Category Archives: Harbor Patrol Blotter

Vol. 10, No. 3 – November 9 – November 22, 2016 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

10-22  8:39pm, while officers were on patrol, they found an elderly male complaining of chest pain.  Officers assisted Ventura Fire, AMR with the male who was eventually transported to local hospital.      
10-23 1:40pm, received a report of a found electric boat in the keys.  Officers responded and took possession of the vessel.  The owner was later identified and retrieved the vessel.               
 10-26 10:00am, received a request for a tow from a disabled vessel near the detached breakwall.  Officers responded and towed the vessel to Ventura boatyard.                 
10-27 1:00am, received a report of an intoxicated female who is acting strange and attempting to gain access to a vessel in VHV.  Officers responded and contacted the reporting party.  He advised she jumped into the water to gain access to private docks in a marina.  After a brief investigation, officers discovered wet footprints and followed them to the vessel the disturbing party was on.  The incident is under investigation.                    
10-28 7:45pm, received a report of a diesel sheen VHV I-dock.  Officers responded and search the marina but were unable to locate the source.

11:55am, received a request to backup Ventura PD who were chasing a subject who jumped in to the ocean near the Ventura Pier.  Officers responded and observed the suspect swim upcoast towards Surfers point in the surfline.  The suspect eventually surrendered and was detained by Ventura PD on the beach near the Crown Plaza hotel.




Vol. 10, No. 2 – October 26 – November 8, 2016 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

10-12 10:10am, received a report of a disabled fishing vessel at the Harbor entrance.  Officers responded and assisted a commercial fishing vessel by towing them to the boatyard for repairs.      
10-14 8:00am, received a report of an oil spill near the Harbor entrance from a vessel entering the Harbor.  Officers responded and observed what appeared to be a patch of engine exhaust soot, no oil was discovered.

10:14pm, received a report of a fuel spill at VIM from vessel assist dispatcher.  Officers responded and found a vessel with red-dye diesel in the bilge but nothing in the water.  Absorbent pads were given to the boat owner and he will take the vessel to the boat yard in the morning to locate the source of the leak.

11:03pm, officers conducted hoop net activity observations.  Three different vessels were warned for various violations of the Harbor ordinance and state fishing and equipment laws.              

10/15 1:07pm, received a report of a water rescue, capsized vessel with 3 persons in the water near Marina Park from a photographer on the beach.  Officers responded with a patrol boat and rescue water craft to the call.  When they arrived on scene, State Parks, Ventura fire and AMR ambulance were also on scene assisting two of the victims on the beach.  The vessel was capsized and the owner was on the boat.                  
10-16  9:54am, due to the thick fog bank that rolled in, officers were patrolling and advising boaters without radar about the large surf and their inability to see in the dangerous conditions.

3:25pm, received complaints of a purse seiner tender in violation of speed and wake laws in the mid area of the harbor.  Officers responded and issued verbal warnings for the violation at the harbor entrance.                 

10-19 12:55pm, while conducting enforcement contacts of two PWC’s at the launch ramp, officers determined that one of the group was overdue.  They responded by vehicle and found the missing person and PWC on the beach near McGrath state beach.  Arrangements were made to remove the PWC and reunite the three persons.                   
10-20 9:15pm, while on patrol, officers contacted two separate vessels for harbor ordinance violations.  The two were engaged in hoop netting outside the harbor.          
10-21 2:21pm, received a report of a vessel possibly in distress anchored outside of Emma Wood campground.  Officers responded and contacted the owner who was on board, but no distress was observed or reported.  


Vol. 9, No. 24 – August 31 – September 13, 2016 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

 8-8 4:30pm, received a report of a disabled vessel with 3 POB’s near Harbor cove beach.  Officers responded and towed an inflatable dinghy and released at VIM
8-9 12:00pm, received a report of a diesel spill near VWM B-dock.  Officers responded, searched the area but were unable to locate the source of the sheen.
8-10 9:20am, received a report of a disabled vessel near the launch ramp.  Officers were on patrol and responded.  They towed the vessel to the fuel dock.
8-11 12-4pm, officers issued multiple warnings to Stand-up paddlers throughout the harbor for no PFD’s (personal floatation device).  It is state law to have a PFD on board any vessel in the harbor.
8-12 10:12pm, while on patrol, officers issued several warnings to different groups on the beach near Surfers Knoll for bon fires.  All subjects cooperated and extinguished their fires and left the beach.

