can’t recapitulate in the laboratory.”

Sherrie Negrea is a freelance writer for the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine

∙ (CNN)While you’re rummaging through cabinets and crevices trying to find your cat’s new favorite hiding spot, cats may be keeping mental tabs on you, too. A new study out of Japan found that a stationary cat can track its owner’s location using audio cues specifically, the owner’s voice.

Saho Takagi, first author of the study and a doctoral student at Kyoto University, said she has always been interested in cats’ hearing abilities. She’s a cat person all around, but said her favorite part is their ears. Cats have sensitive ears that can move in different directions.

“I saw a cat with only one of its ears tilted back, listening to the sound behind it, and felt that cats must be thinking about many things from the sound,” Takagi said in an email to CNN. “This time, I investigated whether they map their owner’s position spatially from sounds.”

The study, which took place in a home setting and at a cat café, observed how cats would react to their owners’ voices without visual cues by using speakers that played a recording of owners saying their cats’ names. The researchers placed the speakers apart from each other, out of the cats’ sight, to see how the cats would respond to the sounds, especially if the owner’s voice appeared to teleport from one location to another. Another group of people, who were not animal behavior experts, rated the cats’ level of surprise from a scale of 0 to 4, based on behaviors like ear and head movements.

Cats in the study were surprised when their owners appeared to “transport” from one location to another, the study concluded. Results from this study demonstrate evidence of socio-spatial cognition in cats, meaning they can mentally picture where others are through cues like sound.

“It is generally believed that cats are not as interested in their owners as dogs are, but it turns out that they were mentally representing the invisible presence of their owners,” Takagi said.

The study said this ability to create mental images based on sound and other stimuli indicates complex thinking. The ability is particularly important for animals that need to hunt prey under poor visibility. Cats understand their names and are probably just choosing to ignore you, a study suggests

“This is an ability that is the basis of creativity and imagination,” Takagi said. “Cats are thought to have a more profound mind than is thought.”

Ingrid Johnson, certified cat behavior consultant with Fundamentally Feline, said cats can get attached to their humans — especially when they’re older. She said some senior cats wake up distressed when they can’t see or hear their owners.

“This is a great example of elevating our expectation of the cat a little bit and realizing that they do have the capability of having that bond in that relationship where they actually will take comfort in their people,” Johnson said.

Studies have found cats can also distinguish between their owners’ and a strangers’ voices, and they can recognize emotional sounds. Our feline friends might be more perceptive — and hear more — than we give them credit for.

Cats understand their names and are probably just choosing to ignore you.

Vol. 15, No. 06 – Dec 15 – Dec 28, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙Mixed-breed dogs “are significantly less likely” to have insurance claims for cancer than purebred dogs, according to an analysis done by Nationwide, a company that sells veterinary health insurance for dogs, cats, birds and exotic pets.

Some breeds are more cancer-prone than others, according to Nationwide insurance claims filed for 1.5 million dogs over a six-year period. Mixed-breed dogs were 48% less likely to have submitted claims for cancer than the average purebred dog, according to the news release.

When looking at the 100 most popular breeds of dogs, English cocker spaniels had a cancer prevalence 246% higher than other dogs. The shiba inu is 62% less likely to have a cancer claim.
Limiting the analysis to the 10 most popular breeds of Nationwide-insured pets, boxers were 161% more likely to file cancer claims, while the Chihuahua was 47% less likely.

“Nationwide members submitted claims for more that $49 million in 2020 for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer,” said Dr. Jules Benson, chief veterinary officer of Nationwide.
“Early detection, better treatment options and the knowledge needed to make critical care decisions can make a difference,” the news release reports.

“The signs of cancer in pets can be vague” and can be the same symptoms caused by other diseases, Dr. Benson said. “But having more information about cancer prevalence rates and what types of cancer are likely to occur can be key to an early diagnosis, and that can mean access to more treatment options and better outcomes.”

Some early warning signs could be weight loss, drastic changes in appetite or thirst, or changes in energy levels, he said.

By Linda Wilson Fuoco Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

∙ Making sure animals find a home is a year-round mission for Lake Humane Society, whether the process takes place during the holiday season or not.

While the agency doesn’t necessarily see a marked increase in adoptions during Hanukkah, Thanksgiving and Christmas, officials implore people to realize there’s more to it than simply buying a fuzzy friend, poking holes in a gift-wrapped box, securing a lid and handing the moving present to eager tykes.

In fact, with all the spirited festivities of the holidays, giving a pet as a gift, is, simply put, not recommended on a commercial scale, as all members of a family should be “on board” with adopting a new household member due to the many responsibilities of ownership.

Lori Caszatt, LHS’s interim executive director, noted new owners should think about the amount of time they have to dedicate to a new pet, in addition to the ancillary expenses of food, veterinary visits and possible medications it may need before adopting.
She said. “We never want someone to feel they have to surrender their pet because they have fallen on hard times and cannot afford to feed them. And we don’t ever want to see a pet returned because someone felt a pet would make a good holiday gift and then realized they don’t have the time or desire to care for it.

