Vol. 12, No. 23 – Aug 14 – Aug 27, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter



10:44am, received a report of a stingray strike at Harbor Cove. Officers responded with hot water to assist State Parks with the medical. The hot water applied to the wound with hotwater bag. The patient was treated and released.


10:44am, received a request for hot water for a stingray strike from State Parks lifeguards. Officers responded and assisted the patient.

10:56am, another request for hot water from Leo Robbins instructors for a stingray strike in the sandtrap. Officers contacted fire dispatch and when completed with call, assisted with another stingray bag of hot water via boat 19

 7-27 1:30pm, received a report from State Parks regarding a PWC operating recklessly near Marina Park. Officers responded in Rescue Boat 19 and contacted the vessel. The operator was educated, local ordinance &state laws.

4:00pm-8:24pm, officers conducted twenty educational enforcement contacts in this time period with separate operators on Personal Watercraft. The violations ranged from speeding in the harbor to speeding in restricted areas: such as too close to shore or too close to swimmers. The last group was issued warnings for operating after dusk and speeding in the Pierpont Basin.


4:50pm, received a report of a theft at Ventura Village Harbor mart. A transient stole a can of beer, otherwise known as a “BeerRun.”


12:15pm, received a request for a tow from a large fishing vessel being towed by another. Officers responded in Rescue B19 to assist. The vessel was taken into a short tow and safely delivered to the Ventura Boatyard for haul-out..

11:04pm, received a dispatch to a stabbing victim near Riverhaven encampment. Officers responded and assisted VFD, AMR and VPD with the patient. The patient was bandaged and transported Code3 to local hospital.


5:50am, received a request to assist US coast guard in flare sighting search. Officers responded in Rescue B-19 and searched Ventura Harbors’ sphere-of- influence, a few miles in all directions and were UTL any vessels in distress.


5:00am, while preparing morning weather forecasts officers observed a heavy fog bank moving in, leaving approximately ¼ mile visibility around the harbor


10:30am, received a report of a juvenile sea lion in distress near VWM D-dock. Officers responded found numerous sea lions but none in distress.


3:15am, dispatched to a fall victim at the Holiday Inn express. Officers responded and assisted VFD with the call.

4:50pm, received a request from a disabled 39 foot sailboat in need of assistance returning to their slip. Officers responded in Rescue B19 and safely towed the vessel into their slip in Ventura West Marina G-dock.

6:45pm, received a request for a tow from a disabled electric boat at VHM Yacht yard. Officers responded and towed the vessels to the keys.


7:11am, dispatched to a fall victim at the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and provided a lift assist to an 80 year old male. No injuries were sustained during the call.

9:15am, dispatched to an Ocean rescue while on patrol in Rescue B19. Officers responded to Bath lane and found a prone paddler in no distress.

2:01pm, received a dispatch to a brush fire near Harbor/Spinnaker. Officers responded but the incident was observed out of Patrols response area.

7:45pm, received a report of a sick/injured dolphin near Marina Park. Officers responded and assisted CIMWI with the incident. Several bystanders, surfers, attempted to steer the mammal back out to sea. Darkness ended the attempt.


11:53am, dispatched to a medical alarm in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and ascertained that the alarm was activated accidentally.