12:26pm, received a request from Ventura PD with assisting an intoxicated individual find his vessel.  Eventually it was determined that the individual was on a large fishing seiner secured in the Harbor Village.  PD escorted the subject to his vessel and released him.

8-13 12:40pm, received a walk-in report of a residence dock in the keys breaking in half from a excited group of individuals.  Officers responded by boat and assisted with securing the dock until it can be repaired.

5:30pm, received a report of two disabled PWC’s near the South Jetty from State Parks lifeguards.  Officers responded and took a 9 year old boy and father aboard.  The two PWC’s were towed to the launch ramp.




1:10pm, officers observed the Santa Clara rivermouth break open near Surfers Knoll, in the same breach in the berm as the last few months.

7:00pm, received a report of subjects following a vehicle into the Ventura YC.  Officers ascertained that the subjects were playing “Pokémon-go” and were warned for trespassing and released.


8-18   9:43am, received a report of an injured male on the beach near the Santa Clara Rivermouth. Officer’s notified dispatch, responded and transported the patient to Surfers Knoll parking lot where AMR and Ventura fire were on scene and treated the patient who was transported to local hospital for evaluation.

9:39pm, received a dispatch to a fire alarm sounding at the Ventura YC.  Officers responded and were unable to find any smoke or fire and reset alarm.


8-19    12:10am, while on patrol in the vehicle, officer’s observed a car driving suspiciously and erratically on Spinnaker Drive near Harbor Cove.  After a brief investigation, officers determined that the four subjects were playing “Pokémon-go.”


8-20    5:00pm, received a report of a water rescue at Surfers Knoll from State Parks lifeguards.  Officer’s responded and assisted a kayaker with lifeguards.




Vol. 9, No. 23 – August 17 – August 30, 2016 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

 7-24  3:06pm, received a report of sailboat in distress near the Surfers Knoll jetty.  Officers responded and assisted a 15ft Capri with 4 POB’s and a dog.  The vessel was towed to safer water and released to continue sailing.

4:20pm, received a report of a disabled PWC outside the harbor with two persons in the water.  Officers responded and pulled the two persons onboard and dewatered, then towed the sinking vessel to the launch ramp.         

7-25  6:49pm, received a dispatch to a traffic accident at Harbor and Olivas Drive.  Officers responded and assisted the victims of the crash.  No injuries were sustained by the drivers so PD took over the investigation.     
7-26 11:16pm, received a dispatch to a fall victim in the Harbor Village.  Officers responded and attempted to treat an intoxicated male transient.  The patient was unruly and eventually arrested by Ventura PD.      
7-27 6:30pm, received a report of a sailboat suffering rigging failure, approximately ½ mile outside the harbor.  Officers responded and escorted a 25ft Catalina sailboat return back to their slip at Ventura Isle Marina under their own power.        
7-30 10:15am, received a report of a kayak sinking and the operator in the water.  Officers responded, pulled the operator out of the water and towed the sinking kayak to the launch ramp.

2:24pm, received a report of a stingray strike from State Parks lifeguards.  Officers responded and assisted the patient who was released at the scene.

11:45pm, while investigating a report of persons attempting to break-into vehicles, a vehicle crashed into the building at 1101 Spinnaker Drive.  An 80 year old female was driving the vehicle and lost control and crashed into the building.


4:30pm, received a report of a boating accident at VHV G-dock.  A large commercial vessel collided with the dock and pilings causing major damage.  .

6:11pm, received a report of a stingray strike from State Parks lifeguards.  Officers responded and treated the injury with hot water.  The patient self-transported to the hospital for further evaluation.


8-2 10:02am, received a report of a sailboat anchored in the surfline from State Parks lifeguards.  Officers responded and located a small sailboat anchored in the surf.  The skipper was advised to move to safer water, further out to sea.

