Category Archives: Professor Scamp Ph.D (Pretty Happy Dog)

Vol. 13, No. 21 – July 15 – July 28, 2020 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and in dire need of volunteers to operate day to day. If you are interested or have questions please call (805) 641-1170 to inquire.

In addition to that, SPAN is back and providing $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Two clinics in July are: Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036 on Friday, July 17th, and another one on Friday, July 31st at Shiell Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015. Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙Your dog might be older than you think

By Dr. Chad Dodd, Veterinarian

We have always thought our dogs age seven years for every one of ours, but new research shows that puppies age much faster than humans, so that ratio is wrong.

According to a study from the University of California San Diego, a one-year-old dog is more like a 30 year-old human. That’s because new genetic evidence shows puppies and younger dogs age at a faster pace. Then, as dogs age, the process slows down, so researchers found that a 12-year-old Labrador is similar to a 70-year old human.

Dogs live an average of 12 years. Life expectancy in humans is about 5 times that. That means you’ve probably been estimating your dog’s human age equivalent incorrectly. The researchers found that a 6-year-old dog would be the human equivalent of about 60 years old.

Veterinarian Chad Dodd says, “this means we should be checking a dog’s mobility sooner, even if there are no outward signs.”

Whether 2 years old or 12, Dr. Dodd has some tips to make sure your dog is ready for a brisk walk or dog park or has joint issues:

Check their joints – is Fido a bit creaky from sitting on your lap or under your office desk? If your dog is limping, licking at joints, hesitant to walk on hard surfaces, and not jumping onto your bed as usual, they might have more challenging joint issues. It’s key to keep joints healthy for your dog’s mobility throughout their life, and now biology is showing that there might be joint issues at a younger age.

Build up their stamina – your dog just might be a little out of practice. Start with two, 15-minute walks a day and see how they do.

Start with a game of tag – grab your dog’s favorite toy, toss it, and then race your dog to retrieve it.

Play hide and seek – with some kibble or favorite toys to get your dog moving outdoors or around the house to keep up their activity levels.

Ask your vet for advice and consider adding a joint supplement to their diet to support their joint health. Even if there are no outward signs, given this new study, you might consider a joint supplement at 3 or 4 years-old vs. 7 or 8.

∙By Alexis Stevens, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A Georgia dog is believed to be the second in the country to positive for the virus that causes COVID-19, the state Department of Public Health said Wednesday.

The owners of the 6-year-old mixed breed dog tested positive for the coronavirus, the DPH said. But the dog did not have any evidence of respiratory disease. The animal did have a sudden onset of neurological illness, which progressed quickly over a matter of days, health officials said. The dog was humanely euthanized.

The first U.S. case of an animal testing positive for COVID-19 was a tiger at a NY zoo, according to the CDC. A small number of pet cats have tested positive for the virus, which was also discovered in mink on multiple farms in the Netherlands, the CDC said. On June 2, the USDA said a German shepherd in New York state was the first in the U.S. to test positive for the coronavirus. Despite the animals that have tested positive, there is no evidence that animals play a significant role in spreading the virus that causes COVID-19, according to the CDC.

People who test positive for COVID-19 should take precautions if they have pets in the household, according to the Georgia Department of Public Health.

When possible, have another member of your household care for your pets while you are sick.

Avoid contact with your pet including petting, snuggling, being kissed or licked, sharing food, and sleeping in the same bed.

If you must care for your pet or be around animals while you are sick, wear a cloth face covering and wash your hands before and after you interact with them.

Paw’s Corner

By Sam Mazzotta

Fostering a Pet vs. Adopting

Dear Paw’s Corner: What is the difference between pet adoption and fostering? — Jess in Knoxville

Dear Jess: An adopted pet is going to his or her forever home, a successful story every animal shelter wants to see replay again and again. But many pets aren’t quite ready to be adopted. They may be too young. They may be recovering from abuse and injuries. They may need to be observed to figure out what home environment is best for them.

Sometimes, a shelter runs out of space. And some rescue organizations don’t have shelter facilities at all. In all these circumstances, this is where foster families come into play.

A foster is a temporary arrangement, either for a predetermined amount of time or until a pet is adopted. Rather than being stuck in a chilly kennel with little interaction, a foster pet stays in a warm, loving home — an arrangement that vastly reduces their stress and helps them heal.

Some pets are never ready for adoption and remain a foster for the rest of their life. Others are adopted by the foster family if approved by the rescue organization.

Caring for a foster pet takes dedication, and it helps to have experience caring for pets. If you’re interested in being a foster parent to a pet, check with the local shelter or rescue group. They will have an application for you to fill out, and then will evaluate you and your living space to determine if you are a good fit for the foster program and which pets would do best in your care.

(c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

Vol. 13, No. 20 – July 1 – July 14, 2020 – The Pet Page

∙4th of July pet safety

by Amy King

Summer is here and the 4th of July is just around the corner! While you may be celebrating the holiday a little differently this year, it is still very important to remember these dos and don’ts to keep your pets safe.

Fireworks. Keep your pets away from any and all fireworks! These noises can terrify animals and will cause them to run away. The safest place for your pet during this time is in a secure room indoors. Remember that animals can hear things that we can’t, so be mindful of your animal’s behavior. Make sure that your pets are in a safe enclosed area like a crate or bedroom. Leave a TV or radio on for them and tune it to a channel or station that is soothing.

Heat Stroke. Temperatures in the summer can easily reach the triple digits. Provide all animals attending your holiday festivities with access to the same comforts as your human guests. Remember that your pets don’t wear shoes, so make sure they stay off the pavement, concrete, and sand as it can reach over 130 degrees. Make sure there is a shaded area and plenty of fresh water available at all times. Adding a few ice cubes to a bowl of water can make drinking more enticing to help pets stay hydrated.

Identification & Collar. Make sure your animal is always wearing an ID tag and a secure collar. We highly recommend that you have your pet microchipped. Microchips make it much easier to reunite lost pets with their owners. Make sure you have a recent photo of your animal handy in case they do escape to help identify them.

Food & Drinks. Keeping your pet on their normal diet is the safest way to keep them from suffering from any type of food-related illness. Dogs left unsupervised can easily get into things that are potentially hazardous such as bones, twine, and toothpicks. Foods like onions, avocados, grapes, and yeast dough can be very dangerous to your animal’s health. Don’t forget to keep alcoholic drinks away from your pets!

