Category Archives: Home Page Links

No tricks, just treats at Cypress Place Senior Living

Lilly Duarte and Gina Salman of Cypress Place Senior Living present a Halloween banner thanking the staff at Victoria Care Center for all they do.

Cypress Place Senior Living in Ventura has been providing a vibrant, caring environment for their residents since 2003 in a unique, home-like environment.

The beautiful senior living campus features an Active Senior Living community and adjacent Assisted Living and Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care community connected by a lushly landscaped courtyard. Residents are given the chance to realize their dreams and reach new milestones, all within an environment with professional support and care at a time when they need it most.

“Home is the place we long for at the end of the day, the place that holds all we love and everything we cherish,” said Gina Salman, executive director of Cypress Place Senior Living. “We strive to honor that feeling of ‘being home’ every day here at Cypress Place.”

In addition to serving their residents, Cypress Place has a long history of giving back to the local community: whether it be collecting suitcases for kids in the foster care program, hosting an annual “Health & Wealth” expo geared towards seniors, creating a scholarship fund for local high school students wanting to pursue a college degree, hosting workshops on how to avoid senior scams, or honoring Veterans at their annual “Salute Our Veterans” event, the senior community is always looking to help.

Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus this year, and the subsequent stay-at-home orders, the senior community has had to cancel their annual “Health and Wealth” expo and “Salute Our Veterans” events for 2020.

But that hasn’t slowed the senior community from continuing to look for ways to reach out. Wanting to recognize healthcare partners in the county, Cypress Place recently delivered a decorated banner and Halloween treats for the nurses and staff at local skilled nursing Victoria Care Center.

“Victoria Care Center is one of our community partners that is truly on the front lines of protecting a very frail and at-risk population, said Salman. “The work they do is vital, and the challenges they face are enormous. “We wanted to do something for their staff, to show our appreciation.”

“We can’t thank Cypress Place enough for their sign of support for our nurses and staff,” said Ryan Goldbarg, administrator at Victoria Care Center. “The fact that they would take the time to support us is really a wonderful treat.”

Cypress Place has delivered other signs of support, including to local hospital partners, and continues to look to be a positive force in the community.

To learn more about Cypress Place Senior Living of Ventura, visit their web site at, or call 805-650-8000.

To learn more about Victoria Care Center, visit their web site at, or call 805-642-1736.

CAPS Media continues to produce informative programming

The CAPS team covers a County COVID 19 Update.

The COVID crisis has not slowed down CAPS Media from continuing to produce informative programming for the City and County. Every week CAPS crews record the County’s COVID-19 updates and following the press conference, edit and distribute the valuable information in English and Spanish. The updates can be viewed on the County website at and on the CAPS Media website –

For the City of Ventura, CAPS has recently produced a series of videos for the Ventura Police Department and are in the final stages of producing a set of environmental and education videos for the City produced at the City garden. In addition, CAPS crews are currently in production on a second set of docent directed tours of the Olivas Adobe. This series captures the essence of the annual Candlelight Tour of the historic setting. Due to COVID restrictions the popular tours are not open to the public. In response, CAPS is collaborating with City staff to reimagine and capture the essence of the magical holiday celebrations that took place at the Olivas Adobe more than a century ago.

With Ventura Unified School District cautiously reopening and some students returning to the classroom, CAPS is opening the media center to the remarkably talented ECTV students in the award-winning El Camino High School communications program. The ECTV crew will return to the CAPS Media Center once a week, with all appropriate COVID protocols in place, to continue their media education studies and production of a variety of programs of particular interest to the teenagers. Included in the mix are additional profiles chronicling the Chicano activism movement of the past with participants who experienced the awareness-raising, cultural events in the Chicano Moratorium of 1970.

For the County, in addition to the COVID updates, CAPS crews are producing a set of videos for the Ventura County Medical Center to promote the nationally recognized and award winning medical residency program. For the Ventura County Fire Department, CAPS crews are creating an engaging and informative series of kitchen safety videos targeted to children. And for the County Registrar, as a follow-up to the series of voter information and educational videos CAPS produced for the office, CAPS is developing an in-depth program that will document the unprecedented efforts by the County to design, develop and coordinate the massive and tremendously successful vote-by-mail election effort for residents of Ventura County. The program is expected to include interviews with county officials, election workers and voters, and is planned to air on Channel 6 and 15, broadcast on CAPS Radio KPPQ 104.1 and be available on the CAPS Media website –

By the time this issue of The Breeze hits the street, the 2020 Election will be done. However at the time of publication, the results were not known. CAPS wants to thank and congratulate all of the local candidates for Ventura City Council areas 2, 3 and 7, and for the Ventura Unified Board Member representation for area 3. We appreciate your assistance during the campaign to work with us to record your candidate statements. More importantly, we thank you for your unselfish contribution to our community.

