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CAPS Media 2020 – 2021

The 2020 CAPS Media Annual Report is available on the CAPS Media website for those who want to take a quick trip down memory lane. Go to and click on the documents link.

The COVID-19 pandemic presented considerable challenges for the CAPS Media team throughout the year and a half, however despite the obstacles CAPS Media crews covered more than 200 live meetings, totaling more than 430 hours. City related meetings include City Council, Design Review Committee, Economic Development Strategy Committee, Historic Preservation, Measure O Oversight, Mobile Home Rent Review Board, Safe and Clean and Homeless Committee. CAPS Media broadcasts and streams many of these meetings live on CAPS Media Channel 15 and on the CAPS Media website – Rebroadcast meetings exceed 580 meetings and 1600 hours.

During the past 18 months CAPS Media video crews have been producing more than 220 individual informational videos, including monthly Mayor updates, videos from other City Council Members, Ventura Police and Ventura Fire and educational tours of Olivas Adobe. For the 2020 elections CAPS Media produced its’ Video Voter program featuring city council and school board candidates as well as informative videos on ballot initiatives.

Throughout the COVID crisis CAPS worked with County staff on live weekly COVID updates, as well as informative, educational, and instructional videos for the Ventura County Medical Center.

CAPS Media’s KPPQ Radio crew continued providing the community with 24×7 creative, original, locally produced, non-commercial programming. The resourceful KPPQ DJs continued producing high-quality, innovative programming in their home studios week in and week out. The local crew’s original programs combined with specially selected licensed programs fueled distribution 24×7 on KPPQ 104.1fm and stream worldwide on and myTuner Radio.

KPPQ has trained more than 100 member/producers; produced more than 600 hours of original music shows and more than 300 hours of Ventura Community talk show programs.

CAPS Media staff educator Phil Taggart continued to mentor El Camino High School students in the award-winning ECTV media education program. A student internship and career pathways program, the students write, direct, host and edit magazine-style programs on a variety of topics Student addressed the issues drug abuse and discrimination to racial prejudice and more in their self-titled ECTV series.

The CAPS Media Annual includes introductions to the CAPS Media Staff: Evan Carpenter, Jamie Cawelti, Patrick Davidson, Jorge Godinez, Donald McConnell, Manny Reynoso, Elizabeth Rodeno, Gary Roll, Phil Taggart and Alex Uvari. And introduce the dedicated CAPS Media Board of Directors: Cliff Rodrigues, Chairperson, Darryl Dunn, Vice Chairperson/Treasurer, Kathleen Good, Secretary, Pam Baumgardner, Michael Velthoen, Cathy Peterson, Bill Schneider, Ashley Bautista for the County, Heather Sumagaysay and Barry Fisher, for the City of Ventura, Marieanne Quiroz, VUSD, and Tim Harrison and Lisa Putnam, Ventura College.

The California Recall Election is in full swing and every registered voter is encouraged to cast their ballot. For information on voter registration go to or call 805-654-2664. Mailed in ballots must be postmarked, placed in a dropbox or delivered to a polling place by 8 pm on September 14.

All of us at CAPS Media encourage everyone to get vaccinated. The sooner we are all vaccinated the sooner we can fully enjoy our beautiful community, and the sooner we can reopen the CAPS Media Center to our Members and the public. Our thanks to everyone for continuing to Stay Safe and Stay Strong.

Community Memorial Hospital’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program certified by industry leader

Community Memorial Health System is proud to announce the certification of its Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). This certification recognizes Community Memorial Health System’s (CMHS) commitment to improving patients’ quality of life by enhancing standards of care.

Pulmonary rehabilitation programs that include exercise, education, counseling and support for patients and their families help people with pulmonary problems so they can recover faster and live healthier.

CMHS serves patients with chronic lung diseases like COPD, asthma and pulmonary fibrosis, and offers the only Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program in Ventura County. Patients in the program receive exercise time and classroom time with book learning as well as learning from guest speakers like a physical therapist, occupational therapist, dieticians, and social services workers.

“As a respiratory care practitioner, it’s a really rewarding thing to see when patients walk in frightened and so breathless, and they walk out much more confident and able to do more. We facilitate, but they do the hard work,” said Juanita Trine, RRT-NPS, and the program’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation Coordinator.

To earn accreditation, CHMS’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program participated in an application process that required extensive documentation of the program’s practices. AACVPR Program Certification is the only peer-review accreditation process designed to review individual programs for adherence to standards and guidelines developed and published by AACVPR and other related professional societies. Each program’s application is reviewed by the AACVPR Program Certification Committee and certification is awarded by the association’s Board of Directors.

“Certification guarantees our patients that we are following best practices, nationwide, not just locally. We are looking closely at outcomes so we can say, ‘yes, our patients are feeling better’ when they leave us and we can say that with facts and figures to back us up,” Trine said.

