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NAMI Ventura County event goes virtual but purpose more real than ever

In years past the Ventura County NAMIWalks drew upwards of 1,500 Ventura County residents to the Promenade.

Mental illness doesn’t take a time out so neither does NAMI Ventura County. That’s why the show must go on.

In this case, the show is NAMIWalks Ventura County. The 15th annual NAMIWalks is getting a big makeover in format but not in spirit.

NAMI Ventura County is the local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. The nonprofit is a tiny powerhouse offering 15 unique programs to the public completely free of charge. With just a staff of four and a passionate volunteer base, NAMI Ventura County reached 6,830 people throughout Ventura County in 2019.

The annual NAMIWalks event accounts for more than half of the revenue the nonprofit uses to offer family and peer education classes and support groups, stigma reduction programs in schools, colleges, and law enforcement trainings, and community education programs like those specifically designed for healthcare providers.

Even before 2020 turned everyone’s lives upside down, the need for mental health education, support and advocacy was growing. Now, experts expect to see spikes in newly diagnosed cases of mental illnesses as well as the exacerbation of existing mental health challenges.

Mental health professional Janine Ivy, Psy.D., LMFT, is a member of NAMI Ventura County’s board of directors. While the ways individuals experience and respond to events, like the Covid-19 pandemic, vary greatly, Ivy said it wouldn’t be surprising to see an increase in symptoms of depression and anxiety across all age groups and a greater need for mental health and substance use treatment.

In years past, on the first Saturday of May, the Ventura County NAMIWalks drew upwards of 1,500 Ventura County residents to the Ventura Beach Promenade. But the annual NAMIWalks event wasn’t just another 5k. It was an opportunity for anyone whose life was touched by mental illness to stand together proudly defying and breaking down the stigma that still surrounds these disorders.

“Being a family member myself, it touches my heartstrings every year,” Griego said. “Families are out there showing support and love. It’s what families are meant to do, support their loved one through any experience in life.”

The NAMIWalks Virtual Takeover holds tight to the NAMIWalks Mission: raise awareness around mental health and raise the funds the nonprofit needs to make free education and support a reality throughout Ventura County communities. Instead of a single day, the Virtual Takeover encourages supporters to get

creative in how they participate.

Throughout the month, NAMI Ventura County is asking participants to submit videos and selfies of all the creative ways they are celebrating NAMIWalks and Mental Health Awareness Month.

The 2020 NAMIWalks Ventura County will culminate on Saturday, May 30 as local participants join with 38 affiliates across the county in celebrating A National Day of Hope.

To join the NAMI Ventura County NAMIWalks Virtual Takeover as a team, walker or sponsor, visit or call NAMI Ventura County at 805-641-2426.

Reopening businesses 

by Ashley Bautista

The County of Ventura has reached an important turning point for our community, County and our local economy. We have moved into Stage 2 of California’s roadmap to reopening where some lower-risk workplaces can gradually open with adaptations. This allows retail businesses to use curbside pickup or delivery to sell their goods and related manufacturing and logistics businesses to open.

Visit and review the guidance 

Upon reviewing the guidance, complete a detailed risk assessment of your business in accordance with the state guidelines

Complete a written worksite-specific COVID-19 Prevention Plan and post it at your business

Implement the prevention measures identified in your worksite-specific COVID-19 Prevention Plan

Designate an on-duty employee responsible for monitoring compliance with your plan

Complete the attestation

Upon completing your attestation, an official from your local jurisdiction may conduct a site visit

If you were a business that was already permitted to be open you too need to register and follow the seven steps.

Here are some examples of businesses that are able to reopen in addition to the businesses that were already open in Stage 1:

  • Dentistry for preventative care.
  • Retail for curbside delivery
  • Manufacturing
  • Logistics
  • Pet grooming
  • Childcare
  • Office based businesses (telework remains strongly encouraged)
  • Equestrian Centers/Horseback Riding
  • Jet Ski/Boat/Bike Rentals
  • Archery/Shooting Ranges
  • Outdoor photography
  • Outdoor museums

Questions? Please contact County of Ventura Public Information Officer Ashley Bautista at [email protected] or call 805-654-2640. Stay up to date and sign up for daily updates at

What cities are in Ventura County? The unincorporated areas, along with the ten incorporated cities of Camarillo, Fillmore, Moorpark, Ojai, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Santa Paula, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, and San Buenaventura (Ventura)this ranks Ventura as the 11th most populous county in the State.

