Category Archives: News and Notes

Ventura Port Commission announces new appointments

The Ventura Board of Port Commissioners has new leadership and a new member.

Commissioner Chris Stephens is now chairman of the five-member board, taking the reins from Commissioner Everard Ashworth, and Commissioner Jean Getchell takes over as board secretary. Commissioner Brian Brennan continues as vice chairman.

New to the board is local attorney Jackie Gardina. Confirmed on March 4 by the Ventura City Council, Gardina fills the post vacated by former Commissioner Jim Friedman, who left to join the Ventura City Council after he won that election in November.

With the personnel now in place, the board is set to get down to the task of enhancing life, leisure and business at Ventura Harbor.

There is much to be done, said Port District General Manager Oscar Pena. “Among many other things, in recent years, the staff has been working with the board to make infrastructure improvements throughout the harbor and Harbor Village.”

“The Harbor District is ready for the busy year ahead of it,” said new Chairman Stephens, a port commissioner since 2017 and retired director of the Ventura County Resource Management Agency. “We look forward to the opening of the first units at the new Portside Ventura Harbor, as well as the expanded Holiday Inn Express. In addition, we will continue our efforts to bolster the commercial fishing industry with our pursuit of the Ventura Shellfish Enterprise project, and we will be freshening up the Harbor Village to provide an improved visitor experience.”

“The future of the harbor is very much going to be intertwined with climate change and making sure that we’re creating a resilient coast and a sustainable harbor,” Gardina said. “Coastal communities must address climate change not just for the next five years but thinking ahead, to 10, 20, 25 years from now and beyond.”

A Ventura resident, Gardina is dean and chief academic officer of the Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law. A philanthropist by nature, she has served on multiple professional and nonprofit boards, including with the American Bar Association, the State Bar of California and Servicemembers Legal Defense Network.

The District oversees the management and operations of the Ventura Harbor, a 274-acre multiple-use recreational and commercial fishing small-craft harbor, with the goal of providing a rewarding and vibrant coastal marine experience.

The Ventura Police Department joins ‘Neighbors’ by Ring

The Ventura Police Department has announced that it is joining the Neighbors app by Ring (available via iOS/Android here: to provide the Ventura community with real-time, local crime and safety information. The Neighbors network already has millions of users and has been instrumental in catching package thieves, stopping burglaries, and keeping neighborhoods safe.

Residents can download the free Neighbors app, join their neighborhood, and use the app to monitor neighborhood activity; share crime and safety-related videos, photos and text-based posts; and receive real-time safety alerts from their neighbors, local law enforcement and the Ring team.

“The free Neighbors app by Ring will be a valuable tool in our efforts to fight crime in our city.  We appreciate the opportunity to partner with Ring and our community through this technology,” said Police Chief Ken Corney.

Jamie Siminoff, Chief Inventor and Founder of Ring said: “We’re excited to have the Ventura Police Department join Neighbors to keep their community up-to-date on local crime and safety information. Over the past few years we have learned that, when neighbors, the Ring team and law enforcement all work together, we can create safer communities.”

Download the Neighbors app on iOS and Android at or by texting venturapd to 555888 from your smartphone.Opt-in to join your neighborhood.

Customize the geographic area you want to receive notifications for (users must verify where they are located and cannot participate in other neighborhoods).

Receive real-time alerts from your neighbors, local law enforcement and the Ring team that inform of crime and safety alerts as they happen.

View local crime and safety posts via a live feed or interactive map.

Share text updates, photos and videos taken on any device, including Ring’s home security devices.

Work with your community to make neighborhoods safer.

Neighbors is a neighborhood watch app that provides real-time, local crime and safety information. Download the free Neighbors app (iOS/Android), join your neighborhood, and use the app to: monitor neighborhood activity; share crime and safety-related videos, photos and text-based posts; and receive real-time safety alerts from your neighbors, local law enforcement and the Ring team. Download Neighbors (iOS/Android) today to join your digital neighborhood watch. For more information visit

Ring’s mission is to reduce crime in neighborhoods by creating a Ring of Security around homes and communities. Ring is an Amazon company. For more information, visit

Ventura Music Festival announces 2019 Honorees

Betsy Chess is honored by Music Festival for outstanding contributions to arts and community.