“It’s not fair to the pet so we always make sure that adoption is a family decision,” Caszatt added. “Our pets deserve a second chance and a family to love and care for them for the rest of their lives. By adopting a shelter pet, you are saving a life.”

By Chad Felton The News-Herald

∙ The United States government has eased up on a rule that had banned the importation of dogs from 113 countries because of concerns over fraudulent rabies vaccination certificates. The change comes less than six weeks after the ruling, which pet owners had complained was overly restrictive, went into full effect.

As of Oct. 14, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had blocked the import of dogs, both foreign and those re-entering the country after traveling abroad, from 113 countries where the risk of rabies transmission for dogs was considered high. The ban was spurred, said the federal agency, by an increase in falsified health documents from international pet importers over the past 18 months.

Now, travelers flying with dogs who received their inoculations from a U.S.-licensed veterinarian may return to the U.S. from the previously banned countries, providing the animal is healthy, microchipped and at least six months old, and its owner can provide a valid U.S.-issued rabies vaccination certificate.

In 2020 alone, as pet adoptions surged across the United States, the C.D.C. said it intervened in more than 450 cases where dogs were being imported with false or incomplete rabies vaccination certificates. In June 2021, one rabid dog was imported from Azerbaijan, prompting a public health response involving agencies in nine states. For the C.D.C., that one incident was enough.

The dog’s importation “highlights the timeliness of C.D.C.’s temporary suspension and the risk associated with rescue dogs imported from countries at high-risk for dog rabies,” said Emily Pieracci, a veterinary medical officer with the C.D.C., in an email. “Dog rabies has been eliminated from the United States since 2007 and dog importations from countries at high risk for rabies represents a significant public health risk.”

Dog owners heading out of the country with their animals should make sure their paperwork is up to date, and check their arrival and departure cities: The C.D.C. will not accept expired rabies vaccination certificates, and effective Dec. 1, all dogs that have transited through a country deemed high-risk for rabies by the C.D.C. must re-enter the United States at one of 18 approved ports of entry, including Chicago O’Hare, John F. Kennedy International and San Francisco International Airports. The C.D.C. had also initially planned to reduce those 18 approved ports to only three in early 2022, but has now rolled back those plans.

The C.D.C.’s change of policy does not offer relief to people, including aid workers and U.S. service members, who want to bring dogs to the United States for the first time. Many of them are struggling to reunite with animals they adopted during tours of duty abroad, and they have complained that the rule was too restrictive. Animals adopted abroad, without U.S. vaccination papers, are still unable to enter the U.S. without special permission.
By Debra Kamin

∙Deciphering your dog’s barks.
Do you ever wonder why your pup barks when other dogs pass by your house, when you’re on a walk and he sees another dog, when another dog barks at him, or whenever he meets another dog at the dog park?

Dr. Ireifej says that the characteristics of the bark can clue you into the reason behind it. “However, because this is subjective and therefore prone to misinterpretation and error, it is important to combine this interpretation with the dog’s body language and the context by which the barking is occurring.” Look to your dog’s facial expressions and body language:

Ears pinned back, piloerection (hair on end), barred teeth = aggression, anxiety, stress
Bowing, pawing, nudging, tail wagging = playful, jovial, welcoming
The context in which your dog barks at another dog also matters.

Owner present or dog in his house or yard = territorial, welcoming, alerting
Approaching another dog or a pack of dogs = aggression, anxiety, or submission
Dogs running, playing = asking to play

By Jennifer Nelson

Isn’t my dog just being territorial when she barks at other dogs at home?
If your dog simply barks at every dog she sees, is she just being territorial? Not necessarily. Dr. Ireifej says, you still must use the same interpretation criteria—the type of bark and the context of the situation. “Most people view barking at other dogs as they pass by the house as a negative action or a sign of bad behavior because we find it disruptive, startling, or uneasy. But this off-the-cuff interpretation may not be accurate if the entire situation is not taken into account,” he says.

What if my dog only barks at select dogs?
If your dog only barks at one or two neighbor dogs, does that mean he doesn’t like them? It depends. When dogs bark at other dogs it’s usually because of either a historic reason or a current reason, explains Dr. Ireifej. Your pup’s history plays a role—if he had a pleasant or negative interaction in the past, or even something about that dog in the moment can cause him to bark.

Your dog barks at another dog because of things like the other dog’s body language, its facial features, its scent, its pack status, its level of excitement, as well as your dog’s previous memories, traumas, or interactions.

Maybe your dog had a bad experience with a small white dog and now barks at all small white dogs, or maybe your dog senses the other dog’s level of excitement or protection of its owner and is responding in kind.