Community Memorial Health System has reopened inpatient and outpatient non-emergent surgical procedures

After suspending such procedures at the onset of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in mid-March, Community Memorial Health System (CMHS) has followed guidance from the CDC, US Surgeon General, American College of Surgeons, the State of California and the California Hospital Association, as well as expert surgeons, anesthesiologists, infection control specialists and nurses in establishing safety criteria and protocols prior to resuming non-emergency surgeries.

“After thoughtful evaluation of the data and careful implementation of the policies and procedures outlined by the CDC and state and local public health leaders, we have decided to resume scheduled, non-emergent surgical procedures at Community Memorial hospital in Ventura,” said Gary Wilde, Community Memorial Health System President and CEO. “As with most hospitals in the state of California, we suspended elective procedures to prepare for the potential surge of COVID-19 patients, but feel that it’s important to the overall health and wellbeing of our community to begin offering these services again at this time.”

Before scheduling medically necessary, non-emergent procedures, all hospitals and surgery centers across the nation must meet the following criteria: A sustained reduction of COVID-19 cases in the community; sufficient patient capacity (beds) and equipment; adequate supply of personal protective equipment (PPE); and a COVID-19 testing procedure in place for all appropriate patients scheduled for a surgical procedure.

In addition to meeting these criteria, CMHS and Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura continue to follow additional rigorous protocols to ensure the safety of their patients, healthcare professionals, and community as a whole. These protocols include:

· Mandatory COVID-19 testing for every preoperative patient in advance of his/her procedure.

· Mandatory COVID-19 screening for everyone who enters Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, the Emergency Departments at either location, all Centers for Family Health clinics and Urgent Care locations, and all other CMHS outpatient service locations. This screening includes patients, essential companions, physicians and staff.

· Mandatory use of surgical masks for everyone in all CMHS inpatient and outpatient facilities, regardless of their COVID-19 status.

· Continued use of separate intake, evaluation, and treatment areas for patients who present with COVID-19 symptoms and those who do not.

· Continued use of separate waiting areas (including waiting in vehicles) and phone registration following appropriate screening, in order to minimize contact and maintain social distancing standards.

· Continued use of enhanced sterilization and cleaning protocols of operating suites, patient prep and recovery areas, and patient rooms to ensure optimal cleanliness and minimize potential spread.

· Continued restriction of visitors (one essential companion only) in all CMHS facilities to limit potential exposures.

CMHS has carefully determined which medically necessary, non-emergent procedures can safely be performed at this time, and will continue this evaluation process in the coming weeks and months. Urgent and emergent cases will continue to be prioritized with the reintroduction of elective procedures.

Stage 2 water shortage event

On May 4, the City Council moved to adopt Water Commission’s recommendation to reduce to a lower stage – declaring a Stage 2 Water Shortage Event with a 10% mandatory water conservation goal.

Each year following the rainy season, Ventura Water staff evaluates the current conditions of each of the City’s water supply sources – Lake Casitas, Ventura River, and local groundwater basins in the Comprehensive Water Resources Report (CWRR). This report also provides an annual look at the City’s current demand trends or the measure of the total amount of water used by customers along with anticipating future needs.

The supply figures are then applied to the triggers outlined in the Water Shortage Event Contingency Plan (WSECP) to determine the City’s appropriate stage. The WSECP was developed in 2014 by staff along with citizen members of the Water Shortage Task Force to provide guidance and actions to be taken during droughts and major emergencies.

Staff stated “We continue to acknowledge that the City’s 100% local water supplies remain vulnerable to environmental, regulatory, operational, and legal constraints. For these reasons, making conservation a way of life remains a top priority. Our customers who have consistently exceeded Stage 3 mandatory 20% savings, conserving an average of 23% over the last five years.”

During Stage 2, Ventura Water will continue to offer rebate and incentive programs to equip customers to maintain water-efficient practices. The Stage 2 rate adjustment will become effective July 1, 2020.

