Happy Holidays from CAPS Media

Standing Caps staff Jamie Cawelti, Jorge Godinez, Elizabeth Rodeno, Patrick Davidson, Evan Carpenter, Gary Roll and Alex Uvari. Seated Cliff Rodrigues, Donald McConnell, Manny Reynoso and Phil Taggart.

Best wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season and Festive New Year from your CAPS crew. 2019 has been a terrific year at CAPS and we look forward to more great work in 2020.

On Monday, December 9, CAPS Media met with the Ventura City Council to discuss a new contract for 2020 and the future. We thank the Council Members for the thoroughness of their deliberation in reviewing our request. The resolution was to give CAPS a one-month extension, until the end of January, 2020.

Everyone at CAPS greatly appreciates the overwhelming outpouring of support by Friends of CAPS who sent letters, emails and made calls to council members and city staff expressing your support for CAPS and the services we provide to the community. Your support provided the council with a much better appreciation for CAPS’ value and was instrumental in helping us continue.

However, we are asking that the letter writing, emailing and calling continue – keep up the campaign and share our story with others. Also we are adding a companion video and audio component to our efforts.

We offer Friends of CAPS an opportunity to speak directly to City Council Members and staff – on television, radio and through social media, expressing their support of CAPS.

Community supporters can record a message on their smart phone or computer and email it to CAPS at [email protected]. We will air the messages on channel 6, CAPS Radio KPPQ 104.1fm and post them on social media.   For those who prefer to record their message at CAPS, we are scheduling production time in the CAPS studio for our friends to come and record a short message. To schedule a time in the studio send an email to [email protected] and we will contact you to schedule a convenient time.

Last week the CAPS crew had the opportunity to record the last in a series of meetings held by the Senior Strategic Ad-Hoc Committee. The Senior Strategic Plan – Community Vision meeting was held at Avenue Adult Senior Center. With a standing room only crowd, the community shared their ideas and concerns about how to enhance senior recreation services to the consultant hired to explore the programing and gather information to assess the needs of the community. Topics included what types of recreation are available, does the city need another senior center and how to promote and provide information on programs available to the community. With this information collected, a draft of the Strategic plan will be presented to city council in January.

All of us at CAPS look forward to continue to collaborate with our members to create engaging and informative programs for Ventura. Again, best wishes this holiday season from your friends at CAPS Media.