Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

Always wanted to learn about fly fishing?

The Sespe Flyfishers of Ventura will be conducting an introductory class on fly fishing and casting the fly rod on Saturday, Feb. 2nd, from 9:00 – 11:00 AM, and you are invited to join in at Chumash Park, Petit and Waco, in East Ventura (off Telephone Rd). There is no charge and all are welcome. Whether you are experienced or a complete novice they want to help you learn and enjoy this great sport. If you don’t yet have your own rod, don’t worry, just come and use one provided. For more information Bob Smith at 805-647-3522.

Previous Harbor Community Church lot to be sold

In a very controversial agreement, the City agreed to pay $2.3 million to buy this property.

Quoting, in part from a previous article in the Ventura Breeze written by Rebecca Wicks:

“Harbor Community Church has filed a lawsuit against the City of Ventura signaling the start of the next round in the fight over the church’s controversial homeless program. The program, which provides meals, showers and religious worship to a primarily homeless population, has been accused of being the source of a significant uprising in criminal activity in a once quiet residential neighborhood.”

“On May 14, two days after the City Council meeting, the church closed Operation Embrace. On May 15, temporary City Attorney Juli Scott reported Harbor Church pastor Sam Gallucci sent her an email stating he was going to consult with church elders to decide whether the church would sue. The following day the church filed a lawsuit and restarted its services. “

“The suit argues the church’s First Amendment freedom of religion rights have been violated and also cites the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act.”

“In a very controversial agreement, the City has agreed to pay $2.3 million to buy the property at 3100 Preble Ave. with Harbor Community Church agreeing to leave Ventura.”

The lot has been cleared, Brad Starr, P.E. Engineering Services Manager City of Ventura Public Works Department told the Breeze “The City is preparing a plan for the sale of the property that was the Harbor Church. The property will be sold for the development of 4 single family residences. The price is to be determined by high bid at this time. The schedule to start selling the property is at the end of January.”

“The zoning is R1-7, therefore single-family homes with minimum 7,000 square foot lots. This was the original underlying zoning for this property. A Tract Map has already been recorded with the County of Ventura that split the lot into 4 parcels and addresses have been assigned by the City.”

The selling of these lots will certainly not re-coverer the $2.3 million paid for it plus the expense of demolition and legal fees.

YMCA to kick off its Annual Campaign

Pattie Braga understands the deep and meaningful impact the Y has in the community.

The Ventura Family YMCA is gaining momentum to kick off Annual Campaign, a volunteer-lead effort that raises funds for programs that membership fees do not cover. Life enriching programs like LIVESTRONG® and Third Grade Learn to Swim are supported solely by donations.

Annual Campaign Chair Pattie Braga understands the deep and meaningful impact the Y has in the local community. Braga believes “everyone in a beachside city should know how to swim. The Ventura Family YMCA saves lives with our Third Grade Learn to Swim program by providing free swim lessons to any third grader who has not learned how to swim.”

As the nation’s leading nonprofit, the Y is committed to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. The Y is also one of the largest charities in the world, serving more than 45 million people in 119 countries.

Locally, with the help of volunteers and the generosity of the community, the Y is able to provide more than $1 million dollars in scholarships annually in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. Scholarships allow families to become members of the Y, children to attend afterschool care and camp, and teens to participate in Youth & Government programs, to name a few.

The Ventura Family YMCA is looking for volunteer campaigners to help raise much needed funds. Braga is a part of Annual Campaign because “it costs so little to make a huge impact.” If you believe in the Y’s mission and cause and would like to volunteer, contact the Y today.

Established in 1887, the Channel Islands YMCA is a charitable organization of seven YMCA branches serving Santa Barbara and Ventura counties including: Camarillo Family YMCA, Lompoc Family YMCA, Montecito Family YMCA, Santa Barbara Family YMCA, Stuart C. Gildred Family YMCA in Santa Ynez, Ventura Family YMCA, and Youth and Family Services YMCA which operates Noah’s Anchorage Youth Crisis Shelter, the St. George Family Youth Center and My Home.

The Y is the nation’s leading nonprofit committed to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. The Channel Islands YMCA serves over 46,000 individuals and provides over $1.3 million in financial assistance to families in need for child care, YMCA memberships, away and day camps, youth sports, and teen after-school programs. For more information about the Ventura Family YMCA visit

Immerse in verse

The Ventura County Writers Club invites poets of all ages to enter its 19th Annual Poetry Contest. The contest welcomes all genres of poetry into two youth divisions and one adult division. Entries will be accepted through February 28 at 11:59 p.m. PST online via Winners receive cash prizes and opportunities to read their poems as well as publication in the club’s newsletter and anthology. Poems can be up to 31 lines long not including the title and in doc, docx, or PDF format. Go to for submissions or call Breeze contributing writer Sheli Ellsworth at 805.300.1365.

