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Help Cabrillo Middle School stay the best in engineering and music

The Rusty Sailors have invented a Microfiber Filter.

FIRST® LEGO® League has announced 20 semi-finalist teams that have advanced to the Eighth Annual FIRST® LEGO® League Global Innovation Award. The Rusty Sailors Robotics Team, from Ventura’s Cabrillo Middle School was selected from entries from more than 20 countries and all 50 states

for their outstanding project innovative solution that demonstrated originality while having the potential to add significant value in the world.

The Cabrillo Middle School Rusty Sailors have invented a Microfiber Filter for washing machines for the HYDRODYNAMICS? season, which focused on improving the water cycle and keeping microfibers out of the ocean’s waters and sea life. They collaborated with local scientists as well as developers at Patagonia to ensure their product would be a viable and responsible invention. This is the first time that a Ventura or Los Angeles regional team has advanced this far. The team will travel to San Jose June 19-21 to present their innovation to expert judges at San Jose State University, which culminates in the awarding of the top prize of $20,000 to continue work on their inventions; two runners-up will take home $5,000 each.

The Rusty Sailors have also been invited to participate in the FIRST LEGO League Razorback Invitational, at the University of Arkansas on May 16-20. The team will compete with their robot against 71 other teams from around the globe.

Coached by JD Sessa, the team is currently fundraising and looking for additional sponsors to assist them with travel, hotel and project/robot costs related to both of these events. Individuals can donate on their GoFundMe page at and companies who wish to sponsor can reach out to fundraising committee member and team parent, Marieanne Quiroz at [email protected]. Alternatively, purchasing wristbands (from somewhere similar to can be effective for fundraising. By putting the school name and logo on wristbands, it would be a lovely reminder of the fundraising efforts of all of the school.

FIRST LEGO League is an international program for 9 to 16-year-old children created in a partnership between FIRST and the LEGO Group in 1998 to get children excited about science and technology – and teach them valuable career and life skills. Children work alongside adult Mentors to design, build, and program autonomous robots using LEGO MINDSTORMS® and create an innovative solution to a real-world problem as part of their research project.

Accomplished inventor Dean Kamen founded FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) in 1989 to inspire an appreciation of science and technology in young people. To learn more about FIRST, go to

Jazz is alive and well at Cabrillo Middle School. Help support music at Cabrillo Middle School by attending the annual Jazz Benefit Concert on May 19, from 5:30-7:30 at Boccali’s Restaurant in Ojai. Tickets are $29 and include all you can buffet dinner and non-alcoholic beverages while sitting outside under the oaks listening to live jazz music from Cabrillo Middle School Students and a special performance by Lito Hernandez Fotet.

There is also a wine raffle and silent auction for many interesting items. All proceeds benefit the music program which pays for instrument repair, music tutors, sheet music, field trips, and more. Purchase tickets now at or at the door.

Corporate Games closing ceremonies and competition

Representing Taradyne Co of Ventura , “The Bucket Brigade” filled and hauled countless buckets of water from the shore while others shaped the sand. Photos by Bernie Goldstein

Thousands of employees from 80 Ventura and Santa Barbara County companies have been battling it out for the last six-weeks in the 29th Annual City of Ventura Corporate Games! The end of this business-to-business team sports competition took place on Saturday, May 5 at the Corporate Games Closing Ceremonies held at Harbor Cove Beach in Ventura.

In the last two events local companies faced off in the “Ventura’s Beauty” Sand Sculpturing Contest and Tug-O-War competition to end the competition and to win the overall and team unity trophies in their respective divisions in this final day of competition.

For more information on the Corporate Games, visit

Primrose Excursions

Recent Primrose Excursion trip took the group Los Olivos for a wine tour and painting.

by Rebecca Wicks

Bonnie Wiley has worn many hats throughout her years, but all have had one focus – to help people find happiness in their current life. Today she helps people find happiness through travel with her company, Primrose Excursions, which designs and sells trips ranging from day excursions to longer and even international destination tours. Wiley who is a recreation therapist by degree and has served in the field of behavioral therapy at rehabilitation clinics and state hospitals alike has always believed what you do in your free time is pinnacle to your overall health and happiness.