Insect Repellant & Sunscreen. Do not apply any insect repellant or sunscreen on your animal that is not specifically made for pets! Animals may lick off these topical lotions and become very sick. Insect repellant with the ingredient DEET can cause neurological problems in your animal. Signs that your pet may have ingested one of these include drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, and lethargy. Products such as Citronella candles and insect coils should be kept away from animals at all times. If ingested, it can affect their nervous system and even result in death.

Applying these safety precautions throughout the long weekend will help ensure that you and pets have a fun and safe holiday! The HSVC will be closed on July 4th in observance of the holiday.

∙More people than ever before are opening their hearts and homes to puppies during the coronavirus pandemic. For those who are self-isolating, puppies provide welcome wagging tails and comforting cuddles. Plus, many puppy seekers are discovering they now have the crucial element needed to raise a good dog: time.

So, is now the right time to get a puppy? The answer to that question depends on each person and family. Were you prepared to get a puppy before COVID-19? Do you have the financial stability and resources? Do you have access to a vet? After you return to your normal schedule, are you prepared to continue caring for your dog? Make sure you are prepared to socialize your puppy during social distancing.

For those who are fully prepared for the responsibility puppyhood brings, it’s a perfect time to help a new pet adjust to their home and work on essential training skills. ∙

If you decide to get a puppy, make sure you wash your hands, clothes, and shoes before and after picking up your new dog. Stay at least 6-12 feet from any breeder or person. Do not make any stops on the way to the breeder, and complete payment and paperwork ahead of time. While dogs are not currently at risk of contracting COVID-19, it is possible an infected person could transmit it from their mouth to the dog’s fur or face, and you could pick it up from touching the dog then touching your face.

Curious about what it’s really like to get a puppy right now?

Brian Goldberg, Sam Busa, and Barkley: “He brings a lot of joy to people.”

Brian Goldberg and his wife, Sam Busa, spoke for months before the pandemic about bringing home a puppy. But between careers and commutes, these new homeowners couldn’t get the timing right. When their jobs transitioned to remote, they realized they had a unique opportunity.

That’s when Goldberg began reaching out to breeders within a 250-mile radius in search of the perfect pup. The couple knew what they wanted: an 8- to 10-week-old male Golden Retriever puppy.

Goldberg began by sorting through breeders on the AKC Marketplace. He found a breeder in Vermont, three hours away, that had one available.

Since the breeder was far away, most communication was virtual. They traded questions, videos, and photos over the phone before meeting.

The couple knew they wanted to make the final decision in person. When they met the breeder, they stayed six feet apart and weren’t allowed to enter any buildings. The puppy walked toward Goldberg and Busa, and they knew this was the one they wanted. They scooped the puppy off the ground without ever coming closer to the breeder.

“It felt pretty weird not to shake hands with the guy who just gave you a pup but we took all the precautions we could,” said Goldberg, “and then we brought him home.”

In the span of a week, they went from talking about puppyhood to welcoming 8-week-old Barkley to their home.

Even taking Barkley to his first veterinarian visit was different during the coronavirus. Goldberg had to determine which veterinarians were open. He then did a curbside appointment with a veterinarian dressed in full PPE gear. Though Goldberg was sad he couldn’t go inside with his new puppy, he understood the importance of safety. Goldberg and Busa ordered every puppy necessity online instead of shopping for supplies.

Barkley is now an honorary staff member as he entertains their colleagues during Zoom meetings.

“I think he brings a lot of joy to people who are otherwise kind of down these days,” said Goldberg. “It’s wonderful to have him at home. He’s been a very pleasant distraction. Our moods have 100 percent improved since having him. Now it’s much more pleasurable to be stuck in the house.”

Vol. 13, No. 19 – June 17 – June 30, 2020 – The Pet Page

∙ SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and in dire need of volunteers to operate day to day. If you are interested or have questions, please call (805) 641-1170 to inquire.

In addition to that, SPAN is back and providing $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

The next one is Friday, June 26th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015.

Please call to schedule an appointment

(805) 584-3823.

K-9 Boss, is a Belgium Malinois

∙ K-9 Boss, is a Belgium Malinois who has worked for the City of Miami Police Department for seven years. His K-9 unit recently received a grant to assist with his medical expenses. The collaborative grant is from the local National Police Dog Foundation and the Search Dog Foundation who administers funds provided by the Petco Foundation for the treatment of cancer in K-9s.

K-9 Boss is charged with responding to situations that necessitate the specialized skills of the canine teams. As a dual-purpose canine, these situations include interior and exterior searches, evidence searches, and narcotic detection. Boss participates weekly in-service training and must pass annual proficiency evaluations.

Boss participated in the United States Police Canine Association (USPCA) National Trials. He placed 2nd in obedience, 2nd in team trials, and was placed 11th overall dog in the nation.

Boss was found to have a cancerous growth in his spleen. His one-month recovery from the spleen removal was followed by three weeks limited duty. He also received time off for bloat surgery.

Despite all of the spleen’s functions, dogs can live normally without their spleen. Most dogs never have a problem.

“K-9 Boss is definitely a fighter. Even the doctors are amazed on how well he’s recovered from his surgeries. He’s eager to work and still gives Sgt. Perez a good pull when he’s out training. K-9 Boss is here with us to thanks to the amazing service and care provided by Knowles Animal Clinics, says Lieutenant Maurice Sodre, City of Miami Police Department SWAT/Canine K-9 unit.

∙Animal rights groups choose Coronavirus over your safety

By Matthew R. Bailey

Fortunately, the world’s top medical researchers are working on a vaccine for the coronavirus, or COVID-19. That vaccine is poised to be the product of animal research. It’s a case study in how crucial animal research is to improving public health.

Two researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison just announced that they’ll “test medical countermeasures such as vaccines and therapeutics” in nonhuman primates. They hope to discover how much of the coronavirus enters the body, where it infects the lungs, and how immune systems respond to it.

Scientists at New York-based biotechnology company Regeneron are working with mice to see how they respond after being infected with the coronavirus. Researchers have modified the mice’s genetic code to mimic a human’s immune system. They hope to use antibodies the mice generate following infection to develop an effective treatment.

