Category Archives: Opinion/Editorial

Vol. 9, No. 19 – June 22 – July 5, 2016 – Opinion/Editorial

SheldonPicColor■  You will have  noticed that this issue is in full color. And, it has upgraded paper which enables us to deliver more vibrant ads and higher quality photos to our readers. We have wanted to transition to this format for quite some time now, but to do so required two things….. great support from our advertisers and a new printer that offered these services. I would like to give an emphatic thank you to our advertisers for many years of support which makes this all possible. And, to our great readers, we hope you receive even more enjoyment from the “new” Ventura Breeze.

■   As construction continues on Main Street in Midtown, I would like to remind you that businesses remain open. You may need to follow detour signs or park behind the buildings. The Ventura Breeze wants to support our local businesses through this potentially difficult time and hopes that you will also.

■   I’m glad to see that the City Council has voted to continue financing the Downtown Ventura Partners to provide the Parks Security Ambassador services. I know that many of you don’t see this, but the “Ambassadors” have helped several of our parks remain clean and safe by working with the homeless that frequent them.

The City Council hated the design for this proposed building on Poli.
The City Council hated the design for this proposed building on Poli.

■   I don’t understand the ordinance exactly, but the City Council has approved (by a 6-1 vote) the “net zero” water ordinance which imposes additional fees for new development based upon the projected water usage. The recommended fees were developed by a Water Commission appointed by the City Council.

In approving the ordinance, Councilmember Christy Weir said that she was confident of the work done by the commission and their recommendations.

I just hope that the additional funds are used specifically to solve our water problems. Additional funds seem to always end up in general funds and not used for what they were originally proposed for.

■   Four times a year, City Planning gives the City Council a summary on new major projects submitted to the City.

At a recent City Council meeting, Community Development Director Jeff Lambert gave the Council details about the five projects that were submitted between February and April.

One project (none of them were very well received), a 12-unit residential development with about 1,300 square feet of commercial space on Poli Street – right across from City Hall – was especially disliked and criticized by the Council.

A previous City Council decided that our architecture should be eclectic (compared to, say, Santa Barbara, that must be in the “mission” style).

In this sense, eclectic means “selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles”. In other words, well designed contemporary architecture should be reviewed in the same light as good classical architecture. If that is not what the current City Council desires, it appears. If that is the case, they could make that recommendation to the Design Review Committee (DRC) and to City planning (CP).

In the common course of business, I don’t think that the City Council should be involved in questioning the approvals and recommendations of appointed committees including those of the DRC (which they appoint) and CP (that they don’t appoint).But, based upon the projects I’ve seen that have been approved by the DRC, I’m beginning to be on the side of the Council.

A good example is the building proposed on Poli.

The Council had only negative things to say about this “modern” building, and I certainly agree.

Their responses included, “really horrible”… “it’s just a big mistake in every way”…”this is totally uninspiring”…”it is an eyesore.”

To me, the design looks as if 6 different architects were involved, but didn’t actually get to see what the other one contributed. Reminds of the game where a piece paper is folded and each person draws part of a face. Then, everyone gets to see the entire face when the paper is unfolded.

This isn’t the only building that I feel about in this way. Looking at a few of the newer buildings on the Avenue, there’s no setback, no landscaping and extremely dangerous driveways that open immediately onto the sidewalk where drivers can’t see pedestrians, bike riders, and cars, therefore resulting in a very dangerous situation. All elements that the Poli project also has.

A return to the drawing board and the DRC to re-review this concept, and other similar projects, might be appropriate.

If you didn’t already know, I’m a retired licensed architect and graduate of the USC School of Architecture. I love contemporary design, but it needs to be good design.

■  When Bernie Sanders was in Ventura, the Times’ headline said “Seeking votes in exurbs,” so I looked up exurbs. “A region or settlement that lies outside a city and usually beyond its suburbs and that often is inhabited chiefly by well-to-do families”. Did you know that you were a well-to-do family living outside a city? All this time, I thought that we were a city.

■  Is Ventura becoming the microbrew beer capital of the world (at least per capita)? I don’t have an exact count, but with the several new businesses under construction we must have at least a dozen breweries (including restaurants that also brew their own beer). Is there that much demand for beer? And I don’t like beer.

Vol. 9, No. 18 – June 8 – June 21, 2016 – Opinion/Editorial

SheldonPic•  In our last issue I had the following comments regarding a Ventura’s Historical Preservation Committee‘s vote. I have more to say about this.

“On May 23 Ventura’s Historical Preservation Committee, by a 3-2 vote, decided that the building at 567 Sanjon (most recently Joes Crab Shack and previously the Chart House) is not historically significant. Several third party experts had determined that the building is “not historically significant” and I certainly agree. Just because it is old does not make it a significant building and its architecture certainly doesn’t warrant this designation.”

The proposed large project on this site does not include preserving the restaurant building.

The Preservation Committee was to determine whether the structure – built in 1981 – in the organic architecture style is “historically significant” per State and National guidelines.