The Board of the Ventura Music Festival is very pleased to announce its 2019 Honorees for Outstanding Contributions to the Arts and Community. The new honorees are a prominent citizen and a prominent company, respectively: Elizabeth (Betsy) Blanchard Chess, for outstanding individual contribution, and Limoneira, for corporate contribution.

“Betsy has a unique talent for combining service and leadership,” said Susan Scott, Executive Director of the Ventura Music Festival. “She has demonstrated it time and again and the list of cultural beneficiaries alone includes the New West Symphony, the Museum of Ventura County, the San Buenaventura Foundation for the Arts and the Ventura Music Festival. She gives a lot of both time and treasure to Rotary, Church and many other good things.”

“As to Limoneira,” continued Scott, “this 125-year-old Santa Paula-based company has contributed over $2.5 million in the past ten years alone to a wide range of community groups for projects in education, health, human services, arts, culture and other areas – all with the goal of enhancing community and quality of life. Founded in 1893, Limoneira today is a global agribusiness and real estate investor and a local employer of unique importance.”

The 2019 VMF Honorees will be honored with a video, dinner and live music performance at the annual VMF Honoree Awards and Cabaret Fundraiser on Thursday, April 11th at the Ventura Beach Marriott.

Ventura Unified School District appoints new superintendent

Dr. Rice has a proven track record of working with and for all students.

The Board of Education is pleased to announce their unanimous vote to appoint Dr Roger Rice as the new Superintendent of Ventura Unified School District (VUSD). Dr Rice, who currently serves as the Deputy Superintendent of Student Services for the Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE), comes to the district with a wealth of knowledge and skills he will use to further VUSD’s commitment “For the Future of Every Student.”

The community was very clear in their request that the new Superintendent be someone who will advocate for all students, who has experience working with at-risk and marginalized youth, and who will effectively communicate with our students, staff and community. When considering whether to spend several months and thousands of dollars conducting its third search in four years, the Board agreed to look first at local candidates with a proven track record of working with and for all students. Dr Rice immediately came to mind — having been a highly regarded finalist in the previous Superintendent search.

Dr Roger Rice, who has a distinguished career of more than 20 years of service to Ventura County youth, has worked to develop and support innovative programs for Alternative Education, Career and Technical Education (CTE), Special Education, and other programs to meet the needs of At-Risk Youth. Dr Rice served as the Chair of the State of California’s Student Services Group. In addition, he was selected as the County Education Leader of the Year for 2018 by the Ventura County Leadership Academy. Dr Rice has worked as a Classroom Teacher, Dean, Principal, Assistant Superintendent of Oxnard Union High School District and Deputy Superintendent of VCOE. He holds a BA in English from Colorado State University, Masters in Education from Azusa Pacific University, and a Doctorate in Education from the University of Southern California.

Dr Rice brings experience and a passion for helping students with both their academic and social/emo- tional needs. He has demonstrated himself to be a conscientious, collaborative leader who has invested in his own professional training on issues that directly impact students — cultural proficiency, equity and access, IDEA training, creating professional learning communities, restorative practices and more.

Dr Rice’s first day with Ventura Unified will be Friday, March 1st. Dr Jeff Baarstad, retired Superinten- dent of Conejo Valley Unified School District, has agreed to serve as Interim Superintendent until that time. Dr Baarstad will work closely with Executive Cabinet, the District Leadership Team, Dr Rice and the Board to ensure that all students and staff have the support they need to be successful during the transition. Our sincere goal is to regain the stability of our District and to remain focused on supporting our students and staff moving forward.

The Board would like to acknowledge and thank Dr Jeff Davis, Assistant Superintendent of Human Re- sources, who has admirably served as Interim Superintendent since December 22nd, and will remain in that role until Monday, January 14th. Dr Davis is a highly valued member of our Executive Cabinet. He worked with staff during the Winter Break to ensure consistent services to our schools, and reassured the community that Ventura Unified remains committed to the needs of all our students.

Dr Rice looks forward to working with staff, students and the community to build a bright future for every student in Ventura Unified.


Dr Roger Rice, Superintendent (Appointed) : [email protected]

Dr Jeff Davis, Interim Superintendent : [email protected]

Ms Sabrena Rodriguez, Board President: [email protected]

The addition to the Emergency Department at the county hospital has opened.