It takes a village

The River appreciates those who support them.

The River Community Church is certainly flowing through the City of Ventura these past six weeks during the Covid-19 pandemic. They have been the recipient of numerous donations from many local businesses, and just like a river, they are a channel to help those who are in need, especially food supplies.

As early as March 18, they have seen the arrival of a well-stocked kitchen from the Ventura Beach Marriott, so much, that they were able to share the abundance with the Ventura County Rescue Mission and the Salvation Army. Other downtown restaurants, such as Peirano’s Market & Delicatessen, Aloha Steakhouse, Palermo ~ Coffee and Gelato have shared their specialties with The River from hot meals to fresh chicken and salmon to gallons of milk. Their Food Pantry recipients often get blessed with fresh meat, especially since Sharon Parker of Main St. Meats has donated hundreds of turkey breasts and fresh or smoked chickens.

The River has seen donations from Ferraro’s Italian Restaurant and The Berry Man along with those from neighboring Camarillo, such as Manhattan of Camarillo and Noah’s Bagels. Others who have made continuing donations to care for The River’s volunteers are Giddyup Group LLC, Missy’s Cupcake Creations and Water’s Edge. Water’s Edge provides 15 meals every day to The River. Many of Water’s Edge donations are passed on to the ladies at Tender Life Maternity Home or to the families at The City Center Transitional Living who are thrilled to receive such mouthwatering dinners.

Another community supporter to The River is Food Forward. They generously donate fresh produce twice a week, so those who are in need can stretch their food budget and pick up more than just canned goods. Other partners include Trader Joe’s (on Victoria), Ventura County Backpack Medicine plus several in the community who have given generous cash donations.

Jim Duran, Lead Pastor of The River Community Church, says, “It’s times like these (Covid-19) that you need people around you who are going to help. We are so blessed the community has stepped up and has partnered with The River Community Church to meet the needs of those suffering. We could not do what we do without our valuable partners.”

Over these past six weeks since the Stay-At-Home orders have been in effect, they have served over 600 families representing 1,697 people in Ventura. The River appreciates those who support them, so they can continue being a conduit of God’s blessings to reach the community and those in need.

For more information about The River Community Church, please visit their website at or call the Church Office at 805-648-7955. They are located at 889 E. Santa Clara St. in downtown Ventura at the corner of Kalorama and E. Santa Clara Streets.

Help feed Ventura County foster/resource, kinship, adoptive families

After the first week, over 1,500 meals had been distributed.

Kids & Families Together (K&FT) is a nonprofit that serves foster/resource, adoptive, kinship, and birth families throughout Ventura County. K&FT works with children who have experienced trauma, abuse, neglect, loss, and multiple placements. Caregivers are supported with specialized education, support, and strategies to help raise safe, healthy, nurtured children that thrive.

Having hosted and catered several events for K&FT, the owners at Rincon Brewery Ventura are well aware of the needs of the families served by K&FT. Many of these families were struggling prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, and with the growing economic impacts, needs for these families have escalated. When World Central Kitchen joined the team a fantastic community partnership was born.

Rincon Brewery reached out to WCK offering to re-open their Ventura restaurant to make a difference in the community.

Because K&FT serves families throughout Ventura County, the need became clear that some families, due to lack of transportation, could not get to Ventura to pick up meals. K&FT’s staff rallied again and established a delivery network to get meals to families that had no means to get there. These families, particularly Foster/Resource and Kinship Families, have opened their homes and hearts to Ventura County children and K&FT wants to be there to support them.

Meal distribution takes place six days a week (Monday – Saturday). Families receiving services from K&FT can receive meals each day for all members of the household. Meals are prepared on site at Rincon Brewery the day before and refrigerated overnight for the next day. Rincon Brewery’s Chef, Steven Stroh provides a daily message called the “love note” explaining what each dish means to him.

After the first week, over 1,500 healthy, chef-prepared meals have been distributed/delivered to families across the county. Response from families has been extremely positive!

To volunteer at the distribution site or make deliveries please sign up via this link, created with the help of Ventura County Fire Department.

Financial donations to support this effort can be made via this link.

CAPS Media Radio KPPQ hits 150th show

Recently the CAPS Media board of directors held its first zoom board meeting.

