Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

Memorial Day observed

Photos by Bernie Goldstein

On Monday, May 30 a Memorial Day service was held at St. Mary’s Cemetery honoring the 76 American veterans and the one 1869 Medal of Honor recipient that are buried there. This 1862 historical 7 acre cemetery contains 3,000 American Ventura Pioneers.

stuff memorial insetAfter the prayer and pledge the Port Hueneme Naval Color Guard paraded the flag followed by the playing of TAPS. Abraham Lincoln played by Don Ancell addressed those attending the memorial.  Richard Senate, local historian and  story teller gave a fascinating account of  Ventura and the cemetery’s history.



Memorial Day Program

Ivy Lawn Memorial Park honored those who served our nation. Photos by John Ferritto

On Monday, May 30 a Memorial Day Program was held at Ivy Lawn Memorial Park. Proudly displaying the  Avenue of Flags that tells the stories not only of veterans interred at Ivy Lawn, but also of many other veterans. Their stories help us remember the sacrifices they have made to serve our nation. These flags are flown to touch your minds and your hearts in hopes they will lift your understanding, appreciation, and knowledge of veterans, and most importantly, your compassion for them.

The flags went on display May 21st and remained up until June 4, 2016. As usual, the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Sea Cadets set up each and every flag.

Timothy Gallaher, Board Member Ivy Lawn welcomed family and introduced special guests and made the closing remarks. An invocation was presented by Chaplain U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Patricia Coley followed by our national anthem sung be 8th grader Molly Bess Sturgeon. State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson was the keynote speaker.

Shown in the photos are a few of those who attended the memorial:
M.Sgt. Gerald Dunham: Served in Saudi Arabia and North Africa 1958- 1962 and 1970-1989
Spec 4 Paul Rodriguez 1966-1968   Past Commander American Legion #339
Max Vanderwyk  WW II and Korea- Mark Vanderwyk – Dick Shuey  WW II and Korea
Ron Allen – James C Parker – Both served Vietnam 67-68  –  Peter Magoon
Ken Winter-Served aboard USS Midway  1945-1946
Isabel E Salmons with State Senator Hanna Beth Jackson — Salmons worked on assembling 5000 planes during 1942-43

Community members invited to attend Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) Formation Forums

Community members invited to attend Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) Formation Forums, June 14 and June 16, 2016

What: STAKEHOLDER FORUM – Upper Ventura River (UVRB) Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA)
Formation Forum
When: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 6pm to 8:30pm
Where: Oak View Community Center, 18 Valley Road, Oak View CA 93022
To learn more visit:

What: STAKEHOLDER FORUM – Mound Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) Formation Forum
When: Thursday, June 16, 2016 6pm to 8:30pm
Where: Community Meeting Room, City Hall, 501 Poli Street, Ventura CA
To learn more visit:

Over the past year water agencies and the County of Ventura have joined forces to address new state legislation – the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. This legislation offers local agencies the opportunity to oversee and steward the future sustainability of groundwater basins. The public is encouraged to attend these forums to learn how the organizational structure for the Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) in each basin is being proposed. Community members who receive their water from the Mound and Upper Ventura River Basins can participate in the process of evaluating the recommended organizational proposals.

The next steps will involve local government agency/special district review, and as appropriate, incorporate stakeholder input into the organizational formation. Each agency will go to their respective board to request approval of the organization formation and resultant agreements, and will appoint their respective representative(s). Once the Directors are appointed to the newly formed GSAs, public hearings will be conducted to formally designate GSAs for each respective basin(s). The State of California will finalize and approve all newly designated GSAs.

For more information about the Mound Basin visit, and for the Upper Ventura River Basin visit

Boketto by Susan Rich

Outside my window it’s never the same-
some mornings jasmine slaps the house, some mornings sorrow.

