Category Archives: Mailbox

Vol. 14, No. 23 – Aug 11 – Aug 24, 2021 – Mailbox


Do we really need 6 day a week service? we get real mail maybe 3 times per week. 1 of those days are the ads. Maybe we could save money and have 4 day a week delivery.

Keep cost of postage down.

Ralph Trigo
Lemonwood MPH


Thank you for your photo and heading of an empty tree well on a Ventura city sidewalk in your last edition of the Breeze. I agree, the city needs many trees planted and I am concerned there is no future plan to get this organized and completed. 

I hope someone can educate the public on a plan of action to include volunteers to water trees, what type of trees will be planted for specific locations and a map showing where the trees will be planted next. 

Organizing, fund raising and volunteers are needed to get this plan of action going. Attached are photos of an empty sidewalk tree well and median divider on Telephone Road that has clearly become an eye sore of the City. 

Marsha Moreland

Working Physician turns 100

Here are a couple of comments on the June 15th Ventura Breeze article “Working physician turns 100 on June 9th “ written by Mohammed Hasan:

Lewis Walton, Marina del Rey

Beautifully written, Mohammed, and a fine tribute to Dr. Canton.  My wife, also a physician, devoted much of her life to community health education, trying to lessen the risk of heart disease. She had worked on the open heart surgery team in Bakersfield.  I am glad you were able to honor Dr. Canton this way.

Dr. Tim Cannon, UCLA Health, Ventura

Wonderful tribute to a living legend, thank you for writing it and forwarding it to me. Best,”

Editor’s note:

Dr. Canton is author’s longtime friend and neighbor. Hasan offers free community classes on Longevity with good health. Dr. Canton has been a guest speaker at the longevity class a few times. You can reach Hasan at [email protected] or (805) 218-5574.

Are you an amateur cartoonist? Send your cartoon to [email protected].

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson




Vol. 14, No. 22 – July 28 – Aug 10, 2021 – Mailbox

The Ocean Hears

View the Dawn; it overlooks a sunrise,
A visible song; is nature’s voice.

Our tide hastens a full moon,
A Pacific sign; tomorrow’s fog is near.

Seagulls build their home on a pier,
The silent hint; they soar beneath.

Sunset longs to give a Ventura morning,
And Grant the Dawn to chorus the day.

Can anyone silence the ocean?

By Jeff Russell

I attended the meeting July 10, 2021 at Mission Plaza Park with Kevin Clerici. 

Here is my take on the plans, first the issue, then my solution:

1.  Straighten the sidewalk for better access to the Museum.  The current sidewalk has an area between the planters for the 2 westernmost Coral Trees that is diverted toward the park (away from Main Street) and then back again.  In the diversion area are agapanthus plants and sod.

The sidewalk could be made straight very simply by paving over some of the agapanthus and sod.

2.  Need for extra parking along Main Street.  There is currently a grassy section that continues from the aforementioned diversion to Main Street.

Remove the sod.  Build a curb at the sidewalk edge, put in parking places where the grassy area is currently.

3.  The 3 existing planters for the healthy Coral Trees and the perfect “rolling hill” from the sidewalk down into the park should be left intact.  Every person with a young child will attest to the perfection of the “rolling hill.” Also it is an attraction and it adds to the interest of an otherwise relatively flat park.

4.  The easternmost planter is holding the stump of a Coral Tree.  It sits about 4 feet above the ground level of the park.  An inviting entrance to the park from the Mission is needed.

If the easternmost planter and the 4 palm trees and a few other bushes were removed, it would be a relatively simple matter to level that area, ending at the planter of the easternmost living Coral Tree.  This would greatly expand the level area in front of the Mission and have the feel of a small town square.

5.  If you want to encourage use of the park, plant at least a couple more shade trees in the park.  The few areas with shade around the park are in constant use.  The huge fig tree is a wonder, but very uncomfortable to sit beneath.  There is currently very little shade in the park.

