Vol. 11, No. 23 – Aug 15 – Aug 28, 2018 – Mailbox

Good Venturan returned wallet today

This morning my husband drove over to the east end to care for a friend’s dogs while they are away, and he unknowingly dropped his wallet while walking the neighborhood. A couple hours later he noticed it was missing, drove all around retracing steps but no luck. A few minutes ago a young man wearing a #VenturaStrong shirt rang the doorbell with the wallet and all credit cards, etc… intact, thus saving us the huge hassle of canceling them and getting new ID, insurance cards, etc… I tried to give this young man a reward but he politely declined. His name is Eddie. With all the bad news in the world lately, I want people to know that we have honest young people in our city, who will drive all the way across town to help a stranger. Ventura Strong, indeed!

Melissa Wantz, Old Town

To Sheldon

I think this is a great idea. I use the Valdez Ally/Eastwood Park steps just about every day and would love to see that open area. We just need to protect our history, as you suggest. And by the way, I’ve lived here about nine months and I don’t think I’ve ever seen that museum open.

Ed Terpening

This is what Ed is referring to from a previous issue. “Because it is very seldom used, it seems to me that the large outdoor area at the Albinger Archaeological Museum is a waste of space. It’s basically grass, dirt and river rock that were foundations for the old buildings that were located there. Really not much to see outside after you enjoy the exhibits inside the Museum.”

Until Sept. 3 the Museum is open from 11am-4pm on weekends.

By email

I just finished reading your article in last week’s Breeze (Paul Hunt Memorial) and was very disappointed to see that you did not include a picture of the actual cross along with the other photos you took that day it seems that somebody cut the cross off right at the bottom and didn’t show the whole picture of it it would have been nice to have included it since it’s a piece of history of Ventura

By snailmail

Why??? Lieberman, Goldstein, etc. left out the cross? The cross is of great historic significance.


JT: To be blunt this was a memorial for Paul Hunt and not Jesus. Also there has always been debate if a 50-year old cross in indeed historical and don’t blame Lieberman, Goldstein they didn’t take the photos.

Dear Sheldon,

Isn’t it a waste and a shame that the Foster Library has to close for the day when the temperature gets hot?

Why can’t air conditioning be installed?  Wouldn’t it be worth the cost, particularly for the children?

Suzanna Ballmer

If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.
~ Carl Sagan