The COVID 19 crisis hasn’t slowed down the valiant KPPQ djs and hosts from continuing to produce and deliver outstanding original shows to air on KPPQ at 104.1FM and on mytuner-radio. KPPQ DJ Mark Levitt recently produced his 150th episode of his Pure Rock Show (Bravo Mark!). Pam Baumgardner, Kathy Good, Jace Martyn, Nadine Piche, Kevin Wallace, Auzzie Mary Egan and others are continuing to create captivating and entertaining locally programs, all from their socially-distanced homes, including, Jace Martyn’s Cool Jazz and Smooth R&B program, Pam Baumgardner’s Music Hour and Kathy Good’s In The Women’s Room.

Other KPPQ programs include The Ventura History Hour, Ventura Vibe!, Teen Centric and Straight from the 805 with Riley Real. The extensive KPPQ lineup can be found at During these challenging times, the KPPQ lineup also includes County and City reports throughout the day. KPPQ member produced programming is featured every day 7/24 at 104.1FM. All the djs and hosts hope to get back in the studio soon but, during the crisis, they are keeping KPPQ-LP on the air delivering great local programming mixed with fascinating and engaging national and international shows.

If you have a passion for radio, or a show or podcast you want to create and share, you can join the CAPS Media creative community by becoming a member of the CAPS Media family. Online radio and podcast production training is up and running led by KPPQ program director Elizabeth Rodeno. Elizabeth will help you produce your own radio show from your home and have it air on KPPQ 104.1FM in Ventura and streamed nationwide and worldwide on and on Contact Elizabeth at [email protected] to set up a time for online training to get you on the air on KPPQ-LP Ventura. We want the community to hear what you have to say. Once the CAPS Media Center re-opens we will continue to offer production training and recording from our state-of-the-art radio studio.

On the video side of the CAPS Media Center, CAPS crews continue to collaborate with Ventura City and County officials to produce ongoing COVID-19 updates for the community. In addition to helping facilitate coverage and streaming of City Council meetings from Ventura City Hall, CAPS crews are producing weekly updates by Ventura City Mayor Matt LaVere and collaborating with Ventura City Fire, Police and Public Works departments to provide the community with additional accurate information.

CAPS Crews also cover the County updates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday by Ventura County Public Health Officer Dr. Robert Levin and other officials. All of the updates are distributed on multiple social media platforms as well as translated for the Spanish speaking community. Rest assured that CAPS Media Staff and Crew Members are taking every precaution to be safe.

Recently the CAPS Media board of directors held its first zoom board meeting to be updated and review the work of the organization. The board members were understandably impressed to learn that CAPS Media Crews had produced more than 100 individual videos for the community since the start of the COVID 19 pandemic in early March. The online analytics on Vimeo are also impressive with the combined CAPS Media produced collection getting 1.5M impressions and 115,000 views.

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis the CAPS Media Center is closed to Member/Producers and the public until further notice. CAPS Member/Producers can submit programming via the online portal at for broadcast and streaming on CAPS public access television Channel 6 and on CAPS Radio KPPQ 104.1FM.

Happy Birthday to CAPS Radio and Breeze publisher Sheldon Brown. All of us at CAPS Media hope everyone is Staying Safe and Healthy during this challenging time.

Crocheting to make people happy

by Trish Davis

This Is Finn, a local 6th grader who crochets all the local street polls. I asked him about it and here’s what he said.

“I started yarnbombing, which is when you take knitting or crochet and hang it up as art, with little hearts all over my neighborhood. These were very small, but they spread joy and had people commenting on how they loved searching for them, so I started to plan bigger projects. I did bigger hearts, rocks, and a bridge; then one night I measured a street sign while on a walk and I knew it would be my next subject.  Everyone loved it, it seemed that this random street sign was making runners smile and giving people joy, so obviously I had to do more and here we are today.“

 LAUNCH Videos Premiere Online Week May 26, 27, 28 at 4:30 PM

See Kristie Steinlicht of Anacapa Middle School on her video.