“I found when working with patients in recovery, what a person does in their leisure time often gives them overall value.” said Wiley. “Those who occupied their free time with something fulfilling seemed to always do better.”

Today, Wiley doesn’t use charts or treatment plans, but the goal is the same, to get people out of the house.

Before starting Primrose Excursions, Wiley supervised the City of Ventura’s two senior centers including its nutrition and travel programs. In her 12 years working for the City she grew the travel program from a very small program to a very successful and almost autonomous program.

“When we started it was a ‘hey, let’s go to Santa Barbara for lunch’ kind of venture,” said Wiley. “From there it grew and grew into a robust program with extended tours.”

In the end, the City terminated the extended tour part of the travel program, citing they were not in the business of travel. Wiley decided there was still a need and place for this type of programming in Ventura and started her company almost four years ago this month. She now organizes and sells 35-40 trips a year. She also acts as the tour director on all of these trips. In addition to these, she partners with three other companies that offer longer trips.

Wiley’s travelers are generally over 40, with most in their 60s. She stresses people come from all different kinds of backgrounds but have a similar interest in having their travel taken care of for them.

“There is value in group travel,” said Wiley. “You’re not alone. You may not know where to eat, I take care of that. You don’t have to depend on online reviews, I’ve already been there, I’ve already evaluated on your behalf.”

Wiley’s excursions regularly range from 30 to 56 people in size. Trips often have themes. For example, on a recent day trip the group visited a Japanese garden that was part of a water treatment plant in the San Fernando Valley, followed by lunch at a Japanese restaurant. The adventure ended with a tour of the Pacific Asian Museum in Pasadena. A Ben Franklin themed excursion took the group to Forest Lawn where they toured Revolutionary War era chapels, to a restaurant that was formerly a fire house – Franklin helped start the firehouse in Philadelphia – and later to the public library in downtown Los Angeles, because Franklin founded the first lending library in the United States.
Wiley even offers “surprise tours,” where travelers don’t know where they are heading to and are asked to pack in layers and bring comfortable walking shoes. A recent surprise trip took a group to Lake Arrowhead Resort. Upcoming excursions include a Dodgers baseball game, a night out to see the musical Singing in the Rain, and a trip to Hoover Dam and Las Vegas with extended tours through her partners going to Alaska, Washington D.C. and Thailand.

“People appreciate that I’m detail oriented and they know what they are getting,” said Wiley. “One of the main draws is they don’t have to drive, deal with traffic or parking – they can sleep, relax and know once they’ve arrived, they are taken care of.”

National Bicycle Safety Month

May is National Bicycle Safety Month. The Ventura Police Department and the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) will be focusing on bicycle safety enforcement operations throughout the month. Special patrols will be deployed to look for drivers and bicyclists who violate traffic laws meant to protect all roadway users.

With about 80 million bike riders sharing the road with millions of vehicles, the importance of safety precautions in traffic cannot be overstated.

Autos: California law now mandates at least three feet of clearance when passing a cyclist. Look for cyclists before opening a car door or pulling out from a parking space. Yield to cyclists at intersections and as directed by signs and signals. Be especially watchful for riders when making turns. It is unlawful to drive in a bike lane except for 200 feet prior to make a right or left turn.

Bikes: Wear properly fitted bicycle helmets every time you ride. Cyclists who wear a helmet reduce their risk of head injury by an estimated 60%, and brain injury by 58%. A helmet is the single most effective way to prevent head injury resulting from a bicycle crash. Riders are considered vehicle operators; they are required to obey the same rules of the road as other vehicle operators, including obeying traffic signs, signals, and lane markings. When cycling in the street, cyclists must ride in the same direction as traffic. Bicyclists should increase their visibility to drivers by wearing fluorescent or brightly colored clothing during the day, and at dawn and dusk.