There is a word I overheard today, meaning lost
not on a career path or across a floating bridge:

Boketto-to stare out windows without purpose.
Don’t laugh; it’s been too long since we leaned

into the morning: bird friendly coffee and blueberry toast. Awhile
since I declared myself a prophet of lost cats-blind lover

of animal fur and feral appetites. Someone should tag
a word for the calm of a long marriage. Knowledge

the heat will hold, and our lights remain on- a second
sight that drives the particulars of a life: sea glass and salt,

cherry blossoms and persistent weeds. What assembles in the middle
distance beyond the mail truck; have I overlooked oceans,

ignored crows? I try to exist in the somehow, the might still be-
gaze upward to constellations of in-between.

About this poem
“The Japanese word ‘boketto’ describes something so familiar to me, it’s as if a piece of myself has been returned. I’ve altered the definition by including that the ‘gazing without purpose’ needs to happen by a window.”
~ Susan Rich

About Susan Rich
Susan Rich is the author of “Cloud Pharmacy” (White Pine Press, 2014). She teaches at Highline College and lives in Seattle.

Rev. Dana Worsnop new minister

Rev. Worsnop brings a wealth of experience with her to the Universalist Church
Rev. Worsnop brings a wealth of experience with her to the Universalist Church

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura has voted overwhelmingly to call the Rev. Dana Worsnop as its new settled minister. Rev. Worsnop led services on April 24 and May 1, and met with numerous groups and committees, in order to begin to get to know members of the congregation.

Rev. Worsnop stated “Together, we will grow and build this new connection into a tapestry with shining thread, creating the bonds of community with intricate patterns.”

Search committee member David Henkel found Rev. Worsnop’s views on collaboration important for the church. “As we were getting to know Rev. Dana, I was heartened to learn that it is her practice to collaborate closely with all the paid staff in creating a unified ministry. Her view is that the entire community joins in crafting a ministry that becomes our common identity and each person has a role to play that adds to the sacred whole.”

Rev. Worsnop brings a wealth of experience with her. She has been a parish minister for 13 years, 10 as the settled minister at Atkinson Memorial Church in Oregon City, Oregon and 3 years as an interim minister in Calgary, Alberta and Boise, Idaho.

The Reverend Worsnop was chosen by the Ventura church following a nine-month search conducted by a seven-member settled ministerial search committee. In-depth research into the needs and desires of the members of the congregation began the process through surveys and focus groups.

Search committee member Gretchen Buck explained one factor in the decision, “Respect for diversity is critical for a Unitarian Universalist minister, but diversity has many facets. With Rev. Dana, I didn’t even have to ask the burning question ‘Are you a cat person or a dog person?’ because her website told us that she has one of each. I think that’s when I knew she would fit right in with our congregation.”

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura is located at 5654 Ralston St. It’s website is

Elks Lodge in the news

Ventura Elks Lodge #1430 was awarded the outstanding public relations trophy stated Connie Stahl Public Relations Chairperson for having the most effective public relations program 2015-2016 at the annual Western Central Coast District (WCCD) annual meeting in Santa Barbara. The WCCD includes 12 Lodges from Thousand Oaks to Paso Robles with approximately 5,000 members.

“The Ventura Elks and myself are honored by this prestigious trophy. It is a symbol of our dedication and service to the Ventura community,” said Stahl. The Ventura Elks Lodge is located at 2126 Knoll Dr.,. For further information contact 805-630-0303;

Carl Davis was installed as the Exalted Ruler of the Ventura Elks Lodge #1430 for the year 2016-2017 by Redgie Fleeman, PER in a ritual ceremony at the Ventura Lodge.

The Ventura Elks Lodge #1430, a member of the Ventura Chamber of Commerce, is a volunteer organization with approximately 400 members. Activities of the Lodge include national and local charities; Boy and Girl Scouts; Scholarships; student Americanism Essay Contests; Drug Awareness events and information; Youth Activities; Veterans ad Wounded Warriors. Ventura Elks members also marshal the St. Patrick’s Day and Ventura County Fair Parades.