Therefore, deciphering why your dog barks at other dogs can be tricky. Watch his body language, read the cues of the situation, then try to figure out his motives. If you’re concerned about your dog’s barking, especially if it’s aggressive or reactionary, talk to your veterinarian about it, and seek out a certified veterinary behaviorist or trainer.

As always, consult your vet about your dog’s behavior.

Vol. 15, No. 05 – Dec 1 – Dec 14, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.
SPAN Thrift Store regularly provides $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.
Three upcoming clinics are: Tuesday, December 7th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015, a second clinic on Tuesday, December 14th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main), and a third clinic at the Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036 on Tuesday, December 21st.
Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

Before deploying, a canine disaster search team must first achieve state or federal certification.

∙Fourteen Search Dog Foundation (SDF) search teams achieve FEMA certification.
Before deploying, a canine disaster search team must first achieve state or federal certification. During the test, each handler and dog team searches two separate rubble or debris piles, being allowed 20 minutes to complete each, showing teamwork, strategy, and, most importantly, trust in each other. After initial certification, each team must re-certify every three years to ensure they are up-to-date and ready to respond when needed.

Despite the disruption in testing scheduling due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 14 SDF-trained search teams and many others across the nation achieved certification in the last six months.

Now, these teams can deploy with their task forces when needed in the aftermath of a disaster. None of this would be possible without you, and folks like you, who help these dogs not only go from rescued shelter dogs to rescuers but who also support partnered search teams in their training, ensuring they are ready when called upon to help others.

∙ Mark your calendar! The 10th annual Purrs & Paws Holiday Boutique and Marketplace is scheduled to return on Saturday, Dec. 4, for a day filled with holiday spirit, shopping and fun!
This event, organized by the Humane Society of Ventura County’s Animal Ambassadors, will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Chaparral Auditorium and adjacent lawn at 414 E. Ojai Ave. in Ojai. Admission and parking are free.

Among the more than 30 vendors, you will find fun, festive and unique crafts, artistic creations and vintage items. This is a perfect opportunity to find one-of-a-kind holiday gifts including fashion accessories, jewelry, gift baskets, fabric creations, pottery, baby items, bath and body products, plants and an array of unique holiday décor.

All proceeds from this charity event will benefit the Humane Society of Ventura County.
If you are interested in being a vendor, please email [email protected].

The Humane Society of Ventura County is a nonprofit, compassionate care shelter dedicated to the protection and adoption of animals in need throughout Ventura County. For more information, visit

∙ The fossil of a jawbone could prove that domesticated dogs lived in Central America as far back as 12,000 years ago, according to a study by Latin American scientists. The dogs, and their masters, potentially lived alongside giant animals, researchers say. A 1978 dig in Nacaome, northeast Costa Rica, found bone remains from the Late Pleistocene period.

Excavations began in the 1990s and produced the remains of a giant horse and a piece of jaw from what was originally thought to be a coyote skull. “We thought it was very strange to have a coyote in the Pleistocene, that is to say 12,000 years ago,” Costa Rican researcher Guillermo Vargas told AFP.

“When we started looking at the bone fragments, we started to see characteristics that could have been from a dog. So, we kept looking, we scanned it… and it showed that it was a dog living with humans 12,000 years ago in Costa Rica.”

The coyote is a relative of the domestic dog, although with a different jaw and more pointed teeth. “The dog eats the leftovers from human food. Its teeth are not so determinant in its survival,” said Vargas.

Costa Rican researcher Guillermo Vargas says the fossil sample could be the oldest evidence of a dog in the Americas “It hunts large prey with its human companions. This sample reflects that difference.”

Humans are believed to have emigrated to the Americas across the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska during the last great ice age.

“The first domesticated dogs entered the continent about 15,000 years ago, a product of Asians migrating across the Bering Strait,” said Raul Valadez, a biologist and zooarcheologist from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
The presence of humans during the Pleistocene has been attested in Mexico, Chile and Patagonia, but never in Central America, until now.

Originally published on Live Science.

∙ It’s flu season, but not just for people. As the warm weather dies down, the largest recorded outbreak of canine influenza is sweeping through Los Angeles County.

At the Santa Barbara Humane Society, its staff recently decided to vaccinate all the dogs at the Santa Barbara and Santa Maria locations.

The virus is similar to the common flu; causing coughing, sneezing and a lack of appetite.
Santa Barbara County Animal Services director of shelter medicine Ginger White has been keeping a close eye on the rapid transmission of this virus.

Veterinarians are advising all animal owners to be on the lookout for this highly contagious virus. “The only way to get a diagnosis is by seeing the veterinarian and having pretty specific swab testing done,” White said. “The test needs to be sent out to a laboratory, which can take a couple of days to get results.”

In order to slow down transmission, Marrie recommends that dogs that get sick spend a month in quarantine.

Vol. 15, No. 04 – Nov 17 – Nov 30, 2021 – The Pet Page

SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.