4:23pm, received a dispatch to a traumatic injury at Harbor Cove restrooms.  Officers responded and assisted State Parks, Gold Coast and Ventura fire with a 3 year old girl who ran into a brick wall.  The girl was released on scene and transported by her mother to local hospital for further evaluation.  


  8-3 3:30pm, received a report of a sailboat inside the surf line from State Parks lifeguards.  Officers responded and escorted the sailboat out of the surf zone and into the Harbor.

7:45pm, received a dispatch to an ill person at marina mobile home park.  Assisted AMR and Ventura fire with the patient, she was released at the scene.    

8-4 8:59am, received a dispatch to a medical at the marina mobile home park.  Officers responded and assisted Ventura Fire and AMR, patient was transported to local hospital for further evaluation.

3:39pm, received a dispatch to a water rescue at Greenock lane jetty.  Officers responded and discovered a 31ft sailboat on the rocks at Marina Park.  The skipper was safely taken off the boat by State Parks lifeguards and vessel assist eventually pulled the boat off the beach. 


8-5 10:13pm, received a dispatch to a traumatic injury at Surfers Knoll from FCC.  Officers responded and discovered a local homeless female has fallen and injured her head and hip.  Patrol assisted Ventura fire and AMR with the patient who was transported to local hospital for further evaluation.


8-6 6:15pm, received a request for a tow from a disabled electric boat in the keys.  Officers responded and towed the vessel with 9 persons on board to their dock.

8:45pm, received a dispatch to a person down on Spinnaker drive.  Officers responded and found local female transient but she refused help and denied that she had fallen.  After searching the area, unable to locate any patients.      

8-7  12:16pm, received report of an inbound vessel with a stroke patient.  Officers assisted AMR and Ventura Fire with the patient who was transported from the vessel at patrols longdock to ambulance and taken to local hospital.     





Vol. 9, No. 22 – August 3 – August 16, 2016 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

 7-17 5:03pm, received a dispatch to a water rescue, 2 persons caught in a rip current at Surfers Point.  Officers responded and assisted State Parks lifeguards with the rescue.  The victims were assessed and released at the scene.

5:25pm, received a dispatch to a fall victim at 1583 Spinnaker Drive.  Officers assisted an elderly patient who fell into a thorn bush and transported to local hospital for further evaluation.  

6:06pm, received a report of two capsized kayaks and their operators in the water near Ventura Isle Marina.  Officers responded and pulled the two from the water and returned them to the Dreamer Rentals docks.            

7-18 4:15pm, received a report of a vessel accident at Ventura West Marina.  Officers responded and investigated the incident.

10:58pm, dispatched to a traffic accident on the Santa Clara Bridge.  Officers responded and assisted CHP, Ventura Fire and AMR with a head-on collision.  Major damage to the bridge was sustained but no major injuries to either party.     

7-19 1:38pm, received a dispatch to a stroke patient at the marina mobile home park.  Officers responded and assisted Ventura Fire/AMR with an 88 year old female who was eventually released at the scene after a complete assessment.
7-20 12:13pm, dispatched to a medical at the marina mobile home park.  Officers responded and assisted Fire and AMR with an ill person who was eventually transported to local hospital for further evaluation.

5:05pm, received a report of a vessel accident in the turning basin of the Harbor.  Officers responded and investigated the accident between 2 sailboats.     

7-22 2:46pm, dispatched to an ill person at marina mobile home park.  Officers responded and the incident turned out to be a false alarm.
7-23 10:15pm, dispatched to a medical at marina mobile home park.  Officers responded and assisted Fire and AMR with an ill person.

12:33pm, dispatched to a medical at Harbor Cove beach for an allergic reaction.  Officers responded and the patient was transported to local hospital.



Vol. 9, No. 21 – July 20 – August 2, 2016 – Harbor Patrol Blotter





1:45pm, received a report of two persons in the water in the A-Basin.  Officers responded and assisted two persons back onto their kayaks.

6:34pm, received a report of a sting ray strike from State Parks Lifeguard at Surfers Knoll.  Officers responded, contacted fire dispatch and prepped hot water to treat the injury.  Patient was eventually transported to hospital.