Cutting the ribbon were all members of Seaside Emergency Associates, staff and friends. Photo by Bernie Goldstein

After 1 1/2 years of renovation, and 1 1/2 years after the opening of the North Tower at Ventura County Medical Center (VCMC), the new addition to the Emergency Department at the county hospital has opened. Celebrated on Thursday, February 28th, with a ribbon cutting hosted by Seaside Emergency Associates — which oversees both VCMC’s emergency department and Santa Paula Hospital’s — the enthusiastic attendees didn’t let the rain dampen their spirits. Almost 100 invited guests gathered under a tent to hear from VCMC CEO Kim Milstien, Dr. Marty Ehrlich, and County Executive Officer Mike Powers, on how the updated ED will better serve the community it’s been serving for 100 years.

Twelve new patient exam rooms were added, making the total room count 34. That count includes seven triage bays, four observation rooms and one eye exam room. Also included in the renovation is a waiting room triple the size of the previous waiting room, lab space for dedicated point of care testing, dedicated rapid care space, a patient quiet room for families, new department nurse manager’s office and a staff conference room. In all, the new space added an additional 12,000 square feet.

Seaside Emergency Associates, members of the Ventura Chamber of Commerce, had their assistance in bringing the ribbon cutting ceremony to fruition. Cutting the ribbon were all members of Seaside Emergency Associates: Drs. Jeffrey Robinson, Marty Ehrlich, Scott Speier, Ted Mandryk, Rick Rutherford and Rich Cegelski, County Executive Officer Mike Powers, VCMC CEO Kim Milstien, County Supervisors Kelly Long, Linda Parks, John Zaragoza and Robert O. Huber, Health Care Agency leadership, including Director Bill Foley, Deputy Director Matt Sandova,Ventura Mayor Matt LaVere, hospital medical staff, including trauma surgeons and nurses.

Ventura County Medical Center was awarded the designation as the west county’s Level II Trauma Center in 2011, and is dedicated to providing the most effective, efficient trauma care to the critically injured patient in Ventura County.

Red Cross: Severe shortage of type O blood

The American Red Cross has a severe shortage of type O blood and urges type O donors – as well as eligible blood and platelet donors of all blood types – to give now to ensure lifesaving patient care isn’t impacted this winter.

Type O blood is the most in-demand blood type, helping patients facing life-threatening conditions and emergencies every day. Type O negative blood can be transfused to patients with any blood type and is what emergency room personnel reach for when there’s no time to determine a patient’s blood type. Type O positive blood is also especially needed because it is the most transfused blood type and can be given to Rh-positive patients of any blood type.

Having a readily available blood supply is critical for patients like Luna Giles, who at the age of 1 1/2 has already underwent two heart surgeries and required over a dozen transfusions.

Right now, the Red Cross has less than a three-day supply of most blood types, and blood products are being distributed to hospitals faster than donations are coming in. Recent snowstorms and severe weather in many parts of the country have forced hundreds of blood drive cancellations, causing more than 20,000 blood and platelet donations to go uncollected.

Individuals of all blood types – especially type O – are asked to make an appointment to donate blood or platelets by downloading the free American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Upcoming blood donation opportunities Feb. 25-March 31

  • 3/14/2019: 8:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m., Ventura High School, 2 North Catalina
  • 3/18/2019: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., Ventura College, 4667 Telegraph Road
  • 3/18/2019: 2 p.m. – 8 p.m., Ventura College, 4667 Telegraph Road
  • 3/19/2019: 11:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Knights of Columbus, 36 S. Figueroa St.

How to donate blood:

Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

Blood and platelet donors can save time at their next donation by using RapidPass® to complete their pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of their donation, before arriving at the blood drive. To get started, follow the instructions at or use the Blood Donor App.

City of Ventura 2018 Employee and Supervisor of the Year announced

On February 19, the City of Ventura held an awards ceremony at City Hall to recognize fifteen employees nominated for the 2018 Employee and Supervisor of the Year. These awards recognize city employees who are role models for public service and exemplify the city’s commitment to excellence.

The eleven nominees for Employee of the Year were:

  • Lauren Armistead – Ventura Water
  • Ashley Bautista – Police Department
  • Cheryl Bucklin – Parks, Recreation & Community Partnerships
  • Silvia Medrano – Public Works
  • Donald Nielsen – Community Development
  • Eric Padilla – Parks, Recreation & Community Partnerships
  • Daniel Ramos – Parks, Recreation & Community Partnerships
  • Elizabeth Richardson – Community Development
  • Jared Rosengren – Community Development
  • Vince Tovey – Community Development
  • Jo Gerke-Yutuc – Finance & Technology

The four nominees for Supervisor of the Year

  • Yesania Anderson – Finance & Technology
  • Greg Morley – Finance & Technology
  • Kenny Welch– Police Department
  • John Willis– Ventura Water

Cheryl Bucklin, Recreation and Community Partnerships Coordinator, was selected as the 2018 Employee of the Year.