Founded in 1985, the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to reducing morbidity, mortality and disability from cardiovascular and pulmonary disease through education, prevention, rehabilitation, research and disease management, and improving the quality of life for patients and their families.

Middle and high school teachers needed for new grant-funded program.

Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) has been awarded a three year NOAA Bay-Watershed and Training Grant Award for the implementation of a new and exciting environmental science program titled ‘Ventura River Action Network (V-RAN) in partnership with the MERITO Foundation and with additional support from the U.C. Davis Center for Community and Citizen Science and Ventura Water.  

The V-RAN program is an adaptation of MERITO Foundation’s EECCOA program for VUSD science teachers and focuses on monitoring and restoring the Ventura River Watershed to support the removal of the Matilija Dam. This work will be done in collaboration with local and state environmental organizations.  

V-RAN will provide free professional development field training, webinars, and science curriculum and stipends to eight science teachers per school year and live and virtual environmental monitoring experiences for their 600-750 middle and high school students at Ventura River watershed and coast. The program will also include a STEM competition called ‘the EECCOA Challenge’ for students to design methods to reduce the environmental footprint of their school campus, with cash prizes for the authors of top projects. 

The 158-foot-high Matilija Dam blocks a tributary of the Ventura River about 16 miles from the Pacific Ocean. Built in 1947, the dam has outlived its usefulness, and sediment fills almost its entire reservoir. With support from state and private funding, including the Open Rivers Fund program of Resources Legacy Fund, local stakeholders are working with dam owner Ventura County Watershed Protection District to plan, design, and finance the dam’s removal. The removal of the Matilija Dam will benefit the community by addressing old, out-of-date infrastructure, expanding outdoor recreation opportunities, restoring habitat for steelhead trout, and enabling needed sediment to move downstream to beaches. 

VUSD is now recruiting eight middle and high school science teachers to participate in the V-RAN 2021-2022 program. For more details or information on enrolling, contact Bret Klopfenstein, VUSD Science Specialist at [email protected], or [email protected]

Her love for volleyball lead her to become a certified volleyball referee

Volleyball is her passion.

Colleen Garner is a volleyball fanatic. It all started in the 8th grade when she asked her mother to enroll her in the famous Al Scates Volleyball Camp in Santa Barbara.

Colleen was born in Burbank but lived in many San Fernando Valley cities. She attended John Burroughs High School and Glendale College where she played on the volleyball team.

She continued to play volleyball (her passion) after college and in 1982 was part of a co-ed team that won the national tournament. Hooked with the game she played everywhere she could night and day.

While growing up she visited relatives in Ventura for many many years and fell in love with the city. In May of this year, she made Ventura her permanent.

Her love for volleyball lead her to become a certified volleyball referee over 30-years ago. She first refereed with the San Fernando Valley Unit. And now the Channel Coast Unit where she referees high school and adult leagues. She referees throughout the area and looks forward to local high school’s starting their volleyball season so that she can referee here also.

She explained “We need to take continuing referee courses because volleyball is an unusual sport because the rules are constantly changing.” She needs to receive a yearly certificate to continue refereeing where they need to pass a 100-question exam.

Professionally she has worked for Body By Jake and other positions.

Many people watching the Olympics’ volleyball wondered why there was one player wearing different colors and was smaller than most of the other players so we asked Colleen to explain.

“Libero” is a back row defensive specialist, who has impeccable ball control skills and quick to get balls up and allows exciting plays to continue.  They were added to international competition in 1998. NCAA women’s volleyball incorporated them into the game in 2002 and high school started utilizing them in the 2006-2007 season.”

The Libero wears a contrasting color from the other players uniform so the official can see them clearly on the court.  They are never allowed to rotate into the front row.  A great addition to the game!”

A multi-tasking lady, besides her refereeing Colleen also has her own business “Call Colleen” (818-669-9083) where she provides whatever services one needs including errands grandchild care, pet care and other personal assistant services. She also manages to work part-time at Annie’s Portside apparel & clothing located at Portside Ventura Harbor.

Note: In her left hand is an electric whistle that is necessary because of the wearing of COVID masks while officiating. 

Vol. 14, No. 25 – Sept 8 – Sept 21, 2021 – Harbor Patrol Blotter


7:33am, received a report of car vandalism near Surfers Knoll parking lot. Officers investigated and found the word “Donkeys” written in surf wax on windows of the vehicle. No other damage or the perpetrator were found.


10:50am, received report of a water rescue, surfer in distress at the South Jetty. Officers responded in Fireboat 1 to assist a surfer who was caught in a rip current. The victim refused assistance, officers escorted to Harbor Cove.