Due to the COVID-19 emergency the CAPS Media Center is closed to Members and the public until further notice. CAPS Member/Producers can submit programming via the online portal at for broadcast and streaming on CAPS public access television Channel 6 and on CAPS Radio KPPQ 104.1FM.

All of us at CAPS Media hope everyone is Staying Safe and Healthy during this challenging time.

Our Ventura TV

MB Hanrahan, Sandra Siepak, Monique Nowlin, Juan Mancera, Michelle Hoover, Mary Christine Ballestero and George Alger Our Ventura TV team.

The award-winning weekly talk show, “Our Ventura TV” continues producing its weekly programming via the zoom platform during Covid 19. The entire team at “Our Ventura TV” is bringing interesting stories to the local Ventura community on Ventura cable channel 6 TV and online. To be a guest on the show just click ‘contact’ on to get scheduled.

Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation’s Gold Ribbon Campaign honors locals

Summaer Cole encouraged the police department to be a community “hub” for donations of Easter baskets and toys.

This year, Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation (TBCF) will be honoring The Lilley Family and Summaer Cole and Susie Perry from Ventura. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the annual in-person Gold Ribbon Campaign Luncheon has been cancelled. This year, the Campaign is solely focused on raising funds and awareness for the organization and the families they serve.

COVID-19 is creating even greater challenges for local families battling childhood cancer. Community support has made it possible for TBCF to provide additional financial assistance to 31 local families who have been severely affected by the pandemic. TBCF is proud of this year’s honorees for their esteemed efforts in helping children facing cancer both before and during COVID-19.

The Lilley Family will be receiving the Pay-it-Forward Award. After their son, Brad Jr. beat cancer, they wanted to give back to children who continue to fight their battle.

Summaer Cole and Susie Perry will receive the Helping Hands Award because of the countless hours they have spent directly helping TBCF families in Ventura County. These extraordinary women have delivered food to TBCF families, provided holiday gifts for TBCF kids, and this year delivered mother and father day baskets to local families who have been during quarantine. With their combined efforts, they have collected literally carloads of Thanksgiving food and Christmas toys from the community and have helped deliver these items to Ventura County Family homes.

Summaer Cole, with the help of her husband who works for Ventura Police Department, encouraged the police department to be a community “hub” for donations of Easter baskets and toys last year. The Ventura Police Department delivered 140 Easter baskets. Additionally, she set-up Ventura Fire Department deliveries of Easter baskets to family homes.

Susie Perry has courageously battled cancer on and off since she began volunteering with TBCF. Still, whether in treatment or not, she has worked with Summaer to deliver gifts to Ventura County families.

TBCF advocates for families living in Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo counties that have a child with cancer by providing financial, educational, and emotional support. For more information and to donate


Helping out people through Angel Flight West

Initially, Moorhouse had wanted to join the Air Force.

by Carol Leish

Jeff Moorhouse said that he learned how to fly since he had a lot of business across the western states that he needed to get to, along with many different conferences in various areas to go to. And, at first, he had to drive long distances to get to various places. Then, according to him, “I started flying for Angel Flight West, which I’ve been doing for over five years now, because I wanted more of a purpose of flying besides just flying to my own meetings and conferences.”

Initially, Moorhouse had wanted to join the Air Force. As his current career as a certified financial planner progressed over time, he began to take flying lessons on his own. After having flown as a student pilot, he became a private pilot. Now, he’s an instrument rated pilot with over 1,000 miles of flying.

“Everyday Angel Flight West is flying about 20 missions,” according to Moorhouse. “These missions deal with a variety of medical needs, which are mainly dealing with flying patients to their appointments dealing with cancer treatments. This includes flying women to get treatment for breast cancer treatments.” October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. “We had just recently (mid-September), gotten back to flying patients to their medical appointments, because of restrictions due to COVID-19. In April, it had stopped since it was viewed as unsafe for the pilot and the patient to be in an enclosed area.”

“Angel Flight West, has been flying, almost on a daily basis, since March, PPE (personal protective equipment), to rural destinations and to underserved areas,” according to Moorhouse. “Also, we pick up blood, which is important for blood banks. This includes flying it to a processing center in San Bernardino. Processing and delivering blood are important for blood banks and rural communities since it takes time to process the blood. In fact, after the mudslides in Montecito, I flew blood from Oxnard to San Luis Obispo.”