According to separate historic assessments conducted by the firms Rincon Consultants, Inc., of Ventura, and Historic Resources Group of Pasadena, the building fails to meet any of the guidelines.

In part, Rincon Consultants stated, “Rincon finds that the building located at 567 San Jon Rd. does not appear eligible for historic designation at the National, State or local levels of historic significance.  As such, the building located within the subject property is not considered a historical resource in accordance  with CEQA.”

Perhaps the building was historical when originally constructed (some Committee members reluctantly voting no because they thought so) but that is not the point it needs to be evaluated as it now exists. There have been many, many revisions to the building including some previously approved by the City Council. Today it certainly does not meet any of the conditions to deem it historical.

“Yes” votes, to deem it historical, were cast by Sherry Schafer and Committee Chair Pamela Huckins. I believe (as do several at City Hall) that they were negligent and remise in their responsibility as members of the Committee in voting for this building to be historical based upon all of the guidelines and as it now sits. I feel that they voted with their hearts and not their brains.

•  Ventura Police Chief Ken Corney has stated his opposition to a November ballot measure that seeks to legalize recreational marijuana use in California known as the Adult Use of Marijuana Act – a statewide ballot measure to control and regulate the adult use of marijuana.

Chief Corney, along with the California Police Chiefs Association (he is president of the organization), are opposed to the Adult Use of Marijuana Act.

California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom and other supporters say the 62 page initiative will make it harder for those under 21 years old to obtain pot and easier for police to crack down on illicit sales (most police do not agree).


The November measure allows for possession of an ounce of marijuana as well as cultivation of six marijuana plants for those over age 21.

California voters defeated a 2010 marijuana legalization measure. A recent poll by the Public Policy Institute of California found that 55% of likely California voters now support such a measure.

Corney said the measure is backed by big corporations, including those in the tobacco industry.

And that, unlike alcohol, there is no scientifically recognized test to administer to drivers by the police to determine whether people are under the influence of marijuana.

The following is a portion of a recent police report that has helped me with my thoughts regarding this issue:

“On the above date and time the Ventura Police Department Command Center received a report of a strong armed robbery that had just occurred in the 900 block of S Wells Rd. The victim, Edgar Aguilar, an employee of a medical marijuana delivery service in Paso Robles was in Ventura making a delivery to a medical marijuana patient.”

“However when Aguilar met with the patient on Wells Rd the patient and two other male suspects entered his vehicle, physically assaulted him, and demanded his property and all the marijuana that he was transporting.”  By the way, the suspects were caught.

This is an issue that I have had a difficult time deciding what’s most appropriate, but as I study this more I now feel that the proposed State initiative should be passed (if the 62 page initiative is what I believe it to be) as it will include definite limitations on the growing and use of marijuana, but I am opposed to the “retail” industry now legal in many states and places.

As the Chief stated, big business, including the tobacco industry will take over this new industry and marijuana use will greatly increase.  I think individuals should have the right to grow a small amount of marijuana and use it medicinally (or not), but it should not be a product that you can go to the local store and purchase. Folks who use marijuana for medical reasons (which I strongly support) can be taught how to prepare dishes for their use or can get assistance from friends.

•  I need help from you intelligent Breeze readers. I assume that you know that recently a 4-year old boy fell into a gorilla’s enclosure at a zoo and it was decided that in order to save the child that the gorilla had to be shot and killed.

The mother of the child thanked the lord for saving her child. Why didn’t the lord also save the life of a 19-year old magnificent animal (and father) at the same time and why did the lord let the child fall in the enclosure in the first place?

I really hope to hear from you regarding this.

Vol. 9, No. 17 – May 25 – June 7, 2016 – Opinion/Editorial

• On May 23 the Ventura City Council voted (6-0 Tracy was absent) to put a half-cent sales tax increase on the November ballot. If approved the tax would provide approximately $10.8 million annually for the next 25 years. A seven-member oversight committee would be appointed by the Council and would make recommendations on how the money would be spent. Much more on this in future issues.

Is this building historically significant? 3-2 said no.
Is this building historically significant? 3-2 said no.

• On May 23 Ventura’s Historical Preservation Committee, on a 3-2 vote decided that the building at 567 Sanjon (most recently Joes Crab Shack and previously the Chart House) “as it currently exists” is not historically significant. Several third party experts had determined that the building is “not historically significant” and I certainly agree. Just because it is old does not make it a significant building and its architecture certainly doesn’t warrant this designation. And, between termites and dry rot saving it would be extremely expensive.

• In this issue we have an article regarding Homecomings, Inc., the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura’s (HACSB) associated non-profit. They recently completed of a comprehensive $28.8 million acquisition and rehabilitation project that fully renovated 101 existing apartment units for extremely low income seniors and disabled persons in the City of Ventura.

The work involved extensive infrastructure, energy and water efficiency improvements and upgrades and interior restoration work at the HACSB’s properties in East Ventura. At $28.8 million for 101 units that’s a cost of $285,000 per unit. Why not just buy (72) $400,000 3 bedroom homes in Ventura which could house over 400 people which would have done much more to help our economy?