Meanwhile, the National Institutes of Health is investigating whether an existing antiviral drug, “remdesivir” might work against COVID-19. Originally developed using rhesus macaques, remdesivir is effective against Nipah virus, Ebola, and “MERS,” another coronavirus strain that has killed over 800 people since first emerging in 2012.

The initial results have been promising. A 35-year-old American coronavirus patient recently used Washington’s “compassionate use” laws, which allow critically ill patients to access unlicensed drugs, to gain access to remdesivir. He quickly recovered, but it’s too early to definitively attribute his recovery to the drug.

Researchers working on vaccines or treatments for threats like COVID-19 depend on animal models because they provide the closest approximation of how a potential therapy will operate in the human body.

The interaction between a promising vaccine or treatment and a living organism is too complex to replicate in a petri dish or computer simulation. For this work, there’s simply no substitute for a live animal model.

That’s why animal research is the basis for so many medical advances, including vaccines for measles and polio as well as life-saving diabetes drugs.

Consider the progress against HIV/AIDS. A few decades ago, the virus killed more people between the ages of 25 and 44 than any other disease in a number of communities nationwide. An HIV diagnosis was effectively a death sentence.

No more. Powerful drug cocktails have rendered HIV/AIDS a manageable disease. Those medicines were developed using macaque monkeys and “humanized mice” genetically modified to have compromised immune systems that more closely approximate human patients with HIV. Animal research yielded AZT, the breakthrough HIV/AIDS drug cocktail approved by the FDA in 1987.

Despite the medical progress animal research has enabled, some activists are trying to restrict its use by arguing that it’s inhumane. But animal research is tightly regulated by the federal government. Just like in hospitals, researchers are required to use appropriate anesthetic and analgesic drugs to ensure animals don’t experience pain. Those responsible for overseeing research must certify that use of animals is necessary. Even then, scientists are required to use as few as possible.

Yet according to a Pew survey, slightly less than half of Americans — 46 percent — favor animal research. Once animal research yields a treatment for the coronavirus, perhaps the remainder will change their minds.

Matthew R. Bailey is president of the Foundation for Biomedical Research. This piece originally ran in the Detroit News.


Vol. 13, No. 18 – June 3 – June 16, 2020 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is now open to the public and in dire need of volunteers to operate day to day. If you are interested or have questions please call (805) 641-1170 to inquire.

In addition to that, SPAN is back and providing $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Two clinics in June are: Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036 on Friday, June 12th, and Friday, June 26th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015. Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙Wondering how popular your pooch really is? Now you can find out. The most popular dog breeds of 2019 were released on May 1, 2020 (also National Purebred Dog Day) based on 2019 AKC registration statistics.

It may come as no surprise that the Labrador Retriever takes the top spot for the 29th year in a row, but other big movers and shakers include the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, which broke into the top 10 this year for the first time ever. Other notable changes include the Icelandic Sheepdog, which jumped up 24 spots since last year.

So why do registration statistics matter? Registration is not only beneficial for your dog, but for dogs everywhere. The American Kennel Club and its affiliates have donated over $38 million to canine health research and $7 million to pet disaster relief.

Additionally, the AKC is the only purebred dog registry in the United States that maintains a systematic and sustained investigation and inspection effort. The AKC conducts thousands of inspections each year to ensure compliance with standards that support the health, safety, and welfare of dogs and the environments in which they live.

Shih Tzu’s were number 20 so, obviously being adorable doesn’t count for much.

∙Working from home can be an adjustment, not just for you, but your pets too.

By Christopher Gavin, Staff

As Dr. Edward Schettino, vice president of animal welfare and veterinary services at the Animal Rescue League of Boston points out, your dog or cat may not be thrilled with no longer having the house to themselves all day.

Keeping a routine is important.

Dogs are creatures of habit, according to Schettino. (There’s a good chance your cat, however, will just keep their routine humming on their own.)

The dog park isn’t really the place for social distancing, so don’t underestimate the power of a good walk.

“Taking your dog on a long walk, just exhausting your dog, will keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated,” Schettino said.

Mike Keiley, director of adoption centers and programs at the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals-Angell Animal Medical Center, agrees. “It’s a good time to go out for a walk with your dog, or a hike in the woods with a dog,” he said.

There aren’t any cases of animals contracting COVID-19, according to Schettino. But experts believe the coronavirus can live on fur and hair.

That means washing your pup when you return home, especially after a pet from a neighbor or passerby.

It’s also a good time to practice training. Keiley said the MSPCA is working on getting advice on that up on its website soon.

In the event that someone becomes sick and is unable to walk and/or take care of their pet, both Schettino and Keiley said they recommend they reach out to neighbors, family, or friends.

“If someone is sick and asking you to walk their dog, just be careful,” Schettino said, pointing to the need to wash animals — and your hands — upon returning home.

According to Keiley, it’s also important that pet owners have a plan in place should they get separated or need to be separated from their animal. That includes having food and pet records readily available.

And don’t forget to check in on pet owners proactively.

“Obviously, we are always a backup… but given this crisis and the potential impact, we really need the whole community to support each other through this,” Keiley said.

∙As states grapple with COVID-19 mitigation, questions have immediately arisen as to whether veterinary practices are considered “essential businesses.” The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), its 95,000 plus members, and key veterinary stakeholders urge that veterinary practices be considered “essential businesses” in cases where non-essential retail facilities are asked to close or repurpose personal protective equipment (PPE) due to COVID-19. Veterinary teams provide essential animal care, play a critical role in protecting the health of animals that enter the food supply, and serve as trusted members of the local community in disaster situations.

Last week, risk mitigation strategies to slow the spread of COVID-19 were announced by the federal government and many state and local governments. In some localities, such as San Francisco, and states, like Maryland and Pennsylvania, veterinary practices are appropriately considered “essential businesses.” They recognized that the services veterinary teams provide are critical to animal and public health, and thereby specifically designated veterinary practices as “essential businesses,” in line with other healthcare providers, supermarkets, and pharmacies. We urge all authorities to similarly designate veterinary practices as essential businesses, and also ensure their ability to obtain necessary medical supplies.