“We love to fly, and we want to help,’ is one of the mottos of Angel Flight West. Their mission is: ‘Sometimes the road to health is a runway. If the care you need is far from home, Angel Flight West can help.” For further information, call (310) 390-2958; email: [email protected]; or, go to

Email Political Hell—A Survivor’s Story

By Ivor Davis

I will be glad—no make that—overjoyed—when The Election is over.

I have been buried alive—and I’m not exaggerating– by a daily avalanche of beseeching political emails.

Others may be familiar with this particular nightmare?

Overwhelming is the daily bombardments of emails about leaky guts, toenail fungus, and now  assorted messages calling me “Dear Patriot” (I love tea—but am not too fond of ultra conservative Tea Party) plus a variety of big names who have begun to  assault me during this excessive and overheated political season.

We are in the midst of a huge—-and I mean huge—attack of the emails morning noon and in the middle of the night.  That ceaseless barrage  is relentless:   reprimanding—even scolding me — because I fail to respond to their non stop missives and exhortations during this election season.

While we all worry about coping with the coronavirus in this Twilight Zone of a  world we find ourselves living in,  it appears that many respected figures of the 21st century have found time to rap me on the knuckles.

“I am deeply disappointed in you Ivor” wrote former President Barack Obama. Today he followed up with, “Whatever you’ve done so far…it’s not enough.”

Even Michelle weighed in but with a more softer approach.

And it continues relentlessly. Barbra Streisand,  (who I could seldom get to agree to an interview during my Hollywood reporting days) along with Joni Mitchell, and assorted other member of showbiz crowd,  also took time out of their busy day to reiterate my abysmal failure to respond to their earlier emails. (Honestly, let me confess that even  in this era of CV, I’m not sitting at home twiddling my thumbs or stroking my overgrown beard.  I  have been very busy. Honestly.)

“Can we count on you Ivor,” they echo, as I stay up all night wondering why all of a sudden I have become such an important guy and why they need to count on little old me—tucked away in the comfort of Ventura– when there are 326 million others to badger!

As election day draws perilously closer, they have identified me as a much in demand political oracle.  It appears that pollsters and decision makers cannot go another day unless I weigh in. Flattering, of course, but until recently they never bothered to call or email or text. (Let’s not get into texts, please.) Or even send a birthday card.

Of course, I’m no dummy. After asking me about the Supreme Court nominee, or the fate of  Obamacare, or the best Greek island to go fishing– above all –it seems—(surprise, surprise) they want my money. Not millions like Mr. Bloomberg—but a mere $5—or maybe more.

I realize that I did blunder when I opened those donation gate emails and  contributed to selected political candidates of my choice.  Now everyone wants a slice of the Davis pie!

Full disclosure:   I have always voted Democrat.  But somehow the Republicans—also twigging to the fact  that I may be a man of wit, savoire faire and credit card, and possibly not realizing that I prefer Rachel Maddow to Judge Judy, or is it Judge Jeanine, and that I still think Fauci is a good guy, began targeting me. Indeed I confess, I did open the opposition emails, because my thinking was:  it’s always intriguing to see what the other side’s strategy is.

In an effort to end it all,  I just sent the Republican Party a firm note requesting that they cease and desist sending me their messages, and pointing out that after half a century of living and voting in the United States (after leaving Britain my country of birth) I– like my next door neighbor’s elderly Dalmatian— am not about to change my spots.

Sheila Lowe has testified as an expert witness in dozens of cases.

And yes, she has analyzed the Beatles’ handwriting.

by James Gray

When Sheila Lowe arrived from England at the end of 1963 she was a fourteen-year-old Beatlemaniac, writing stories about the Fab Four. Her school friends loved to read them, but they were a long way from the Forensic Handwriting suspense series she writes today. And even further from her Beyond the Veil paranormal suspense. But writing fiction is her ‘side hustle.’

More than fifty years ago as a senior at Anaheim High, Sheila got her start in the career that would last a lifetime. Her boyfriend’s mother had read some books about handwriting and personality and, wanting to see what kind of girl her son was dating, analyzed Sheila’s. The resulting insights instantly got her hooked, and as a shy teenager, her budding skills gave her an ‘in’ at parties, where she analyzed the handwriting of her friends and their dates. For the next ten years, she prowled the library and local bookstores for information, took formal courses, and eventually became certified in the field.

After practicing for nearly twenty years, Sheila got a call from an attorney who wanted her to testify in a forgery case that was going to court. When she protested that she didn’t know anything about forgeries, the attorney asked, “Do you know about handwriting?” When she said she certainly did, he talked her into testifying. The rest is now ancient history. Today, Sheila still does personality assessment with companies in the hiring process, as well as working with individuals, but she specializes in authenticating handwriting—forensic handwriting examination—and has testified as an expert witness in dozens of cases.

