All posts by admin

Circus Vargas at the Ventura County Fairgrounds May 21-25!

event circus vargas-smCircus Vargas, America’s favorite traveling Big Top circus continues to thrill and enchant children of all ages with their new and amazing 2015 edition, Arlequin! Steeped in tradition and devoted to all things magnificent and happy, Circus Vargas presents an array of unparalleled artists and performers!

An amazing experience, built on tradition with vision and innovation, to create new and treasured memories for generations to come!

A world of wonder and awe await you under the big top at the Ventura County Fairgrounds May 21-25!

Citrus Sunday Ventura Neighborhood Harvest

On May 17th, dozens of volunteers will fan out across Ventura to harvest fresh surplus fruit from backyard fruit trees in the first annual Citrus Sunday, sponsored by Food Forward.  All of the harvest will be donated to local food pantries feeding our neighbors in need. Volunteers can either register for a pick organized by Food Forward or harvest their own trees in a Do It Yourself (DIY) pick using boxes and equipment provided by Food Forward.  After the event, Food Forward will host a picnic at their office at 77 N. California St. (Across from city hall)

“We are seeking fruit trees to harvest, and volunteers to participate,” said Jim Mangis, Food Forward’s Ventura County Branch Manager. “This will be a great day of food rescue, fellowship, and sharing. Citrus, kumquats, vegetables, are all perfect foods for our program. “

Volunteers, and fruit donors can sign up at or by calling 630-2728.   DIY(Do it Yourself) Pick participants can pick up boxes to fill with fruit prior to the event and then drop off once they have collected fruit. For more information, and pick up and drop off locations contact [email protected].

Food Forward is a non-profit organization that organizes volunteers to harvest fresh, local produce that would otherwise go to waste, connecting this abundance with people in need. 3,600 volunteers have harvested over 9,000,000 pounds of fruit since 2009.

Local CEO receives highest honor and prestigious award

Jeffrey Rosenthal, joins an elite group of 25 members, having received YPO-WPO’s highest honor and most prestigious award, The Hickok Distinguished Service Award, at the recent Global EDGE conference in Melbourne, Australia.

Jeffrey Rosenthal, Chairman and CEO of Southern California-based companies, Rose Investments, Rose Advertising, StarKart, and the NALA, was recently recognized with the highest honor from YPO-WPO, as a member who embodies YPO founder Ray Hickok’s dedication to the organization.  Jeffrey Rosenthal’s passion for the last fourteen years has been the pursuit of cultivating personal relationships and connections globally, by creating a network platform within the organization to help his fellow YPO-WPO members do the same.

Initially Rosenthal’s team created sixty networks based on the common interests of their membership: twenty business, twenty personal and twenty social enterprise networks.  When Jeffrey left the YPO-WPO International Board as Network’s Chair in 2009, there were network officers in seventy-five percent of all YPO chapters, and seventy percent of the members globally who had joined the network platform.

Last year, Jeffrey hosted the largest gathering of YPO-WPO members in history, serving as Host-City Chair for 3500 chief executives from around the world at the Los Angeles Global Leadership Conference “Chief executives and presidents from over 3000 companies throughout 125 countries share experiences,” said Rosenthal.  “YPO-WPO’s mission is, “Better leaders through education and idea exchange,” and this is exactly what we hoped to have accomplished at our LA GLC.”

Originally, Jeffrey created concepts for local grocery store advertising over thirty years ago, and was instrumental in forging the path of the “local advertising” industry.  Rosenthal has always had a unique understanding of the needs of small and medium businesses.  He is the CEO of Rose Investments, which invests in private equity and the founder of StarKart and the NALA. StarKart is the largest advertising network for grocery cart advertising and the NALA, is a full-service digital marketing agency for small and medium businesses, both throughout the United States and Canada.

The NALA consults with each individual business and develops a strategy based on the business’ unique advertising and marketing needs. Clients’ campaigns focus on providing good web content which include services such as news releases, online advertising, social media, blogs, website development, and charity co-branding, among others. For more information, please visit

NALA is a proud advertiser in the Ventura Breeze.

Jillian Nye, Lynn Le Tourneau, Vonder Gray, Jacklyn Wells and Kari Hunt

art WAVJillian Nye, Lynn Le Tourneau, Vonder Gray, Jacklyn Wells and Kari Hunt standing behind Jeanne La Rocco’s sculpture “200 Books” at the opening of their show Women in Art: Viewpoints at the WAV. Every woman has a point of view and these women tell theirs’ with an elegance and strength, a bit of darkness and a bit of joy…intriguing. Come see art and performance onMay 15th and 17th. Call 798 2479 for more information and times.