Information regarding activities and membership is available at 639-0303 and

Exploring the Channel Islands by kayak

Local freelance writer and photographer Chuck Graham will describe his favorite kayaking trips and wildlife encounters around the Channel Islands, during the June From Shore to Sea lecture.

The isolation of the Channel Islands and conditions in the Santa Barbara Channel can make access challenging – areas where it is hard to sail or kayak, due to high winds, rough seas, or big swells, abound, often making it difficult for visitors to reach places they would most like to explore.

For Graham, kayaking provides an opportunity to seek out these little-known and out-of-the-way areas, and his talk will describe some of his most challenging and most rewarding kayaking trips circumnavigating the unique eddies and coves of the islands.

Graham, an accomplished waterman, has been paddling at the Channel Islands for 20 years and has been guiding other visitors on kayak excursions for 14 years for Channel Islands Outfitters.

The talk will be held on Thursday, June 9. The From Shore to Sea lecture series is sponsored by Channel Islands National Park to further the understanding of current research on the Channel Islands and surrounding marine waters. The lecture will take place at 7:00 p.m.  at the Channel Islands National Park Robert J. Lagomarsino Visitor Center, 1901 Spinnaker Drive in Ventura Harbor.

This lecture can also be viewed live online at Shore to Sea lecture series.


Turning Point’s Veterans Transitional Housing facility commemorated

stuff  Transitional HousingOn Monday, May 23 the Rotary Club of Ventura South met at the Veterans Transitional Housing , 43 E. Vince Stat to  commemorate Turning Point’s Veterans Transitional Housing facility, the first in the Central Coast, which received its first 10 Vets in October. Rotary brings together neighbors, friends and community leaders to create a positive, lasting change in our community.

For 28 years, Turning Point has provided a safety net of services to the most vulnerable members of our community, getting people off the streets into shelter and treatment, and once stable, into transitional housing with a goal of permanent housing within two years.

stuff  Transitional Housing insetThe needs of our returning service men and women was addressed with the Veterans Transitional Housing facility, the first in the Central Coast, which received its first 10 vets in October.


County Veteran Services Office moves to new Ventura location

The County of Ventura Veteran Services Office located at 855 Partridge  will be relocated to 5740 Ralston Street, Suite 304  on Thursday, May 26th.

The office’s fully accredited Veteran Claims Officers provide information, referrals, claims preparation and submission, and follow-up service to ensure that Veterans, their dependents, and survivors receive the benefits to which they are entitled.  All services are provided at no charge.

Effective Thursday, May 26th, residents in the Ventura area seeking assistance with a variety of Veteran benefits – including VA claims and life insurance, a free college tuition program, medical referrals and more – will begin to meet with claims officers by appointment at the new headquarters.

Veterans, their dependents and survivors are often unaware of the benefits to which they are entitled, or believe that they must travel to Los Angeles to get assistance with benefits.  Others pay for-profit companies to get services that the County provides free of charge.

County Veteran Services Officer and Retired U.S. Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Mike Mc Manus, stated, “We’re trained and fully accredited to help Veterans and their families navigate benefit systems and claims processes that can be difficult to understand.  Our goal is to ensure that all Veterans receive the benefits they’ve earned, so we encourage local Veterans to meet with us about their circumstances.”

To schedule an appointment call 477-5155.  For more information about services and field office locations and walk-in hours, visit

Answer In A Breeze

In a previous issue of “Answer In A Breeze” we answered the following question.

“ I have always used the “Allesandro shortcut” to go from Seaward to Sanjon (Or is it San Jon?)and recently it has been blocked off. How can the city just block off a street?”

Our answer:” Allesandro was always meant to be a cul-de-sac and was never supposed to be a through street. You have probably noticed that after the cul-de-sac (Coming from Seaward) Allesandro is dirt and not even paved. People just started using this as a through street because they could.

The few people living on Allesandro did not like this being used in this way and asked the city to barricade it from through traffic which they did.”

Well Allesandro has now been re-opened to through traffic. Please don’t ask us why.