6.  We must think long term.  There are Coral Trees in Santa Barbara that are almost 300 years old.  These 3 Coral Trees on Main Street are not even close to the end of their natural lives.  The key issue here is maintenance.  The planters must be maintained.  The trimming and watering issues are maintenance issues.

7. Homeless people should not be an issue.  Homeless people are everywhere and this issue should be addressed at the root of the problem (our federal tax structure and government spending.)  The Ventura Partners are doing a good job with the homeless and the restrooms.

I believe everyone in attendance on Saturday agreed with most of these ideas.  In  fact it was unanimous that the existing Coral Trees remain intact.  We all agree it would be a travesty to remove these beautiful trees.


Mary Volpe


It is difficult to keep quiet if you have nothing to say.
~ Malcolm Margolin

Vol. 14, No. 21 – July 14 – July 27, 2021 – Mailbox

To opinions

In the El Jardin courtyard on Main street near California street there was a 100 year old Fiddle leaf fig tree, Ficus Lyrata. Usually these are house plants. This bad boy was at least 40 ft tall and in the sun. Ficus trees are notorious for surface roots and this guy was right up against the building, I’m sure that’s why it’s gone, but gosh a hundred years?

John Gleason

Let me get straight to the point.  I miss living in Ventura
By Beverly Russell

I want to come back.  I have lived all over the world, New York, Chicago, London, Paris,
San Miguel de Allende, Mumbai, Sydney, Australia, Hong Kong.

So why am I telling you this. The bottom line is rents have gone sky high in my favorite community – so I am looking to share a house or rent something small and reasonably priced possibly in a private home. My references are impeccable, Check out my website Beverly and other sources, Barnes

I have been awarded two honorary doctorate degrees in fine arts from Parsons School and Kendall College for writing articles and books about architecture and design and also had the honor of receiving the most notable recognition by Mayor Koch of New York – Beverly Russell Day was designated August 26, 1986. This academic status led me to invitations from several colleges, I am an OLLI teacher at CSU Channel Islands.

Since then, I have written -a variety of 20 books, the latest works are 4 Maisie & Billy stories written during the Covid lockdown of 12 months.

What am I looking to recapture in irresistible Ventura?  Coming from a smogsville illiterate desert, I long to riffle through the books on the shelves at the Ventura Public Library, where the intelligent librarians introduced me to several exemplary fiction authors unknown to me then, Ruth Rendell, Charles Finch to name just a few. The library encouraged fund-raising and I was more than happy to pitch in.

The Ventura Art Museum took up my offer as a volunteer and fund raiser and in a day or so after brief but necessary training I was assigned to the front desk two or three times a week. Was it my British Accent that got me this prestigious job?  Well my gratitude to those who picked up on the value of the Alistair Cooke connection.

The official tourist brochure accurately describes Ventura  as a place of an artistic culture and enduring history, that checks stress and  pretense at the door.  The Rubicon Theater is a pivotal arena for artistic diversity, see www And there is more…the harbor, fishing, the beach, Channel Islands, the scenic hikes, the Botanical Gardens, the Pier, the annual Music Festival which draws participants from international venues. No exaggeration to say Ventura is a privileged locale.

And thank my lucky stars (I was born a Sagittarius traveler) I am retreating to my true destination San Buenaventura Ventura. where the benevolent wind is at my back.

There is no security in life, only opportunity.
~ Mark Twain

Vol. 14, No. 20 – June 30 – July 13, 2021 – Mailbox


The horrendous collapse of the condo tower in Miami, with over 150 people missing at this point is a modern tragedy. It is impossible to imagine the pain and suffering of the victims and the terror of those who wait to hear if any more can be found alive in the rubble.

But a tragedy is not an accident, nor an uncaused calamity. Scientists are now starting to claim that sea level rise is the culprit, which in turn is caused by human actions. The whole Florida coast in this area is subject to weakening and sinking from sea water intrusion.

There are sure to be more such reports in the near future. However this is not new news, since Trump’s Mar a Lago is also vulnerable to sea level rise, with the further contributing factor that Trump canceled Obama measures to fight sea level rise along the Florida coast.