To be noticed when riding at night, the law requires a front light and a red reflector to the rear. For additional safety, use a flashing rear light, and use retro-reflective tape or markings on equipment or clothing.

If you are involved in an incident on the road with another vehicle and sustain injuries as a result, you may be looking for legal assistance. You could consider contacting Personal Injury attorneys near Florence AL.

National Superhero Day

Black Panther, Wonder Woman and Captain America were at the Harbor on April 28 in celebration of the National Superhero Day. Superheroes come in all shapes and forms, but the one thing they all have in common is their commitment to saving lives and improving the way we live.

They were joined by real life local heroes who save lives and keep the community safe.

A fire truck was parked nearby during the event and families had the opportunity to meet local fire fighters.

USDA announces additional wildfire recovery details

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue has announced new details on eligibility for a new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) disaster program, 2017 Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program (2017 WHIP). In total, USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will deploy up to $2.36 billion that Congress appropriated through the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 to help producers with recovery of their agricultural operations in at least nine states with hurricane damage and states impacted by wildfire.

“While USDA has a suite of disaster programs as well as crop insurance available to help producers manage their risk, Congress felt it was important to provide extra assistance to our nation’s farms and ranches that were the hardest hit last year,” Secretary Perdue said.

Wildfire Recovery: Any crop, tree, bush or vine, damaged by a 2017 wildfire is eligible.

Eligibility will be determined on an individual basis, using the level of insurance coverage purchased for 2017 for the total crop acres on the area for which the WHIP application is made. Eligible producers who certify to an average adjusted gross income (AGI) of at least 75 % derived from farming or ranching, including other agriculture and forestry-based businesses during the tax years 2013, 2014 and 2015, will be eligible for a $900,000 payment limitation with verification. All other eligible producers requesting 2017 WHIP benefits will be subject to a $125,000 payment limitation.

Crop Insurance Requirement: Both insured and uninsured producers are eligible to apply for WHIP. However, all producers opting to receive 2017 WHIP payments will be required to purchase crop insurance at the 60% coverage level, or Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) at the 60% buy up coverage level if crop insurance is not available. Coverage must be in place for the next two applicable crop years to meet program requirements.

The WHIP factor ranges from 65 % to 95 %. Producers who did not insure their crops in 2017 will receive a 65 % WHIP Factor. Insured producers, or producers who had NAP, will receive between 70 percent and 95 percent WHIP Factors; those purchasing higher levels of coverage will receive higher WHIP Factors.

Drought, wildfires and other disasters continue to impact farmers and ranchers, and 2017 WHIP is just one of many programs available through USDA to help with recovery.

FSA will hold a sign-up for 2017 WHIP no later than July 16. Additional information on WHIP is available on FSA’s 2017 WHIP webpage.

Exhibition of paintings by famed Cuban Artist Pedro González Pulido at Museum of Ventura County

Exhibition of paintings by famed Cuban Artist Pedro González Pulido Opening Night – Friday, June 8. Museum of Ventura County The Martin V. and Martha K. Smith Pavilion.

Pedro González Pulido is a prominent Cuban artist and educator. In 1997 he was Artist–in-Residence at Art City Studios. He returned to Ventura in 2015 as a Featured Artist at the 2015 Art Walk. A longtime friend of Ventura filmmaker Lorenzo DeStefano, Pedro became aware of Lorenzo’s work on “Hearing is Believing”, the feature documentary film about Rachel Flowers. After seeing a Spanish-subtitled version (“Oir es Creer”), Pedro was inspired, as have been many people, by Rachel’s story and her music.

Hearing is Believing Productions and the Museum of Ventura County are proud to bring the film and Pedro’s amazing work back to Ventura.

Painting exhibition runs through June 24.

“Hearing Is Believing” Screening Fri. June 8.

