Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

Attendees enjoyed music, food, friends and family

A memorial dedication was made in Dave’s honor.

It was cold and it was wet, but Saturday, Dec, 7, was a perfect day to be reminded how wonderful David Stork was and how much he meant to all of those associated with the Brain Injury Center.

When their 17-year old daughter Su Stork was involved in a near fatal auto accident in 1985, Dave and Midge Stork along with three other families co-founded the Brain Injury Center.

Dave was Su’s tireless champion up until the day he passed in March, 2019. He was a visionary leader and supporter for brain injury survivors throughout Ventura County and a state advocate for TBI Survivors.

Amidst music, food, friends and family a memorial dedication made in the front garden of the BIC Brain Injury Home at Banner Ave (a 6-bed Adult Living Home for Brain Injury Survivors) in Dave’s honor. One of his favorite sayings was to “Do what you, with what you can, where you can”. This inspirational reminder that we all have the ability to make a difference no matter our challenges or situation was engraved on one of the garden chairs.

The Brain Injury Center (805-482-1312) also provides Care Transitions (hospital to home) and county-wide support groups.

Cocina Sin Fronteras Annual Run/Walk raises funds for scholarships

This year’s event had more than 200 participants, from little to big.

Cocina Sin Fronteras, a nonprofit affiliate of the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura (HACSB), released results from the 2019 Haunted Housing Run/Walk, held Oct. 26, at San Buenaventura State Beach, Ventura. An annual favorite, this year’s event had more than 200 participants and raised more than $18,000 from registrations, donations and sponsorships. One hundred percent of the proceeds benefit the Housing Authority Scholarship Program that assists Housing Authority residents and Housing Choice Voucher program participants to pursue higher education.

“We are excited to see the enthusiastic community support for the Haunted Housing Run/Walk and we’re grateful to Cocina Sin Fronteras and the sponsors and participants for the amazing effort that went into making this year’s event such an enormous success,” said HACSB CEO Denise Wise. “Most of our scholarship recipients are the first in their family to attend college. The Housing Authority strongly believes that education is key to helping people prosper and advance their lives.”

The Housing Authority holds its scholarship awards ceremony each year in September. The 2019 ceremony awarded a total of $9,000; four scholarships at $2,000 each for students attending a four-year college/university and one scholarship at $1,000 for a student attending community college. This year’s scholarship recipients are planning to major in psychology, engineering and biology and will be attending California State University, Channel Islands; Ottawa University, Arizona; University of Southern California; and Ventura College. Since its inception, the Housing Authority Scholarship Program has provided a total of $36,000 in scholarships to 25 recipients.

Applications for the Housing Authority open in January and are limited to Housing Authority residents and Housing Choice Voucher program participants pursuing higher education.

Cocina Sin Fronteras is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliated with the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura HACSB.

The Housing Authority of the City Of San Buenaventura (HACSB) is the largest residential landlord in the City of Ventura, currently managing 295 public housing units, 705 nonprofit affordable rental units, and more than 1,500 Section 8 vouchers. The agency is actively working to increase the supply of affordable housing and to improve the quality of life for hundreds more of the low-income residents of the City of Ventura.

Jenifer Nyhuis receives distinguished service award

“I feel extremely humbled and honored. “

Jenifer Nyhuis, CEO of Vista del Mar Hospital in Ventura, has received the 2019 Šimanek Distinguished Service Award from the California Hospital Association Center for Behavioral Health. The award, named after its first recipient attorney Joe Šimanek, recognizes outstanding leadership and achievements in the behavioral health setting.

Nyhuis was just six months into her tenure as CEO in December 2017 when the Thomas Fire destroyed Vista del Mar’s Administration and Patient Care buildings.

“Jenifer exercised her sharpened leadership instincts and made the critical decision to evacuate the hospital, securing the safety of her staff and patients,” said George W. Greene, Esq., President and CEO of the Hospital Association of Southern California (HASC) “Following the devastation caused by the fire, she has been a powerhouse in working with city officials on civil infrastructure, statewide leaders for planning approvals, and the surrounding community to re-open the hospital. It was sheer determination that the hospital was operational in just 10 months.”

Seventy patients and 25 staff members were evacuated with no injuries, within just a few hours of the fire overtaking the campus.

“I feel extremely humbled and honored, “ said Nyhuis. “I am truly appreciative of the solid team and my incredible family that has surrounded me throughout this process. I could never have imagined going through something this significant, but this life event has shown me my inner strength and perseverance through the most challenging times.”

Vista del Mar Hospital, which holds The Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval for Hospital Accreditation, offers inpatient and outpatient programs for both adolescents and adults. The hospital specializes in stabilization and dual diagnosis for patients with mental illness and chemical dependency. In addition, Vista del Mar offers comprehensive outpatient services, including the Adult Partial Hospitalization Program, Adolescent/Adult Intensive Outpatient Program and the Adolescent Vista Day Program (partial hospitalization) to treat adolescence while maintaining academic responsibilities. The hospital also serves the military community with evidence-based therapies for active-duty military, veterans and their families. Vista del Mar Hospital is located off of Ventura Ave.