• With a 3-2 vote, the Ventura Unified School District board voted against Ventura’s offer to include a joint measure on November’s ballet to raise the sales tax by a cent. VUSD will just try to get voters to approve an extension of its $59 yearly parcel tax. The district’s parcel tax was approved in 2012 for a period of four years and provides about $2.5 million to the school district.

It would sure be nice to know where all of the State lottery money goes to that was supposed to be specifically earmarked for our schools. And each building permit also has charges added for schools.

• Unimportant stuff that I like to share – that I’m sure that you would want to know about.
Caffeine in mg for different drinks:
Coffee drip 115-175
Coffee brewed 80-135
Coffee instant 65-100
Red Bull 80
Classic Coke 34
Tea 40-60

• The Food and Drug Administration has concluded that electronic cigarettes (“vaping”) and other tobacco products should be regulated as if they were traditional tobacco cigarettes. People who say that they have stopped smoking because they now “vape” have just changed brands. The State of California has passed similar bills that also raises the legal age to buy cigarettes in California from 18 to 21.

Just using age as a standard several members (and me) of the City Council would be “historically significant”.

• Why do doctor’s office’s ask patients to show up 15-minutes before our appointments and then make you sit for an hour?

• Congratulations to Donna Granata, Founder and Executive Director of Focus on the Masters (FOTM), who recently obtained a master’s degree from the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communications and Journalism. She’s now a fellow Trojan. FOTM, Founded in 1994 by Donna, is a highly respected non-profit educational program documenting contemporary artists.

And kudos to Mary R. Galbraith, Volunteer Coordinator/Executive Assistant, Aimee French,

Learning to See Youth Outreach Program Coordinator, and many others for keeping the ship going. Especially during the last few months, when FOTM had to move their offices from one floor to another behind city hall due to Brooks Institute taking over several floors of the building.

• In this issue we have an article regarding extensive sewer construction that is being done around Main and Brent. All of the businesses in the area remain open so please maneuver through the construction and support the affected local businesses. Sewer construction might be needed if there is a blockage in a nearby sewer line. For that type of repair, you may require assistance from a service similar to FS Drainage – see more at

• I have an idea, if Donald Trump becomes president (good grief – could that really happen?) we should build a fifteen foot high wall around California and succeed from the union. We have everything needed in California to become our own country.

• Wonder why we haven’t had our El Nino? Unusual warmer waters off of Baja California, storms in the Western Pacific Ocean and rising global temperatures blocked El Nino storms from hitting Southern California. These items certainly didn’t block the rains from hitting Northern California which saw heavy rains and snows which filled some of the state’s biggest reservoirs. But, that won’t help us because we don’t get our water from melting snow pack or from the North.

• Last year, Ventura had a record amount of drug related deaths but the solution remains a difficult one. Writing in the LA Times, Michelle Alexander (a senior fellow at the Ford Foundation) stated, “There is no evidence that enhanced sentences reduce drug availability or the number of people harmed by illicit drug use. After decades of the war on drugs, it is clear that purely punitive approaches to drug crime are counterproductive. And the death rate from drug overdose continues to rise.”

In a sense this is similar to the homeless situation. Effective solutions to both of these problems just haven’t been found so new directions and ideas must be created. Do any of you have ideas that might help? Would love to hear about them.


Vol. 9, No. 16 – May 11 – May 24, 2016 – Opinion/Editorial

SheldonPic•   I don’t usually put a letter to the editor in my column but thought that this was important enough to respond to.

To the Governor

I am amazed at the monthly denial that your editorials have of the crime and homeless situation we have in Ventura. I myself was attacked and suffered a broken shoulder and a concussion in which I am still having complications with tremendous pain. If you would read your own paper the crimes that are committed consistently in this area are out of control. Why do we as a community continue to enable these individuals with stupid programs like needle exchange. Just the other day we called in the police to our complex for a homeless person sleeping in our laundry room and when the police arrived they stated they could not arrest him even though he was on probation and had a needle on him. They stated since he received the needle at the exchange it was legal. Why can’t we demand that our law enforcement force these people out of our community and in places like Fillmore who only have 7 on record. I’m sure in your reply you will still be in denial. Keep your denial in your rhetoric and see as you already do Ventura tourism suffer tremendously. Where is your pride??

James White


Thanks for your comments, and I am sorry to hear that you were attacked, and hurt. I am not at all in denial regarding the homeless situation in Ventura. It is a huge problem for many reasons. Compassion for the homeless is in play, of course, but the negative effect it has on Ventura’s infrastructure/citizens and its impact on tourism are two other reasons.

Your comment, “Why can’t we demand that our law enforcement force these people out of our community” is easily answerable. Unless they are committing a crime the police really can’t do anything about the situation. Being homeless is not actually a crime.

Obviously I have a great pride for Ventura. Why else would I spend 7-days a week publishing a local paper that is marginally profitable?

