As I See It

This is the time of the year when I usually reflect on what has been good and bad about the Ventura Breeze. What has worked and what hasn’t? What needs improving or changing?

But this year, I’m only reflecting on one thing which is the untimely passing of the most wonderful Breezy Gledhill. There are very few days that I don’t think of her (maybe none).

I’m usually wanting to share a Breeze moment by texting her, but she is not here. Wanting to share a photo by emailing her, but she is not here. A new restaurant would open, and we would have lunch there to check it out, but she is not here.

I (and all that knew her) miss her dearly. Take care – keep your loved ones close. Thanks for the Breeze support in 2022. A toast to a brighter and happier 2023.

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