Red Brick Gallery’s Summer Celebration exhibit “A New Chapter”

art red brickRed Brick Gallery’s Summer Celebration exhibit “A New Chapter” features a wide variety of artists exploring a fresh perspective on their art career.

Each artist’s work represent how the elements of nature impact the world around them and their art.   “Walking into the gallery is like walking into our thoughts.”  Old and new art friends include new works by Patty Van Dyke, Rency Punnoos, Marco Aguilar, Jen Livia, Phyllis Gubins and Debra Hintz.

Red Brick Gallery’s 67th exhibit runs May 19th through July 28th with Artist Reception as a Part of Ventura ArtWalk July 17th 12-8 and 18th 12-5.  Stop in to meet the artists and watch them create.  Free to the public, all are welcome.

Robyn Lynn Kelly Art

art Robin

A woman full of art and love Robyn Lynn Kelly died January of 2014, at 50 years old.

Robyn Lynn Kelly was an extraordinary artist from a very young age.  From paint to charcoal to yarn, she was able to create pieces that were both simple and intricate.  Her art frequently garnered her recognition at the Ventura County Fair and was also featured in national magazines.

Perhaps the only thing more beautiful than her art was her giving heart.  Robyn was known for her generosity and patience.  She was a free spirit, full of life and love and passion – a woman who could charm anyone with her sense of humor and sparkling eyes.

Robyn loved her family fiercely and many others as though they were family.  There was selflessness in her love that drew people to her and she never turned anyone away.  Her greatest dream in life was motherhood, and she found immense joy in raising her adopted daughter Desiree Sky.  When Robyn was first diagnosed with terminal ovarian sarcoma, she reminded Desiree that she was her mother’s “gift to the world.”  Robyn’s spirit continues to shine through her daughter, reminding her family of the woman whose unfailing grace inspired us all.

Taken too young, Robyn Lynn’s beauty lives on in the hearts of those who knew her and in the art she poured her soul into.

Susan Cook and Karin Geiger

art FoxSusan Cook and Karin Geiger will display their art in the show “Pods” at Fox Fine Jewelry from May 14 through July 19. An artists’ reception will be Saturday, May 16, from 6 – 9pm.

Susan Cook is a professional artist and arts advocate, with an extensive list of accolades, awards and community service positions. Her work blends colors and shapes into loose figurative work that goes beyond a representation, showing emotion and intent.

Karin Geiger, a native of Germany, graduated from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich in 1987. There she taught school until she came to the U.S. in 1995.

Fox Fine Jewelry is located at 560 East Main Street,  652-1800. Hours are Monday – Thursday, 10:30 – 7p.m., Fridays and Saturdays 10:30 – 10 p.m., Sunday 12:00 – 6pm.

An Evening with Susan Cook Saturday, May 23, 6-7:30 p.m.

art CookAn Evening with Susan Cook Saturday, May 23,  from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Brooks Institute Screening Room
5301 N. Ventura Ave.
Susan Cook is a contemporary fine artist whose oil paintings are inspired by nature and an interest in experimenting with figuration, color and shapes. Initially, her paintings are quickly drawn, going through many color transformations with her signature brushwork, often destroying entire passages and repainting others to give focus. Josef Woodard wrote in his Los Angeles Times article that “her brusque brushwork leans away from details and edges of things, flirting with abstraction at times”. Free to FOTM Members – $10 General public, $5 students and seniors.

AfterGLOW Fundraising Event:  Join for a celebratory supper immediately following the interview at the Ojai home of Christine & Kevin Beirne.   Reserve your seat early! The AfterGLOW dinner is $20 for FOTM members, $30 for non-members. Paid reservations are required prior to May 19.