Our City Council is very aware of the homeless issue and has tried to deal with it but it is a very complex problem that is not easily solved. They are many entities trying to find solutions. There are several non-profits in Ventura who are also assisting the homeless, many of whom are mentally ill.

Let’s keep working on the issue.

PS: I will contact Fillmore and find out if it is okay for our police to round up our homeless and leave them in Fillmore.

•   Circus Vargas is coming soon (see their ad in this issue). We went to a show last year with younger grandkids and thoroughly enjoyed it. Well worth seeing.

•   Good grief what a strange presidential election year this has been and will continue to be. The presumed Republican candidate Donald Trump is, in the words of Max Boot – a senior fellow with the Council on Foreign Relations and a lifelong Republican “there has never been a major party nominee in U.S. history as unqualified for the presidency as Donald Trump.” Who am I to argue with Max?

The Democrat candidate, Hillary Clinton, based upon her job history and experience, is one of the most qualified presidential candidates ever and she isn’t very well liked or trusted.

And the Republican Party is in complete disarray with internal fighting and disagreement.

Perhaps a third party will emerge from this political chaos.

•   Lamborghini has manufactured a $2 million supercar. I thought that I would take the $10 million cash that I have on hand – because the VC Star wouldn’t sell to me – and buy 5 of them for the family but was disappointed to hear that they only made 40, and they are all already sold. Darn it.

Say it isn’t so, this replaces toys in boxes of Cracker Jack’s.
Say it isn’t so, this replaces toys in boxes of Cracker Jack’s.

•   How upsetting that Cracker Jack no longer contain toys but now includes QR codes (a QR code consists of black modules arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device (such as a camera, phone, scanner, etc.). This QR allows kids to play 4 baseball games.

•   Perhaps the strangest opening and closing of a Ventura business so far goes to Ragsdale Kitchen & Bar which was located on Main where Chicago for Ribs previously was. After a very long time and a huge amount of money remodeling, Ragsdale finally opened up about 6 months ago. Reviews weren’t too good but not awful.

After a few months they closed and a sign on the door read “Closed while we remodel kitchen and bar.” This was nonsense because both were brand new and the remodel, overall, was very well done. They re-opened for a few days then closed permanently. All of the booths have been removed, and I can only speculate that they were never paid for so the installation company removed them. Don’t know if we will ever find out what happened.

•   What a great year 1935 was in Detroit. I was born, the Detroit Tigers won the baseball championship and the Detroit Lions won the football championship. My father must have been thrilled.

•   Two of my favorite statements in TV ads are, “while supplies last’ and “If you call in the next 10 minutes”. I wonder if supplies ever run out, and if someone called after 10 minutes, would they not be able to buy the advertised product?

Vol. 9, No. 15 – April 27 – May 10, 2016 – Opinion/Editorial

The City Council has approved the pre-screen process.
The City Council has approved the pre-screen process.

•   I still see many signs saying “SAVE OUR HILLSIDES” opposing the proposed Regent Properties hillside development. Asking the City Council to “reject pre-screen application.” It is time for those opposed to the development to make new signs. The City Council approved Regent’s pre-screen application several months ago. It is now up to Regent to decide if they want to spend the large amount of money (and time) to proceed with the project. The development plans, and actual construction will continue if Regent decides to move forward.

The public will have many opportunities to comment on the final submitted plans as they progress through the various city departments. Hopefully, comments will be based on the facts of the project and not exaggerated concepts (like the one about 50 foot retaining walls – that don’t exist).

•   The VC Star has rejected my offer to buy the paper for $10,500,000 cash (that is all that I had in my wallet and my credit cards are tapped out) and have sold it to someone else. That is okay, as I’m too busy now.

•   Congratulations to Ventura College for the opening of their new 19,000 square foot $15 million Applied Science facility. A 2002 bond measure helped fund the building. We are lucky to have this outstanding college in Ventura.

•   If you have noticed, there is a “for sale” sign on Seaward in front of the Golden China Restaurant – the restaurant and property are for sale. The property does not include the area in back of the restaurant, as that is scheduled to be a future hotel. Marcus & Millichap are the Realtors. Their listing said they are “pleased to offer for sale ‘Seaward Avenue Commercial Development Opportunity’, a 3.38 acre tract of land including an 11,000 SF restaurant.”

It is an unusual sale as there is not a stated asking price. Interested parties submit their terms of purchase. It’s a great piece of property that will certainly be purchased for a future development if a developer is willing to deal with the challenges of building in Ventura.

•   Ventura is in the process of developing a Net Zero Policy. The plan would require a new or intensified development project to provide supplemental water and/or financial resources to the City’s water system in an amount equivalent to the new net demand for water created by the development.

Ventura’s recently released water report reports shows (not unexpectedly) that Ventura continues to have a water shortage problem (too bad Northern California got the El Nino and we didn’t), and that demand will continue to exceed supply.

The report shows that If the drought continues into next year (which is expected), the city will have about 16,503 acre-feet of water available, and demand will reach about 17,025 acre-feet.

