Vol. 16, No. 07 – Dec 28, 2022 – Jan 10, 2023 – Mailbox


Thanks for printing the article by Richard Senate. The way the Missions allowed Spanish soldiers to kill the Natives and rape their women is disgusting. They were slaves and yet no reparations have ever been offered. It was the only slavery in California except when Native American tribes made slaves of other tribes defeated in raids and warfare. I am not sure what happened back then and I question Mr. Senate’s story. The Mojave is quite far from the Ventura Mission. I have heard there was a Native American upraising around 1819. General DeLaGuerra chased Chumash fleeing and killed them all. Disease ravaged the population and without slaves the missions fell apart. Anyway, if interested, there is a great class at Moorpark College. And at Santa Barbara city college spring 2023.

Maryanne deGoede


This time of year I reflect on what Ventura needs to  have to attract visitors.  There is a line in the Musical “Hello Dolly” I recall, Barnaby says he wants to go to New York’s Barnum’s Museum to see the stuffed White Whale.  It was something that excited him to see this unique display. That’s what Ventura needs a “White Whale” something that no one else, no other city in the west, has. It must be grand and  will serve as a magnet for tourism. But, what could it be?  I am sure the creative readers of the Breeze maybe able to come up with something that could draw people to our community. Remember–it must be unique. Here are some of my ideas: Good and bad.

1. A signature event. Santa Barbara has “Old Spanish Days,” Oxnard has “The Strawberry Festival” what do we have?  Well, most of the calamari consumed in the state come out of Ventura’s Harbor.  We could have a Calamari Festival at the Harbor with our mascot Carmen Calamari (Think a squid version of Carmen Miranda).  We could have Calamari Burgers, Calamari ice cream!  A Calamari parade!

2. A suggestion was put forward many years ago for a Steam Punk, Captain Nemo like aquarium at the harbor to honor the sea life of the Pacific Coast. It could also Honor Jules Vern the French Writer who invented the future.

3. Maybe we need a focal point for the city. A statue that will draw people from all over.  A signature image. Something non-controversial like a native American.

4. Maybe a large, ornate town clock like they have in Europe. That would ring and have animated performers.

5. Maybe a special dish that was developed in Ventura? Corn taquitos were invented here! The Ortega Chili was developed here by Mr. Ortega. That could be a creation to be celebrated!

Maybe you have some better ideas.

Richard Senate

June Fog

The cloudy mist,
A sprinkle in the air.
Fog looms heavy,
Yet the winds are near.

Early Harbor breeze,
Parts the clouds.
Breaks the June fog,
Pushes it off the pier.

By Jeff Russell

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
~ Margaret Mead

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