Painful ironies never stop these days, and Trump is frequently the off-screen perpetrator.


Robert Chianese, Ph.D., Emeritus Prof. English, CSU Northridge
Past President Amer Assoc for Advance of Science Pacific Div
Fulbright Senior Specialist, columnist American Scientist magazine

to opinions

Cars on Main and California Streets

Please keep them off as the air is cleaner now and like cities and towns in the rest of the world we now have a great communal space and the merchants I talk to like it also.

Michael Salisbury

Dear Ventura Breeze:

In the June 2-15 2021 issue, page 17, the ‘Tree Town’ inset noted the recent planting of 8 Honey Locust trees, mentioning “Honeylocust canopy trees line Main Street from downtown to Five Points…”.  This is incorrect.  The vast majority of street trees along E. Main Street are Queen Palms (#207) and Jacarandas (#133) according to the 2020 City Tree Master Tree Plan, Appendix B Theme Street Tree Well Replanting (pg24/107).  In fact, Queen Palms represent almost 5% of all Ventura street trees.

Oddly, the popular and attractive Queen Palm is absent from the 2019 City of Ventura Recommended Tree List.

Also strange is that even though Ventura has its own city Fire Department and an Urban Forestry Program, somehow the 2020 City Tree Master Tree Plan incorporates the Ventura County Fire Department Fire Hazard Reduction Program, a document which is ill-suited for determining appropriate trees along urban corridors.

Overall, it seems that the future of Ventura shall be without palms, which is a shame given their instant associate with beaches, sun, and fun, which really is Ventura in a nutshell.

Lucien Belmont

The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement
~ Jack Rosenbaum

Vol. 14, No. 19 – June 16 – June 29, 2021 – Mailbox

Dear Sheldon,

Does anyone like gas-powered leaf blowers? From neighborhoods and business complexes, to parks and schools, it’s impossible to escape their raucous presence. They are mega polluters which spew smog forming compounds, such as ozone and carbon monoxide into the air. What’s more, these machines can generate 115 decibels of sound, which can cause hearing loss and psychological stress.  

To improve air quality and reduce noise pollution, homeowners and landscapers should switch to battery electric blowers. They’re zero emission and about half as noisy. There are models that can last up to 45 minutes on a charge, and the batteries are interchangeable with other lawn equipment of the same brand. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have cleaner air and quieter communities? We can. All it takes is ditching the gas blower and going electric.

Kristen Kessler Ventura

But the still “spew smog forming compounds.”

Crawl of our Ocean
By Jeff Russell

Winds that gust a wave goodbye,
Are watchful out to sea,
Misty waters with a sunny slide,
The crawl beneath the tide.

Swells retreat into warm horizons,
Deposit new life on Pacific shores,
They are the access of natures journey,
The sands of a gentle pull home.

Ventura returns a living tide.

Dear Editor:

As a person living with metastatic breast cancer, the June 15 COVID-19 restrictions being lifted makes me rather nervous.  From all outward appearances I look just like everyone else.  With my hair and makeup done, my prosthetics on and my scars covered I could even pass for a healthy person most days.  On the inside are where the real health issues lie.  What healthy people don’t understand are the worries I live with on a daily basis.  I worry about being immunocompromised from treatment, about not knowing who has been vaccinated and who has not, about being in close proximity to others outside of my germ family.  I worry that my lung metastasis could cause a more severe case of COVID-19.

Astra-Zeneca, the manufacturer of the anti-cancer drug I take, has a nurse helpline.  Shortly after the vaccine was authorized for emergency use I called that nurse helpline to inquire about the vaccine and any known side effects or interactions with my treatment.  Their answer, “We have zero information regarding that.”  I asked when they would have that kind of information.  Her answer again, “We have zero information regarding that.”

There are still so many unknowns with this virus, even the drug manufacturers don’t have enough data.  I plan to continue to wear my mask inside and in situations where social distancing isn’t possible until I feel comfortable going without.  I’m thinking I should start a movement for the immunocompromised to wear a special ribbon or something on their mask that lets others know we are wearing masks to express we have a condition which may not be visible on the outside and to respect our personal space.