Curated by Ventura Education Partnership (VEP), LAUNCH engages business, community and school leaders to come together during fast-paced, inspiring presentations from highly innovative Ventura Unified School District educators. During this unique gathering, public education supporters hear first-hand from passionate educators about how they connect with students to strengthen engagement and deepen learning.

In it’s second year, LAUNCH also raises funds to support grants for VUSD classrooms.

As with so many of our community events, this year’s LAUNCH, scheduled for March 12, had to be executed differently than planned due to COVID-19. President of VEP, Madhu Bajaj said, “We closed the program to a live audience with only a small, socially distanced group in attendance. Rather than postponing, we felt it was important to capture our amazing educators’ stories who had been working hard to prepare for the evening. We thank our courageous presenters who shared their stories in a most beautiful and compelling way.”

Thanks to a partnership with Ventura Adult and Continuing Education (VACE) the evening’s presentations were captured on video by students and staff from the Digital Multimedia and Studio programs, lead by Rich Sigerist. These programs prepare students for careers such as graphic artist, video editor, camera operator, production assistant, and much more.

VEP invites the community to join us for the LAUNCH Video Premieres on Facebook. Each video is approximately 10 minutes and will feature the presenter available for comments and Q/A through chat. A strong theme that emerges is how the educator not only focuses on teaching content, but also the social emotional and varying needs of students so students can become empowered citizens in our community.

May 26 4:30 PM Cameron Crouch of Foothill High School

May 27 4:30 PM Petra McCullough of ATLAS Elementary

May 28 4:30 PM Kristie Steinlicht of Anacapa Middle School

“As we all look for inspiration and positive activities during this time, the LAUNCH Video Premieres are a quick and easy way to celebrate amazing educators and learn from their stories of classroom innovation,” said Bajaj.

LAUNCH is made possible by sponsors such as Aera Energy, Mountains 2 Beach Marathon, Fred Evans Team at Remax, FASTSIGNS of Ventura and many more.

For more information on this shared viewing experience please like Ventura Education Partnership on Facebook, visit our website or contact Madhu Bajaj (805) 754-9861.

Giving back to the local community

Denise Tyner, facility liaison at Ventura Post Acute receives the “Thank you VPA HEROES” sign from Cypress Place Senior Living.

Cypress Place Senior Living in Ventura has a long history of giving back to the local community: whether it be collecting suitcases for kids in the foster care program, hosting an annual “Health & Wealth” expo geared towards seniors, creating a scholarship fund for local high school students wanting to pursue a college degree, hosting workshops on how to avoid senior scams, or honoring Veterans at their annual “Salute Our Veterans” event, the senior community is always looking to help.

Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus this year, and the subsequent stay-at-home orders, the senior community has had to cancel their annual “Health and Wealth” expo and “Salute Our Veterans” events for 2020.

But that hasn’t slowed the senior community from continuing to look for ways to reach out. Wanting to recognize local healthcare heroes, Cypress Place recently delivered a decorated thank you board filled with gift cards for nurses and staff at local skilled nursing facility Ventura Post Acute, to honor them during National Skilled Nursing Care week.

“Ventura Post Acute is on the front lines of protecting a very frail and at-risk population. The challenges they face are enormous and the work they do is vital,” said Steve Spira, executive director at Cypress Place. “We wanted to donate gift cards that they could raffle off to their staff, to show our appreciation, and hopefully brighten their day a bit.”

Recognizing the opportunity to also support another local business with the donation, Cypress Place purchased the gift cards from Café Ficelle, a popular, local family-owned business that has been greatly impacted by the virus and shelter-in-place order.

“We can’t thank Cypress Place enough for their sign of support for our nurses and staff,” said Denise Tyner, facility liaison at Ventura Post Acute. “Little things like this make such a big difference to keep everyone’s spirits lifted. And the photos of Cypress residents make it that much more personal.”

Cypress Place has delivered other signs of support, including to local hospital partners, and continues to look to be a positive force in the community.

“We are all in this together,” said Spira. “We are all just looking to get through it the best we can.”

Cypress Place Senior Living is a premiere senior community in Ventura County. The beautiful senior living campus features an Active Senior Living community and adjacent Assisted Living and Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care community connected by a lushly landscaped courtyard.

To learn more about Cypress Place Senior Living of Ventura, visit their web site at