The Ventura Veterans Home History Part 1 of 2

The home provides everything from a library, a dining room a computer room and Bocce ball.

by Carol Leish

The Ventura Veteran’s Home celebrated it’s 10-year anniversary in Ventura. Former Governor Pete Wilson (1991-1999), was looking into building three veteran’s homes within California. Lancaster, West Los Angeles, and Ventura were all in the plan for building homes for the veterans. Former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (2003-2011) was also important in the process of these three homes being built.

According to, Julian Bond, Administrator of the veteran’s home, who was appointed by, Governor Newson, “All military services are represented here: Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, and the Coast Guard. Former and current residents here have served in: WWII; the Korean War, the Vietnam War; Operation Just Cause (in Central America); and, Dessert Storm.” He also said that, ‘We admit residence who are 55 years old and older. We don’t have residents yet; but, will be getting residents soon, from Operation Iraqi Freedom & Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), as they get older.”

Bond said, ‘We receive funding from Federal VA & the State of California. Residents pay a portion of it based on their income. We are pleased that we can provide the value of care to our veterans.”

“The Ventura Veterans Home is a long-term Residential Care Facility for the elderly which is caring for veterans,” according to, Bond. “We offer quality care and support services that enhance the quality of life. Our highly trained and dedicated staff strive to meet the unique needs of veterans by providing compassionate care built on the foundation of integrity, honor, and respect, with a smile.”

Bond continued to say, “Spanning across 10 acres of the richest, with the most picturesque scenery, with exceptional weather, the Ventura home is a gem like no other one. The beauty of Ventura, with its beaches, accommodating weather, offer peace and tranquility for those who bore the battle.”

Assembly Member Jacqui Irwin (CA State Assembly), who represents the 44th Assembly District, which encompasses portions of Ventura County and the city of Westlake Village, said on December 5th 2019: ‘In my role as Chair of the Assembly Committee on Veterans Affairs, I have seen how a strong support system and quality care can make a positive difference in the lives of our veterans. I’m happy to have joined the residents and staff of the Veterans Home of California-Ventura, to mark the home’s first decade with a Founder’s Day Celebration. I applaud the efforts of all who passionately work, care, and create to make it the amazing place it is for our community’s veterans. Congratulations on this milestone anniversary and thank you for your service.”

Ventura City Council member Jim Friedman stated “I am honored that Ventura’s only Veteran’s home is located in the district that I represent (District 5).” It’s a beautiful facility providing a wonderful array of amenities for the veterans that live there. I am so thankful for the service that these men and women have provided to our country.”

10900 Telephone Rd., Ventura 93004 805-659-7500

Part 2 will feature 3 residents of the home

Ventura Pier generously supported by the community

”2019 was a great year for our beloved Ventura Pier.”

Pier into the Future, a non-profit dedicated to enhancing the historic Ventura Pier is happy to share they recently presented the City of Ventura with a check for $20,000 to fund the replacement of the interpretive panels on the Pier. This generous gift was made possible by the community who donated funds in exchange for having their name engraved on the granite panels at the entrance to the historic Ventura Pier.

“With the wonderful support from the community and the leadership on the board of directors, 2019 was a great year for our beloved Ventura Pier”, said Pier Into the Future Executive Director Jenise Wagar-Hernandez. The organization was founded by a group of dedicated community leaders, in partnership with the City of Ventura, to establish an endowment fund to maintain and enhance the historic Ventura Pier for future generations to enjoy. The organization has contributed over $811,000 to the City of Ventura over the last 26 years to enhance the Pier.

At the core of its fundraising efforts is the opportunity to have your name or the name of a loved one engraved in granite at the Pier. The engravings make wonderful gifts at the holiday times as a way to honor or memorize a friend or loved one. In addition, the organization produces two signature community events: Sunset Dinner on the Pier in May and Pier Under the Stars in October.

Pier Under the Stars launched a new program this year- Pier Pals. In exchange for a donation of $100 Pier Pals receive a custom Pier sticker and their name on the Pier website.

Visit or call 805.804.7735 for more information about pier engravings or Pier Pals.

Happy Holidays from CAPS Media

Standing Caps staff Jamie Cawelti, Jorge Godinez, Elizabeth Rodeno, Patrick Davidson, Evan Carpenter, Gary Roll and Alex Uvari. Seated Cliff Rodrigues, Donald McConnell, Manny Reynoso and Phil Taggart.

Best wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season and Festive New Year from your CAPS crew. 2019 has been a terrific year at CAPS and we look forward to more great work in 2020.

On Monday, December 9, CAPS Media met with the Ventura City Council to discuss a new contract for 2020 and the future. We thank the Council Members for the thoroughness of their deliberation in reviewing our request. The resolution was to give CAPS a one-month extension, until the end of January, 2020.

Everyone at CAPS greatly appreciates the overwhelming outpouring of support by Friends of CAPS who sent letters, emails and made calls to council members and city staff expressing your support for CAPS and the services we provide to the community. Your support provided the council with a much better appreciation for CAPS’ value and was instrumental in helping us continue.

However, we are asking that the letter writing, emailing and calling continue – keep up the campaign and share our story with others. Also we are adding a companion video and audio component to our efforts.