SPAN Thrift Store regularly provides $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs. Two upcoming clinics are: Tuesday, November 23rd at the Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036, and a second one on Tuesday, December 7th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015. Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙ Of all the cute things dogs do, cocking their head to one side while they look at you may be the most endearing. Yet surprisingly little research has looked into why they do it. Now, a new study of “gifted” canines—those capable of quickly memorizing multiple toy names—shows they often tilt their heads before correctly retrieving a specific toy. That suggests the behavior might be a sign of concentration and recall in our canine pals, the team suggests.

The researchers stumbled upon their find by chance while conducting a study of “gifted word learner” dogs. Most dogs can’t memorize the names of even two toys, but these talented pups, all border collies, could recall and retrieve at least 10 toys they had been taught the names of. One overachiever named Whisky correctly retrieved 54 out of 59 toys he had learned to identify.

Over the course of several months, the researchers tested the dogs’ abilities to learn and recall labels for toys, comparing their skills with those of 33 “typical” dogs. Owners placed toys in another room and asked for them by name. Only the seven gifted dogs were able to rapidly learn and remember names. But these dogs shared something else in common: the head tilt.

The pattern was too consistent to be pure coincidence, says Andrea Sommese, an animal behavior researcher at Eötvös Loránd University who led the study. “So, we decided to dig into it.”

A quick internet search turned up plenty of speculative results positing that dogs tilt their heads to hear better, to listen for specific words or tones, or to see past their snouts. Sommese found one poster hypothesizing that shelter dogs do it more often because they know on some level that humans find it irresistible.

The scientific literature was much more sparse. A search for previous studies on head tilting yielded surprisingly few results. There were some veterinary papers about the practice as a symptom of certain health problems, Sommese says, but nothing about the quizzical behavior familiar to dog owners. That led researchers back to their own data to look for clues.

The scientists found that when asked to retrieve a toy gifted dogs cocked their heads 43% of them time over dozens of trials, compared with just 2% of the time in typical dogs, they report this week in Animal Cognition. (Although gifted dogs tilted their heads much more often, they were just as likely to retrieve the correct toy regardless of whether they made the motion.) The animals even had a favored side, just like humans favor their left or right hand. This was consistent over months of recordings, regardless of where the owner was standing in relation to the dog. “If a dog was a left tilter, it would stay a left tilter,” Sommese says.

All of the border collies in the study were familiar with the words being spoken, he notes, but only the gifted dogs who had correctly attached a meaning to each word consistently exhibited the tilting behavior. That means head tilting isn’t just a sign of familiarity with particular sounds, Sommese argues. If it were, all 40 dogs would be equally likely to do it. The team thinks it could be linked to mental processing—a sign of high attentiveness or concentration in the gifted dogs. The dogs might be cross-referencing the command with their visual memories of the toys, for instance.

Monique Udell, a human-animal interaction researcher at Oregon State University, Corvallis, has never seen head tilting featured in a study like this before. She cautions that these observations are preliminary, but says she thinks they could provide an exciting new direction for research on canine cognition. “The next step is asking more questions to get at what the head tilt really means,” Udell says. “Can we use head tilting to predict word-learning aptitude, or attention, or memory?”

Sommese hopes to follow up on this study by figuring out what sorts of sounds might be similarly meaningful to the nongifted dogs, to elicit the same behavior. Until then, dog owners will have to be content knowing that when a pooch tilts its head, it’s probably just trying its best to understand what you’re doing.

∙Through grocery store tabloids and TV commercials inundating us with new fad diets it seems that we, as humans, are constantly focusing on our weight. But what about when it comes to where our feline friends fall on the scales?

Dr. Ashley Navarrette, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, offers insight on how to manage your cat’s weight.

“When evaluating body condition on a cat, veterinarians look and feel to determine the fat coverage on a patient and assign them a number on a scale –generally 1-9 –,” Navarrette said. “An ideal body condition ranges from a BCS 4-6 with a score of 5 being ideal. We start to get concerned when cats are a BCS 7 and above, which is where we start to label a patient as overweight and progressing toward obese (8 and 9).”

“Thankfully, most people can weigh their cats at home using the trick of weighing themselves first, weighing themselves and the cat, and then doing some simple math,” she said. “I recommend owners routinely check their cat’s weight at least once a month to catch any upward or downward trends early.”

Because patients typically only see their veterinarian one to two times a year, Navarrette says “it is heavily (no pun intended) the responsibility of the owner to keep their pet at an appropriate weight.”

Some owners may believe that a couple of extra pounds isn’t a big deal; however, Navarrette warns that that “fat and happy” does not exist. “While your pet may seem content being overweight, their body systems are being affect by the excess fat tissue and even so much as a pound overweight can make a big difference to a cat,” she said. “Cats that are overweight and obese tend to be less social and less active. We also tend to see decreased grooming because they simply cannot reach due to their size.”