A proposed ordinance will charge developers (based upon a rather complicated procedure) a large fee for every acre-foot of new water required. The City Council did not take action on the ordinance which might return to the Council for a vote in May or June.

If it is approved, projects that don’t yet have full entitlements would be subject to the ordinance 30 days after enactment.

Ventura gets its water from Lake Casitas, the Ventura River and groundwater, so the large snow packs from El Nino really don’t help our water situation. There are several other possible sources of water, including receiving some from the State that are being studied.

Several people who spoke at the meeting criticized the ordinance for very different reasons.Some arguing it would prevent badly needed affordable housing from being built, while others proposed that all construction should be stopped.

Several speakers, including Diane Underhill, a member of the city’s Water Shortage Task Force, urged the Council to develop a building moratorium until the drought is over and it can be shown that water would be available for further development.

Breeze reader Daniel Cormode (more from him in next issue) stated to us, “Representatives of Ventura Water and Water Consultancy made a Net Zero Policy presentation to the City of San Buenaventura Water Commission on March, 22, 2016.  A detailed review of the proposed Net Zero Policy was conducted and serious flaws in the estimation of costs and yields were noted.  These flaws in underestimating the true cost and overestimating the yield will result in future developments not being charged their fair share of the real cost of new water supplies and current customers of Ventura Water being obligated to pay the remainder of the costs.”

•   Ventura has reached a settlement agreement with Ventura Multi-Cinema, the owners of the downtown Century10 Theater, regarding the use of the Santa Clara parking structure. The city will pay Ventura Multi-Cinema $1.2 million for violating the terms of the 1996 lease between the parties.

Because the theater will invest at least $1.1 million into upcoming improvements including stadium-style seating, I think that this was a fair settlement for the City. The theater’s owners claimed that the City had broken the terms of the lease by giving the 60 California St. building owners exclusive use of 57 spaces for its customers (the City is paid by the owners for this use). The lease specifies that the structure should have ‘unrestricted’ parking for 40 years. The City had admitted that they had broken the terms of the lease.


Vol. 9, No. 14 – April 13 – April 26, 2016 – Opinion/Editorial

SheldonPic•   Have you ever wanted to know the who, what, when, where, why and how of police operations? The Ventura Police Department’s Community Academy answers all your questions.

The Community Academy will take you on a ride-along with a patrol officer, show you what a SWAT team does, let you experience a simulated firearms training course, give you a look at issues officers face in our community and much, much more.

Ventura Police Chief Ken Corney addresses the attendees at the first Police Department’s Community Academy meeting. That’s me on the bottom.
Ventura Police Chief Ken Corney addresses the attendees at the first Police Department’s Community Academy meeting. That’s me on the bottom.

The current session of The Community Academy began on March 22 and will be held on 9 consecutive Tuesday nights. Each night features a new topic, with speakers, demonstrations, and discussions.

The success of any police department depends largely upon the cooperation and support it receives from the citizens it serves. The Community Academy aims to educate residents on the capacity and operations of the department.

Classes are held at the Ventura Police Department located at 1425 Dowell Dr.

Go to for more information and to apply for the next session.

•   Good grief, now there might be more items to vote on in November. The Ventura Unified School District might have tax initiatives on the ballot.

The district has two options for putting a tax request on the November ballot.

The district could ask voters to extend the $59 parcel tax that Venturan’s passed in 2012, which brings in approximately $2.6 million of revenue each year.

Or, they could join with the city to include a new sales tax on the ballot. That tax would bring in considerably more, about $20 million a year. The sales tax would require a simple majority to pass, but two-thirds of voters must approve the parcel tax to be extended.

I have said this before and still don’t get it. The state lottery and fees added to building permits bring in zillions of dollars. Where does all the go? That is why people are reluctant to vote for tax increases for a specific use – too much concern that the money will not end up being used for what was proposed.

The city found in a poll (ordered and paid by the city) that voters generally favor the proposed sales tax.

•   If you think that running for office in this country has some odd requirements, look at this from India? Several states there are imposing a new requirement that candidates for local office must present proof that they have access to a working toilet. How do they prove that? Do they need to bring in dirty toilet paper?

Savana loves watching nature programs, especially when they are about birds.
Savana loves watching nature programs, especially when they are about birds.

•   It could become addictive but check out “santacruzbaldeaglecam” and watch two wonderful Bald Eagle parents raise their two chicks on Santa Cruz Island. The “eaglets” could attempt to fly away in a few weeks and you don’t want to miss that. And, if you have a cat, be sure to let it watch as well.

•   People who use the Constitution to make their points need to look at what the thinking and realities were back in the late 1700’s when the Constitution. Most of the thinking then just doesn’t apply to society today.

A good example is that our President must be a “natural born citizen”.

Article II says, “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at time of the  adoption of this Constitution shall be eligible to the Office of President.” This would exclude a person born after the adoption of the Constitution.

So why was this included in the Constitution to begin with in 1787?

