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Mohammed A. Hasan has been elected to United Water Conservation District board.

Hasan has a long history of being involved in the community.

Hasan has a long history of being involved in the community. Since 1974, he has served in many nonprofit organizations in the county; he was the centennial president of the Ventura East Rotary, president of Ventura Trade Club, Consult-net and the Villa Seville HOA. He served on the boards of Tri County Easter Seals, Focus on the Masters, Ventura Youth Employment and Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and as a committee member of Ventura Boys &Girls Club, Waterproofing Kids, and the Ventura Chamber of Commerce.

He was a judge at the Ventura County Science Fair, and California Migrant Education regional debate and speech tournament. Just this month, he served as a judge for college engineering of the University of Iowa virtual research open house. Hasan is the founder and instructor of free Longevity classes held in Ventura. He is a volunteer at Catholic Charities food distribution, and the Ventura County Fair. He currently serves as the vice president on the board of El Concilio FS, which serves the underserved community of farm workers and those in need of assistance for immigration and citizenship services. Hasan also serves on the board of the Ventura based environmental organization, Merito Foundation. All the local newspapers have published an article or two about his passion for contribution to the community.

Hasan is the principal engineer and owner of the civil and environmental firm Hasan Consultants in Ventura. He was an engineer with the Ventura Regional Sanitation District, and the utilities superintendent of the city of Oxnard. He earned two master’s degrees from the University of Iowa. He is a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, a leadership fellow of the American Public Works Association, and a distinguished life member of the American Water Works Association. Further information about his company is available at Hasan has taught water science classes at the Ventura community college.

Hasan is a co-founder of OceanForesters, Inc., with offices in Ventura. OceanForesters helps coastal communities build and manage their own flexible floating fishing reefs.  The complete ecosystem on the reefs restores ocean bounty and biodiversity. More information about the organization is available at Previously, he served as the chief engineer and general manager of the bio-energy startup company, PODenergy. Here he helped develop theories for the reduction of global carbon dioxide via ocean afforestation.

Rotary International has honored him as a Paul Harris fellow. Hasan is a 46-year resident of Ventura.

The United Water Conservation District boundary encompasses Piru to Ventura Harbor along the Santa Clara River valley, and the Oxnard coastal plain. The cities of Santa Paula, Fillmore, Oxnard and Port Hueneme and the very eastern part of the city of Ventura are part of the District.

Make smart food choices for healthy aging

“How many calories should we eat each day?

It’s never too late to make smarter food choices. Healthy eating is an important part of staying healthy as you age.

Following these tips can help you maintain a healthy weight, get the nutrients you need, and lower your risk of chronic disease.

Try to eat and drink from these food groups each day: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. Variety is an important part of eating healthfully!
Cut back on foods and beverages that are high in calories and added sugars, sodium, and saturated fats. Shift to healthier options like fresh fruits and vegetables instead.
Instead of high-calorie snacks, such as potato chips, try nutrient-dense snacks, such as carrots.
Instead of fruit products with added sugars, such as fig cookies, try fresh fruit, such as a peach.
Instead of regular cola, try water flavored with fruits or vegetables.
Use a food diary to help you keep track of your total daily calories, carbs, protein, etc., and see if you are making healthy choices. Understand how many calories you need based on your level of daily activity.
Choose a variety of foods that are packed with nutrients and low in calories.
Check the food labels to understand what foods will meet your nutritional needs each day.

How Many Calories Do You Need Each Day?

Not physically active — 1,600 cal.
Moderately active — 1,800 cal.
Active lifestyle — 2,000-2,200 cal.

Not physically active — 2,000-2,200 cal.
Moderately active — 2,200-2,400 cal.
Active lifestyle — 2,400-2,800 cal.

NCOA outlines three priorities for first 100 days and remainder of 2021

The National Council on Aging (NCOA), a trusted national leader working to ensure that every person can age well, commends President-elect Biden for making older Americans a priority in his plan to combat the pandemic—but is calling for additional bipartisan action in the first 100 days to address their urgent health and financial needs.