Veterinary practices provide the following essential services:

Frontline veterinary practitioners and staff are among the healthcare professionals who provide surveillance for diseases deemed reportable by state and federal governments, including zoonotic diseases, such as rabies, influenza and Lyme Disease. They are also responsible for issuing certificates of veterinary inspection that are required for the movement of animals between states and countries, including those entering the food supply.

Veterinarians are an integral part of our nation’s food and fiber industries. Veterinary care is critical to ensure that only healthy animals enter the food supply. While primarily housed on farms, food animals are also present in urban areas.

Veterinary practices provide medical and surgical care daily for critically ill and injured animals.

Veterinarians provide care for service and therapy animals, supporting both animal and human welfare.

Veterinarians also oversee the care of laboratory animals, which are critical to research that leads to the development of pharmaceuticals and biologics, including vaccines such as those currently being developed to combat COVID-19.

Veterinarians care for rare, threatened, and endangered animals in zoos, aquaria, wildlife rehabilitation clinics, and wildlife facilities. Even if such entities need to be closed to the public for COVID-19 mitigation, veterinarians and animal care staff must continue to care for these animals.

Veterinarians and our support staff are trusted professionals involved in disaster situations. While perhaps different from a statutory and regulatory perspective, the training, education, and experience of veterinarians and our staff in disasters are clearly transferrable skills in whatever COVID-19 risk mitigation is deemed necessary.

Vol. 13, No. 17 – May 20 – June 2, 2020 – The Pet Page

∙Molly, officially known as Little Girl Molly, is a ten-year-old Vizsla owned by Connie Priesz. Molly has been a registered therapy animal with Pet Partners for nine years.

Molly is a registered therapy dog.

Since the COVID-19 stay at home order, Connie and Molly have taken steps to stay connected in order to continue to bring comfort and joy. In an effort to change to virtual visits, the therapy dog team has made movies while reading a book, for schools, libraries and social media sites to share and have made virtual visit videos for the patients at the VA hospital they usually visit. In addition, Connie and Molly have joined the AKC PupPals program, submitting countless videos to those in need and have sent cards and pictures to all the sites they typically visit. The pair also created a Facebook group called “The Therapy Animal Space” for people with animals to stay connected and share stories during this global crisis.

These new trying times have made Connie and Molly think differently about how to help bring adventures and connections to those who need a smile. They plan to continue to serve their community and beyond by using technology to bring the effects of the human-animal bond to more people and reach even further as they work in this new way.

∙Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center is pleased to announce that Tara Diller has joined the organization as the new President and CEO. SPARC is entering into an exciting new phase of organizational growth and is poised to become an even stronger community resource as it continues to pivot to meet the needs of its community and their pets.

The mission and vision of SPARC is embodied in the philosophy and work ethic of Diller, who for over 20 years has been on the forefront of the animal welfare industry and its ever-revolving place in our society.

“Now was the perfect time for Tara to become a part of the future of SPARC” said Chairman of the Board, Alexa Bodrero. “There are very few people in the animal welfare industry who have the experience, tenacity and passion that Tara Diller brings to our organization.”

The shelter has remained open with limited operations and is still in need of adopters and fosters to help keep our shelter population low. While limiting the number of visitors to those absolutely

necessary, we are asking that potential adopters and fosters fill out an online application and then make an appointment to visit animals they are interested in meeting. Potential adopters and fosters may call the office at (805) 525-8609.

Savana practicing social distancing.

∙Some families obeying stay-at-home orders have turned to the internet to look for a pet, thinking they would have plenty of time to help the pet adjust to its new surroundings. Many have come across scammers who advertise on websites for animals don’t exist and are never shipped. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has given scammers reasons to ask for money or explain why they can’t see the pet in person before heartbroken, would-be pet owners figure out they have been conned.

Puppy scams like these were the subject of a 2017 in-depth investigative study by Better Business Bureau (BBB), and they are prolific during the holidays. New data from BBB Scam Tracker shows that these scams have spiked since COVID-19 took hold in the U.S., with more reports about fraudulent pet websites in April than in the first three months of the year combined.

“Scammers frequently take advantage of the news to find new avenues for targeting victims,” said Rick Copelan, BBB president and CEO. “The uncertainty surrounding the

COVID-19 pandemic, along with some quarantined families’ decision to adopt a pet sight unseen has created fertile ground for fraudsters.”

BBB’s earlier Study found that for these types of frauds to be successful it’s usually dependent on bogus, often sophisticated advertisements to hook unsuspecting consumers. Experts believed, at that time, that at least 80% of the sponsored advertising links that appear in an Internet search for pets may be fraudulent.

Actual numbers of pet fraud may be much higher than reported, because many victims either choose not to file complaints or do not know where to turn for help.

Many victims who contacted BBB’s Scam Tracker reported they wanted to adopt a puppy in order to ease their isolation and brighten their lives during the pandemic.

Victims were often told that they needed to send money for special

climate-controlled crates, insurance and a (non-existent) COVID-19 vaccine. There also were several instances where the consumer wanted to see or pick-up the animal but was told that wasn’t possible due to COVID-19 restrictions.

A Santa Barbara woman reported losing more than $6,000 to a puppy scammer in April, 2020. She said that she purchased a puppy for her mother from a so-called breeder, was promised delivery every day but every day they asked for more money. One day they needed more money for a better transport carrier, another for accommodation fees and so on. The puppy buyer told the BBB, “When I said I couldn’t pay, I was guilt tripped that this puppy would be quarantined and I’d still have to pay more, still promising that once I paid the puppy would be delivered.” “A $600 purchase turned into over $6,000 and no puppy.”

Tips for avoiding puppy scams:

Don’t buy a pet without seeing it in person. If that isn’t possible, conduct an internet search of the picture of the pet you are considering. If the same picture appears on multiple websites, its likely is a fraud. You also can search for text from ads or testimonials, to see if the seller copied it from another website.

Don’t send money by Western Union, MoneyGram, and a cash app like Zelle or a gift card. These payment methods offer no recourse and no way to get your money back if you are the victim of a fraud. Fraudsters may claim to accept credit cards, but may steal your credit card information to use it in other scams or inform you that payment didn’t go through and request the payment via wire service or gift cards.

Research prices for the breed you are interested in adopting. If a purebred dog is advertised for free or at a deeply discounted price, and then other payment is required for services like vaccination or shipping, it could be a fraudulent offer.