In some cases, your veterinarian may also suggest transitioning your cat to an over-the-counter or a prescription weight-loss diet; these foods are traditionally higher in protein and fiber than other cat foods.

However, transitioning from one food to another can be a more difficult task than it sounds.

“Cats like what they like and hate what they hate” Navarrette said. “Often cats become accustomed to a particular diet, and you may have to trial various diets before your cat accepts one.”

Finally, when managing your cat’s weight, integrating exercise into their everyday life through indoor cat trees, interactive toys or cat perches can stimulate their metabolism.

“As with any weight loss journey, whether that be feline or other pets, this is a marathon and not a sprint. Weight loss will take time; patience and consistency are key to this process,” Navarrette said. “Check-ups may need to be as frequent as every six to eight weeks to monitor progress and make necessary modifications.”

Vol. 15, No. 03 – Nov 3 – Nov 16, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙ SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.
SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.
Two upcoming clinics are:
Tuesday, November 9th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main), and a second at Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036 on Tuesday, November 16th.
Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙ Jackie Rose Director VCAS stated “I am excited to announce that the Simi Valley Animal Shelter is, once again, fully open for all business, including pet adoptions! I am equally pleased to report that pet adoptions have steadily increased to match the expected rise of stray animals coming into our care.”

“As a reminder, adoption hours are 1:00pm – 6:00pm, Tuesday – Sunday, at both the Camarillo and Simi Valley locations. We encourage everyone to preview our dogs, cats, rabbits and other critters online prior to your visit. Also, please take a moment to review our new and improved adoption process which employs text messaging to reduce wait times and long lines.”

“Our staff and volunteers are here to answer questions and help make the best matches possible! Thank you for your continued support of our lifesaving efforts!”

∙ On Saturday, October 30, the HOWL-O-WEEN Dog Costume Contest was held in the Ventura Harbor Village for the first time since COVID. Over 70 adorable dogs participated, and every dog received a small goodie bag of pup prizes, plus five lucky dogs that were selected the most spookiest, most sea-worthy, cutest-prettiest, most creative and best in show took home grand prizes for winning their category including gift certificates from restaurants in the harbor including Margarita Villa, Le Petit Cafe, The Greek, Andria’s Seafood, Brophy Bros. and the Sugar Lab Bake Shop. The very large enthusiastic crowd roared their approval as each dog walked around the ring.

The dog entries went from Shiba Inus to Chihuahuas to most every other dog breed. Even a goat was entered but stayed home to eat more cans.

The judges, Breann Godeck from Coastal Cone, Sheldon (you know who that is) and TJ Mora from the Pet Barn had a very difficult time selecting the winners but managed to make their selections without getting into any fights.

Stacey Petrides was the outstanding MC (as she is every year) for the event and carefully called out each dog’s name and breed as they passed by and briefly interviewed each dog’s owner.
Music was provided by DJ Bennett as he played music that corresponded to the theme of the dog’s costume.

The judges were Breann Godeck, Sheldon Brown and TJ Mora. All photos by Richard Lieberman


Vol. 15, No. 02 – Oct 20 – Nov 2, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙ SPAN Thrift Store is open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use. SPAN Thrift Store regularly provides $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Three upcoming clinics are: Tuesday, November 2nd at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, a second clinic on Tuesday, November 9th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main), and a third clinic at the Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard on Tuesday, November 16th.

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙Are cats or dogs smarter? Both are domesticated, but is one smarter?

By Paula Schaap

Dog and cat owners make a lot of assumptions about their four-footed companions’ intelligence. Of course, we all like to imagine our Fido or Felix is the smartest animal ever to fetch — or pounce on — a ball. So, can we settle the age-old debate? Which species is smarter: dogs or cats?

Turns out, the answer isn’t as straightforward as pet lovers might like.

“Dog-cognition researchers do not study ‘intelligence’ per se; we look at different aspects of cognition,” Alexandra Horowitz, a senior research fellow who specializes in dog cognition at Barnard College in New York and the author of “Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know” told Live Science.

In fact, Horowitz questions the human habit of comparing intelligence across species.

“At its simplest form, cats are smart at the things cats need to do, and dogs at dog things,” she said. “I don’t think it makes any sense at all to talk about relative ‘smarts’ of species.”

Brian Hare, a professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University, agreed with that assessment. “Asking whether a dog is smarter than a cat is like asking whether a hammer is a better tool than a screwdriver — it depends on what it was designed for,” he told Live Science.

This is not to say that animal behavior researchers haven’t tried to measure dog and cat intelligence — or, more precisely, cognitive abilities beyond those needed to sustain life.

Kristyn Vitale, an assistant professor of animal health and behavior at Unity College in Maine, said animal intelligence is typically divided into three broad areas: problem-solving ability, concept formation (the ability to form general concepts from specific concrete experiences) and social intelligence.