“Framers of the Constitution feared that that a foreign monarch might try to take power in the new nation,” said Yale law professor Akhil Amar. He went on to say, “They were worried that a foreign duke arriving with a boat load of gold could bribe his way to take power.”

Donald Trump isn’t a foreign duke is he?

•   I congratulate U.S. District Judge Christiana Snyder for ruling that the cross does not belong on the official seal of Los Angeles County. Previously, a divided Board of Supervisors voted to replace the cross on the seal atop a depiction of the San Gabriel Mission (it had been removed several years ago).

The Board was sued by several groups (some religious) who felt that the cross did not belong on a government seal, and the judge agreed with them.

Some people say that the cross is an historical symbol and not a religious one. I hardly think when a person sees a picture or drawing of a cross that they think of history and not of Jesus/Christianity. Kind of ironic, though, that the judge’s name has Christ in it.

•   Happy to report that the Board of Directors of Cabrillo Music Theatre announced that the company has secured donations from members of the community, which will allow it to continue production of the 2016-2017 season!

After recently announcing the suspension of production due to a lack of resources, these contributions will provide Cabrillo with the ability to retool the organization, engage in a new focus and strategy, and to move into the future in a fiscally responsible way. See the article in this issue.


Vol. 9, No. 13 – March 30 – April 12, 2016 – Person to Person

To celebrate Ventura’s 150th Amber Hansen asked a few Venturan’s why they like living here.

person to person Matt LaVereMatt LaVere

I was born and raised in Ventura, and I’m blessed to be able to raise my own family here as well. Ventura has great beaches, parks, schools and is truly a family-friendly city. And not only does Ventura have a rich cultural history, but I believe we have far more potential than any beach town in California, and I think our best years are ahead of us!

person tp person suzzaneSuzanne Blanco

I love Ventura because I can drive 7 minutes to our harbor and paddle outrigger canoes with the Hokuloa Outrigger Canoe Club…the view of our city’s landscape from offshore is amazing!


person to person brasiliaBrasilia Perez

I love Ventura because it has given me a place to call home through the people I’ve met and the opportunities I have been given to be a part of our greater community… With so much history, with the laid-back, positive vibe we carry, and with people who lift each other up, -not to mention the perfect weather- why would anyone want to live anywhere else?

person to person LupeLupe Contreras

I love  the weather and my wonderful friends here. I am 102 so have lots of memories about Ventura. I remember when Highway 1 went through Ventura to Santa Barbara and the roads were made of wood. I love downtown and particularly the mission.

person to person hendricksBill Hendricks

Ventura is a place that shouts “home”. It’s not solely connected to a structural space, but strongly attached to an energy twisted inside of our community. Cheers


person to person StaciStaci Brown

I like living in Ventura because my family lives here, we have great musicians that play our local venues and it’s beautiful.


Vol. 9, No. 13 – March 30 – April 12, 2016 – Opinion/Editorial

•   I hope that you enjoy our special coverage of Ventura’s 150th Anniversary in this issue. There will be several events coming up to celebrate the anniversary (mentioned in this issue) so be sure to attend them.

•   A little information about Ventura that you will probably find very interesting (or not):

Coordinates: 34°16′30″N 119°13′40″W
Incorporated: April 2, 1866
Mayor: Erik Nasarenko
City Manager:  Mark Watkins
CA Senate: Hannah-Beth Jackson (D)
CA Assembly: Das Williams (D)
U.S. Congress: CA-24: Lois Capps (D)
CA-26: Julia Brownley (D)

Total: 32.095 sq mi
Land: 21.655 sq mi
Water: 10.440 sq mi   32.53%
Elevation: 36 ft

Total: 108,961 (more or less)
Rank: 4th in Ventura County
58th in California

•   The Cabrillo Music Theatre in Thousand Oaks will suspend productions at the end of the 2015-16 season in July which meant cancelling their next season. Cabrillo has been the professional musical theater company and only resident company at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza for 22 years. Officials cited escalating theater costs, declining ticket sales and reduction in grant income as reasons for the decision. I hate to see this happen, as they present wonderful productions.

Bus shelter design rejected by City Council.
Bus shelter design rejected by City Council.

•   At a recent City Council meeting, the council was asked to approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a contract agreement with the bidder, NR Development, Inc., of Duarte, California, for the construction of the Ventura Bus Transfer Center Shelters Project for the amount of $295,500.

The design is meant to finally provide shelter from the rain that the existing “shelter” never provided. In their discussions, council members expressed such displeasure with the cost and design that a vote wasn’t even taken to reject the project.

Bus shelter design rejected by City Council.
Bus shelter design rejected by City Council.

I certainly agree, as the proposed design is mostly glass and would take constant cleaning and upkeep, plus it would be highly subject to breakage and graffiti (carving). Plus, a good view of bird droppings would be provided.

It was approved by our Design Review Committee and Public Art Commission because they felt that it wouldn’t distract from the original design of the shelter. I think it would be wonderful if it did distract from the original structure and design.

•   The on-again, off-again homeless service program at Harbor Community Church might be on-again.