Consider reaching out to a local animal shelter. Especially during this time of quarantine, many shelters are looking for fosters to help relieve the animal’s stress and reduce overcrowding at their facilities. Humane Society of the United States refers consumers to local shelters.

If you think you have been scammed, report it to BBB Scam Tracker and the Federal T rade Commission. You also can report it to, which catalogues puppy scammers, tracks complaints and endeavors to get fraudulent pet sales websites taken down.

Vol. 13, No. 16 – May 6 – May 19, 2020 – The Pet Page

∙Oliver’s adoption story is truly a twist of fate. This pup is now getting to live his happily ever after thanks to a chance encounter with his now owners, Fred and Elvira. Sometimes, it’s all about being in the right place at the right time!

A twist of fate lead Oliver to his forever home.

Fred in Elvira first met Oliver by chance in 2016 after going out to lunch one day at the Ventura Harbor. The couple noticed a group of our HSVC staff and volunteers doing a pack walk nearby and decided to check it out. After saying hello, a small, friendly pup tried to jump into Elvira’s lap. According to Fred, the dog, named Boscoe at the time, gave them both a “look” and that’s when they knew he was special.

A couple of days later the pair visited their new friend Boscoe at the shelter in Ojai. They learned that the pup had been at the shelter for over seven months. After a meet and greet with Boscoe, Fred and Elvira had a tough decision to make. They were hesitant to adopt after just recently losing their beloved English Bulldog. Fred asked the dog, “What do I do?” The sweet little pup jumped on to Fred’s lap, looked into his eyes, and leaned in. From that moment on Fred knew Boscoe was theirs.

Fast-forward four years later, Boscoe, now Oliver, is happier than ever in his forever home. Fred and Elvira quickly learned Oliver was a very intelligent, house broken, and well-trained dog. His favorite activities include hiking, going for walks, and sunbathing. He loves hanging out in the backyard and sleeping in his giant bed.

Elvira and Fred consider Oliver part of the family. “Oliver taught us that even in the toughest moments, you sometimes have to go with your gut and give the unlikely a chance. To think this jewel spent seven months at the shelter and we were lucky enough to bring him into our family,” said Fred. He continued, “We are so thankful to all of the members and volunteers of the HSVC as we believe this is where Oliver learned to trust and love.”

Remembering Scamp who went to doggy heaven on April 29, 2017. He is still missed every day.

by Amy King

∙As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, many pet owners are spending more time outdoors with their furry friends. However, excessive time in hot weather can spell danger for your animals. Check out these simple precautions provided by the ASPCA to prevent your pet from overheating this season.

1. Give your pet plenty of water

Pets can get dehydrated quickly, so be sure to give them plenty of fresh, clean water when in the hot weather. Additionally, do not over exercise your animal in the heat and make sure they have a shady place to rest when outdoors.

2. Know the symptoms of overheating in pets

Excessive panting, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, drooling, and mild weakness are all signs your pet has become overheated. Animals with flat faces like Pugs and Persian cats, elderly animals, and overweight pets are more susceptible to heat stroke. Be sure to keep these types of animals in a cool air-conditioned room as much as possible.

3. Never leave your pet unsupervised

Leaving a pet alone in a parked car in the heat can lead to extreme heat stroke and can even be fatal. Do not leave your pet unsupervised around a pool, as not all dogs are good swimmers and ingestion of chlorine and other chemicals can cause health problems. Open unscreened windows can pose a danger to pets as they can fall or jump out of them if unsupervised. Do not let your pet linger too long of hot asphalt, as their bodies and paws can heat up quicker being lower to the ground.

4. Do not shave your dog

Feel free to trim longer hair, but never fully shave your pet. The layers of a dogs’ coat protect them from overheating and sunburn. Cats should be brushed more often than usual to prevent heat related health problems.

5. Visit the vet for a Spring/early Summer checkup

Be sure to get your animal tested for heartworm if they are not already on year-round preventative medication.

Vol. 13, No. 15 – Apr 22 – May 5, 2020 – The Pet Page

∙As COVID-19 continues to create anxiety, the unconditional love of our furry family members provides comforting and love (and we can even hug them).

Best Friends stated “our pets are living reminders of the beauty and joy around us, even in the darkest of times. They are such an important part of our families, and we know your pets are important to your family, too.”

Scamp (from doggy heaven) stated “we’d love to hear about your pet’s story of the joy that they are bringing while sequestered at home (or taking a much-needed walk around the block). So tell us about how your pets have been there for you during this crisis at [email protected] (with a photo of course).”

∙During times of crisis, it’s more important than ever to preserve the bonds that matter most, such as those that bind pets and their humans. As the number of people affected by COVID-19 continues to rise, RedRover is providing needed resources to ensure that people can still care for the animals they love during this crisis.

RedRover’s new Emergency Boarding grant program helps animals who need temporary boarding while their owners are hospitalized due to the novel coronavirus. The grant will cover the cost of up to two (2) weeks of boarding while a pet owner is being treated. This new program was supported by a generous donation from Purina – RedRover’s Purple Leash Project partner.

Nicole Forsyth, RedRover President and CEO, states, “Preserving the human-animal bond is at the heart of what we do. During these trying times we are thankful for Purina’s support for our new emergency boarding grants to help pet owners hospitalized with the coronavirus. Knowing a pet is well cared for will hopefully bring some peace of mind to those undergoing COVID-19 treatment.”

To become eligible, a pet owner or guardian must follow these steps:

  • Before submitting an application, contact local boarding facilities (kennels, veterinarians, animal shelters/humane societies, etc.) to find reasonably priced options
  • Ensure boarding is done through a business, not an individual.
  • Establish a plan for how the animal’s needs can be met.
  • Confirm boarding facility will provide a written estimate and a final invoice once the animal leaves boarding.
  • Obtain permission from the pet owner if someone else submits an application.
  • Provide updates on the pet owner’s situation if requested.
  • Note – RedRover covers vaccination costs that are needed for the animal to enter boarding. Any veterinary requests beyond vaccinations will be taken on a case-by-case basis.
  • Both the applicant and the animal must live in the United States.
  • Submit an online application at

RedRover recognizes the fluidity of the novel coronavirus pandemic and will continue to follow expert recommendations concerning COVID-19 as it relates to pets.