“Older Americans—especially women and people of color—have been the hardest hit during this pandemic, yet they have remained largely invisible,” said NCOA President and CEO Ramsey Alwin. “COVID-19 has laid bare our nation’s long-standing inequities based on age, race, gender, and income. It has created an even greater urgency to enact solutions now that enable every American to age with health, security, and dignity.”

NCOA supports President-elect Biden’s call for a COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force to address these disparities, as well as a Nationwide Pandemic Dashboard that Americans can check for local transmission.

“These are important steps in the right direction, but much more is needed to keep our older family, friends, and neighbors healthy and safe,” Alwin said.

NCOA is urging incoming leaders to act on three priorities:

1. Ensure equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine

Eight out of 10 COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have been people aged 65+, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Older adults—especially people of color and those with lower incomes—must be prioritized to get the vaccine safely as soon as it is approved by the Food and Drug Administration. NCOA will advocate for widespread education about the vaccine.

2. Expand job training and unemployment insurance

Unemployment rates for workers aged 55+ have remained higher than those of mid-career workers throughout the entire pandemic—the first time since 1973 that this has happened for more than 6 months, according to The New School Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis. Older adults must have wider access to job training and placement programs to enable them to reenter the workforce quickly. NCOA will advocate for expanded funding for programs, such as the Senior Community Service Employment Program, as well as continued unemployment insurance for workers of all ages.

3. Strengthen the social safety net for all Americans

Even before the pandemic, over 25 million Americans aged 60+ were economically insecure, living at or below 250% of the federal poverty level. The economic impacts of COVID-19 have deepened this crisis, especially among women and people of color. NCOA will advocate for protecting and strengthening critical programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and others that provide the supports older adults deserve to stay healthy and financially secure in their own homes, not institutions.

“There is no time to waste because lives are at risk,” Alwin said. “We know there are solutions, and we look forward to working with the new Administration and Congress to make them a reality.”

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is a trusted national leader working to ensure that every person can age well.

More than $70 million in patient financial assistance and community benefit programs

Serving the community is one of our highest priorities. Dignity Health Central Coast hospitals, which include St. John’s Regional Medical Center (SJRMC) and St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital (SJPVH) annually report on community health programs, including the health needs being addressed, programs and measurable objectives, and the economic value of our community benefit in Ventura County.

Our comprehensive approach to improve community health includes financial assistance for those unable to afford medically necessary care, a range of prevention and health improvement programs conducted by the hospital with community partners, and investing in efforts that address social determinants of health.

Dignity Health SJRMC and SJPVH offer financial assistance for medically necessary hospital services to patients who meet certain criteria. More information about Dignity Health’s Financial Assistance Policy, including who is eligible to receive assistance, can be found online on St. John’s Regional Medical Center and St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital websites.

In fiscal year 2020 (FY20), Dignity Health St. John’s provided $17,666,097 in patient financial assistance, unreimbursed costs of Medicaid, community health improvement services, and other community benefits.

Dignity Health St. John’s Community Health Departments coordinate 72 community programs that served 103,897 individuals in fiscal year 2020 (FY20).

St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital in Camarillo and St. John’s Regional Medical Center in Oxnard are members of Dignity Health Central Coast, an integrated network of top quality

hospitals, with physicians from the most prestigious medical schools, and comprehensive outpatient services – all recognized for quality, safety and service. Both hospitals are supported by an active philanthropic Foundation to help meet the growing health care needs of our communities. Hospitals in the Dignity Health Central Coast region also include Arroyo Grande Community Hospital in Arroyo Grande, French Hospital Medical Center in San Luis Obispo, Marian Regional Medical Center in Santa Maria. Learn more at and

Women: Put yourself first in planning for financial freedom in retirement

“So I am doing well with my retirement plans?”

by Ramsey Alwin President and CEO of NCOA

It’s 2020, but a woman’s path to a secure retirement continues to be filled with obstacles.

There’s lower pay, time out of the workforce for parenting or caregiving, and plenty of gamechangers such as divorce or widowhood. Layer on the coronavirus pandemic, and planning for the future feels next to impossible, especially for women of color.

