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The 21st Annual PAL Golf Tournament

The Ventura Police Community Foundation and Aera Energy, LLC proudly present the 21st Annual Police Activities League Golf Tournament June 1, at 8:00 am at Olivas Links Golf Course located at 3750 Olivas Park Dr. Proceeds raised at the tournament help to support afterschool programs for local youth. The $135 donation per player includes: green fees and cart, gift bag, awards ceremony and lunch by Scooter’s BBQ.

PAL was founded back in 1997 with a primary goal to provide at-risk youth with meaningful recreation, educational, and cultural programs designed to keep youth away from the influence of gangs, drugs, violence and delinquent behaviors. Today, PAL now operating as the Ventura Police Community Foundation, plays an important role in Ventura’s Program Enrichment for After-school Kids (PEAK) and After-School Enrichment and Safety (ASES) Programs. These programs are a partnership between PAL, Ventura’s Parks, Recreation and Community Partnership Department and the Ventura Unified School District. The programs proudly serve over 630 youth each day in a safe and supportive environment.

“It is the support of the sponsors, contributors, golfers, and volunteers who help to make this tournament and the Ventura Police Community Foundation a success. While we have many long-time sponsors, I want to mention the long-standing support of our Title Sponsor – Aera Energy, LLC. Aera has been a major sup­porter of PAL and the annual golf tournament since 1997,” said Police Chief Ken Corney.

Over the years, Aera’s support has included the offset of startup costs for the program and much needed equipment. Aera donated funds to purchase a van to provide transportation to and from the program for area children and recently donated funds to build and equip a fitness area at the Westpark Community Center so that our local youth can be active in a safe environment.

The mission of the Ventura Police Community Foundation is to foster and support programs and initiatives that strengthen a safe community and enhance the quality of life in Ventura. The Foundation supports public safety improvements, community partnerships and youth programs. The goal is to strengthen partnerships between citizens of our community, including youth and schools, business members and police in the City of Ventura.

Answer in a Breeze

Question: Perhaps I missed it, but has the Breeze found out or reported anything about the work being done on the building behind Staples and behind bus depot? It’s been vacant for probably 10 years. Not sure what it used to be, but probably a department store. Would love to know if there are plans in the works to do something with it.

Thanks! Daniel Burke

Answer: This is former Barker Brothers building that have been vacant well over 10 years. It is historic structure which did take years to resolve. It will be new 24 Hour Fitness Center and is moving into construction now. Planning Manager Dave Ward

Do you have a question? Send it to [email protected] and we will try to get an answer.

Help the Red Cross meet the needs of patients in emergency situations

This May, the American Red Cross is calling for donors to give blood and platelets regularly to be prepared to meet the needs of patients in emergency situations.

According to the National Trauma Institute, trauma accounts for approximately 41 million emergency department visits and 2 million hospital admissions each year.

In March 2015, Kevin Frame suffered life-threatening injuries in a head-on collision during spring break. He received blood products to treat internal injuries immediately after the accident and during multiple surgeries while recovering.

“Without the blood and plasma products made available from donations, I would not be alive today to continue my rehabilitation journey,” said Frame, who had to relearn to swallow, speak and walk after the accident.

Regular blood, platelet and human plasma donations help ensure that blood is available at a moment’s notice. In fact, it is the blood on the shelves that is used to help save lives at the time of an accident or sudden illness.

In trauma situations, when there’s no time to check a patient’s blood type, emergency personnel reach for type O negative red blood cells and type AB plasma because they can be transfused to any patient, regardless of blood type. Less than 7 percent of the population has type O negative blood, and only about 4 percent of the population has type AB blood.

Platelets may also be needed to help with clotting in cases of massive bleeding. Because platelets must be transfused within five days of donation, there is a constant – often critical – need to keep up with hospital demand.

Donors of all blood types are urged to roll up a sleeve this May to help meet the needs of trauma patients and others with serious medical conditions. Upcoming blood donation in Ventura:

  • May 15: 11:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Knights of Columbus, 36 S. Figueroa St.
  • May 24: 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Buena High School, 5670 Telegraph Road
  • May 25: 8:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m., Ventura High School, 2 North Catalina

Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to make an appointment or for more information.

Blood and platelet donors can save time at their next donation by using RapidPass® to complete their pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of their donation, before arriving at the blood drive. To get started, follow the instructions at or use the Blood Donor App.

Vol. 11, No. 16 – May 9 – May 22, 2018 – Forever Homes Wanted

Hi: I’m Max an outgoing 3 year old Cattle Dog mix in need of a new home. My parents need to take care of an elderly family member who needs daily care. I wish I could stay and they do too, but unfortunately I cannot.

I’m good with other dogs. I’ve never been around younger children. I love being around my people and want to be a part of what is going on. I’m active and will need daily exercise. That should be easy to do as I enjoy bike rides, walking and playing ball. I’ve had a couple of training sessions and learned to sit, lay down and I’m working on heal. I’m used to having someone home periodically during the day. I just want to be loved and to give love. Please stop by and meet me, I’ll be waiting. Canine Adoption and Rescue League C.A.R.L. CARL Adoption Center-call 644-7387 for more information.


Toby is our training rock star. He has graduated from VCAS Mutt Manners and Dog Genie’s Clicker Training class. He knows sit, down, touch, wait, stay, shake. If you love dog training, you will have tons of fun with Toby. Toby also would be equally happy to have a home that includes long walks or hikes and a soft spot close to his people. Toby is fun and an all-around great dog. Ventura County Animal Services – Camarillo location – 600 Aviation Drive Toby A481327

Artwork by Learning To See Outreach students

Featuring artwork by students who experienced Learning To See Outreach in their classrooms!