4:15pm, received a dispatch to an unconscious person at 1050 Schooner drive.  Officers responded and assisted Ventura fire and AMR with the patient who was eventually transported to local hospital for further evaluation.





7:20am-3:30pm, observed a 55 gallon barrel with an unknown substance inside.  Officers contacted Ventura fire and eventually the Hazmat team was summoned to help determine what was inside the barrel.  After an investigation the barrel was determined 99% water but to be safe was taken to a hazardous material deposit at the city yard.

1:43pm, received a report of a stingray strike at Surfers Knoll.  Officers responded with hot water to treat the injury.  The patient was transported to their local hospital for further evaluation.










2:30pm, received a report that a fishing vessel was requesting a tow relief and about to enter the harbor.  Officers responded and towed the vessel to its slip in Ventura Harbor Village.

5:05pm, received report of a disabled electric boat near the patrol dock.  Officers responded and towed the vessel to dreamer rentals.

5:50pm, received a report of a fuel spill near VWM D-dock.  Officers responded and found the source of the spill.  The owner of the 52ft vessel was contacted and advised he would mitigate the problem.

7:09pm, received a dispatch to a water rescue at the South jetty.  Officers responded and searched by boat but were unable to locate the victim.  Later, Ventura fire ascertained that the victim had exited the water before our arrival.

10:15pm, received a report of an overdue boater.  After a brief investigation the overdue boaters were safely located.


Vol. 9, No. 20 – July 6 – July 19, 2016 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

6-15 5:12pm, received a dispatch to a traffic accident at Spinnaker and Navigator from FCC.  Officers responded and assisted Ventura Fire, PD, Gold Coast ambulance with the two car collision.  Eight people were treated and four were sent to local hospital for evaluation.


6-16 2:50pm, received a report of a fall victim at the restrooms in the village.  An elderly female slipped in the restrooms.  Officers responded and attempted to assist the patient.  She refused medical care and self-transported to local hospital for evaluation of an injured wrist.



6-17 3:53pm, received a report of a 12 year old girl complaining of sting ray strike from State Parks lifeguards at Harbor Cove lifeguard tower.

5:19pm, received a report of a car accident at Harbor Cove beach parking lot.  Officers responded and found an intoxicated person who attempted to leave the scene.  Ventura PD arrived, investigated and eventually arrested the individual.



6-18 11:48am, received a report of a dismasted sailboat near the South Jetty from State Parks lifeguards.  Officers responded and assisted the disabled vessel.  It was released at the Launch ramp without incident.

9:39pm, received a dispatch to a beach fire from FCC.  Officers responded and assisted Ventura fires extinguish the small fire in the Arundel.  Several juveniles were issued warnings for the violation.



  6-23 10:47pm, received a complaint of a loud party on a boat in Ventura West Marina.  Officers responded and found four people having a conversation on a boat.  A warning was issued for the noise complaint and the party disbanded.
  6-24 8:55pm, received a report of an overdue boater.  After a brief investigation the boater was safely located and in no danger.
  6-26 7:00am, officers assisting with the Breath-of-Life Triathlon: setting swim buoys and assisting with lifeguarding the swim heats.

1:52pm, officers on patrol assisted State Parks with an injured Personal Water Craft operator.  They transported the patient to Harbor Cove beach to be further assessed.

2:07pm, received a report of a dog bite in the Harbor Village near the Hat store.  Officers responded and assisted a young child with a minor injury to their finger.  The child was released to their parents and no further care was needed.

  6-27 3:02pm, received a dispatch to a penetration injury at the Ventura Yacht Club.  Officers responded and assisted a young girl who was stabbed in the foot by the wind indicator from the mast of a sailboat.  The patient was transported to local hospital for further evaluation and care for the puncture.




Vol. 9, No. 19 – June 22 – July 5, 2016 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

6-1 10:45am, while on patrol in the fireboat, officers observed workers conducting major repairs on a motor vessel in A-dock Ventura Isle marina.  A verbal warning for the violations was issued and the crew picked up the debris from the work out of the water.

1:45pm, while on patrol in the vehicle, officers observed a couple walking their dog and not pick up after the animal.  A verbal warning was issued on the condition that the owners grab a pickup mitt and clean up after the dog.  

