Vol. 14, No. 25 – Sept 8 – Sept 21, 2021 – Ojai News & Events

Ojai Art Center Theater invites you to brainstorm regarding the final show of the 2021 season, The Holiday Showcase. Directors Tracey Williams and Gai Jones seek a variety of community talents to perform monologues, scenes (original and scripted), songs, dances, improv, stories, and poems. All ages may participate, youth through sages, individuals, groups, and families.

Zoom informational meetings happen on Monday, September 13 or Thursday, September 16 both at 7 p.m.. To receive the Zoom link, submit your name and email prior to September 11 to [email protected] and [email protected]. An in-person meeting takes place at the OACT on Tuesday, September 14 at 7 p.m.. The purpose of the meetings involves brainstorming on how people might perform/participate and share any ideas about the entire show elements and/or performers.

Rehearsals begin first week of October, and shows run the weekends of December 10-12 and December 17-19. An after show OACT party transpires on December 19.

Ideas for performances include family friendly stories about celebrations of various winter traditions and holidays such as: Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Soltice, Kwanza, 3 Kings Days, Epiphany, St. Lucia Day, Festivus (Seinfeld), Boxing Day, Las Posades, and others.

Local Ojai resident Anagarika Sucinno will visit the Ojai Library at 2pm on Sunday, September 26, to offer the first of a series of talks entitled Karma and the End of Karma: Unweaving the Karma Complexity. Two subsequent talks will take place on Sunday, October 10, and Sunday, October 24, also at 2pm. This in-person event and its participants will be subject to all current and applicable COVID-related safety protocols required by the County of Ventura.

There is much confusion and contradiction around the concept of karma. Questions of Being, free will, good and bad, life, and rebirth.

Consciously or unconsciously we live with three questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where do I go when I die? Knowing it or not, the way we answer these questions drives the course of our individual life—and the fate of nations. That, and karma!

Though each of these three talks has a central focus, they are not isolated, but form a composite offering covering karma as it operates through individuals, collectively, and upon the life of the world.

These events are free and open to the public. For additional information, contact Ron Solórzano, Regional Librarian, at (805) 218-9146.

The Ojai Library is located at 111 East Ojai Avenue in Ojai, CA. Hours of service are 10am to 8pm Monday through Thursday and 12pm to 5pm Friday through Sunday.