Recently, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has revived the church’s request for a preliminary injunction against Ventura which had previously shut down the program.

The Church sought the injunction in hopes that it can reopen Operation Embrace until its religious freedom lawsuit against the City is concluded.

The church has been represented by Stanford Law Professor James Sonne of the university’s Religious Liberty Clinic.

Neighbors of the church have been very opposed to this use located in a residential neighborhood siting drug use and the fact that the church is located right next to a school and park. The City Council agreed.

I don’t see this as a religious freedom situation at all, but rather a zoning consideration. Does a homeless shelter belong in a residential neighborhood?

•   A survey conducted by an independent research firm – commissioned by the city – to poll Venturan’s on whether they would vote for a sales tax increase in November showed that a majority of citizens would vote yes.

Many opposed to the increase just don’t think the money would be used for what was promised and would end up in the general fund.

That would certainly be my concern as well, as this often happens to revenue earmarked for specific causes.

The best example is what has happened to the millions of dollars spent on the State’s lottery that was meant for our schools. Plus, every building permit issued has school funds added to it and yet all we hear is that our schools are underfunded – where does all of this money go?

•   I’ve always wondered if the people who think that Israel should give back land that they have won in wars also think that the United States should give most of California, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico back to Mexico (that we won or kind of bought).

Vol. 9, No. 12 – March 16 – March 29, 2016 – Opinion/Editorial

SheldonPic•  On March 12 an official ground breaking was held at the proposed Kellogg Park located on the Westside of Ventura on Ventura Ave. (more about this in the next issue of the Breeze). Even though I commend the many people who have worked extremely hard to get this park on the Westside I really don’t get it.

The reason stated for the need for this park is “Lack of park space and other recreational activities on the Westside. Westpark Community Center, the area’s main park, is on the far end of town, too far to be of regular use to many.”

Twelve blocks north of Kellogg Park is the Harry A. Lyon Park with baseball fields and tennis courts and it is right next to two schools so kids can walk there after school.

Six blocks to the south is possibly the nicest and most inter-active park in Ventura the Westpark Community Center. Westpark has (I believe) the only indoor basketball facility of any park in Ventura, art rooms computers rooms, community gardens, kid’s play area, baseball and soccer fields, a skateboard park and a wonderful boxing program for youths. And a bike path is located right next to it so people can bike to it. Also Sheridan Way school is located right next to it so kids can walk there after school also.

There is not any other area in Ventura that has three parks (or even two) that are located within 1.5 miles of each other. Again, I applaud all of the hard work that has made Kellogg Park possible.

Okay, I await the nasty letters that I will receive about this.

•  The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is now playing at the Rubicon Theatre. It is another outstanding play at the Rubicon and a must see. Playing until March 20 so only a few more days left to see it.

•  I recently attended an engineering challenge event for local middle schools that was covered in a previous issue of the Breeze. As part of this event the kids had to make verbal presentations regarding their projects. To prepare for this I saw kids printing as fast as they could preparing their presentations. All were using printing because schools no longer teach cursive writing because they say kids don’t need to know it anymore. For several reasons this is really stupid and this was one of them.

Interesting names for schools these days. Some of the schools that were competing were Frank Academy of Marine Science & Engineering, Los Prineros School of Science & Arts and  Fremont Academy of Environmental Science and Innovative Design.

•  Even though most commercial airlines have banned the use of e-cigarettes on their airplanes for some time it has never been an official government policy. This has changed because the U.S. Department of Transportation has now explicitly set rules that state that e-cigarettes fall under the same ban as that of other tobacco products. Good for them.

•  The Breeze certainly has writing errors but a recent one in a headline in the LA Times sports section was funny. A headline that should have said “OWNER GOAL STEALS SHOW”(the owner made basket) said “OWNED GOAL STEALS SHOW”. I thought that perhaps the owner of the goal stole it in the middle of the game.

•  I want to congratulate Venturan Jack Ainsworth. The California Coastal Commission has appointed him to be the interim replacement for executive director Charles Lester who has left. He will head the agency’s staff until a permanent replacement is found. Ainsworth has been on the commission staff for 27 years.

Ainsworth has degrees from California State University, San Bernardino, and a master’s in geography from University of California, Riverside. He has served as the commission’s senior deputy director since 2011.

•  A legal battle over the CMH parking structure now being constructed seems to be continuing. The structure is scheduled to be completed in July and must be completed before the completion of the new hospital but another lawsuit to stop construction has been filed. It will be a wonderful addition to mid-town because 1/3 of the spaces will be available for the use of the neighborhood.

A local business has continually attempted to stop the construction for some unknown reason. I’m sure that their attempt with once again fail in court.

•  If you ever feel depressed maybe you can’t blame your parents anymore but can blame Neanderthals. Even though it has been about 40,000 years since they disappeared their genetics may account for our ability to fight infections, risk of addiction and even depression. How do we know that? I have no idea but some really smart people do by studying their DNA. If you are of Asian or European descent 2-4% of your genome came from our Neanderthal ancestors. So don’t kid anymore by calling someone a Neanderthal because most of us are.