Vitale primarily studies cats, and her current focus on the inner life of cats revolves around social intelligence. Often stereotyped as aloof and disinterested in humans, cats actually show a high degree of social intelligence, “often at the same level as dogs,” she told Live Science.

For example, studies show that cats can distinguish between their names and similar-sounding words, and they have been found to prefer human interactions to food, toys and scents. Human attention makes a difference to cats: A 2019 study published in the journal Behavioural Processes found that when a person paid attention to a cat, the cat responded by spending more time with that person.

In one of the rare studies directly comparing cats and dogs, researchers found no significant difference between the species’ ability to find hidden food using cues from a human’s pointing. However, the researchers noted that “cats lacked some components of attention-getting behavior compared with dogs.” (Pet owners who’ve watched a dog beg at its feeding bowl while a cat walked away know exactly what the researchers observed.)

Cats and dogs are intelligent in different ways.

Then, there’s brain size. A commonly held notion is that brain size dictates relative intelligence, and if that were always true, dogs would appear to prevail.

Hare said he and University of Arizona anthropologist Evan MacLean recruited more than 50 researchers around the world to apply a test they developed across 550 animal species, including “birds, apes, monkeys, dogs, lemurs and elephants,” he said.

The idea was to test one cognitive trait, self-control, or what researchers call “inhibitory control,” across species. Their test, reported in a 2014 paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was the animal version of the famous 1972 Stanford University study in which children ages 3 to 5 were tested on their ability to delay eating a marshmallow.

The cross-species study showed that “the bigger the brain an animal had, the more self-control they showed in our animal marshmallow test,” Hare said. The ability to exercise self-control is one of the indications of higher cognitive function.

But there is one catch: Cats weren’t included in the test, so while we can speculate how they might have performed based on their brain size, we don’t actually know.

Another thing to keep in mind when doing this kind of intelligence assessment is that we may treat dogs and cats differently, Vitale said.

So, ultimately, who wins? The takeaway may be to appreciate your pet’s particular kind of intelligence, especially the social intelligence that makes them delightful companions.

∙A new study conducted by Mars Petcare and published in The Veterinary Journal has shown that smaller breeds of dogs, such as Dachshunds and Toy Poodles, are generally more predisposed to periodontal disease than larger breeds, such as German Shepherds and Boxers.

For the study, researchers reviewed more than three million medical records from Banfield Pet Hospital across 60 breeds of dogs in the United States, finding that periodontal disease (both gingivitis and periodontitis) occurred in 18.2% of dogs overall (517,113 cases).

The authors say that while the true prevalence of periodontal disease (44-100% of cases) is only realized through in-depth clinical investigation, the figure reported in this study was consistent with other research based on conscious oral examinations.

When the authors reviewed the data by dog size, they found that extra-small breeds (<6.5 kg/14.3 lbs) were up to five times more likely to be diagnosed with periodontal disease than giant breeds

Additional risk factors for periodontal disease seen in the study included a dog’s age, being overweight and time since last scale and polish.

The five breeds with the highest prevalence of periodontal disease found in the study were the large Greyhound (38.7%), the medium-small Shetland Sheepdog (30.6%), and the extra-small Papillon (29.7%), Toy Poodle (28.9%), and Miniature Poodle (28.2%). Giant breed dogs (such as the Great Dane and Saint Bernard) were among the lowest breed prevalence estimates.

The authors say there are several potential reasons why smaller dogs are more likely to develop dental issues than larger dogs. For example, smaller dogs may have proportionally larger teeth, which can lead to tooth overcrowding and increased build-up of plaque leading to inflammation of gums. Smaller dogs also have less alveolar bone (the bone that contains tooth sockets) compared to their relatively large teeth.

Vol. 15, No. 01 – Oct 6 – Oct 19, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙ Since 1992, the Spay and Neuter Animal Network, otherwise known as SPAN, has made it their mission to reduce dog and cat overpopulation throughout Ventura County by raising public awareness about the direct consequence of irresponsible breeding.

Today more than ever, responsible dog and cat owners like you play the most significant role in the solution to overpopulation by spaying and neutering your pets. SPAN shares in that responsibility by providing financial assistance to pet owners who would otherwise be unable to pay for this procedure.
SPAN is a highly regarded nonprofit and recognized for commitment to their mission and overall success. Over the last 30 years, SPAN has provided financial assistance for the spay and neuter of over 35,000 thousand dogs and cats.