Upon moving from Valencia to Ventura in 2004, Sheila felt as though she had come home. She wanted to get involved in the community, but only knew two people, so right away, she joined the Ventura Chamber and the Ventura County Professional Women’s Network (VCPWN), where she soon was appointed to the board of directors and made some wonderful friends. Two of the fourteen years she spent as a member of the VCPWN board were as president.

Although it was her work in the field of handwriting that paid the bills, Sheila had always loved reading mysteries and wanted to publish one. When she heard coach Bill Osgood speak at a Chamber meeting about how to attain your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal), she hired him to help with hers. She had started writing her first book, Poison Pen, back in 1999, but had set it aside, unfinished. Then, in 2000, an unthinkable tragedy struck. Her twenty-seven year-old daughter, Jennifer, became the victim in a murder-suicide, killed by boyfriend, Tom, a federal agent. Ironically, at his request, Sheila had analyzed his handwriting and discovered red flags for potentially dangerous behavior. The three of them discussed the difficulties that might arise in the relationship, but Jennifer was too much in love to listen, and a few months later, they were both dead.

So, taking out the manuscript and finishing the book gave Sheila something else to think about when her mind was filled with sadness. For several years, she tried to get the book published, but it wasn’t until those coaching sessions with Bill Osgood that everything fell into place. Penguin picked up the first four books, and number eight, Dead Letters, will be released later in 2020. They’re all audiobooks, too. Sheila teaches an online course in handwriting analysis and has published six books about handwriting psychology. She has her own software, and when the media calls with a celebrity handwriting, is with an opinion. And yes, she has analyzed the Beatles’ handwriting.



It’s Election Season and as always, CAPS Media is actively engaged. Recently, CAPS crews produced a series of Video Voter 2020 information segments with candidates for the Ventura City Council and the Ventura Unified School District Board. Each candidate was given 2 minutes to present a general statement and then asked to respond to three specific questions from CAPS moderators. Candidates for City District 2 are Doug Halter, Dougie Michie and Christie Weir; District 3 candidates are Barbara Brown, Aaron Gaston, William Cornell and Mike Johnson; District 7 candidates are Heather May Ellinger, Nancy Pedersen, Joe Schroeder and Michael James Nolan. VUSD Area 3 candidates are Jackie Moran and Amy Callahan. The Video Voter series airs on Channel 6 and streams on CAPS Media and on social media thoughout the election season. Broadcast times for City Council candidates include Thursday Oct 8th at noon, Friday at 9am, Saturday at 5pm and Sunday at 8pm. VUSD Video Voter statements air Thursday the 8th at 7pm, Friday at 8pm, Saturday at 9:30p and Sunday at 6pm. Check the schedule found on for more dates and times.

The CAPS team is also collaborating with the League of Women Voters in staging and distributing a series of candidate forums and voter information discussions, all of which are airing and streaming on CAPS Media outlets.

CAPS Media board member Kathy Good is producing and hosting a series of voter information programs for her “In The Women’s Room” radio show which airs on CAPS Radio KPPQ 104.1 at 8am on Mondays and 2pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Kathy’s in-depth and informative interviews with officials and experts explore a wide range of issues pertaining to Ventura County elections. Elizabeth Rodeno, CAPS Media program director, stated: “Kathy is absolutely awesome. Her interviews are always engaging, personal and informative. Kathy is a treasure for KPPQ and all of Ventura.”

The remarkable and resourceful ECTV students in the El Camino High School media program at CAPS Media, are producing a series of historic interviews exploring the Chicano activist movements of the past with participants who experienced the awareness-raising, cultural events in the Chicano Moratorium of 1970. Due to the COVID-19 realities, the interviews are recorded in a hybrid-zoom format, in English and Spanish, with guests isolated in the CAPS Media studio and students conducting the interviews from their homes. The programs will air on both Channel 15 and on CAPS Radio KPPQ at 104.1 and streaming on the MyTuner app and hosted on the KPPQ Podcast network.