Robbery prevention tips for convenience store owners/employees

by Ashley Bautista Community Outreach Specialist

There has been an increase in robberies at local convenience stores in the City of Ventura. Persons, who own, operate or are employed by convenience store type businesses, may be susceptible to persons committing robberies. The Ventura Police Department urges store owners, operators and employees to use caution and to review the following safety tips:

Be alert for suspicious people loitering around the areas of your store/place of business.

Be alert to vehicles in your lots, or near or around your business for extended periods, with occupants inside.

Write down the description of the vehicle, the license number as well as a description of the occupant/s of the vehicle.

All excess cash not needed to conduct normal operations should be “dropped” in a safe. Preferably a time lock type safe accessible only by specifically authorized persons. This fact should be prominently displayed.

Vary routines when removing money from the business. Do not use a money bag, carry cash in non-descript packaging. Do not transport cash at the same time every day; do not carry cash, in large amounts or a long a distance to your vehicle. If practical make drops in pairs.

Have two (2) employees working together, open and close the business in pairs.

Business windows should be kept clear of items blocking view into the store, especially near/around the cash register. Police should be able to see into the store from the street.

Have adequate lighting operational both inside and outside of the business, on all sides.

Always have cameras recording both inside and outside. Ensure cameras are placed in such a way as to capture various images of persons in the store. Ensure employees can download, but not turn off, alter or erase video images. Know how to retrieve the video footage and have it easily accessible for the police.

Limit public access to one entrance/exit. Keep emergency exits secure. Do not allow patrons into unobserved areas of the business (private restroom, break area etc.)

Keep a cell phone at all times and do not hesitate to call 911 in the event you feel threatened or something is suspicious.

Be careful about mentioning how good business has been, how busy you are or how much money is made.

If you are the victim of a robbery, remember these tips:

Try to remain calm and follow the instructions of the suspect.

Assume that they are armed even if a weapon is not displayed.

This will be traumatic but focus on remembering a good description of the suspect/s, the vehicle and direction of travel as they leave. Also, the weapon and anything that was said.

As soon as possible (when it is safe) make sure that the first call you make is to 911.

Protect any evidence which may be left behind, such as anything that the suspect/s may have touched. If anyone witnesses the incident, ask them to stay until police arrive or get contact information so that they can be reached later.

As with personal safety in general, have a plan as how you will react to specific situations so that if a crime occurs, you will not be caught completely off guard.

Note:A shorter version of this was printed in the last issue.

Project Understanding: Serving People in Need in Ventura County-Part one

Tom Hilton -VP of Development, Brandy Beesley -Executive Director, Jann Huling and Carloyn Pillado -Tutoring manager helping the community.

Sustainability Now News
by Maryann Ridini Spencer (@MaryannRidiniSpencer)

“Giving a hand up, not a handout,” is Project Understanding’s slogan. For over 40 years with the support of the community and many faith-based congregations, Project Understanding has been able to carry on a mission to provide hope to individuals and transform lives by developing and directing resources to provide food, housing, and educational programs to people in need. The goal of the organization is to move clients out of homelessness providing support, resources, and monitoring a client’s progress with a system of accountability.

“We can’t fix the entire world, Project Understanding exists to help the people we can,” said Project Understanding’s Former Board President and Treasurer, Kellie Meehan, also Owner/Creative Director, Searle Creative Group. “People get into bad situations for so many reasons, addiction, mental health issues, bad luck, and sometimes just bad choice. We provide our clients with a second chance; lifting them up in small ways that can make a big difference.”

“Unfortunately, the need for help in our county has not diminished, but continuously grows with many members of the community continuing to struggle with limited access to resources,” said Brandy Beesley, Executive Director of Project Understanding. “As the cost of living in Ventura County continues to rise, many are left with a choice between putting groceries on the table and paying rent. The reality is, the majority of people are living paycheck to paycheck, and all it takes is one minor setback or unfortunate situation to occur before they are facing homelessness.”

On an annual basis, Project Understanding provides 600-800 families per month providing groceries on a Bi-weekly basis. In 2017 They assisted 125 homeless to find residences through their Homeless 2 Home (H2H) program, helped approximately 64 individuals find supportive housing (through Shore at the WAV), and support a dozen pregnant women through Tender Life Maternity Home.

“We also help in times of major crisis. For example, we were extremely busy during and after the Thomas Fire providing special services and supplying things like clothes and blankets, which doesn’t ordinarily fall into our scope of services. However, in situations like the fire, when the need is so great, we strive to contribute in any way we can,” said Meehan.

To find out more about the organization as well as how to donate and volunteer, visit: Stay tuned for more about Project Understanding in Ventura Breeze’s next issue.