“SPAN receives hundreds of requests for financial assistance every year. Our ability to help pet owners is directly related to our Thrift Store sales, Legacy gifts, and unrestricted cash donations. Thanks to our all-volunteer staff at SPAN, we are proud to say that 100% of our income is used towards spay and neuter procedures.” — SPAN Board of Directors
For more about SPAN, their mission, and opportunities to assist, please visit at
Shop the SPAN Thrift Store, located at 110 N. Olive St. Suite A Ventura (Please visit website for store hours). SPAN Thrift Store Phone: 805-641-1170

∙ Veterinary Viewpoint: Raising healthy puppies
Dr. Joanna Bronson

Lack of sleep is normal for new puppy owners. Puppies play hard, eat, and sleep. Potty training should rotate around any change in activity. Puppies will have to relieve themselves after playing, eating, and sleeping, and any other form of excitement, usually every hour for puppies a month old or younger.

Thankfully, the potty-training process usually goes smoothly when consistency is followed. There may still be occasional accidents, and during inclement weather, an indoor potty-training pad may come in handy. The important thing is not to punish the pup when an accident happens. He’s doing what nature tells him to do. Praising him when he does go outside is a good thing.

If an accident is discovered, and he is close by, pick him up, take him outside and walk a bit. Do not rub his nose in it his accident.

Any new puppy should be closely chaperoned inside and outside. New puppies want to chew anything in sight. Rocks, twigs, leaves, etc., all taste and crunch satisfactorily. Watch and remove any objects before they get lodged or swallowed.

Until your puppy is fully vaccinated, it’s best to avoid dog parks and contact with other dogs. If your puppy is small enough to carry, you may expose him to watching other animals, while keeping him safe from touch.

Puppies like to bite, you and everything in sight. Their teeth are horribly sharp. Exchange your flesh for a toy and trying to keep him occupied with appropriate chew toys, but make sure that toys cannot be easily dismantled and parts swallowed or get stuck in his mouth.

Also, be aware of poisonous substances and plants. Keep the garbage and all human food out of reach. Medications should always be kept out-of-sight. Electrical cords are very tempting to chewers and can be deadly through electrocution.

∙ Dr. Joanna Bronson of Bronson Veterinary Services,

Whether you’re a new dog owner or a seasoned pup parent, there’s always something new to learn about taking care of your pet.

Keep your dog on heartworm medication
Add extra water bowls around the house to prevent dehydration in older dogs
It’s best to make your older dog’s trip to the water bowl as short and easy as possible.
Making sure your older dog has constant access to water can help prevent dangerous dehydration.

If your dog has difficulty climbing stairs, it’s a good idea to keep their food and water bowls on the ground floor of the house.

Give your dog personal space if they need it. All dogs are different — some pets love to snuggle up, but others don’t like to be closely cuddled or held.

Long play sessions, active games, praise, and treats are all ways to show your dog that you love them without invading their personal space.

If you’re struggling to train your dog, miscommunication may be the problem.
Giving dogs inconsistent verbal cues can be confusing for them. For example, telling your dog to “go potty” one day and “go pee” the next can be confusing.

Instead, train your dog using the exact same word or phrase every time and try to keep those cues short, like saying “down” rather than “go lay down.”

Try to keep your dog’s diet consistent
Suddenly changing your dog’s food could upset their stomach or give them diarrhea.

Brush your dog’s teeth every day
Just like those of humans, dog’s teeth should be regularly brushed to avoid cavities and bad breath.
If you aren’t able to brush your dog’s teeth, talk to your vet about products that your dog can chew on to control tartar buildup.

Make and keep regular vet visits
Dogs can sometimes develop health problems that aren’t obvious to the untrained eye, so it’s important to schedule routine visits to the vet.
Regular checkups are also opportunities to monitor your dog’s dental health and keep them up-to-date on vaccinations, which can help you avoid costly interventions in the future.

Resist the urge to bend the rules, even on special occasions. For example, allowing your dog on the furniture as a treat but then scolding them for jumping on the sofa the next day can be very confusing, so try to establish clear house rules and stick to them.

Praise your dog for good behavior instead of scolding them when they’re naughty
Instead of scolding your dog for being afraid or nervous, try showering them with praise when they calm down or giving them a treat when they appropriately react to a stressful situation.

Just as humans may develop neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease as they grow older, our aging canine friends also can develop dementia, also referred to as canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CCDS), a complex of behavioral and neurological symptoms the prevalence of which increases with age.

“Hurry up I need to go!” Savana

Vol. 14, No. 26 – Sept 22 – Oct 5, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙ SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.
SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.
The upcoming clinics is Tuesday, September 28th at Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036.
Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙ An Idaho Falls animal control officer reported finding an Alaskan Malamute inside a hot vehicle at the Grand Teton Mall. The dog’s owner is now charged with misdemeanor animal cruelty and she pleaded not guilty.

When the animal control officer found the dog, they noted the outside air temperature at 80 degrees. The dog was lying down, panting and whining. A thermometer placed inside the car noted it was 98 degrees. Court documents do not indicate how long the dog had been left in the car.

Animal control took the dog to a vet clinic where they gave the dog fluids. The veterinarian who cared for the dog noted dog’s temperature had risen to over 103 degrees, which is far too hot for a Malamute.