The research is now showing that the vaccinated immunocompromised may not be as protected from the virus and may not develop antibodies.  So if you see me out in my mask with a ribbon tied to it, it will be your social cue to give me some space.  For now my mask will continue to be my security blanket and hopefully a reminder to others, especially to those who are healthy, that not all disabilities are visible.  As Germany Kent says, “Be kind.  We never know what people are going through.  Give grace and mercy because one day your circumstance could change and you may need it.”

Be well,
Marissa Holzer

We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.
~ Mother Teresa

Vol. 14, No. 18 – June 2 – June 15, 2021 – Mailbox

A response from a thank you sent to a donor. Printed with her approval.

You are very welcome.  I have been enjoying “The Breeze” for years. 

You always list the Audubon Field trips and other community events.  Actually, you are the reason that I became a birder.  Newly married, I moved up here from Culver City to be with my husband, saw the listing of the lectures and field trips welcoming beginners and said to John, “This sounds like an interesting lecture.  Let’s go!”  John, “I’ve been a VAS member for 17 years.”  Estelle, “great!  You can teach me all of the birds!!!”  So, we both started from scratch knowing only mallards and blue jays which are really scrub jays and years later now are “Beginning Intermediate” birders.  John Connor is my husband and he also sent money. 

I also love the Harbor Police section.

Thank you again.
Estelle Ichino

Mystery of Ventura’s Tide

The pull of our tide will invite you in,
In hopes of experiencing a Ventura memory.

View the Dawn in search of Pacific treasure,
Hinting to her, you are a swell of mystery.

She’s a secret pier that prolongs your stay,
Inviting your attention to liquid sunsets.

We are ocean waters of scenic moments,
A delightful way to discover California.

by Jeff Russell



It is important to keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.
~ Stephen A. Kallis

Vol. 14, No. 17 – May 19 – June 1, 2021- Mailbox

To the Editor:

 Mr. Editor, I must take issue to your statement found within the Opinion/Editorial section of your recent issue (May 5) under the sub-part “Georgia’s new sweeping elections law”.

 In part you wrote: “No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector,”.

 I have been a native resident of California since 1943; with only a short vacation of 10-years in East Texas.  From all that time it has been an election violation in California to have any voting campaigning or solicitations within several hundred feet of a polling place.  The offer of food or drink would come under the same law if any campaign material (buttons, badges) were worn by the person offering food or water.

 From watching, reading, and listening to various news reporting organizations it appears the state of Georgia is trying very hard to get in line with California. California, which has led the way in National issues for decades.

 Michael Gordon

Michael: Just to clarity I just quoted Georgia law I didn’t write it.


Are you an amateur cartoonist? Send your cartoon to [email protected].

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough
Mae West

Vol. 14, No. 15 – April 21 – May 4, 2021 – Mailbox


I think that Governor Newsom has done a great job dealing with the pandemic and with the expansion of voting rights, among other things, but his latest call to re-open the state seems suspect at best.  I am hoping that he is doing this in response to the advice of scientists, though I have read nothing to indicate this.

Instead, I read about the circus the GOP is putting together in a doomed effort to recall him.
I hope he knows that the clowns running this circus will never succeed and I hope that his call to re-open the state is not a knee jerk reaction to it.  I know everyone is hurting because of the pandemic but I think it is still too early to get back to normal simply because there is no “normal” anymore and we may never be able to get back to our lives as they were.  A world-wide, killer, pandemic will do that.  Especially now that we are grasping the fact that it can change and mutate into deadlier forms making our current efforts a moot point.

The old adage, “Money is the root of all evil” comes to mind when I read about states opening up while the pandemic rages on.

When politicians go ahead with re-openings anyway, another adage comes to mind, one that I hope everyone understands and appreciates before it is too late.

That adage is, “You can’t take it with you!”.

