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Vol. 9, No. 21 – July 20 – August 2, 2016 – Harbor Patrol Blotter





1:45pm, received a report of two persons in the water in the A-Basin.  Officers responded and assisted two persons back onto their kayaks.

6:34pm, received a report of a sting ray strike from State Parks Lifeguard at Surfers Knoll.  Officers responded, contacted fire dispatch and prepped hot water to treat the injury.  Patient was eventually transported to hospital.



4:15pm, received a dispatch to an unconscious person at 1050 Schooner drive.  Officers responded and assisted Ventura fire and AMR with the patient who was eventually transported to local hospital for further evaluation.





7:20am-3:30pm, observed a 55 gallon barrel with an unknown substance inside.  Officers contacted Ventura fire and eventually the Hazmat team was summoned to help determine what was inside the barrel.  After an investigation the barrel was determined 99% water but to be safe was taken to a hazardous material deposit at the city yard.

1:43pm, received a report of a stingray strike at Surfers Knoll.  Officers responded with hot water to treat the injury.  The patient was transported to their local hospital for further evaluation.










2:30pm, received a report that a fishing vessel was requesting a tow relief and about to enter the harbor.  Officers responded and towed the vessel to its slip in Ventura Harbor Village.

5:05pm, received report of a disabled electric boat near the patrol dock.  Officers responded and towed the vessel to dreamer rentals.

5:50pm, received a report of a fuel spill near VWM D-dock.  Officers responded and found the source of the spill.  The owner of the 52ft vessel was contacted and advised he would mitigate the problem.

7:09pm, received a dispatch to a water rescue at the South jetty.  Officers responded and searched by boat but were unable to locate the victim.  Later, Ventura fire ascertained that the victim had exited the water before our arrival.

10:15pm, received a report of an overdue boater.  After a brief investigation the overdue boaters were safely located.


Vol. 9, No. 21 – July 20 – August 2, 2016 – Forever Homes Wanted

scamp to adopt VCASHello all you chi-chi lovers out there! Sure, at 6 years old I may be close to being a senior, but dog experts everywhere tell me that 6 is the new 4! What do I love, you ask? Well, pretty much everything. I love doggie playgroups, I love your lap. I am a social butterfly with humans. Touch me, leash me, walk me, I love it all! I am a confident little fella and if you want me to learn new things, all you gotta do is bring on the treats! I’ve been here at VCAS about 2 months and the only reason the volunteers and staff can figure out why I am still here is that maybe I am too small to see! Camarillo location 600 Aviation Drive- Glenn Cocoa A639726

scamp to adopt CARLHi: I’m Taz a wonderful 2 year old Australian Cattle Dog / American Staffordshire Terrier X. I’m a little shy when I first meet new people, but once I get to know you I’m super playful, very polite and sweet. I’ll even be a lap dog if you let me. I love the water so I might make a good beach buddy. I’m great with other dogs and older children (I’ve never been around younger ones), but no cats please. Stop by and meet me, I’ll be listening for you. CARL Adoption Center-call 644-7387 for more information.


Vol. 9, No. 21 – July 20 – August 2, 2016 – Mailbox

Dear Editor,

With regard to the news report of July 5, 2016 in the Ventura County Star, the Ventura voting public needs to keep this news in perspective with how it relates to the citizens of Ventura. This is a City Council that is asking for another $270,000,000 in new taxes to spend anyway they wish.

The City Council approved a 4.50% raise, plus a $1,500 bonus, for police. The City Council also approved a 4.50% raise, plus a $1,500 bonus, for police management. Furthermore, they also approved a 5.25% raise, plus an $800 bonus, for non-public safety employees.

In the private sector, the general public is lucky to receive half this amount as an increase. Raises in the private sector are still running at about 3% or less. If you consider inflation as a baseline, in 2015 inflation was .12% and for 5 months in 2016, inflation is 1.078%.

The City Council is totally out of touch with economic reality and the voters need to relate this to the fact that the City Council is proposing a new 25-year tax. If the City Council cannot say no to spending, the voters in Ventura need to say no to this irresponsible spending. Vote no to an increase in sales taxes.

Robert Alviani-Ventura


Today I received my first mailer from the City of Ventura about the ½ cent sales tax they want.  This mailer was paid for with our tax dollars, an irony since the city claims we don’t have enough money, which is why they want the sales tax.  Of course those who oppose more taxes don’t have a pot of money for fancy mailers (wonder how many potholes could have been fixed for the cost of this one mailer?).  We get to write letters to the editor!

Venturans should know that this tax would last for 25 years!  25 YEARS!  And while the city has a list of things it says it would spend the money on, there is NO assurance the money would be spent on these things.  The annual financial audit and the public review of expenditures would happen AFTER the money is spent.  There is no requirement that the city seek approval from anyone before spending the money.

And the “citizens’ oversight committee” will be selected by the city council, so they can stack it with “friendlies” who won’t question their expenditures.  The committee would have no authority to assure that the money is spent on the items listed in the city’s mailer.  The committee could only make recommendations, which the council can then accept or not. The committee’s lack of power was specifically confirmed at the council meeting where the council voted to put the sales tax measure on the ballot.

I am sure we will be getting more mailers about this.  When you get those, think about how much money the city is spending on mailers that could instead be spent on the things we need.  And think about whether you want to lock yourself into this tax for the next 25 years.

Alison Carlson-Ventura

We asked the City for a few responses, there will be much more said about this before the November elections for both sides to be heard. These were their comments.

This mailer was paid for with our tax dollars  – The informational mailer is to educate residents about the measure that will be put before the voters for their consideration.  The City wants to be transparent about the measure and educate residents to make sure they understand what it is and what vital services and programs could be funded with additional local funding.

There will be an Oversight Committee prescribed by the proposed ballot measure which would become law should it be approved by voters. The measure states the committee must include seven individuals who must be Ventura residents. Elected officials are excluded. The committee’s responsibilities are outlined in the proposed measure as well, which can be read here: (the Citizens Oversight Committee is included in the Ordinance; located on page 22 of the report)

 Decisions on the financial expenditures of the City are the responsibility of the City’s elected representatives who must conduct budget proceedings in public. Budget documents are also made public and independent audits are conducted annually. The value the Oversight Committee adds to this process in assessing the actual expenditure of the measure’s revenues against how those revenue expenditures were prescribed by the ordinance voters approved.

Comment from Publisher Brown:

The City Council also appoints members to the Planning Commission and the Council frequently disagrees with the Commission’s decisions and reverses them.


opinion JoBreaking Bad? Only time will tell on Brexit.   I had just spent a couple of weeks in the U.K. and the whole place was abuzz with would Brexit happen or wouldn’t it? Panic. Fear.   My daughter has lived in the UK for five years now and she was furious and sad at the results.  I felt on the fence a bit but sad that the vote was so close. So like all artists, my inner thoughts suddenly found themselves going on to canvas. I chose to paint Prime Minister David Cameron”s expression just after he announced that he would step down.

Johanna Spinks


No man’s life, liberty, or  property is safe while the  legislature is in session.
~ Mark Twain (1866)