`John Willis, Wastewater Plant Supervisor, was selected as the 2018 Supervisor of the Year.

City Manager Alexander McIntyre said, “The City of Ventura has a history of the workforce acknowledging and recognizing their exceptional peers. It’s an honor and a pleasure to work with this caliber of employees!”

 Please Celebrate Responsibly: Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated by millions across the country, often culminating in parties where drinking is involved. Sadly, this leads to tragedies on our roadways because of drivers who choose to leave parties impaired.

During the St. Patrick’s Day weekend, March 16-17, 2019 the Ventura Police Department will have additional officers on patrol ready to stop and arrest drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

According to data from the California Highway Patrol (CHP), one person was killed, and 48 others were injured in DUI crashes on St. Patrick’s Day last year. In 2017, 59 people were killed nationwide in drunk-driving crashes over the St. Patrick’s Day holiday (March 16-March 18), accounting for 37 % of all traffic deaths.

Due to St. Patrick’s Day becoming a dangerous holiday on our roads, the Ventura Police Department encourages everyone to plan ahead and use a designated sober driver, ride-share or public transportation. Even one drink can be one too many.

“Don’t even put yourself in a position where you need to ask whether you are okay to drive,” Ventura Police Sergeant Mike Brown said. “If you feel the slightest hint of a buzz, you should not be driving.”

The Ventura Police Department also wants to remind everyone that a “DUI Doesn’t Just Mean Booze.” Prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and marijuana can all be impairing, especially in combination with alcohol or other drugs.

“We all know the dangers about driving impaired,” Ventura Police Commander Rick Murray said. “Let’s all be responsible adults and help each other get where we need to go safely.”

Funding for St. Patrick’s Day DUI enforcement is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

An historic Women’s Day Proclamation

by Alison Oatman

It was standing room only at the Women’s Day Proclamation held at the Ventura City Council meeting on Monday, March 4th. After an historic election, four female council members—Sofia Rubalcava, Lorrie Brown, Cheryl Heitmann, and Christy Weir—are now on the city council, making the council the first majority female one in Ventura’s history.

Ventura Deputy Mayor Rubalcava encouraged the mostly female audience—who was dressed in onion-like layers of white in honor of the suffragettes that fought for women’s voting rights—to run for office, join groups and get involved in their communities.

International Women’s Day on March 8th is a global day that celebrates the advancement of women and stands up against gender discrimination.

Women’s rights activist and UU Church of Ventura member Diana Goodrow was on the scene at City Hall on Monday night.

“I came because it was an historic evening and I didn’t want to miss it,” she said. “I have been involved in addressing women’s equality issues for a very, very long time, and last night was special to me.”However, this is hardly the time to give up the fight for women’s rights and declare victory. “This is only a very small step in addressing women’s equality concerns,” Goodrow concluded, “but it is a beginning.”

Ventura County Grand Jury opens 2019-2020 Application Process

Ventura County residents have an opportunity to provide a valuable community service while learning about local government by serving on the Ventura County Grand Jury. Applications are now available for the 2019-2020 Grand Jury at The Grand Jury offices are located at 646 County Square Drive, 3rd Floor, Ventura.

The Grand Jury is a panel of 19 volunteers who investigate issues and citizen complaints and make recommendations to improve the operation of local government. The jury’s work is presented in a published final report.

The Grand Jury may examine all aspects of Ventura County government, the 10 city governments as well as special districts and other agencies funded by tax dollars.

To become a Grand Juror, you must be 18 years or older, a U.S. citizen and a Ventura County resident for at least one year. A complete list of requirements and the application form can be found at: jury/become-a-grand-juror.

All eligible residents of Ventura County are encouraged to apply. Applications can be completed online but must be printed, signed and returned by mail to Jury Services at Hall of Justice, 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura. CA 93009.

Applications may also be requested by calling Jury Services at (805) 289-8661. Applications will be accepted until April 12, 2019.