Vita Art Center presents John Nava and David Kassan “ELEGIES” Paintings – Tapestries – Drawings

Claudia Patricia Gomez Gonzales Unique Jacquard Tapestry by John Nava.

Opening Event:  Saturday, June 12 from 4-7pm., Reservations Required
$10 for non-members.  Members free
Exhibit Dates: June 12 – August 14, 2021
Roya Kovensky, Survivor | Unique Jacquard Tapestry | Artist: David Kassan

These artists are holding the world to account. Both by the monumental scale of the tapestries and their exceptional technical prowess, Nava and Kassan command attention to their subject matter whether it be images of people who died while suffering hardships nobody should ever suffer or in the case of Kassan adults who once suffered monstrous hardships yet lived to tell their story; a story held in their bodily stance, a story that speaks of both defiance and dignity.

It is a curious shift in our historical focus that throws these two together. Figurative artworks were once outflanked in importance by a bold new abstraction, but with abstraction the ability to tell stories all but dried up. Instead abstraction often functioned as handy decor for corporations to inoculate their walls and entrances from difficult meanings.

28 West Main Street
Ventura, CA 93001

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