We offer Friends of CAPS an opportunity to speak directly to City Council Members and staff – on television, radio and through social media, expressing their support of CAPS.

Community supporters can record a message on their smart phone or computer and email it to CAPS at [email protected]. We will air the messages on channel 6, CAPS Radio KPPQ 104.1fm and post them on social media.   For those who prefer to record their message at CAPS, we are scheduling production time in the CAPS studio for our friends to come and record a short message. To schedule a time in the studio send an email to [email protected] and we will contact you to schedule a convenient time.

Last week the CAPS crew had the opportunity to record the last in a series of meetings held by the Senior Strategic Ad-Hoc Committee. The Senior Strategic Plan – Community Vision meeting was held at Avenue Adult Senior Center. With a standing room only crowd, the community shared their ideas and concerns about how to enhance senior recreation services to the consultant hired to explore the programing and gather information to assess the needs of the community. Topics included what types of recreation are available, does the city need another senior center and how to promote and provide information on programs available to the community. With this information collected, a draft of the Strategic plan will be presented to city council in January.

All of us at CAPS look forward to continue to collaborate with our members to create engaging and informative programs for Ventura. Again, best wishes this holiday season from your friends at CAPS Media.

Catch the “ELF on the GO” Holiday Bus at a stop near you

GCTD Board Chair City Council member Cheryl Heitmann cuts the ribbon to officially launch “Elf on the GO” for the 2019 Holiday season.

Ride Gold Coast Transit District’s decorated holiday bus until January 4.

Gold Coast Transit District (GCTD), with support from Montecito Bank and Trust and Rubberneck Signs, is excited to announce the fourth annual appearance of its popular “Elf on the GO” holiday bus.

This year’s “Elf on the GO” holiday bus design is especially timely given the recent snow we are enjoying in the nearby mountains. The snowy “Elf on the GO” village is bustling with activity as jolly elves are happily building toys, wrapping presents and playing in the snow. Onlookers are sure to smile as they see the elves peering out the bus windows as they await the next stop to exit. On board, passengers are embraced with festive decorations and holiday music for a truly memorable experience.

GCTD’s 40-foot holiday bus will appear throughout GCTD’s service area. Passengers are encouraged to take pictures, tag #ElfontheGO and post to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for a chance to win goodies and prizes.

“We are thrilled to once again do our part to spread holiday cheer throughout the communities we serve”, said GCTD General Manager, Steven P. Brown. “It’s something we look forward to each year as it brings joy to the passengers who board and smiles to passersby.”

Sightings of the “Elf on the GO” bus can be tracked by searching #ElfontheGO on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or by visiting

Ventura Audubon Society Events in January

Jan 4, 8 a.m. Ventura Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count – Organizer/Compiler: Frank DeMartino 856-906-8733 or ([email protected]) The CBC is the longest running citizen science effort in existence. Bird counts take place all over North America with a few in the Caribbean and Latin America as well. This will be the 120th Christmas Bird Count conducted by National Audubon. If you would like to participate please contact Frank through phone or email.

Jan 12, 8 a.m. Hedrick Ranch Nature Area Work Day Leader: Sandy Hedrick 805-340-0478

Arrive at 8:00 for self-guided birding which usually yields some interesting birds. Work from 9am – noon. Long pants and boots or closed shoes are required. Bring water, gloves & sun protection. Contact Sandy for directions.

Jan 13, 8:30 a.m. Camino Real Park Field Trip Leader: Adele Fergusson 805-415-4304

Camino Real is a grassy park surrounded by pines and eucalyptus and is an excellent place to see birds. Target birds will include Red Shouldered Hawk, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Yellow Warbler and Townsend’s Warbler. Contact Adele for directions.

Jan 14, 7:30 p.m. Ventura Audubon Society Monthly Program at the Poinsettia Pavilion – 3451 Foothill Road, Ventura (Free to the Public): Protecting Wildlife and Wild Places. Speaker: James Hines, Sierra Club’s California/Nevada Wildlife Team Leader

The program will cover some of the Sierra Club’s local work protecting the Los Padres National Forest, Channel Islands National Park and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. He will also discuss the Sierra Club’s work on protecting mountain lions, banning wildlife killing rodenticides (rat poison) and protecting local wildlife corridors. As well as touch on some of the work he does with the Sierra Club National Public Lands Team working to protect national public lands units in the west.

Jan 18, 8:30 a.m. Ventura Settling Ponds Field Trip Leader: Linda Easter 818-519-2833

The settling ponds at the Ventura Harbor is a reliable place to find ducks, grebes, gulls and terns, as well as songbirds and raptors. We should hear Yellow Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warblers and Blue-gray gnatcatchers.

Jan 26, 8:00 a.m. Ormond Beach Field Trip Leader: Tevin Schmitt 661-904-1563

Join us at this excellent coastal location, where we will look for a variety of waterfowl, such as Willets, Whimbrels, Black necked Stilts, Black bellied plovers and other interesting birds. We will also look for Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Peregrine Falcon, and Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers. Dress in layers, as the morning may be chilly. Please bring a scope if you have one. Meet at the end of Arnold Road.