•  Good news is that the island fox have made a strong recovery on Channel Islands. Golden eagles were decimating the fox population (they need to eat) but they have been removed. The fox were listed as an endangered species several years ago but because of the work by the National Park Service and others who were concerned programs were set up that have resulted in the return of the foxes.

•  At a recent City Council meeting the Council unanimously voted to ask the state to allow the Players Casino to stay open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The extra 20 hours the casino would stay open could generate an additional $125,000 per year in taxes and certainly would have no negative effect on the area.

Apparently casinos are regulated by the state. The casino has been very successful so I support this. Also a great place to eat, especially after other restaurants have closed for the evening.


Vol. 9, No. 11 – March 2 – March 15, 2016 – Opinion/Editorial

Sheldon Brown, Publisher
Sheldon Brown, Publisher

•   We have an article in this issue about the passing of Jim Mangis. Even though I didn’t see him often, I considered him a friend. That was just his personality, all who met him felt this way because he cared and was so genuine. I last saw him a few weeks ago at a get together of volunteers at City Corps. We talked about many things including making compost and using red wigglers worms because was an organic farmer. Sadly enough, he was going to write an article in this issue about organic farming. He will be missed by all who knew him. And only 62, life is a strange creature sometimes.

•   The Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura (HACSB) has completed the construction of their 39-unit $11.6 million apartment project (see articled in this issue). Spending this kind of money on 39 very small studio units just doesn’t make sense to me.

Why not take $9.6 million and purchase (25) $400,000 homes and put aside $2 million for maintenance.

25 homes would provide about 75 bedrooms with yard areas and the pride of living in a home – not small studio units. And this would be a much better investment.

•   A program to cap home construction, criticized by members of the business and housing communities, and strongly rejected by the Ventura Planning Commission, was recently rejected by the City Council.

If approved, the Residential Allocation Program (RAP) would have allowed no more than 1,050 new units in a three-year period, with a ceiling of 450 units in a single year (with some exemptions).

I think that this was a smart decision by the Council. Ventura now has several ordinances and procedures that can be followed to control growth and just adding another layer would further discourage developers ( the dreaded D word) from building in Ventura.

The Council plans to revisit how the planning process works overall. Including design guidelines (which we desperately need), zoning and the general plan definitions, which sets out what type of development goes where and how.

The council also will have joint meetings with the Planning Commission and the Design Review Committee to discuss strengthening building standards.

I hope that they will also make it easier for developers to really understand the process. Developers need to have a way of obtaining preliminary approval from the Council so that they don’t spend thousands of dollars and many years obtaining other department approvals just to be ultimately shot down by the Council.

•   Well, Einstein has been proven to be correct one more time. New findings have proved him to be correct about gravity having waves – I don’t even understand gravity and can one surf in these waves? This was done by observing light emanating from the merger of two black holes “about” 1.3 billion light-years away. I’m glad that they said “about” because they could be off by about 10 zillion, trillion years give or take a few. How can one even fathom this kind of distance?

•   I find it interesting that the most violent terrorist organization on earth gets so little interest. Boko Haram’s atrocities make ISIS look like Boy Scouts (if anything could). The northeastern Nigerian Islamist group has been much more deadly than other Islamic State terrorist groups and even more violent in killing school children. Could it be that their atrocities involve poor Nigerian’s and their lives just don’t matter as much as those of Westerners?

•   In our last issue, I spoke about the large amount of important decisions to be made in the November elections. The list just keeps growing. There might be 2 different SOAR initiatives and up to 20 State initiatives (6 have qualified so far). So probably best to vote by mail or spend an hour in the voting booth.

•   Very happy to see that the entrance to Ventura Harbor has reopened to all boating traffic. The closure (including moving the tall ships to Channel Islands) cost merchants and fishing vessels a large amount of money. SBA loans might be available for merchants who lost money.

•   The City has executed a Lease Agreement between Brooks Institute and the City of Ventura to use some of the office space behind City Hall (see article). Getting Brooks to become part of our downtown is wonderful for merchants.

Two council members voted no. Tracy, because he feels that Brooks should pay market value for the space and Monahan because of parking concerns. I certainly agree with Monahan and hope that Brook faculty and students are made to park in the upper parking lot.

Existing tenants of the space that Brooks will be occupying, will be able to move to another floor (if it provides them with enough useable space). FOTM (Focus on the Masters) will need to move a huge amount of material and files so the space available may not be adequate for them. If any of our readers have room for this non-profit supporter of the arts at a really low rent, please reach out (they need about 2,000 square feet). Does not need to be a retail location.

•   Sorry that the Ventura BMX track located at the Ventura Community Park was closed down. Was a great idea and nice addition to Ventura, but after they lost their sanctioning body approval, the track was closed.

The Ventura Parks & Recreation Commission has voted to demolish the track which has become an eyesore and a gathering place for the homeless. I wonder who will be paying for this?