6-7 pm Art Opening & Reception w/ music by Rachel Flowers

7:15 pm Screening of “Hearing Is Believing”, a film by Lorenzo DeStefano

Post-screening Q+A w/ Lorenzo DeStefano, Rachel Flowers, Jeanie Flowers and Patti Channer

Advance tickets ($20) available through EVENTBRITE –

Limited tickets available at the door. 641-3845 or [email protected] .

Lifeguard and water safety classes at the YMCA

Looking for a summer job? Check out the Lifeguard and Swim Instructor Certification Courses at the Ventura Family YMCA. Each course will equip you with the tools you need to get a job in Aquatics. Must Register by May 19. Both courses require Pre-requisites. Lifeguarding course includes CPR, First Aid & Oxygen training. Swim instructor Course requires CPR, First Aid, and Oxygen Training.

Dates and times for Lifeguard Course:
June 8, 4 – 8pm
June 9, 9am – 6pm
June 10, 9am – 6pm
June 15, 9am – 12pm

Dates and times for Swim Instructor Course:
June 15, 2 – 6pm
June 16, 9am – 6pm
June 18, 1 – 5pm

Cost: $160 per course

Water Safety Workshop. Learn about swim and aquatic safety
Come and learn about water safety with Vanessa Tooch, Ventura Family YMCA’s Program Director. With an extensive background in swim and aquatic safety, she will provide helpful information regarding water safety, benefits of swim lessons, building blocks of swim lessons, and learning expectations/appropriate age progression rates. Please register for the workshop at the Ventura Family YMCA or call. Walk-ins are welcome.
May 15, 6 – 7pm. Free

Ventura Family YMCA, 3760 Telegraph Road

Contact Vanessa Tooch, 642.2131 x1 or [email protected].

4th Annual Student Art Exhibition and Reception

“Black Skirt” by Syndi Santiago

The 4th Annual Student Art Exhibition and Reception (at Santa Paula campus)featuring a range of media taught in Studio Arts including drawing, painting, photography and wood prints. Artworks are from both Ventura College and Santa Paula High School students. Until Wednesday, May 30.

“The Ocean” by Aryanna Martinez

To encourage residents of the surrounding communities to engage with and visit the campus. To recognize student creativity of expression and provide exhibit space for students at both Ventura College and Santa Paula High School.

Ventura College East Campus, 957 Faulkner Road, 106 Santa Paula 525-7136.

It’s time to take a peek at summer!

The City of Ventura Parks and Recreation will be hosting a free Open House at Barranca Vista Park on Saturday, May 12 from 1-5 pm. This event will be your opportunity to interact with staff and preview the summer camps being offered this year. Stage entertainment featuring Elaine’s Polynesian Dancers, Cassie’s Pop Dancers, Line Dancing with Jackie, Rock & Roll High Camp alumni band “The Antidote,” and JAB, as well as, cheer and gymnastics demos will be performing during the event.

With more than 20 hands-on activity booths there will be something for everyone! Join City of Ventura Summer Day Camp & Aquatics Center staff for special crafts, try your balance on the Ohana surfboard, paint a colorful bookmark with RED Brick Art Camps, play the money game with Money Munchkids, make slime with Mad Science, build with Play-Well Lego, learn to play guitar with Rock & Roll High or sing and drum with Music Therapy by JAB. The Li’l Circus that Could will bring circus arts & interactive fun to kids of all ages. You don’t have to run away to join the circus; the circus is coming to Barranca Vista Park!

Stay for the first Fairy Tales in the Park performance of the season. The Peter Pan 4: Hook’s Uproar performance will begin at 4 pm and will last one hour. We encourage you to bring a blanket, picnic and low lawn chairs.

While you are at the event, view the newly installed public art project “Bee Cause. This permanent art installation, led by local artist M.B. Hanrahan, beautifies the space and also pays homage to the plight of the North American Bumble Bee.

For more information, visit the Barranca Vista Center website.