Continuing in their efforts to help animals and people in crisis, RedRover has created a list of resources to support people and pets during the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Since 1987, RedRover has focused on bringing animals out of crisis and strengthening the human-animal bond through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and education. For the fifth consecutive year, RedRover has earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. To learn more, visit

∙Keeping your pet safe during the covid-19 crisis

by Amy King

Our priority at the HSVC (Humane Society Of Ventura County)is to keep our staff, animals, and the public safe and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the disease is spread to humans through person-to-person contact. There has been no evidence that pets can become ill from or spread COVID-19. However, there are some good general practices you can do to help keep your pet safe during this time.

Wash Your Hands

Although there is no evidence that animals, including pets, can contract and spread COVID-19, it is still good practice to wash your hands after handling animals. It is also suggested to wash your hands thoroughly after handing your pet’s food, waste, or any other supplies such as toys and bedding. All animals can carry germs, so it is always a good idea to practice healthy habits around your pets.

Stock Up on Pet Supplies

According to the ASPCA, it is a good idea to prepare an emergency kit with essentials your pet may need during a crisis situation. Such a kit should include any medications your animal is taking and at least two weeks worth of food. The HSVC is offering pet food to anyone in need through our Pet Food Bank. Please contact the shelter by calling 805-646-6505 or email us at [email protected] for any questions about pet supplies or other pet-related needs. We are here to help!

Designate an Emergency Caregiver

In the event you are unable to care for your pet, it is good practice to have someone in place that can help with short or long term pet care. A family member, friend, or even a boarding facility may be the best option to keep your pet safe in the event you become ill. Per the CDC, it is recommended that people sick with COVID-19 limit contact with animals until more information is known about the virus.

Create a Pet Dossier

Make caring for your pet easier for your emergency caregiver by creating a collection of your pet’s information. You can include things like eating habits, favorite toys, medical conditions, and veterinarian contact information.

Following these simple practices will help ensure the health and safety of your pet. The HSVC will remain staffed for emergency services Monday-Saturday from 10 am – 5 pm until further notice and will continue to help the public in any way that we can. We encourage the community to adhere to the “Stay Well at Home” order and practice social distancing until we can open our doors again.

Vol. 13, No. 14 – Apr 8 – Apr 21, 2020 – The Pet Page

∙Effective Monday, March 30, 2020 and until further notice, all nonessential services at Ventura County Animal Services (VCAS) will be discontinued and some ancillary services will be reduced. The goal is to keep people in their homes and carefully limit the number of animals housed on-site. Please know that VCAS will never turn away a sick or injured animal.

The following services will be discontinued:

  • Pet adoptions and all virtual adoption counseling sessions.
  • Owner-requested euthanasia appointments.
  • The following services will be adjusted:
  • Owner-surrendered animals accepted only due to urgent/emergency situations.

Stray Animals – VCAS is strongly encouraging residents to only bring in stray cats who appear to be sick or injured. Cats who appear healthy should remain in-place as they likely have a source of food, water and shelter and may be cared for by someone in the neighborhood.

Kittens – Mating season will soon begin as the weather warms. Litters of kittens should only be brought to VCAS whose mother has not returned for them after 6-8 hours – please watch and wait from a distance. Mothers often leave kittens in order to hunt for food and they expect to return to their kittens. Please do not remove kittens if not absolutely necessary. (Ref. Dr. Kate Hurley, Program Director – Koret Shelter Medicine Program – University of Davis)

Lost pet pick-up: VCAS is encouraging those who are reclaiming their lost pet to please call ahead and bring proof of ownership when reclaiming lost pets. (805) 388-4341

Animal Control Officers will continue to respond to public safety and animal welfare calls, but less urgent calls will be deferred until further notice. All Field Officers will attempt to return found animals to their owners. Field Officers will be donning Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) during all interactions with the public.

As stated in a previous press release:

The Simi Valley Animal Shelter remains closed and the Camarillo Shelter is restricting all nonessential on-site and casual visits.

TNR/Community Cat public spay/neuter services are suspended.

All public and community outreach events are cancelled including rabies vaccination clinics.

Pet licenses can only be processed online at or via U.S. mail. Payment should be sent to Ventura County Animal Services 600 Aviation Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010

VCAS is committed to ensuring that the highest quality of care is provided to our animals. Our team of highly dedicated staff are on-site to feed, clean, and care for all animals at the shelter. Staff also provide enrichment activities as well as medical care as needed.

We have received information that there are various rumors circulating regarding the potential for euthanasia of animals during the COVID-19 situation. VCAS remains 100% committed to lifesaving activities during these times and we will continue to provide care to all healthy and treatable animals. Despite the challenges facing our shelter due to COVID-19, animals will not be euthanized due to time or space. Please help us to curtail the spread of such rumors.

We continue our commitment to saving animals’ lives and reuniting lost pets with their families. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please call (805) 388-4341, we are here for you.

∙To assist pet owners and shelters affected by the devastating COVID-19 pandemic, the ASPCA ® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ®) is launching the ASPCA Relief & Recovery Initiative, a $5 million multipronged strategic relief response to the crisis. The response includes $2 million in grants to animal shelters in critical need of funds and pet food to pet owners who face challenges providing food for their animals.

“In addition to the unprecedented challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has created for people, it is also putting animals at-risk by straining essential owner and shelter resources. Considering the vital role pets play in our lives – especially in times of crisis and stress – it’s extremely important to safeguard their health and welfare as much as we possibly can,” said ASPCA President and CEO Matt Bershadker.

Added Bershadker, “We are grateful to work with generous donors and the larger animal welfare community who are stepping up, thinking creatively and courageously, and forging new paths to meet this need. Across the world, people are turning to their pets for comfort, and with the ASPCA Relief & Recovery Initiative, we are committed to helping animals return that love and comfort back to their families by working to ensure their health and safety as we weather this crisis together.”

Emergency Relief for Shelters

The ASPCA is launching a minimum $2 million emergency relief fund for shelters that have been hit hard by this crisis. Grants will help shelters fund essential lifesaving services such as basic operations, safety net, adoptions and foster programs, and veterinary services, which are proving to be crucial animal welfare services during this crisis.