Tickets available or call.653.2501

Vol. 8, No. 15 – April 29–May 12, 2015 – Opinion/Editorial

SheldonPic• I am very concerned about what Ventura will look like as a result of people not watering their lawns. I have already seen streets where there are 4-6 homes in a row whose front yards are now dirt and weeds. And shortly, it is likely these residents will be parking cars and trucks on their front lawns as well.
I know that we must save water, but properly maintained grass can be watered per Ventura’s restrictions and still look pretty good (better than dirt).
I think that there are folks who just don’t care what their houses look like and will use this as an excuse to let their landscaping die.
I’m not too sure if residents cutting back 20-30% on water use will make much of a difference anyway, as this amounts to about 3% of the water used in California.
• Hate to see Scott Miller retire (see cover article) as our Harbor Master. He did a great job and always sent us the Harbor blotter information. Look forward to working with the new Harbor Master who will be chosen from current Harbor employees. I like that we’re staying within Ventura’s ranks.
• Ventura will soon have another beer brewery doing business (becoming the brew capital of the world). Topa Topa Brewing Co. will be opening on west Thompson. Stopped in and met one of the owners. The stainless steel equipment is gorgeous. They equipment is made in Brazil and installers came from Brazil as well. After they open, it’s worth going there to just see the facility. That is what I’ll be doing because I don’t drink beer.
• The Breeze had booths at the Family Fest at the Mall, Paint Ventura and at Eco Fest (until the wind tried to blow all of the vendors out to sea). Met a lot of nice people. We will be at the Museum on May 3rd at a boutique event. Event is free and it is free admission Sunday to the Museum. So Stop by to say hi.
•From the LA Times: “The use of electronic cigarettes by high school students tripled from 2013 to 2014 a surprising boom that threatens to wipe out hard won gains in the fight against teen smoking, a new government report says.”
The good news is that 4 people stopped smoking because of e-cigarettes. If you read my column (who doesn’t?) you know that I have been opposed to them from day one (there goes our potential vape advertisers).
The City Council will be adding e-cigarettes to our smoking standards by amending Chapter 8.350 of the San Buenaventura Municipal Code, “Smoking Regulations.” This will specify e-cigarettes as prohibited in all areas where smoking is not allowed, and to increase areas where
smoking is not permitted.
This should be adopted by the Council at their meeting on May 11.
• Too bad Sarah Palin isn’t running for president. Russian aircraft have been flying very close to Alaska, and she might be able to see them which would greatly expand her knowledge of U. S. foreign policy.
• Downtown Los Angeles and thirteen other Southern California cities have had their hottest March since record keeping started in 1877. We all know that this is cyclical and in 2153 March will probably be cooler.
• Who would think a species of tiny hands can change the ecology of our Santa Cruz Islands. The Argentine ants are spreading on the island and could cause damage to the natural ecology by eliminating all of the other ant species. Ways to eliminate these ants are being studied (perhaps putting ant-eaters on the Island would help, but how would they determine the good ants from the bad ants? The ones in my kitchen are always bad.
• Even before Governor Jerry Brown ordered mandatory water restrictions, the General Services Agency for the County of Ventura was dramatically reducing the amount of water used at county-maintained facilities and parks.
Less than 6% of the County’s parkland – including the three golf courses – is irrigated. Where irrigation does exist, the grounds are primarily watered with reclaimed or recycled water. This has led to a significant savings of water usage.
• As bothersome as email hackers are, I recently received a message from a dead relative – this was extremely disturbing (unless they have Wi-Fi in heaven).
•The company that recently bought Carrow’s and Coco’s restaurants has closed several of the stores including the Coco’s located on Telegraph. We will continue to place a few papers in the rack located there for the time being for those who are used to grabbing a copy there.
• To the loud applause of those attending a recent City Council meeting, the City Council has approved a long term lease, and the rezoning, for the property that will become the Ventura Botanical Gardens. Contrary to the normal protocol, Mayor Heitmann allowed the audience to go ahead and clap, (she likely couldn’t have stopped them anyway). Hiking the trail at the future site continues to be popular. Just park at the upper lot above City Hall and you’ll see the trail head.
• In another City Council action, the Council directed the finance department to come back to them with information on how much revenue would be generated with a sales tax increase of one-half cent or one-cent . Ventura voters turned down such an increase the last time it was on the ballot.
•The Ventura Unified School district’s headquarters will be renamed (does it have a name now?) in honor of retiring Superintendent Dr. Trudy Tuttle Arriaga. The building will now be the Trudy Tuttle Arriaga Education Service Center, though I’m sure will still be referred to as the school district site. She is retiring after 14-years as Superintendent.
• Before you start feeling badly about oil companies (because gas prices are low again), Royal Dutch Shell has offered to buy BG Group for $70 billion dollars.