Biodiversity by Landen, 5th grade, Sheridan Way Elementary, inspired by FOTM Documented Artist Hiroko Yoshimoto

Hill Road Library until June 1.

Featuring students from Blanche Reynolds, Elmhurst, Montalvo and Sheridan Way Elementary Schools

Reception: Saturday, May 12 , 12 – 2 p.m.

1070 S. Hill Rd.

Up to $8,550 in incentives makes rebuilding with more energy-saving systems more affordable

Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) announced that, for customers who lost homes in the Thomas Fire or January 9th debris flow, the company will substantially increase financial incentives for those who wish to rebuild using sustainable designs and ultra-efficient appliances. The incentives will be offered through the California Advanced Homes Program (CAHP), which helps offset the costs of creating environmentally-friendly energy-efficient homes and communities.

“SoCalGas understands that those who need to rebuild their homes are faced with many challenges, and we hope this additional incentive encourages those who want to build to the highest energy-saving standards can do so more a bit more affordably,” said Lisa Alexander, SoCalGas vice president of customer solutions and communications. “The improved energy savings will allow customers to also save money through reduced energy bills.” If you are not someone who has lost their home in the fire but are concerned about the amount of energy you are consuming at home, you could look into a site like Simply Switch, who can help you find the cheapest energy plans and the latest deals around to save money on your energy bills.

For Thomas Fire and January 9th debris flow victims, SoCalGas will increase CAHP incentive dollars by 50 percent and will work with planning officials from Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties as well as the Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance (VCREA) to identify those who are eligible. By rebuilding with more efficient appliances, homeowners stand to save on monthly energy costs. The more efficient appliances will also help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Speaking of saving, it is not only homes that can switch to become energy efficient. Businesses can make positive changes like these too. It could be as simple as checking out sites like Utility Bidder, in the hopes of making this change to your business. By doing this, you may find that managing this side of your business has never been easier.

“Ventura County is working diligently to assist residents who lost their homes in the Thomas Fire, and we would welcome and support these efforts to make their new homes more sustainable and energy-efficient,” said Chris Stephens, director of the Ventura County Resource Management Agency.

To further reduce greenhouse gas emissions, SoCalGas is working to increase the amount of renewable natural gas – sourced from agriculture and waste – it delivers to customers. A recently-released analysis found that California could achieve the same greenhouse gas reductions as electrifying homes and buildings—but at a much lower cost—by replacing just a fraction of the natural gas that is delivered through our pipelines with this renewable natural gas.

Customers who want to rebuild using CAHP incentives work with their building contractor and a HERS (Home Energy Rating System) Rater to have their home features tested and rated using certain California Energy Commission standards. More information is available at

“Bad Exhibition: Value in Art, opening May 19

“Bad Exhibition: Value in Art, opening May 19th 6-10 pm. 4 Sichuan artists and 14 California artists will showcase artworks culminating decades of avant-garde creative practice in China and the USA. While we may expect Chinese and US artists to agree on some shared values, we discover disagreement on values grounded in different aesthetic ideals. These contrasting views, once discussed in detail, reveal how Chinese artists relate to art very differently than their US counterparts. Trans-local art markets ‘inspire’ artists to brand expression, ‘scolding’ them for lack of commitment to singular artistic media or visual language. Exhibition runs through June 23rd. Art City Gallery 197 Dubbers st. 648-1690.

On the move for the arts

by Board of Directors of BAA

The Board of Directors of BAA (Buenaventura Art Association)would like you to know about our upcoming changes and where we are in this process. We are very excited about all the new opportunities ahead!

We are starting negotiations for the soon to be vacated Vita Arts Center located in the Bell Arts Factory (Vita will be moving to 28 West Main St.), located on Ventura Avenue. The board and staff have worked very hard to investigate all of our options, including looking at several locations. We are also looking at new programs and exciting new art gallery ideas to help with our mission of supporting art and artists in our community. Ultimately, the decision-making responsibility lies with the board, and we are taking that very seriously!

Bell Arts is already an arts destination in Ventura County. Possibilities there include curating the community room, maintaining open hours for the whole space, helping to coordinate activities, having space for both solo and group shows, the artisan store, more community workshops, talks and demos. We also hope to include a large, flat screen TV with AV hookups to screen art-related videos for informal gatherings and discussion, and to present slide shows of previous exhibits.

This is our chance to reinvent our business model, and who we want to be as a cohesive and sustainable group! We are also looking at collaborating with the Museum of Ventura County, as well as having future goals of online art sales, and our very own Ventura Studio Artists Tour.

The sale of our building (which turned out to be a great investment, thank you Clophine Dooley!), will allow us to build out the new space for what we need. We will also be able to improve our website.

On Saturday, May 19, 5-8 pm (this will coincide with Arts and Eats which usually draws a large crowd) please come raise a glass to all the wonderful years so far, share your stories, and join in the good wishes for our future going forward.

The Avenue area is steadily regenerating and is a cornerstone of the arts in Ventura now. With most of the major art organizations and galleries over on the west side, up and down Ventura Ave. or just off the Avenue we feel like we would be joining a wider group where we can better participate in First Fridays and ArtWalks.

Please join us in the celebration and participation of our future together. 700 E. Santa Clara.