6-3 6:50am, received a report of large fuel sheen from various marinas throughout the harbor.  Officers search by land and sea but were unable to locate the source of the sheen.

2:10pm, received a report of fuel sheen from a tenant at VIM.  Officers responded and found a heavy sheen near D-dock VIM.  They found the source, a leaking fuel filter that was filling bilge of a vessel.  The owner had mitigated the issue, cleaned his bilge and was issued a verbal warning for the violation.

6:55pm, received a request for a tow from a disabled vessel near the break wall.  Officers responded and assisted the disabled vessel and towed it back to their slip in the timeshare docks.  

6-4 3:15pm, received a report of a disabled vessel outside the harbor in the surf line.  Officers responded and found the 24ft vessel with 2 persons onboard.  The vessel was taken en tow and safely delivered to Ventura West marina.

5:55pm, received a report of a sailboat on the rocks near the Ventura Yacht club.  Officers responded and found the vessel had self-rescued.

6-5 10:00am, received a dispatch to a medical at the marina mobile home park.  Officers responded and assisted City fire and AMR with a 73 year old male complaining of a stroke, he was transported to local hospital for evaluation.

7:25pm, received a report of a local transient trespassing on a boat.  Officers responded and assisted Ventura PD with the call.  The individual was arrested for trespassing and breaking/entering.

9:05pm, received a report of an ill person at Surfers Knoll parking lot.  The patient, a local female transient eventually refused medical attention.  

6-6 4:50pm, received a dispatch to a medical alarm in the marina mobile home park.  Officers responded and assisted a female who had fallen get up.

7:04pm, received a dispatch to an unknown medical at Surfers Knoll parking lot.  Officers responded and found a local female transient complaining of feeling ill.  Ventura PD officers eventually arrested the female for public intoxication after AMR medics determined there were no medical issues.

6-7 7:08am, received a report of a deceased whale on the riprap near Marina Park.  Officers responded and eventually later in the day the whale was towed by Vessel Assist many miles outside the islands.


Vol. 9, No. 18 – June 8 – June 21, 2016 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

5-24 5:30pm, observed marine mammal rescue dragging a large container near Surfers Knoll, offered a ride to the Santa Clara River mouth to the volunteers.  They were unable to locate the reported sick sea lion.

9:07pm, received a dispatch to check the well-being of a tenant of the marina mobile home park.  Officers responded and found a 72 year-old female in no distress, just a misunderstanding with her husband on vacation.     

5-25 9:00am, officers checking new Port District flag pole before installation tomorrow.  The new pole will display small craft/gale/storm advisory flags and advisory lights at night for the boating public.
5-26 1:00pm, received a report of a vessel sinking at its berth in the keys.  Officers responded and found a small vessel on a pneumatic lift sitting low on its stern to drain water and is in no danger of sinking or taking on water.
5-27 6:05pm, received a report of a transient pan-handling near Margarita Villa in the village.  Officers responded and contacted an individual playing guitar with a tip hat.  The individual was warned about the no solicitation ordinance.


5-28 3:37pm, received a report of an electric boat towing skiers in the keys. Officers responded, contacted the operator and issued warnings for several equipment & operating violations.

8:47pm, received a report of a disabled 48ft sailboat requesting assistance docking.  Officers responded and safely secured the vessel into its slip at VHV.

5-29 1:05pm, while on patrol in boat 17, officers assisted State Parks lifeguards with several safety contacts of swimmers in rip currents along South Beach/South Jetty, most of Pierpont and Marina Park.

8:22pm, received a report of intoxicated persons near Milano’s restaurant.  Advised Ventura PD who responded and removed the individuals.

5-30 12:10pm, while on patrol in Boat 19, officers observed a injured person and administered first aid to the Stand-up paddler in the A-basin of the harbor.  The patient was transported to parents waiting at the launch ramp.

4:45pm, while on patrol in the Fireboat, officers received a report of 3 juveniles stranded on the detached breakwall.  Officers responded and rescued the three off the breakwall and reunited them with their family at Marina Park.  The 3 youths hitched a ride with a small vessel to the breakwall.