The systems are stacked up against us, and sometimes we don’t help ourselves. All too often, women put everyone else first. They set up 529 plans to save for the kids’ education, help adult children with their first home purchase, and lend a hand when mom and dad need home care.

As generous and giving as this is, putting everyone else first comes at the cost of putting herself last. As a result, many women are just getting by, unable to plan for their own long-term financial security.

Even in a pre-COVID world, women were worried about retirement. Last year, NCOA conducted a survey with Ipsos that found 60% of women aged 60+ were worried that health care costs will exceed their retirement income. That percentage jumped to 68% in households with incomes under $50,000 a year.

This issue is literally keeping women up at night. And it’s based in reality. Older women receive 80% of the retirement income that older men receive, showing the gender pay gap follows them as they age, according to the National Institute on Retirement Security. Women of color face an even deeper disparity. A full 60% of African American and Hispanic/Latina women age into economic insecurity.

According to a new report from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, one and four women say their confidence in their ability to retire comfortably has declined in light of the pandemic. Women are somewhat more likely to indicate they are “just getting by to cover basic living expenses” (33% women vs. 28% men). And only 40% of women cite saving for retirement as a financial priority, compared to 51% of men.

At NCOA, we believe it lies in empowering women with unbiased information, creating services that are responsive to women’s needs across the life course.

First is providing individuals with trusted information about how to plan for their own futures—whether that’s creating a budget, reducing debt, developing a retirement strategy, or navigating Medicare enrollment to maximize coverage. It also means encouraging open conversations and planning for the inevitable—that at some point, women are likely to be on their own carrying the full burden of household expenses on just one income stream.

Financial services and employers could work to better understand the needs and pain points of women, many of whom are juggling multiple needs. For instance, a woman may want to shore up her own financial security, maintain a nest egg to weather unexpected events, create a guaranteed income stream she won’t outlive, not be a burden to her children, and leave behind a legacy.

Let’s connect women to resources in their communities. There is an entire network available to help women age well and tap into programs that can make a significant impact on their daily expenses and health security. NCOA offers this kind of personalized help through our Benefits Enrollment Centers, as well as online through our tools such as My Medicare Matters, which helps women make informed decisions about their health security in later life.

Finally, we need to fight for equity at the public policy level. We need to shore up public and private sector policies that keep women coming up short—pay equity, caregiving credit, and paid leave would be a start. We also must work together to protect and strengthen the programs that we all depend on as we age—Medicare, Social Security, and the Older Americans Act. These programs are especially critical for women.

Fire personnel respond to traffic collision

On November 6, at 12:42 pm, a 911 call was received at the Fire Communication Center to report a traffic collision at the S/B 33 Frwy and W. Stanley Ave. Fire personnel arrived on scene within minutes of the initial call and found a small passenger vehicle with 3 occupants that had collided into an embankment. Fire and EMS personnel provided advanced medical treatment to the patients and performed hazard mitigation to ensure that the scene was safe. Two patients were transported to a local trauma center and one patient was transported to an area hospital for further treatment. No emergency personnel were injured and the cause of the accident remains under investigation.

The Ventura City Fire Department would like to remind the public that seatbelts save lives.

Coverly Professional Services, Inc. announces two new hires

Despite a challenging year, Coverly Professional Services, Inc. (CoverlyPro) celebrated its 10th year in business in 2020 by expanding its team to support a growing client portfolio. The company welcomed two new team members. Aylin Alvarez joined the company in August as its Marketing Communications Coordinator and Ikia Velazquez was added to the team as its Digital Communications and Project Management Specialist in October.

Aylin Alvarez

The pro-active marketing project management firm selected the recent hires for their diverse experience and backgrounds. Aylin Alvarez joins CoverlyPro as a vibrant forward-thinking marketer currently completing her degree in Business Entrepreneurship. Holding an AA in Communications, Media, and Languages, Alvarez, a fluent Spanish speaker, is perfectly positioned to bring a fresh perspective to client projects as she leverages her research experience, event coordination, team development, and social media savvy.