Pet Food Distribution

The ASPCA’s response also includes the creation of regional pet food distribution centers, starting first in New York City, one of the U.S. cities most severely affected by the pandemic. The centers, provided in partnership with the Petco Foundation, will give dog and cat owners free access to critical food supplies as the outbreak continues to spread.

ASPCA will also operate regional food distribution centers in Miami, Los Angeles, and North Carolina, where the ASPCA has operations. More information about specific locations and dates will be available in the coming weeks.

Petco Foundation President Susanne Kogut said, “At the Petco Foundation, we have been working diligently to mobilize the community to foster or adopt to prevent COVID-19 from becoming a crisis for our pets. We must all come together to support our animal shelters and our community, which is why we’re proud to also support this initiative,” said Kogut. “The health and safety of pets needs to remain a top concern because they provide vital comfort and companionship to people during this very stressful time.”

The COVID-19 relief response speaks to the ASPCA’s longstanding commitment to the animal welfare community and people and their pets. In an effort to create better access to crucial services for underserved pet owners and improve the health and welfare of dogs and cats nationwide, the ASPCA has launched programs and partnerships in New York City, Los Angeles and Miami that make veterinary care more accessible and affordable, and continues to develop initiatives to serve the more than 21 million pets living in poverty with their owners nationwide. In North Carolina, the ASPCA operates the ASPCA Behavioral Rehabilitation Center (BRC), a facility dedicated to rehabilitating fearful, under socialized dogs, and ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance, the nationally recognized leader in high-quality, high-volume, low-cost spay/neuter training and services.

For more information on the ASPCA’s efforts to help at-risk animals, please visit


Vol. 13, No. 13 – Mar 25 – Apr 7, 2020 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Two upcoming clinics in April are:

Wednesday, April 15th at at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main St.),

and a second one on Wednesday, April 22nd at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015.

Please call to schedule an appointment and to confirm (805) 584-3823.

∙ From the Humane Society of Ventura County- [email protected]

In light of COVID-19, we’re increasing the frequency and extent of daily cleanings, and taking steps to ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers, the public, and our animals.

For our dedicated volunteers, we are pausing all volunteer opportunities as of March 17th until further notice. Our staff will be keeping a schedule for walking and exercising all the animals on the property to ensure they get the attention they need. While we appreciate our volunteers’ desire to help during this tough time, we also need to consider the safety of our staff and the public.

Per the city of Ojai, we are encouraging the community to practice “social distancing”. Social distancing is a practice involving restricting when and where people gather to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. These measures include limiting large groups of people coming together, closing buildings, and canceling events. Following safety protocols, including social distancing, is to keep our staff, volunteers, and the public healthy. With cooperation and teamwork, we will overcome these tough times.

Additionally, we have canceled all HSVC-attended outdoor meet and greet events until further notice. We have also canceled our HSVC Volunteer orientation and classes. We will reschedule when circumstances allow.

We are still open to the public Monday-Saturday with new Summer hours of 10 am – 6 pm. We will keep the community informed of any changes to our business hours.

∙ Veterinarian Dr. Danielle Bernal told Fox News there are certain foods you can safely feed your dog when you’re eating at the table (though she recommends training dogs away from begging), but warns that you have to be careful about other types of foods, as some may contain hidden ingredients that are toxic to dogs.

“There are certain foods that are acceptable to feed your dog if he is begging at the kitchen table, but many can contain artificial sweeteners or hidden ingredients like onions, garlic, or residue from specific nuts that can be toxic to dogs — which is why it is always best to feed Fido dog food over anything else!” the vet said.

Foods to avoid

Bernal puts chocolate at the top of the list of foods to avoid. Chocolate contains theobromine, which, like caffeine, is toxic to dogs.

Fatty foods, like bacon, are also no-nos, as they can cause gastrointestinal upsets and pancreatitis.

“Plus, dogs have unique nutritional needs — one small piece of bacon for them is the equivalent caloric value of 13 pieces of bacon for humans,” said Bernal, who is also a Whimzees multi-functional dental dog treats partner.

Among the others unsafe for your pooch are uncooked eggs or fish; garlic and onions, which can cause fainting and an elevated heart rate; and cooked bones, which are more likely to splinter and cause oral injury or potential internal perforation or obstruction.

You have to be careful with what you feed your dog as many scraps may contain hidden ingredients that are toxic.

You have to be careful with what you feed your dog as many scraps may contain hidden ingredients that are toxic. (iStock)

Foods to focus on for your pup, if you’re feeding them table scraps, are fruits, vegetables and cooked meat.

Carrots and apples are great options, Carrots can protect against cataracts and heart disease, while sweet apples support a healthy digestive system.

Lean, cooked meats like chicken, turkey and beef also top the list as far as safe-for-Fido foods, as they add protein to your pup’s diet, much like cooked eggs, which are also a good table-scrap snack.

Another fine option — in moderation — is cooked fish like salmon and fresh tuna, as fish boasts amino acids, Omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Just make sure the fish is deboned, and limit it to once or twice a week, maximum.

Bernal also recommends mixing food scraps in with regular dog food, directly in the kibble bowl, to train dogs away from begging at the table.

In addition to avoiding certain types of table scraps, Bernal says pet owners should limit the amount of “human food” given to their furry friends.

“My recommendation is to make sure pet parents limit themselves when feeding their dog table scraps, as feeding too many scraps can disrupt their nutritional needs and calorie limits. Stick to feeding table scraps as 10-15 percent of your pup’s overall diet, and view it as giving them a special treat — not supplementing a full meal.”

∙ Suddenly working from home? Are the kids out of school and in need of some joy and distraction? If you’ve been considering adding a pet family member now is the time! Dog walking and cat cuddling all fall within the guidelines for social distancing. Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center (SPARC) says there’s hope in these uncertain times with businesses closing their doors and children being out of school.

There are plenty of animals at the small Santa Paula shelter that would love to spend some time in adoptive or foster homes.

“Animals can benefit from being outside of our environment, even if it’s temporary.” Said Jonah Fisher, Kennel Manager. “A break from the noise and stress at the shelter would be extremely beneficial and we’re hopeful that some of the temporary situations would become permanent.”

In order to practice social distancing, the shelter has had to postpone many of its public events like its vaccine clinic, offsite adoption events and volunteer orientations.