2:15pm, received report of stingray strike at Harbor Cove. Officers obtained and delivered hot water to State Parks lifeguards for treatment of puncture wound.


10:35am, due to film shoot & excellent surfing conditions, observed a high volume of vehicles searching for parking around the village and beach parking lots. Officers assisted with opening closed lots & directing traffic to open spots.

11:33am, received request for hot water from State Parks Lifeguards for preventative actions for sting ray strikes at Harbor Cove, delivered hot water.


12:18pm, while on patrol in Rescue B-19, observed a boat club vessel in violation of speed and wake ordinance near the mid harbor area. Warnings and education of local laws and safety inspection were conducted.

2:02pm, dispatched to a stingray strike at Harbor Cove from State Parks lifeguards. Officers responded with hot water to treat the puncture wound.

11:20pm, received report of a female transient screaming at people. Officers responded and observed the subject running away onto the beach. Attempts to locate the subject on the beach and determine wellness were unsuccessful.


1:23am, observed and contacted a large group of juveniles loitering with their vehicles near Harbor Cove. After repeated requests to leave, the group departed.

3:53am, while on patrol, officers observed graffiti on the Harbor Cove restrooms and lifeguard tower, likely scrawled by the large group of juveniles from earlier.


9:01pm, observed an RV driving around aimlessly around the harbor parking lots. Officers contacted and the female drive advised her brakes don’t work. She asked if we had a cup of tea. Educated about camping ordinance.


4:52pm, dispatched to a vehicle shearing off a fire hydrant in front of the Ventura Yacht Club. Officers responded in vehicle and found the hydrant but unable to locate vehicle. Ventura Fire secured water flowing from the hydrant.


9:35am, officers assisting Ventura PD with contacting and mapping transient camp sites in the Santa Clara Riverbottom to remove the campers.

4:25-5:05pm, received two separate reports of stingray strikes from State Parks at Harbor Cove. Officers responded with hot water to treat the puncture wounds. One of the patients was struck on both left and right feet. Strikes are painful.

10:04pm, received a report of loud music near the Harbor Cove Café. Officers responded and found a group of 50+ bicyclists in the Harbor Cove parking lot dancing and frolicking. The group apologized and began to gather their bikes.


9:10am, officers proctoring 500-meter tryout swim for a Ventura Harbor Patrol Officer I position in the Pierpont Basin from the Fireboat for a few participants.


9:00am, officers proctoring another 500-meter swim for Ventura Harbor Patrol officer I. Five candidates completed the process so far.

1:01pm, Received report from State Parks of a disabled vessel in the swim area at Harbor Cove. Officers responded in Rescue B-17, assisted TowBoat US.


5:16pm, received report of a disabled skiff in front of State Parks Headquarters. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19, found the skiff anchored as reported. The skipper was taken onboard and the small craft was towed to the launch ramp.





Seaside Highland Games cancelled

It is with deep regret the Board of Directors for the Seaside Highland Games is compelled to announce that the 2021 Games will not take place.​

Although the Board worked diligently with the Ventura County Fairgrounds to seek ways to hold the 2021 Games, the options presented by the Fairgrounds eliminated our access to major portions of the Fairground’s parking and event facilities. After much discussion, the Board determined that, given the significant limitations currently mandated by the Fairgrounds, it would not be possible to hold Games that would in any way provide the level of entertainment and quality of experience Seaside has proudly delivered for the past 17 years.​

While this is an extremely disappointing result of careful and time-consuming negotiations, the Board has been assured that the Fairgrounds intend to return to full access for 2022. Accordingly, the Board is committed to providing an outstanding games experience and will be back next October the 8th and 9th for a triumphant return.

Home Energy Savings Toolkits

Javier Saucedo of Ventura County’s Green Business Program will visit the Hill Road Library at 1pm on Thursday, September 23, to explain and demonstrate the contents of the DIY Home Energy Savings Toolkits currently available for lending from Ventura County Library locations.

3C-REN and the Ventura County Library have partnered to create the DIY Home Energy Savings Toolkit. The toolkit includes tools, equipment, and a guide to help you save energy and increase the comfort of your home. There are items for you to keep, like LED light bulbs, outlet gaskets, weatherstripping, and water leak detection dye tablets; and tools to return, like an infrared laser thermometer and a Kill-A-Watt meter. Join this event for a demo of the kit, to ask your questions, and to learn about other sustainability programs in your area.

Javier Saucedo joined the construction trade in 1990, continuing until 2006 when he became an energy conservation specialist working with SoCalGas, SCE, and California weatherization programs. He currently leads the County’s Green Business Program, performs residential and commercial energy audits, and oversees quality control on energy saving upgrades.

This event is free and open to the public. For additional information, contact Linda Cherry, Librarian, at (805) 677-7180.