John Darling


Just read your article on the flu(covid shots) you need to check your facts first , the covid shot has not been approved by the FDA , because it was considered a state of emergency that the shot needed to get out as soon as possible , You as a news paper needs to check your facts as you spread the news.

Michele Bruns

Note: This was not an article or the opinion of the Breeze. An opinion from a reader.


I just wanted to thank you for your kind words and a very appreciated book review.  It was very therapeutic to write this book and I am so humbled by you and other people I respect being so supportive.  We have a lot of talented people in our community and a lot of very interesting stories. I’m thankful that you are part of my life journey Sheldon.

Thank you Doug Halter

Dear Sheldon:

Is it possible to get severe withdrawal symptoms from not getting to read The Breeze for a really long time? Well, you can.

I stopped driving several years ago, so I was incapable of picking up The Ventura Breeze. What a deadly experience. I discovered that I loved reading The Breeze, and without the car, I couldn’t pick up The Breeze at the local market. I couldn’t pick up lots of things, but the thing I miss most was your paper. The Breeze was a great fit for me for years. It was the right size, published material that I liked reading about. Was published by a man who loved dogs. The Breeze had all kinds of things I enjoyed looking at and reading about, and best of all, The Breeze was generous to me, publishing some of my articles. I enjoyed the paper for it’s contents and for the variety of information about Ventura and all the neat places that surround me.

You know what happens with withdrawal? Of course, you do. I have been suffering from Breeze withdrawal. Fortunately, I was able to pick up an edition of the Breeze recently, and discovered how much and how deep was my withdrawal. One look at The Breeze and one affectionate run through, and I realized how much trouble I was in. Without the Breeze, I was on the verge of a serious series of bad withdrawal. I have pulled through this almost deadly experience. I know I need some heavy doses of Breeze deliveries and reading the paper good and thorough. I need The Breeze reorientation and relaxation recovery cure. The current edition has me close to being cured. The rest of the treatment is now up to me to be sure I don’t suffer another major withdrawal experience. Believe me. This will not happen again.

Thanks Sheldon. Best regards and Best wishes for all of us.
Es Cole and Manny


I must take issue with one of your comments about Asian Hate in New York.

“Ignorant people say, “They should go back to where they came from.” We all came from somewhere else except Native Americans. So, using this approach, all of us, except Native Americans, would need to go back to where our ancestors came from. Mine from Russia and Romania.”

Ignorant people say… Not only are they ignorant, they are historically clueless. Many thousands of ethnic Asian folks were born, raised, and dies right here in America, since the 1840s. Those decedents are natural American citizens. They can’t ‘go back to where they came from. They are here!

So, using this approach, all of us, except Native Americans…
Even our “Native Americans” came from somewhere else. There is very strong genetic evidence that the original Native Americans migrated from Mongolia, up to Siberia, across the Bearing Sea Ice Bridge, into Alaska, down into America, South to Mexico, and perhaps into South America.

Your ancestors came from Russia and Romania; mine came from Scotland, Germany, and Native American (New York). North America was a grand grazing land for the Dinosaurs.

Just my few cents worth,

Michael Gordon

So its sounds as if no one should live her.

The great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used to failing.
~ Albert Schweitzer

Vol. 14, No. 14 – April 7 – April 20, 2021 – Mailbox

To Be or Not to Be . . .Vaccinated

There is a lot of information and disinformation about COVID-19 vaccinations. Here are the facts you need to know.

1. Safety – All the vaccines approved by the FDA are safe and effective. It doesn’t matter if you receive the Pfizer, Moderna, J&J or another FDA approved vaccine. They can all save your life and keep you out of the hospital. It is important to follow the protocol for the vaccine you receive. Getting one dose when you should get two may mean your immunity does not last for long.

2. Cost – The vaccine is free for everyone who wants it. The federal government is covering the costs under the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act. If you have Medicare or Medicaid, your vaccine will be paid for by CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid); if you have commercial insurance, you will not have any out-of-pocket costs; if you don’t have insurance, your vaccine is still covered and the providers get reimbursed through the Provider Relief Fund, a pool of money the government distributed to support healthcare workers and hospitals.