“We’re asking that the public call, email or use social media to contact us before they come down.” Said Claira Trujillo, Front Office Manager. “Help us and make appointments so that we can make sure that we keep ourselves and members of the public safe because our animals will need care by humans every single day.”

Shelter operations are still available from 10am until 7pm daily for those whose animals have been impounded and need to be picked up, please call ahead of time. Those who need to report a stray animal within the Santa Paula City limits should call animal control at (805) 933-4230 or if outside the Santa Paula City limits call Ventura County Animal Services at (805) 388-4341.

The shelter is asking that members of the public, fosters and volunteers call (805) 525-8609, email [email protected] or use any of their social media outlets (Facebook:; Instagram:; Twitter: to contact them before going to the shelter. Those interested in making donations may do so at

Vol. 13, No. 12 – Mar 11 – Mar 24, 2020 – The Pet Page

∙SPAN Thrift Store is providing $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs. Two upcoming clinics in March are:

Wednesday, March 18th at  SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main St.),

and a second one on Wednesday, March 25th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore.

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.

∙What began as an educational trip ended up with a momentous medical first for Colorado State University.

During the first week of January, a team led by Dr. Chris Orton, veterinary cardiothoracic surgeon, traveled to China to meet with leaders from the Shanghai Hanyu Medical Technology Company. The CSU team planned to learn more about a new device to treat dogs with mitral regurgitation, a leak of the valve between the left ventricle and the left atrium of the heart, and a common condition in older dogs.

Following initial meetings, the CSU team was asked to perform a procedure using the new device on a 7-year-old miniature schnauzer named Datou, or Big Head.

“He was in an advanced stage of heart failure and had perhaps a few months to live,” said Orton, also a professor of clinical sciences at CSU.

Following the procedure, the CSU team stayed in Shanghai for several days to help with Datou’s recovery. They returned to the United States on Jan. 9.

“This was the first successful beating-heart mitral valve repair in a dog with severe mitral regurgitation,” Orton said.

The need for this type of medical breakthrough in the veterinary realm is huge, said Orton, because mitral regurgitation is the most common heart disease in older dogs, affecting 7% of all canines.

While there are a number of ways to treat humans with this condition, including open heart surgery and other minimally invasive procedures, similar treatments for animals are very expensive and not available everywhere. Open heart surgery for canines with mitral regurgitation is offered at CSU, in the United Kingdom and Japan on a limited basis.

Veterinarians at CSU have worked for nearly 10 years to find new ways to treat this condition.

“We’ve been looking for ways to treat this extremely common condition, rather than just treating their heart failure medically until they die,” Orton said. “If Datou keeps the improvement that he’s had, it could change his prognosis from weeks to months to potentially several years.”

Other members of the CSU team that helped with the procedure include Dr. Brianna Potter, cardiology fellow, Dr. Bernard Chi from cardiology, and Ellen Shaub, a veterinary technician from the anesthesia team at the James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

Chi and Potter said the team was “extremely excited” following the successful procedure.

“Hopefully this new procedure will be much more available and much more affordable,” said Orton. “This is the biggest unmet need in canine cardiology,” he said.

CSU will train other U.S. veterinary medical centers in the use of the new device.

∙ Researchers have sequenced the whole genome — the entire DNA sequence — of 100 dogs, including 10 from screwtail breeds. All the participating dogs were privately owned pets seen at the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, whose owners agreed to participate. Graduate students Tamer Mansour and Katherine Lucot, with C. Titus Brown, associate professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Genome Center, searched through the DNA sequences to find changes associated with screwtail breeds.

From more than 12 million individual differences they were able to identify one mutation, in a gene called DISHEVELLED 2 or DVL2. This variant was found in 100 percent of the bulldogs and French bulldogs sampled, and was very common in Boston terriers.

This kind of whole genome comparison is relatively new, Bannasch said.

“Normally, we would have first had to identify a region DNA and work from there,” she said. “We could look at breed-specific traits, but not as well as we can now.”

Professor Henry Ho at the UC Davis School of Medicine studies similar genes in humans. Mutations in the related DVL1 and DVL3 genes are known to cause Robinow syndrome, a rare inherited disorder in humans characterized by strikingly similar anatomical changes — a short, wide “babyface,” short limbs and spinal deformities. In addition, Robinow patients and the screwtail breeds also share other disease traits, such as cleft palate. In both humans and dogs, DVL genes are part of a signaling pathway called WNT involved in development of the skeleton and nervous system, among other things, said Peter Dickinson, professor of surgical and radiological sciences at the School of Veterinary Medicine. By characterizing the screwtail DVL2 protein product, Sara Konopelski, a graduate student in the Ho lab, pinpointed a key biochemical step in the WNT pathway that is disrupted by the mutation. This finding further suggests that a common molecular defect is responsible for the distinct appearances of both Robinow patients and screwtail dog breeds.

The DVL2 screwtail mutation is so common in these breeds, and so closely tied to the breed appearance, that it would be difficult to remove it by breeding, Dickinson said. Other genes are known to contribute to short, wide “brachycephalic” heads in dogs, and there are likely multiple genes that contribute both to appearance and to chronic health problems in these breeds.

Understanding a common mutation in popular dog breeds may, however, give more insight into the rare Robinow syndrome in humans. Only a few hundred cases have been documented since the syndrome was identified in 1969.

“It’s a very rare human disease but very common in dogs, so that could be a model for the human syndrome,” Bannasch said.

The work is published Jan. 1 in the journal PLOS Genetics.   

∙ The 3rd Annual National Police K-9 Memorial Service will be presented by the National Police Dog Foundation, FOP DC Lodge #1, Courageous Tails, and United for Blue.

The memorial service will include a wreath laying ceremony to honor the memory of fallen police K-9s (download list) who have given their lives in the line of duty during 2019.

​ To be held on Monday, May 11, 2020, the ceremony will begin at 1:00 pm and will be held at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, 450 F St. NW Washington DC, 20001.​

​The National Police Dog Foundation has established the K-9 Memorial Fund to honor these fallen K-9 heroes. Consider a donation to the K-9 Memorial Fund for the continuation of this event and keep our K-9 units strong. Donations help to maintain the center.

For more information, contact [email protected] or at (888) 459-7768.