For Ventura County, CAPS crews continue to cover the weekly COVID-19 updates in English and Spanish. The updates can be viewed on the County website at and on the county’s social media pages. In addition CAPS Media is producing a series of voter awareness videos to inform the public on the election process. The key message is that Voting By Mail is safe and secure. In fact, Ventura County has been using Vote By Mail for years – and it has always been safe and secure. Due to COVID-19 precautions, this year every registered voter in the county is receiving a ballot in the mail. Ballots were mailed on Friday, October 2nd and should be arriving in your mailbox by mid-October. If a voter does not receive a ballot, has questions whether or not they are registered to vote, want to know how to return their ballot or have any other questions, they can find all the answers at

Due to the COVID-19 emergency the CAPS Media Center is closed to Members and the public until further notice. CAPS Member/Producers can submit programming via the online portal at for broadcast and streaming on CAPS public access television Channel 6 and on CAPS Radio KPPQ 104.1FM.

All of us at CAPS Media hope everyone is Staying Safe and Healthy during this challenging time.

Remember – Please Vote! This is your opportunity to share your views and let your voice be heard.

Dean Drive residents implore City to install speed humps to mitigate speeding traffic

Aaron Gaston candidate for City Council in District 3 joined the gathered residents.

by Richard Lieberman

“We are here to make our street safer,” stated John Coffman. Speaking to a crowd of Dean Drive residents who have been concerned about speeding cars, accidents and what they believe to be unsafe conditions on their street.

The residents are looking for the City to install speed humps on a stretch of Dean Drive to slow down passing vehicles. Speed humps are different than the speed bumps we are all accustomed to. Speed humps are about 4 feet wide and gradually raise to impede speeding vehicles.

“We have speeds on this street that range from 40 to 70 miles per hour,” said Coffman. The City has already installed a stop sign and two radar devices that display the speed of an approaching vehicle. To John and supporters, it is not enough to keep motorists from regularly speeding through the neighborhood. They believe that installing the “humps” is the best response to slow drivers down.

Ventura Police Department statistics show that from 2005 to 2015 there were 770 tickets issued for speeding on Dean Drive. “That represents five percent of all tickets issued in the city,” added Coffman. “That is out of 17,700 tickets issued city wide,” he said. Adding Coffman said, “The length of this road is about three quarters of a mile there is about 700 miles of roads in the city, we are about one tenth of one percent,” he added. “We want them (the police) to write more tickets to get the speed down, but enforcement has stopped,” Coffman said.

From May 1st to June 20, fifty-three days that showed about five thousand vehicles traveling at 36 miles per hour or greater, six hundred vehicles were traveling at 40 miles per hour faster and one going seventy-two miles per hour. The data was compiled by city traffic engineer and collected from the radar signs already installed.

“We had a pretty bad accident about four weeks ago and it was a hit and run driver, guy came through here fast and hit a car,” Coffman said. “The police department won’t enforce it any more they have other priorities,” he added. “It would cost the city about $25,000 to install speed humps,” he added.

Aaron Gaston candidate for City Council in District 3 joined the gathered residents “you all need to contact the city manager we really need to get this fixed.” Gaston said.

Attending residents agree they want to see either enhanced enforcement or speed humps installed. Doing both enhanced enforcement and installing speed humps would curtail speeding on the block and achieve the goal bringing traffic safety to the neighborhood.

Celebrating 10 years of producing senior events

Back for its 10th year, Golden Future Expos is going virtual with the All Things Senior Virtual Expo Series! COVID-19 will not stop us from connecting with Ventura County Baby Boomers and Seniors.

This virtual series was created specifically for SoCal Baby Boomers and Seniors to safely from the comfort of their home, explore options and resources available for retirement, learn about new products and services, and connect with others who share the same goal of healthy aging. The series will showcase a vast range of exhibitors from industries such as healthcare, financial services, legal matters, travel and recreation, home and garden, mobility devices, government programs, diet and exercise, Social Security, Medicare, and more! Attendees can also expect live entertainment, health surveys, job and volunteer opportunities, online bingo, raffles, giveaways, meet & greet, and educational seminars from industry experts.

The 2020 ALL Things Senior Virtual Expo schedule is as follows:

Ventura County Edition: October 23rd – October 24th

Los Angeles County Edition: November 6th – November 7th

Orange County Edition: November 20th – November 21st

Inland Empire Edition: December 4th – December 5th

Toyia Moore, Event Director with Golden Future Expos Inc. says, “With no admission fee, these two-day online events feature a who’s who of those who offer goods and services to the 50+ market. The objective is to safely provide Baby Boomers and Seniors with information and resources that they may not be aware of or have access to during this pandemic. Best of all, participants only need Internet Access, and a Computer or Laptop (or their phone) to be a part of this terrific event!” Attendees can go directly to to register!

The All Things Senior Virtual Expo Series provides sponsors and exhibitors the opportunity to meet safely from the comfort of their home or office with attendees. In order to reserve your virtual exhibit space, please contact the Sales Team directly at 805-716-3303 or via e-mail at [email protected].