Ikia Velazquez

Ikia Velazquez is an experienced bilingual project manager with a B.A. in Business Administration. A social media and digital communications specialist and event planner, Velazquez has managed event logistics for The Walt Disney Company including coordinating guest appearances, catering and more. She is accustomed to creating themed campaigns, activities and events around key brands to fit the specific needs of clients.  

This has been a difficult year for so many small businesses,” said Lynnette Coverly, Founder and CEO of Coverly Professional Services, Inc. “While, I’m of appreciative of our company’s growth and excited with Aylin and Ikia joining our team, my heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones and for businesses that have had to close their doors.” Coverly noted that even during this Pandemic she noticed some opportunities for her company. CoverlyPro now offers turnkey virtual event production. “Leading with marketing we have the ability to produce events that leverage our years of marketing experience to effectively promote the event while developing creative engagement activities for attendees and visibility for sponsors.” Virtual event production is now part of CoverlyPro’s full-service offerings that guide small and mid-sized businesses to formulate and implement effective marketing and communications strategies. CoverlyPro is looking forward to the growth momentum they have seen this past year and are excited to welcome new opportunities in 2021. 

Learn more about Coverly Professional Services, Inc. at or by contacting [email protected]

Ventura City Fire Department responds to structure fire

On Nov.10, at 4:52pm the Ventura City Fire Department responded to a report of a structure fire in the 300 block of Paseo De Playa. First arriving firefighters discovered a maintenance shed attached to a carport fully involved in fire. Firefighters forced entry into the shed and extinguished the fire while protecting the exposed cars in the carport. The fire was completely extinguished 12 minutes after firefighters arrived on scene.

Vol. 14, No. 04 – Nov 18 – Dec 1, 2020 – Forever Homes Wanted

Hi: I’m Rocco, a handsome 7 1/2 year old Chow mix rescued from a shelter. I was an owner surrender due to my owner moving and I couldn’t go too. I was described by the shelter as being very sweet, very friendly and a favorite of volunteers. I’m grateful to C.A.R.L. for rescuing me before it was too late.

I’ve been lucky enough to be in a foster home since April 2020 where everyone is basically home all day. They’ve created an Instagram page just for me. rocco_rockz. They say I’m rather stiff in my back legs and I can’t get in the car by myself or get up a full flight of stairs. I get to go on two walks a day. I need a home with no younger children.
I’m dog reactive and would do best as the only dog in your home. I’m easier to control on walks with a harness. I need a home with no cats. I’m also a creature of habit so will do best with a set routine.

I hope you’ll open your heart and home to wonderful me. CARL Adoption Center-call 644-7387 for more information.

As you can see, Todd is patiently waiting for his forever home! Five-year-old Todd came to the Humane Society of Ventura County after being rescued in the field by our Humane Officers as part of a cat hoarding case. Despite the situation he came from, Todd is one of the most affectionate cats we’ve ever met! He absolutely loves to be petted, especially chin scratches. We also think he may be part dog, as he would do anything for a good belly rub! Todd is the perfect companion pet for anyone that is looking for a lovable lap cat.

The HSVS is performing adoptions by appointment only due to COVID-19. If you are interested in adopting Todd, please visit our website and click the orange “Let’s Get Started” button to fill out an adoption appointment request to meet him.

Cat and kitten adoptions are half-price, only $60, now through the end of November! All adoptions include the first FVRCP shot in the series, a leukemia test (if age allows), rabies vaccine (if age allows), a medical exam good for up to three days from participating veterinarians, deworming, implanting an identification microchip (registration extra), spay or neuter surgery if necessary as well as a safety collar, ID tag, and a cardboard carrier.
Humane Society of Ventura County

Sirus is a playful, curious and adorable little man who is always on the go for an adventure! He is currently under treatment from our vet’s office, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to play and give all the love. This Purr Machine will make your life so much happier. A761682

Ventura County Animal Services – Camarillo location – 600 Aviation Drive