The Hill Road Library is located at 1070 S. Hill Road in Ventura, CA. Hours of service are 10am to 6pm Monday through Wednesday, 12pm to 6pm Thursday and Friday, and 10am to 2pm on Saturday.

11th Annual Backpack Gift~Away was huge success!

This year’s theme was Pirates & Mermaids!

Kids & Families Together (K&FT), Heart 2 Heart, along with River Community Church, hosted the 11th Annual Backpack Gift~Away Drive-Thru event on Saturday, August 14th. The event served 182 foster/resource, kinship, adopted and bio children from 72 families, who are currently working in programs with Kids & Families Together.

It was a beautiful day at River Community Church for the 11th back to school Gift~Away event! This year’s theme was Pirates & Mermaids! As with prior drive-thru events, our guests and volunteers had a great time dressing in costume and decorating their vehicles. Pirate and mermaid themed decorations, live music, and sparkly bubbles, made the day fun for all! With over 50 jolly buccaneer volunteers, we provided backpacks filled with age appropriate school supplies, clothing and other donations. As families left the event, a box lunch was provided, allowing them the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful picnic lunch together at the beach or local park.

We are grateful to everyone who made this event possible and for helping so many children in care return to school with confidence and the supplies they need for a fun and successful school year! Thank you to our K&FT family, events planning committee, board members, partners, donors, and volunteers! Everyone helped make this year’s back to school event magical.

Kids & Families Together (K&FT) is a nonprofit that has been serving foster/resource, adoptive, kinship, and birth families throughout Ventura County since 2000. K&FT works with children who have experienced trauma, abuse, neglect, loss, and multiple placements. K&FT also works with caregivers who need specialized education, support, and strategies to help raise safe, healthy, nurtured children who thrive. For more information about K&FT please visit us at:

To learn about all K&FT events supporting Ventura County Foster/Resource, Kinship, Adoptive, and Bio-families please visit:

Vol. 14, No. 25 – Sept 8 – Sept 21, 2021 – Police Reports

by Cindy Summers

Police reports are provided to us by the Ventura  Police Department and are not the opinions of  the Ventura Breeze. All suspects mentioned  are assumed to be innocent until proven guilty  in a court of law.

Stolen Vehicle and Burglary

On August 25, at approximately 7:15 am, officers responded to the Business Park located at Goodyear Avenue and Market Street regarding a vehicle being stolen. It was reported that a suspect had just entered a business at the location and stolen a car.

While responding to the location, officers saw the stolen car turn onto Copland Drive from Telephone Road. They attempted to stop the vehicle on the dead-end street to avoid the likelihood of a pursuit, but the driver tried to flee by driving through a fence on the north end of Copland Drive. The car became disabled and the driver, identified as 31 year old vagrant Kashe Vargas, was arrested.

Vargas was booked for Burglary, Driving a Stolen Vehicle, Vandalism, and Evading. No one was injured during this incident.

Narcotics Arrest

On August 27, at 3:30 pm, members of the Ventura Police Department SCU Narcotics unit conducted a search warrant at the above address due to an investigation into narcotics sales. Detectives using investigative tools were able to identify a primary suspect as 46 year old Ventura resident Matthew Maxfield.

During the subsequent investigation, detectives recovered methamphetamines, cocaine, and evidence of narcotics sales at the residence.

As a result of the investigation, Matthew Maxfield was arrested for possession for sale of controlled substances.

A search of the Ventura County Superior Court shows that Matthew Maxfield has prior arrests for numerous narcotics violations, kidnapping, theft, vandalism, resisting arrest, and providing false information to a peace officer.

Vehicle Pursuit, DUI and Evading Arrest

On August 28, at approximately 11:30 pm, a Ventura Police Department Sergeant initiated a traffic stop on a white SUV that was driving recklessly southbound on Victoria Ave. The vehicle did not yield and continued northbound on the 101 freeway at a high rate of speed. The vehicle exited the freeway at Telephone Rd and then collided with a tree at Telephone Rd and Copland Dr.

The driver and solo occupant, 29 year old Oxnard resident Felipe Perez eventually exited the vehicle uninjured and was taken into custody without further incident. Officers conducted a DUI investigation and determined that Perez was under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested for felony evading and misdemeanor driving under the influence.

Dear Wild & Scenic Film Festival guests

Thank you for joining us on August 28th for Ventura Land Trust’s 12th annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival on the campus of Ventura County Credit Union.

Your support through Wild & Scenic makes its possible for Ventura Land Trust to permanently protect the land, water, wildlife and scenic beauty of the Ventura region for current and future generations. Thanks to you, Ventura Land Trust conserves and cares for nearly 4,000 acres of sensitive habitat in and around Ventura.

The Ventura Land Trust Team