3. Where – The Public Health Department and some of the national pharmacies (Walgreens, CVS, Kroger/Safeway) are offering vaccinations. In Ventura County, the easiest way to get an appointment for your first dose is through Schedule your second dose is through

Meanwhile, until the pandemic is controlled, wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands often, and continue to follow the CDC Guidelines.

Patricia Butler Ventura

What happened to the cartoons by Bill Green, I thoroughly enjoyed them?
Chuck Moore

Because of a completely mis-understood cartoon that he did for us he no longer writes for us. He moved to Las Vegas and we have lost contact with him. We miss him because he was very intelligent and a pleasure to be with.


The Ventura City Council will simply let the City Manager do whatever if people (sheepels) don’t care enough to participate in the process.  With City Hall closed to the Public, and City employees WFH, the public is further closed off from the process of local government participation.  Government employees are becoming super elitists.  Very little to no meaningful public attendance to live meetings in a year.  Many people do not know how to interact with Council meetings as many do not know how to use WebEx.  We don’t even know how to properly object to the Water Bill increases with Prop 218.  The City bought out the Breeze (with Ad buys) which was the last remaining independent source of local, independent, and objective news.

George Amandola

The website to obtain the water bill protest is which has a rate protest form.
To contact city council members:
Rubalcava, Sofia Mayor – District 1 [email protected]
Schroeder, Joe Deputy Mayor – District 7 [email protected]
Brown, Lorrie Councilmember – District 6 [email protected]
Friedman, Jim Councilmember – District 5 [email protected]
Halter, Doug Councilmember – District 2 [email protected]
Johnson, Mike Councilmember – District 3 [email protected]
Sanchez-Palacios, Jeannette Councilmember – District 4 [email protected]

[email protected]

I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.
~ George Bernard Shaw

Vol. 14, No. 13 – Mar 24 – April 6, 2021 – Mailbox


In regards to former Mayor Sandy Smith’s March 10th comments about the shortage of water from ground water wells and Lake Casitas, he forgot to mention the many new housing units currently being built in our city. I’m in support of higher rates because of the great service the water company does with limited resources. Also,thanks to the past and present city council members for getting us closer to being like our neighbor city of LA.

Breeze Supporter
Chris Reinhart


To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? Responsibility to vaccinate is individual. Revolving questions to vaccinate or not keeps us stuck in perpetual indecision mode. Such as, will I get sick, will it be effective and for how long, why the need to wear a mask and stay six feet away after vaccinating are on the minds of most. The array of theories highjack’s common sense, creates confusion and fear, leaving us wondering what’s right for us individually and collectively.

Yes, our world has been turned on its ear, for one year! We’ve been living on the edges of survival for longer than anticipated, weathering the fallout from the great pause and pandemic storms of 2020. Even the freedom to hug, gather in crowds, eat indoors, come and go mask less may seem light years away.

The tipping point is in tow and a reality for 2021. History has shown the herd mentality can tip the scales and level out our normal. Learning, changing, growing starts with suiting up, showing up and opening up to new thinking and doing. This allows our perspective to reshape and fill the holes of ignorance with knowledge, understanding and ultimately compassion.

We can no longer afford to ignore the decline even extinction of plant and animal life on earth! Our personal and world views are seen from the vistas and peaks of our minds. We trek our way by way of braving the elementals, environmentally and emotionally then with new eyes watch them transfer change into and onto our everyday life. We are moving towards a new dawning of humanitarianism and by shaking hands with regenerative action, renewal shall surely follow.

Karen Leslie


We appear to be in a rush to vaccinate school employees and teachers to facilitate reopening in the very near future. But I recently learned that schools will close for the summer (late May or June), putting students further behind and directing vaccines to school employees who might not have needed the vax right away given impending summer closures. Given all the other adjustments made during the pandemic how about adopting a year round school schedule for the next year so students can catch up. 

Theresa Stevens Ojai


The only way to combat criminals is by not voting for them.
~ Dayton Allen