New Olivas Adobe “docent” board officers sworn in

Being installed by Marie Lakin (on the right) are Mary Thompson, Chuck Albert and Marsha Brumana

On Thursday, January 10, the new Olivas Adobe Historical Interpreters (referred to as docents) board officers were sworn in by Marie Lakin, City of Ventura Cultural Affairs Commissioner at Mimi’s Café at the Pacific View Mall.

Attending the swearing-in ceremony dinner were other docents and invited guests.

Marie Lakin made the following comments at the swearing in.

“Since 1847 the Olivas Adobe has been Ventura’s living room and center of the city’s social and cultural life as it grew from Chumash village, to a Mission-era Spanish and Mexican settlement. The Olivas Adobe is California’s only remaining Monterey Style adobe from the Gold Rush era built by a Mexican family who provided much of our city’s social life.”

“The docents and board members perform a most valuable service of not only protecting the historic Olivas Adobe, but also keeping relevant by planning and staffing its many activities year-round. The docents are chiefly responsible for keeping alive the rancho’s many seasons of history and celebrate the skills, traditions and heritage that belong to Ventura’s—and America’s—many peoples. The Board of the Olivas Adobe Historic Interpreters oversee the docent operations and ensures that they run smoothly and successfully.”

“Thanks to the OAHI docents, the Olivas Adobe continues its long tradition of hospitality today by hosting a full calendar of diverse cultural events for all ages. It is now my pleasure to swear in the new board’s elected officers President Chuck Albert, Vice President Mary Thompson, Secretary Marsha Brumana and Treasurer Joanne Abing.”

“Please raise your right hand and repeat after me.”

“I promise to conduct myself with dignity and decorum when representing the Olivas Adobe Historical Interpreters and the City of Ventura. “

“I swear to uphold the By-Laws of the Olivas Adobe Historical Interpreters and to do my job as an elected officer to the best of my ability. “

“Now, it is my pleasure to present to you the Olivas Adobe Historical Interpreters elected and installed officers for 2019. Thank you, everyone for attending tonight’s Olivas Adobe swearing in ceremony and congratulations, new board members!”

The Perfect Firestorm

Friends of CAPS Media,

In late December CAPS Media premiered The Perfect Firestorm – The Thomas Fire Story, a documentary film based on the first-person stories of fire fighters, first responders and members of the public impacted by the Thomas Fire. The film features very personal memories of an extraordinary community coming together to support, survive and recover during and after the tragedy.

I want to thank Ventura City Fire and Police, Ventura County Fire, Sheriffs, Office of Emergency Services and other agencies, the Museum of Ventura County and the extraordinary citizens of Ventura county who shared their very personal stories.

I also want to thank everyone who attended screenings of the film at the Museum of Ventura County in December. Producing the documentary was an honor and a privilege for all of us at CAPS Media and the overwhelmingly positive response is deeply appreciated.

The film is airing and streaming on CAPS Media Channel 6. Days and times are posted at

The Perfect Firestorm is a tribute to the entire community of heroes who, in the face of a devastating crisis responded with astonishing calm and then opened their hearts, hands, and homes to rescue neighbors and strangers, and together begin rebuilding lives.

Thank you all,

Patrick Davidson Executive Director CAPS Media


Ventura Land Trust to host volunteer community gardening day on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Day of Service”

Ventura Land Trust volunteers celebrate their success after a 2018 Ocean Friendly Garden work day.

On Monday, January 21, Ventura Land Trust (VLT) will host a volunteer community gardening event at their ocean friendly garden in Ventura. VLT invites volunteers of all ages to join them from 9 a.m. – 12 noon to plant native plants on property owned and managed by VLT near the “Welcome to Ventura” sign along the Ventura-Ojai bike path.

“On the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service holiday, we will honor his legacy through volunteerism and community service,” said Kate Furlong, VLT Conservation Director.

Ventura Land Trust has teamed up with the Ventura County Chapter of Surfrider Foundation’s Ocean Friendly Gardens team to re-landscape and reinvigorate the garden near the entrance to their Willoughby Preserve. This event is one of thousands happening across the country on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

Volunteers should meet VLT staff at 9 a.m. next to the informational kiosk at the Main St. Bridge near downtown Ventura. For more information and to RSVP, go to:

About Ventura Land Trust:

Ventura Land Trust (formerly Ventura Hillsides Conservancy) is dedicated to permanently preserving and protecting the land, water, wildlife and scenic beauty of the Ventura region for current and future generations. Founded in 2003, the 501(C)(3) non-profit organization is supported by over 600 members, local businesses and government partners. The land trust manages 90 acres of land along the Ventura River and is negotiating the purchase of its first hillside property. Ventura Land Trust’s offices are located in the Poinsettia Pavilion, 3451 Foothill Rd, Ventura, CA 93003. For more information, visit