About midway through treatment, the woman arrived at the clinic, paid the bill and the animal was returned to her. If convicted, the woman faces up to six months in jail and/or a $5,000 fine.

As the western United States and eastern Idaho faces record-breaking heat this summer first responders and health experts have issued warnings about how hot temperatures can reach in a car.

∙ By Amy Quinton | UC Davis
UC Davis leaders, veterinarians and California legislators have unveiled a new emergency program to help rescue animals in disasters. Called the California Veterinary Emergency Team and administered by the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, the program will support and train a network of government agencies, individuals and organizations to aid domestic animals and livestock during emergencies.

California is providing $3 million a year for the California Veterinary Emergency Team, under legislation authored by Sen. Steve Glazer and incorporated into the state budget recently signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom. The program will be modeled after the UC Davis-led Oiled Wildlife Care Network, created in 1994 to mobilize volunteers and professionals to rescue and treat shorebirds and other wildlife that are injured during oil spills.

A primary goal of the new California Veterinary Emergency Team is to increase response capacity and help standardize disaster response across counties, bringing together disparate and fragmented groups. Currently, the California Animal Response Emergency System, or CARES, within the California Department of Food and Agriculture is charged with managing evacuation and care of animals during emergencies. They also work with community animal response teams and nonprofit organizations.

∙ Parents of a child with autism might wonder if a pet cat would be a good fit for the family. Now, research suggests both children with autism and cats benefit when a feline joins the household.

Gretchen Carlisle, a research scientist at the Missouri University Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction, in Columbia, Mo., and her colleagues studied the pet dynamic from both sides.

“It’s not only important to examine how families of children with autism may benefit from these wonderful companion animals, but also if the relationship is stressful or burdensome for the shelter cats being adopted into a new, perhaps unpredictable environment,” Carlisle said in a university news release.

Carlisle’s team monitored shelter cats after being adopted by families with at least one child with autism. The cats were screened using a profile to identify those with a calm temperament. The researchers made home visits to check on the cats two to three days after adoption and every six weeks for 18 weeks.

To test cats’ stress, Carlisle’s group looked for levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the cats’ feces, and found it decreased over time, she said.

Kids on the autism spectrum may have sensitivity or sensory issues and occasional problem behaviors accompanied by loud, sudden outbursts, Carlisle said. Because of those concerns, screening cats for a calm, easy-going temperament may increase the odds of a better match.

This research may help animal shelter staff overcome the financial and management hurdles that can result when cats are returned to shelters if there is not a good fit with the adopted family, she noted.

“Obviously, the shelters want to place all of their cats in homes, but some families may require a more specific fit, and using research-based, objective measurements for screening temperament may help increase the likelihood of successful, long-term matches,” Carlisle said. “Our hope is that other scientists will build on the work of our exploratory study so shelter cats and families of children with autism might benefit.”

The report was published Sept. 6 in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

∙ Your Dog May Get Jealous Even if It Just Imagines You Petting Another Dog
David Nield

Nearly 4 in 5 dog owners report instances of jealousy from their pooches, and new research suggests those behaviors can be triggered even if a supposed rival for affection and attention is out of sight.
As we cannot quiz canines about their thoughts or feelings, the study is a useful insight into what might be going on inside a dog’s mind when it sees (or doesn’t see) something that it thinks it needs to be jealous of.

In humans, jealousy is thought to be closely linked to self-awareness, so the research also has something to say about whether or not dogs are actually aware of themselves .

Bastos and her colleagues ran exercises with 18 dogs, which looked on while their owners sat next to either a realistic-looking fake dog or a fleece cylinder. The fake dog acted as a rival for affection, and the cylinder acted as a control.

Once the dogs had observed the scene with their owners and the fake dog, a barrier was put up blocking the view of the fake dog but not the owner or the owner’s motions. Researchers then tipped the fake dog over and tapped the owner on the shoulder, signaling that they should pretend to pet and talk to the now-gone fake dog.

The owners were, in fact, petting a fleece-covered shelf at this point, an effort on the researchers part to avoid the owners providing any unconscious cues to the canine on how to react. Owners used generic phrases – “You are such a good dog!” – to avoid getting their pet excited.

The fake dog remained on the scene, too, but was located 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) from the owner, was always facing the owner, and within view of the actual dog.

Three human-like signatures of jealous behavior were observed. First, the behavior only emerged when a perceived social rival was involved, and second, it emerged even for out-of-sight interactions with this rival.

Thirdly, because the fake dog was either imagined to be present during the first scenario or was actually present even when the dog owners were petting the cylinder, the researchers could say that the jealous behavior happened as a consequence of the interaction and not just because of the presence of the other dog.

“These results support claims that dogs display jealous behavior,” says Bastos. “They also provide the first evidence that dogs can mentally represent jealousy-inducing social interactions.”

The research has been published in Psychological Science.